I have to say it depends on the campaign, DM, group and just how good your player is at role playing. I have ran two characters, but really one of them was just quite casually, it was really just a mechanism for the DM to add input into the campaign, and it worked well, because he was a lower level apprentice and I have a paternal streak.
However, I have seen it go very wrong as well. I have been in a game once, where one of the player’s habitually, saw, every NPC as a mechanism for the DM to manipulate his character, and he went to great length to KILL them, even if he was a Good characters, if they, the NPC, where in the game for more that a passing plot hook.
Kids, to him where the biggest anathema, and as an NPC no way, they where dead meat, I walked, no ran away from that group, and yea, the guy was as psycho as he sounds. Later, I also found out different guy from that same group who, always played Asian female characters, became a female himself, or herself. What can you say, I hope one guy is not in the mental ward and the other “gal” is very happy with her choices. Generalization are hard to make, it all depends on the group, what more can you say.