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Pogre's New Story Hour with Mini pics - (12/7 The Final Update)


Princess of Florin
Too bad about Skully. I was becoming fond of his ugly, heart-eating mug.

And Pogre, bringing Hilde back to life was a nice birthday present to her player.:)

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Citizen of Val Hor
Love the rune sheet pic.

Best wishes to your bro, pogie. Hopefully he latches onto another gaming group at his new home.



Broccli_Head said:
[from somewhere far away, someone yells back]

Yep, you would fit right into my table of players Broccli_Head.

I have changed the names of entire cities to avoid hearing them sing songs with verses that match the city name. Monty Python quotes now carry an XP penalty and I love Monty Python. God forbid I mention an NPC name that has any connotation/similarity to an obscene word or nasty bit...

Needless to say, my players have a great time. Often D&D is just the excuse to get together. Staying on track to play a bit can be a challenge at times. ;)


First Post
To the tune of "He's So Fine"

Du Jang, Du Jang, Du Jang.

Du Jang, Du Jang.

It's so fine.

That town of mine.

<Ducks for cover>

(Gerhard in Pogre's New Story Hour)


Episode 10

This adventure is based in part on an RPGA event I ran at GenCon by Stephen Radney-MacFarland – the module is so heavily modified as to be barely recognizable as such. However, my conscious required I give some credit to the original author.


The manor of Lord Helmall was as impressive as the other ruling nobles of Norgate, but a pall hung over the place as the adventurers were quickly escorted into a sitting room. A short time later they were led before a fidgeting Lord Helmall and an attending Prior of the Messenger, Kaldonus Gress. Gress addressed the group as they came into the room, “Thank you for coming on such short notice. Lord Helmall’s child Lance is missing and we need your help.”

“We were only too happy to attend,” Hilde replied. “Servants of Opheria at your service.”

Gerhardt chuckled under his breath.

“Lance disappeared yesterday. The manor was searched, but without result. Divinations revealed that enemies of Lord Helmall had kidnapped the child. As his Lordship was organizing a rescue party further divinations prophesied the lord’s death if he undertook such a task. The boy is only five years old and his speedy recovery is of highest concern.”

Lord Helmall spoke for the first time, ”Your top priority will be rescuing my son. Failing that, your second mission is to get as much information as possible to provide information for a second rescue party. I wish I could go, but you heard the prophesies… Know that my heart goes with you, even if my sword cannot.”

“I guess you have some idea where the kidnappers might have gone?” Hilde asked optimistically.

“Not at first,” Prior Gress answered. “However, in extensive searches of the manor it was discovered one of the oldest tombs under these halls had been breached. We quickly cast a spell to seal the tomb and keep undead from coming out of it. Unfortunately, the gameskeeper has informed us he believes the kidnappers did go through the breach into the tomb.”

“Can you offer us anything in the way of magical aid?” Gjord asked.

“No,” the Prior answered. “We have no further resources available at this time. If you find yourself in a situation you cannot handle, retreat and give us a full scouting report.”

“Fine,” Hilde smiled. “Show us to the tomb.”

“Fine?” Gerhardt mumbled. “What are we getting paid? Why don’t you ever ask the important questions?”

Hilde shushed the fighter and followed the guard escorts leading them down into the subfloors of the manor.


The guards lowered the party by ropes into a chamber with blackened walls illustrated in grays with alien beings and nightmarish scenes. A dead kobold with a massive black burn mark on the side of its head lay dead just outside the positive light placed by the clerics of the Messenger.

“Lightning bolt?” Gjord asked as Hilde inspected the kobold corpse.

“Seems possible,” she replied. “Perhaps a magic missile. He has not been dead too long, less than a day I would estimate.”

“The stairs do not appear to be trapped,” Quarion declared. “Shall we descend?”

The elf and Gerhardt took point and led the group down the dark stairs further into the tomb below. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs they saw a skeletal figure armed with a scimitar. The crypt thing seemed to be stirring.

The elf and Gerhardt charged down the corridor at the undead creature. Both combatants hit the bones with their blades, but could see their steel was not fully effective against the creature.

Immediately, something very odd started happening with the monster. It began to waver as though coming in and out of existence. Then, two ribs broke off from its ribcage in a dark blue nimbus of magic and flew out striking Gerhardt.

“By Hell’s devils! What is this thing?” the bewildered fighter yelled. “Turn it, turn it!”

Hilde strided toward the skeletal monster with Inga, “By the will of Opheria we command this thing of unlife back!”

Gjord rushed forward and struck the monster, but saw his twin bladed attack turned away as well. Hilde, realizing the turning had failed, charged into combat as well.

Hilde’s mace struck home and with the combined efforts of the adventurers surrounding the beast it was destroyed. When Gjord struck the final blow the skeleton crumbled into ash, leaving nothing behind.

“Wow!” Inga exclaimed. “If the kidnappers got past this thing, this might be a bit more challenging than I assumed.”

Quarion was already checking a door just to the left of where the skeletal monster had been standing. “No traps,” he announced. Gerhardt moved up and opened the door. Beyond the adventurers could see a shrine of some sort.

Inga stepped in, “A shrine to Olfader.”

“Yes,” Hilde agreed. “And look, a communion plate on the altar.”

Gerhardt moved up to the plate. “There are five silver coins in here.”

“Leave it be Gerhardt,” Gjord warned.

“Not even I am dumb enough to steal from Olfader,” Gerhardt retorted.

“I do not believe there are any secret portals in this room,” Quarion stated.

“That’s enough for me,” Inga stated. “Let’s get out of here and head down the hall.”

The group went back out of the chamber and headed the other direction down the hall. Ahead Quarion and Gerhardt spotted a turn, but they did not spot the two kobolds hiding in the shadows who unleashed sling bullets at them.

One of the bullets skipped off the wall, but the other hit Gerhardt solidly in the arm. Quarion charged and with a quick swing immediately decapitated one of the kobolds. Gerhardt affected by the bullet’s sting missed the other small humanoid. The kobold struck at Gerhardt with a short sword, but missed.

Quarion brought his blade to bear on the kobold, but missed him as the reptilian skittered away like a beetle. Gerhardt had recovered enough to bring his skills into play and his steel bit deeply into the kobold’s chest. It was a blow the kobold would not survive, but Gerhardt twisted his blade to insure the result.

“Take that you little lizard bastard!” Gerhardt cursed.

“Hey Gerhardt, let me get you an extra loud bell you can clang down the hallways to make sure absolutely everything in these crypts knows we’re coming,” Inga jeered.

“Like they could not hear the combat anyway,” Gerhardt replied. “I have seen you pretty worked up in combat, sister. Quit acting like you are any better.”

“I hear something beyond this door,” Quarion interrupted from the darkness beyond. None of the other adventurers had even noticed that the elf had worked his way forward.

“What is it?” Hilde asked.

“It is a crackling sound, like a late night camp fire,” Quarion answered.

“That cannot be good,” Gjord frowned.

“Stand back,” Gerhardt commanded. “I will open the door.”

“Wait,” Hilde demanded.

Her call came to late as Gerhardt pushed the door open. The chamber beyond was quite large and almost pitch black. A big pit of inky darkness dominated the center of the room. Across the top of the pit crackling bluish lightning of eldritch energy arced.

“Whoa,” Gjord muttered in awe.

To be continued…
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Wulf Ratbane

“Fine?” Gerhardt mumbled. “What are we getting paid? Why don’t you ever ask the important questions?”

Or, "What the hell possessed him to name his kid LANCE?"

Wulf Ratbane would never rescue a kid named Lance, no matter what yer offerin' to pay.


Episode 11
Half Successes Are Full Failures

“Let’s go have a look in that pit,” Gerhardt announced. The fighter moved over to the edge of the pit and ancient runes were activated below his feet. A flash of blue lightning snaked out and struck Gerhardt in the leg, arced off and a skeleton appeared next to him.

The adventurers rushed into action and Quarion stepped up to support. As the elf moved another blue arc of lightning struck forth, crashing into the rogue and summoned a ghoul.

“Stay away from the edge of the pit,” Hilde yelled. “There are summoning runes all around it.”

Carefully maneuvering the party managed to eliminate both undead.

“I wonder what would be next if we stepped on another one of the stones?” Inga mused. “A shadow perhaps?”

“Let’s not find out please,” Hilde replied.

“Where’s the elf?” Gjord asked.

“Over here,” Quarion whispered back from the darkness across the room. “This door is not trapped.”

“You’re like a hound on the hunt Quarion,” Gjord remarked.

“He keeps us moving,” Gerhardt said. “I like that.” The fighter moved over to the door and opened it. The smell that issued forth from beyond the door was almost over powering. Rotten flesh, vegetation, and foul fungi combined to make an odor so bad Gerhardt gagged a bit. “It’s a dead end or collapsed corridor to be more correct.”

“I will search through the pile,” Quarion announced and commenced moving into the foul smelling stuff.

As the rogue began sifting through the offal, the pile shifted. Then it moved. Quarion quickly found himself under attack.

“What is it?” Gerhardt asked.

“I do not know,” Quarion answered. “Ouch! My leg!” Quarion pulled his leg back and found a huge beetle attached to it.

Gerhardt waded in to attack the beetle and another burst forth from the pile at the fighter.

The beetle’s pincer mouth dug into the elf again and he howled in protest. The rest of the adventurers hung back from the dead end, plinking the insects with their bows as opportunities presented. Finally, the fighter managed to smash the beetle attacking him and the combined efforts of Quarion and he ended the other. Quarion emerged from the garbage and melee with a badly mangled leg.

Inga attended to Quarion’s wounds with a prayer to Opheria. “That’s it,” she stated. “I have no more supplications.”

“I only have a couple of minor chants myself,” Hilde stated.

“We’re in fair shape and a child’s life is in danger,” Gjord argued.

“I agree,” Gerhardt nodded. “We should press on.”

“Another serious encounter will probably kill one of us,” Hilde argued. “Let’s retire and report what we have found.”

“Let’s just check out the next door,” Gjord pleaded. “If we run into anything we get out of here.”

“The door is free of any traps,” Quarion called to the group from across the room.

“See there,” Gjord smiled. “The hound is on it.”

“Very well,” Hilde frowned. “I can see you all wish to move on.”

Gerhardt moved to the door and opened it. It revealed a 30-foot long hallway with two more doors.

“This does not count,” Gjord insisted. “We have to go forward.”

Hilde rolled her shoulders.

The door on the left side of the hallway immediately caught the group’s attention. The portal was constructed of the same black material as the initial chamber in the tomb. Ancient disturbing illustrations covered the blackness in dark gray. Most disturbing of all however, were the five triangles that move in a large oval around the door’s surface. The triangles appeared to be silver, but chiseled into the surface – yet they moved silently across the surface like feathers floating across a puddle in the breeze.

“Quarion don’t” Hilde warned.

Quarion was thrown backwards from the black door. A large blackish wound appeared on his palms and oozed yellow pus. “It is trapped,” he smiled. “Warded really.”

“Obviously,” Gerhardt agreed.

“I wonder if this has anything to do with the offering plate in Olfader’s temple?” Inga asked.

“Not likely. Why?” Hilde answered.

“The plate had five silver pieces and this door has five silver triangles,” Inga said.

“That is interesting, but this seems like an ancient ward to me,” Hilde postulated. “And if I am correct about that. The child is not beyond.”

“There are kobolds beyond this door,” Quarion announced from the door at the end of the hall.

“How many?” Gjord asked.

“I am not sure,” Quarion answered. “At least three.”

“We should rest…” Hilde began to say. She was interrupted by Gerhardt opening the door.

Quarion had anticipated Gerhardt’s move and rushed into the chamber beyond. He struck at the group of kobolds, but missed wildly. The kobolds must have expected trouble for they were fully ready for combat. The lone elf soon found himself surrounded by kobolds. The draconian mites dug their weapons into Quarion and his blood soon covered the floor.

Inga and Gjord quickly moved up to help Quarion, but the rogue had no room to maneuver. The kobolds did not relent, concentrating their attacks on the rogue. Gerhardt, frustrated, pushed his way past Gjord lowered his shoulder and ran into one of the kobolds. The force of the blow knocked the kobold back ten feet. A grateful Quarion slipped out the newly formed corridor created by Gerhardt’s bullrush.

Gerhardt and Gjord smashed their way through the little menaces, but Inga was taking wounds as she attempted to hit her enemy with the flat of her sword. Soon the foe before Inga was the only one left in the chamber. The barbarian/cleric was finally able to knock the kobold out. Quarion, barely standing, moved over to bind the unconscious reptilian.

A quick exploration of the chamber led to the discovery of a steeply sloped passage leading down.

“Now we must rest,” Hilde insisted. No one argued.


The audience before the lord was brief and intense. Every piece of information was wrung out of the group before they were led to bedrooms to rest. The kobold was taken in its bindings to a separate area. The next morning the group reported to the Lord Noble’s meeting room.

They were shocked to see Lord Helmall with a young boy in his lap. “Good morning,” Lord Helmall beamed at the group. “This is Lance.” The toe-headed youth with sparkling blue eyes waved at the adventurers.

“Forgive us if we appear confused,” Hilde said.

“Your information and the information provided by the prisoner you brought proved to be vital,” Lord Helmall began. “A second rescue force was launched last night and thanks to your expert scouting, they were successful.”

“Damnit,” Gerhardt muttered below his breath.

“I am very thankful for your service,” Lord Helmall motioned to a man-at-arms. The man-at-arms picked up five purses of coins and gave one to each of the adventurers. The adventurers thanked Helmall and left the audience chamber stunned.


“35 gold,” Gerhardt complained. “A total of 165 gold.”

“175 gold,” Gjord corrected him.

“Yeah, 175,” Gerhardt corrected. “Just think of what we could have gotten if we would have rescued that brat.”

“At least we are alive,” Hilde smiled. “Besides the Lord was very kind in giving us something for our service.”

“I wonder what he gave the group who saved that little turd,” Gerhardt grumped.

“Probably at least a 100 each,” Quarion offered.

“Now that’s real money,” Gerhardt slapped his hands together and rubbed them. “What if we were to say remove a certain young chap and send a note saying we knew how to rescue him for the right price?”

“That’s kidnapping,” Inga said accusingly.

“Of course, I would insist a full twenty-five percent be donated to the temple of Opheria,” Gerhardt replied.

“Forget it Gerhardt,” Quarion stated.

“You’re a mercy killing,” Hilde added. “Be happy with what we have received. Come sister let us take a portion of our share to the temple.”

“Ah well sisters,” Gerhardt shrugged. “The temple’s loss I suppose – they could have received some real coin. My temple has a whole lot of ale in it. That’s where I’m making my donations,” Gerhardt laughed and walked towards the Tabard Inn. Gjord and Quarion followed the fighter not knowing they would get to drink no ale in the tavern tonight.

To be continued…
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First Post
pogre said:
Episode 11

“We should rest…” Hilde began to say. She was interrupted by Gerhardt opening the door.

Gerhardt is the best. The BEST! :D He also has good ideas on how to obtain funding for the group. Hopefully they will come around sometime soon.

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