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Playing DnD 4ed with my Ipad


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Two weeks ago I started using my Ipad to run my character.
I'm using Goodreader to read my character sheet.
I'm using PDFReader to read my players handbook pdf (legal copy I bought before they got pulled).
And Feudz dice roller.

Week one:
I only used Goodreader and PDFReader as I didn't get the dice roller until later.
Both apps worked well during the game. It took a little while to get use to using them but figured that would be the case. The only down side was the constant zooming in and out of the power cards during play. But i had a plan to remedy that after playing with Goodreader after the game.

Week two:
This week I used Goodreader, PDFReader, and Feudz dice roller(free version).
First I seperated the power cards to its own pdf. Then I zoomed in to each card making it full screen size and making it a bookmark. This worked great as the bookmark kept it in full screen size. It made flipping through them quick and efficent. My turn speed increased from the previous week.
To try out the dice roller I set up my power attacks and damage as most where the same just different side effects. I decided to test it with the first encounter.
Well the dice roller wasn't good to me yesterday. I rolled low and missed about 3/4ths of my attacks. So on the second encounter I went back to my dice. And wouldn't you know it I kept rolling low with the dice. So in my experiance the dice roller duplacated exactly how my dice where rolling. So I guess the bad dice rolling curse works on both machines and real dice....lol.

It will be intresting to see how well things go on my third game session.

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Fast Learner

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Thanks for the report! I've been thinking of doing the same but hadn't worked out the logistics. This sounds great.

Now that GoodReader allows annotations and such on PDFs, it should be even handier for marking damage, xp, etc.


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Well folks I played in a new campaign with some of my old gaming buddies. It is a 3.0 campaign. I decided to use Goodreader and the App Spellbook. The more I use Goodreader the more I like it. I took the time to zoom in and bookmark sections of my character sheet pdf. It makes it easier to go right where I want to go.
The app Spellbook works well while gaming. I can lookup a spell quicker and have different ways of doing it. As the game progressed I switch to using my ipod touch for the Spellbook app. This app wasn't orginaly designed for the Ipad so when expanding to a bigger screen it is a bit blurry. Using my Itouch with the ipad worked great. I could keep the character sheet up in Goodreader while using the Spellbook up in my Itouch.

My next game session will be Oct 26 in my 4e game. I looking forward to using the I4E upgraded app for the Ipad. The upgrade looks great and hopefully quite useful in the game.
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Double Posat

I use my ipad all the time... Our group is an avid IT users in games, and I have been using my Ipad for a few months now in my sessions as a player, and DM...

As well as the obvious gread pdf reader for books, modules, sources, stuff from DDI... its also good as a web broswer to look at compendium, and for use with Iplay4e to actually use your character at the table.

I have downloaded dice programs, and I use sync'd onenote to hold all my campaign notes, info, house rules and timelines....

As I have advanced I use splashtop to make my ipad a PC, (virtual session) and run mapping programs, Character Builder and Adventure tools as if I had my laptop with me, but with 12hours of battery life, instant on and a fraction of the weight.

When I play at the table, a program like Air Display makes my ipad an additional wireless screen to my laptop.. I can drag onto it my initiative tracker, or use it to hand out note, pictures, or maps....

So while it is expensive, I have found it invaluable as a tool, notepad, screen, reference and beats the laptop or huge bundle of books and papers I use to carry round..

Have taken some pics, if anyone is interested :)


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Last night I finally got a chance to use the I4e app for the Ipad.
It is just fantastic. As a player this is what I wanted since I first started using computers to run various things for my DnD game.
First let me state my views are from a player's point. I am not a DM.
Using I4e for my character was fast and simple. With just a tap here and there everything I needed for the game last night was right there on one page. no looking for this and that on multiple pages.... all right there on one page.
The page does have buttons the brings up popup boxes which just works great.
It also has two sections that scroll. just scroll to what skill you need to see at that time. no need for the skills to take up a huge section of the page. The power card scrolling section is great. Just scroll to the power card, tap it and a popup box appears with the info you need in the power card format. By the end of the night I was entering damage and healing surges in seconds with the sheet keeping track of it all. And I only have touch the surface of this app.

If you have an Ipad and your a player you just going to love this app.
It would work great for important npc big baddies for a DM.
I think I'll try entering a monster in just to see how well that works.;)


I will have to also second the love everyone here has for Goodreader. I use my iPad exclusively in my Shadowrun game and running D&D Encounters, and the ability to have everything loaded and in one small package is amazing.

I also want to thank the recommendation for i4e - bought that and will check it out tonight.

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