Please delete my account


Guest 7018042


Please delete my account - or at minimum, scramble my email address and username.


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Mod Squad
Staff member
Deleting accounts is not a service we typically provide, for several reasons, the most prominent of which is that it serves little purpose.

If you have some special needs, you can reach out to @Morrus and discuss with him.


Guest 7018042

Deleting accounts is not a service we typically provide, for several reasons, the most prominent of which is that it serves little purpose.

If you have some special needs, you can reach out to @Morrus and discuss with him.
I emailed Morrus and also tagged him in the Discord, but haven't had a response yet (it's been a few days). Please can you just change my username to anything random then? That's all I really care about but my last username change request seems to have not been actioned. I've already set my email to something random so that's done

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