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pneumatik's WotBS 2 - The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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Hollister strokes his beard as he considers the words of the journal. "Something hidden, eh?" he queries, speaking to himself, and perhaps to Lytha. At the same time, he tries to recall any lore of the region that might help the group.

Knowledge (Local) = 20

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First Post
"I don't think so......it appears that the journal describes what happened when the Fire Forest had first begun to fill with fire, and it may have to do with this Indomitability force that contacted us before the bridge. Perhaps if we linger too long in the Fire Forest, or if we cross this Indomitability......spirit?" Liiros replies quietly, somber as he finishes reading the journal.

He utters a quiet prayer in elvish and makes a few short gestures, in a crescent pattern invoking Corellon and his wife, Sehanine, for the sake of the souls lost here. The elf reflects on his recent frustrations and negative attitude, steeling himself and trying to dredge up some of his usual good cheer......

"Let's get on with our search. If the tower is found to be safe enough, we can rest here until Torrent and the others replenish their magic. Then we'll continue our trek and find whatever treasure or secret weapon Bhurisrava had hidden and use it to purge the flames of Innenotdar or whatever curses this land. Or at least find our way out of the Fire Forest and get on with our mission."


First Post
"...or at least find our way out of the Fire Forest and get on with our mission."

"Hear hear," Arshen mutters. These dead elves hold no interest for him, and he has been pacing impatiently as his companions busy themselves with the journal and speculate on the spiritual fate of some long deceased forest-dwellers. He's just about accepted that they're going to have to do the bidding of Indomitability, but he'll be damned if that means he's actually going to show any interest in all this woodsy nonsense.


The 8th Evil Sage
Liiros has never heard of Anyariel. She's certainly not related to Sehanine Moonbow in any formal religious sense. If she was a follower of Sehanine she did not enter official cannon. Regarding historical events, the forest first caught fire 40 years ago, shortly after Gate Pass fell to Emperor Coal Tongue of Ragesia.

Hollister remembers that Anyariel was a hero of Innenotdar, a holy warrior who died only a few years before the forest caught fire. She was said to be friend of the forest’s fey, was blessed by the forest itself, and had many times fought darkness from Innenotdar’s borders. She wielded a greatsword carved of wood, which she used to defeat many monsters, including a blackguard from Ragesia, and a rampaging golem of white clay.

Torrent comes upstairs. Her face is drawn and she shuffles more than walks. "Osprem's foam, there's a third floor? Anyone go up there yet?"


First Post
Liiros replies "No, not yet. We'll head up there now." He trudges upstairs, weary and uncomfortable, but ready for trouble if he finds it.


The 8th Evil Sage
The third floor of the tower looks relatively unused. Several stools sit near each other. Liiros recognizes them as stools archers would sit if they were alerted to man the arrowslits. Against the wall opposite the stairs is a closet. Its built of the same stone as the tower's outer walls and has a sturdy door. It is otherwise empty.

Torrent follow Liiros up the stairs.


Thy wounds are healed!
Pocketing the small miniature Shaylir follows everyone up the steps.

Bounding into the small open room she inspects the closet closely and then asks, "Can we sleep here? It is further away from the poor dead elves and this is like a cave," she says indicating the closet.

"Me and Fritz could sleep in there."

[sblock=OOC] "pocketing the small miniature" Not going to play Shaylir as a klepto or anything but I would like her to have small mementos of her adventures. Won't be anything near a Tasselhoff, just to her treasure isn't really gold and jewels since she raised herself in the wild.

pneumatik said he would be out a couple days should we RP dinner and the setting of watches and have all that ready when he gets his internet back?[/sblock]


First Post

“Do you think that mouth of the White River upstream might be a good place for us to visit? Maybe there is a refuge of some kind? Also, we should look for whatever it is he described in this journal and that he has hidden. It might be useful to our dealings with this fire spirit.”


First Post
"I agree with Lytha," says Hollister, dropping his pack to the floor as his eyes scan the third floor chamber. The heat felt good to the fire mage...while he hadn't yet mastery over flames to allow himself to go into a fire unharmed, he certainly didn't find the heat to be uncomfortable. "We should find whatever this hidden object may be."


First Post
Squire Liiros Tivaniel of the Aquilline Cross

"Yes, the upper level of the tower seems like a suitable spot to rest. Once we've rested, we should try checking the village indicated on the map, and see if the journal's writer hid something there. Assuming we can even enter the village.......there's no telling if the flames cover it as well, until we get there. Then we should check the mouth of the river, as suggested. We might find help, information, or the hidden item there. It may indeed be useful to our efforts. But we cannot afford to waste too much time here. Our mission is important, and there is no telling how well Gate Pass will do after a few weeks or months of occupation by the Ragessian Scourge. Worse, the barbarous heathens may have the audacity to march on Shahalesti next," Liiros replies.

He checks the closet to make sure nothing's hiding there, then starts removing his armor and weapons to place on the floor next to him, placing his pack and quiver there first. Then his bow and the strange old sword recovered from the festival site near Gate Pass, followed by his own sword and other weapons.

The white and red tabard bearing the Order's cross is first of his garments to be removed, and then neatly folded. Followed by his ornate elven helm, adorned with three fluted steel horns tipped with colorful feathers, revealing the silvery crescent-moon tattoo upon his forehead, a permanent sign of his devotion to Corellon Larethian. The noble cast to his face is normally hidden by the war-helm, and his long black hair is tousled and matted with sweat from the arduous trek through the Fire Forest.

He glances at Arshen, then changes his mind and asks Torrent to help him remove the heavy armor. Arshen seems to disdain armor and weapons, and is likely of equal rank to Liiros in the Aquilline Cross, so the elf figures it would be inappropriate to ask the man's help. With Torrent's help, he gets the numerous clasps and straps and layers of his banded mail undone and the plates removed, piling the various armor pieces next to his tabard and helm.

Once his armor has been removed, Liiros thanks Torrent and discards the padding worn under his armor, leaving just his normal clothes: common elven traveling garments, brown trousers and a forest-green tunic, belying his minor noble bloodline. The exposed arms of his tunic show his lightly-muscled forearms, biceps, and triceps, and he's a bit less slender than the average elf, not as willowy, but neither is he as broad as a human or half-elf. His face is tanned slightly more than the rest of his skin now, by the searing heat of the Fire Forest. After stretching, he retrieves his bedroll and lays it out on the floor by his gear, right next to his bow, quiver, shield, and shieathed sword. Then he takes out a brown cloak from his pack and uses it to wipe sweat from his face, hands, arms, and feet, before stowing it again.

"Well, Torrent, how long do you think the trek to our destination will be, for the mission? And do you know anything else about the Fire Forest or what happened here, that might be of use in our current predicament? I can't recall anything much from my own studies or childhood stories, but I've never been much of a scholar," Liiros asks after sitting down, digging out a trail ration and a waterskin from his pack for a light meal. Oh, how he wished for more water to quench his thirst on this miserable leg of the trip.......maybe they could find a way down to the riverbanks and refill their waterskins later?
[sblock=important ooc]As a bit of advance notice, I'll be out of town for a few weeks soon, leaving on the 23rd of July or someday near that. Visiting relatives and friends back in Michigan, and probably won't have much Internet access while visiting them, so my posting may be sporadic or absent until early or mid-August when my family and I get back to Arizona.

If pneumatik is back online before then, just NPC Liiros as needed. Pretty straightforward, aside from the occasional fanatical rant or attempt at mirth (which has been all too scant so far, unfortunately, since the trip has put Liiros through too many indignities and discomforts and frustrations for his poor elven pride). He's adamantly loyal to Shahalesti and elvenkind in general, but not to the extremes of those elven spies we met earlier (he cares about the freedom and wellbeing of non-elves). Fanatical in devotion to Corellon, and in his hatred of all things that threaten elves, Shahalesti, or Corellon's holy sites/relics.

In battle, he will preferentially try to protect Lytha before anyone else, due to her elven heritage, but will otherwise charge in whenever it seems like interception is better than holding his position, move around to flank opportunistically when close to an ally in melee, get in enemies' faces with his Iron Guard's Glare to keep them from attacking his allies very effectively, use Martial Spirit whenever the other stance isn't a priority, and just generally try to use his maneuvers as much as possible. He'll readily get in harm's way rather than let allies get injured, since he can recover a bit with Martial Spirit, Crusader's Strike, and Vital Recovery, and has solid defensive benefits from Steely Resolve, Furious Counterstrike, Zealous Surge, and Stone Bones.[/sblock]
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