Pathfinder 1E please recommend pathfinder books

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So I've got my next campaign narrowed down to either the Kingmaker AP or Rise of the Runelords AP. I am going to switch over to running the Pathfinder RPG for this one.

I already have the Core Rulebook and Bestiary 1 and 2. Please suggest other Pathfinder titles I might find useful. Assume I know nothing about the qualities of various titles. My players aren't going to purchase anything, so feel free to suggest Pathfinder titles they might find useful. I don't want to buy everything but I don't mind shelling out for 4 or 5 books.....

The online PRD includes many of the PF books I would consider "essential" to any PF campaign so I will not repeat them here. Take note that you will have to get the PDF or hardcover version of the NPC Codex because the PRD version leaves out a LOT of material.

The Great Beyond, for planar travels, or
Distant Worlds, if you want to do a "Spelljammer" type of campaign.

Gods and Magic, if you want plenty of info on Golarion deities.

Ultimate Campaign, if you need some DM's house rules which the Gamemaster Guide doesn't exactly cover.

There are a number of third-party resources I also like. Rite Publishing is IMO one of the best producers of 3P content.

1,001 Spells. By and large I have found most of these spells fairly imaginative and not overpowering (in theory only, since I have not been able to introduce them in a campaign yet).

101 New Skill Uses by Rite Publishing, for some truly unusual applications of skills; sometimes it is not enough to call for a straight ability check. Not every skill use makes sense to me, and there are a few duplications, but generally the document is well written.

Book of Monster Templates and 101 Monster Feats, for transforming otherwise familiar monsters into freakish horrors or tricky terrors that will force your heroes to change their traditional tactics.


I'm biased here of course, as I love the setting as a fan and a freelancer, but as far as the Chronicles/Campaign Setting line goes:

Inner Sea World Guide (covering the continents of Avistan and Garund, touching on other regions as well)*
Dragon Empires Gazetteer (covering Tian-Xia)*
Distant Worlds (awesome, awesome book)
The Great Beyond (covering Pathfinder's cosmology)*
Book of the Damned I, II, and III* (covering Devils, Demons, and Daemons respectively)
Artifacts and Legends (essentially the Pathfinder Book of Artifacts)
X Revisited (X being Classic Monsters, Classic Horrors, Classic Treasures, Undead, etc)*
All of the various regional supplements if you plan to visit those areas in a campaign, or just to give more background to NPCs or PCs from those areas

*I contributed

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