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Pogre's New Story Hour with Mini pics - (12/7 The Final Update)

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Episode 12
Too Many Elves

The following is based on the Gaslight Press adventure The Gryphon’s Legacy by Wolfgang Baur.

The man wore the livery of the Lord Noble Helmall and was unwavering in his efforts to block Gerhardt.

“Look here,” Gerhardt snarled. “Ye’ got two choices, get out of my way or pull your weapon and get ready to get stuck.”

“My master has insisted that you attend to him immediately,” the servant remained stolid.

“We just saved his whelp,” Gerhardt knew this was not entirely true. “Tell your lord we will see him tomorrow morning. Err, make that afternoon.”

“Your help was much appreciated,” the servant replied diplomatically.

Gjord approached, “What’s the problem Gerhardt? Is this fellow trying to collect a tab from you?”

“I am here on orders from Lord Noble Helmall. Lord Noble Helmall requests an immediate meeting,” the servant replied.

“That is bloody inconvenient,” Gjord remarked. “We better go hear him out. Has someone been sent to get the sisters?”

“They are already at the Lord Noble’s manor,” the servant answered.

“Well, I hope your lord has a keg of ale and will allow me a roll with one of his maid servants. That is the least recompense I demand,” Gerhardt turned to leave the Tabard Inn’s entryway.

The servant opened his mouth to reply. Quarion winked at him, “Don’t bother getting indignant. You will just encourage him.”


The three were led into the audience chamber where the two sisters, Lord Helmall and two elves were waiting for them.

“Oh look Quarion,” Gerhardt laughed. “A couple more tree-huggers. Maybe the three of you could run out and have a good frolic with the Fey in the woods or something.”

“Gerhardt, be still,” Hilde demanded. “Lord Helmall was informing us of a matter of some import, one which could be potentially lucrative for all involved.”

“If that means money, I’m all ears,” Gerhardt pointed to his ears. “Course you three tree-huggers are always that way, eh?” he nudged Quarion, who rolled his eyes.

Quarion nodded to the two elves in a slight greeting no one else but the elves in the chamber noticed. He recognized one of them, Ranin, a ranger from the northern woods who was a master with the bow. He had won a few archery contests when Quarion was back home, even upsetting Til’Hedar in the western cup match. The other was unfamiliar to him.

“These two elves have brought me troubling news,” Helmall began. “For some time there has been a pause in the trade routes to the north. It was well known that bandits were to blame. Now Ranin and E’lisarr tell me that the problem is much worse than we assumed. A bandit king of some sort has set up residence at Griffon Rock, an old Northern Kingdom castle.”

“It is well known that Griffon Rock is used as wintering quarters for bandits. The Odyssean* ruins reputed to be below the castle tend to discourage permanent settlement,” Inga added.

“This is much more serious,” Helmall interjected. “These bandits are demanding fealty from the surrounding villages and have completely choked off trade. Further, they ride mysterious skeletal horses and have glowing armor. The locals have taken to calling them ghost riders.”

Lord Noble Helmall turned to E’lisarr who spoke up, “Lord Noble Helmall has asked us to lead you to Griffon Rock. We are to infiltrate the stronghold and destroy the bandits.”

Helmall smiled, “Of course that would be ideal, but if it is not possible get as much information about the situation as possible. Norgate will simply not tolerate another political entity springing up so close in the north. Especially one that would be a bandit kingdom.”

“The resumption of trade is the top priority?” Hilde asked.

“Yes,” Helmall confirmed. “The villages of the north are of no concern to Norgate, only the trade.”

“Is the rest of the ruling table in accord with you?” Gerhardt asked.

The room went completely quiet. The outrageous brashness of Gerhardt’s question made them all hold their breath, aside from Gerhardt who remained oblivious or uncaring.

Helmall chortled, “I did not realize you were an observer of high politics Gerhardt. However, your curiosity is honest if nothing else. And yes, this is a matter the High Table** is in full agreement upon.”

“When do we leave?” Gjord asked.

“I have horses prepared,” Ranin answered. “Once you have checked your gear we should set off immediately. Griffon Rock is a five day ride.”

“Now hold on,” Gerhardt began. “I want to know…”

“Gerhardt, be still,” Hilde commanded. “Know your place. The Lord Noble has assured us we will be richly rewarded if we are successful and has offered us the use of mounts. That is all we need.”

Gerhardt grumped, but said nothing more.

“I will tell the grooms to make ready,” Lord Helmall stated leaving the chamber followed by a liveried servant.


The group thundered north and pushed into the darkness before the elves pulled in their reigns. A camp was quickly established and little conversation passed between the adventurers. The first three days passed much like this, a hard day’s riding followed by a quick camp set-up. There was very little traffic on the northern trade roads.

The fourth day the group approached a large contingent of people moving south. The ragtag group stretched out for several hundred yards and moved slowly. Two men rode out ahead and greeted the party. They informed the adventurers that they were refugees from Moordit and were heading south for a better life.

“You flee the bandits then?” Gjord asked.

“They were demanding more than we could pay,” the villager answered. “When they raided our village nine months ago we thought that was the end. They kept coming though. They stole our livestock, our seed, and even some of our women. Now they demand regular taxes. We have had enough. We are leaving.”

“How many are there?” Inga asked.

“I do not know,” the villager answered. “At least a dozen, maybe two-dozen. They ride skeletal horses and have glowing armor. But, we only faced one of their raids. They required a village elder to go to Griffon Rock every moon. They then told the elder what was demanded.”

“What race are they?” Inga asked.

“I do not know. They are humanoid. Probably humans, but no one has seen their faces,” he answered.


The elves informed the group they were approaching Feldar. One of the few villages untouched by the bandits. No sooner had they made this assertion than a column of smoke was seen rising in the distance. They spurred their horses.

Feldar was smoldering. Corpses were face down in the muddy green. Pigs were running lose and children were crying. Hilde finally found an old man who explained the village had been sacked by the raiders. The men had organized a militia to resist and to this point they had not been touched. Last night the raiders came and killed all of the men. There were only a few women and children remaining and they were trying to decide what to do next.

Gjord also learned that there was a druid in the forest that sometimes came to the town. His name was Vostark and he could occasionally be found in the druidic circle to the west of the village. The group decided to seek out the druid and gain all the information they could.


The druidic circle was found in short order and nightfall came quickly thereafter. The group decided to set-up camp just outside of the circle. Quarion spotted something on his dawn watch – it was enormous – a bear at least eight-feet tall at the shoulder. He quickly woke the rest of the group.

Quarion notched an arrow and took aim at the massive bruin. Gjord knocked the elf aside, and the arrow flopped into the air harmlessly. “We’re near a druidic circle,” Gjord whispered harshly. “It is probably a friend of the druid’s or possibly the druid himself.”

Almost on cue the bear shape-shifted into a human.

“I am Vostark,” the druid announced. The group introduced themselves. “Have you come to worship or seek advice?”

“The latter,” Hilde answered. “The village of Feldar was sacked last night.”

“Yes, I could feel the undeath in the area,” Vostark patted a stone surrounding the circle. “How does this affect you? You hardly appear to be shepherds or farmers.”

“Lord Noble Helmall sent us to destroy the bandits’ base,” Hilde answered.

“Oh that is well for the balance,” Vostark stated.

“What do you know of these raiders?” E’lisarr asked.

“There are about a dozen. They ride undead mounts and wear a strange armor. They are using undead to guard Griffon Rock,” Vostark tapped his head for a moment. “It is good you are here to challenge them.”

“Are you interested in accompanying us?” Inga asked.

“No,” the druid said slowly. “But, I am willing to help. If you find yourselves in dire straits go west from Griffon Rock. You will find a deep canyon; within there is a circle of the Old Faith. You cannot see it, but I will mark it with a stag skull to make it obvious. If you come there I will know and will come to you.”

“That is very kind,” Hilde bowed. “Is there any thing we can do for you?”

“You are already going to perform a great service from my view,” Vostark answered.

“Do you know of any secret way or less traveled way into Griffon Rock?” Ranin asked.

“There are some foul dire badgers that have excavated a home near the castle. Perhaps you can use their burrow,” Vostark offered.

“Thank you kindly,” Hilde bowed again. “We shall leave you in peace fair Vostark.”

“One more thing,” the druid added. “There is a young griffon on the road to Griffon Rock. It will undoubtedly confront you. It is trying to establish a territory.”

“We can kill it, don’t worry,” Gerhardt stated.

“I think it can be dissuaded without killing it,” Vostark responded tersely.

“Of course,” Hilde replied. “We will be most careful.”


The elves leading the party north hesitated in the road ahead. “What’s wrong?” Inga asked. The elves pointed up.

to be continued…

*A little Olde Realm history – the Odysseans were an ancient people that dominated the area known as the Olde Realm at least several hundred years ago. Their civilization was wiped out by volcanic explosions that buried their capitol. The capitol was the hub of political, military, and economic activity, when it disappeared the rest of the empire eventually died away like branches with no trunk. The current city of Derlon is reputed to be built on the ruins of the ancient capitol.

**The High Table is a council of six nobles descended from Northern Kings who rule Norgate.
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Episode 13
Griffon Rock

Just a reminder – all of the pictures in the Story Hour are thumbnails. Click them to see the larger picture.

A loud screech filled the air as the Griffon whistled down from its high perch. Slashing talons and its beak were aimed at the ranger Gjord. Gjord stumbled back just slightly from the attack. One of the talons had drawn blood, but he was not seriously hurt. Quarion sank his weapon into the beast, causing it to snap its beak back at him. Gerhardt rushed past the young Griffon to take up a position behind it.

Ranin and E’lissar moved out to take better bow shots at the Griffon and planted arrows in its quarters. The Griffon's inexperience began to show as it switched opponents, attacking whoever had last caused it pain. Hilde moved up and began thumping the beast with her mace.

The blows continued to land on the young griffon until confused, and wounded, it took to the air. “Let it go,” Ranin called out and Gerhardt stayed his weapon. The Griffon returned to its high perch and cocked its head sideways to view its foes.


The group pushed forward through an abandoned village and reached Griffon Rock that evening.

Two guards were posted on the gatehouse overlooking the road up from the abandoned village. Fifty feet below the gate was the dire badger hole, just off the road. Even with low evening light it was going to prove difficult to avoid the guards’ views.

Gjord suggested a plan. “I will move up to the badger hole with the elves. When we get there we will signal for you to follow. Come one at a time. If you think you have been spotted either hit the ground and crawl forward to the hole, or run back to the village.”

The group nodded their assent and the four moved silently through the undergrowth towards the badger hole. The hole was only four-feet wide, but they crawled their way in. Shortly past the entrance the burrow widened to five-feet allowing the adventurers to stand with couched over posture. Gjord worked his way back to the entrance and gave the signal.

First came Hilde. She sounded like a blacksmith at work to Gjord, but the guards above the tower did not move. Then came Gerhardt none too quietly. Again, the guards did not flinch. Finally, Inga sprinted towards their position. Inexplicably, she tripped on a stone and fell head first, raising a cloud of dust and a lot of noise. To make matters worse she cursed loudly. The guards stirred.


Gjord had not watched Inga’s spill. He had been working his way to the front of the group. He assumed the barbarian-priestess would make it. The group began to work their way down the burrow.

Ranin took the lead and moved up to an intersection in the burrows. He looked back to the group and pointed to his right. His low light vision was beginning to fail, so he was much relieved to see Hilde lighting a torch. The elf took a deep breath and moved to the right. He ran into the snarling denizen of the burrows almost immediately.


Inga worked her way to her feet. A dark missile flew from one of the arrow slits and hit home in her thigh. Inga immediately pulled the arrow out and realized a poison had been delivered. She fought off the effects and considered her next move. Going to the hole will only draw them there now she thought. It’s time for a diversion She charge a breech in the outer wall screaming. Two more arrows went flying past her as she ran.

Running through the breech she spied a contingent of humanoids and skeletons coming after her. She quickly decided the diversion had been successful and ran away. Another arrow struck her hard in the back and she again fought off the effects of the poison. She took refuge against a boulder and chanted a healing prayer upon herself. She craned her neck around to see riders coming out of the castle.

What luck! Inga thought. At least it is self-inflicted. The riders were heading toward her position.


“Where is Inga?” Hilde asked.

“I do not know,” Gerhardt answered. “But,…” He was interrupted by some growls and snarls from ahead. “Sounds like one of the elves found somebody at home!” He pushed forward.

The badger uncoiled and launched itself against Ranin. Two claws found there way through the elf’s defenses and ripped his flesh. Ranin staggered back trying to raise his blade in self-protection. The badger’s teeth bit him deeply and the elf felt the blood running down his body. “Back up,” he gasped.

The entire group backed up and took positions along the four-way intersection. The badger, now in a rage, rushed to the attack.

The tables had turned. The badger unable to control its rage found itself amidst flashing blades from all sides.

The cumulative efforts of the adventurers were too great and in 20 seconds the badger lay dead on the dirt floor.

The adventurers continued down into the burrow and found a passage that led to a crumbling bit of brick and mason work. Gerhardt began removing large chunks of it and a chamber was revealed beyond.


Vostark and the druidic circle! Inga thought. She dashed madly to the west. Like many of the wild people of the north she sprinted at unbelievable speed and within a few seconds she was more than a quarter mile from the castle. She pushed on until she was more than a half-mile from it. Inga reclined against a great fir and caught her breath. She steeled herself for the appearance of any pursuers.

Thoughts of making it to the druidic circle were pushed back. When the riders come through – pull the last one from his mount. Swing onto the mount and work my way forward. Inga’s mind was whirring through the scenarios. She could not help but anticipate the foe galloping past, but they never came. No pursuit at all. Surely they had seen her sprint away? Maybe not…

Inga began trotting back to the castle.


Gerhardt moved into the chamber and was immediately attacked by a hunting spider.

Gerhardt brought his blade down on the arachnid and the threat was short-lived. “What was that?” Hilde called from the back of the group.

“Nothing,” Gerhardt answered.

They moved up through the chambers cautiously. Ranin had heard someone blowing a horn in apparent alarm above them and the castle’s inhabitants were undoubtedly bracing for an assault. Pushing through another room the party reached a tee intersection.

“Which way?” Gerhardt asked Gjord.

“E’lissar, come forward,” Gjord called.

E’lissar walked up next to Gjord. “That way has some light streaming in from the distance. It probably goes out behind the castle. To our right it is much darker I can only see as far as you.”

“Right it is,” Gerhardt announced. A few feet later he stopped again.

“Tree-hugger forward,” Gerhardt bellowed. He smiled at Gjord and gave him a wink.

E’lissar came forward and checked the three doors. “The two side doors are not trapped. The middle door is trapped and locked. It is a mechanical trap.”

“Can you disable it E’lissar?” Gjord asked the rogue.

<click>”I just did. It is unlocked now too,” E’lissar reported. “And Gerhardt, knock it off with the insulting yelling.”

“I forgot how easy you guys can hear,” Gerhardt said gravely, pointing to his ears. “Probably pretty sensitive,” he whispered. “Thanks tree-hugger.” Immensely pleased with himself he nudged Gjord and smiled.

“You are going to get a blade to the back if you keep it up,” Gjord warned.

Gerhardt shrugged. “Are we ready? ‘Cause I’m going in.”

The group nodded their assent. Gerhardt opened the door quickly revealing a host of undead, two wolves, and a woman with a dark complexion in purple.

“Close the door! Close the door!” Ranin shouted.

Quarion was quick as a cat and pounced through the portal. He took up a position in the corner and shot at one of the wolves.

Great, just great. Gerhardt thought. “Here we go!” he shouted.

The woman began to twist her fingers and draw arcane symbols in the air.

To be continued…
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Episode 14
Dark Prisoner

Gerhardt charged past the wizard’s minions and went straight towards her. Her minions were so shocked by this brash move they hesitated.

Gjord shrugged his shoulders and charged in at the wolves.

The wolves attacked Gjord and Quarion. One wolf grabbed Gjord’s leg and pulled him down to the ground.

Meanwhile, Gerhardt was getting ganged-up on by the Drow wizard and her undead minions.

The battle was taking its toll on the fighter. Gerhardt was beginning to regret his long charge. Hilde stepped in to help Gjord.

Hilde smashed the wolf with her mace sending it to the ground. Gjord kipped up and thanked Hilde.

“Hey!” Gerhardt shouted. “How about turning these bones!”

Hilde stepped up with her holy symbol, “By the power and grace of Opheria I banish thee!”

The skeletons were demolished and the zombies turned. The wizard, quickly ascertaining that the tables had turned pulled a potion and downed it quickly. She disappeared.

“Damn!” Gerhardt cursed. “Cover the exit!” The fighter ran to make sure no one could leave the room without brushing past him.

“She is still in here,” Ranin called out.

Gjord moved over to the corner and stabbed in the air. Blood covered his sword and the wizard collapsed before him.

Opheria rushed over to her and said a healing prayer on the dark elf. E’lissar bound the drow.

“This should be an interesting interview,” Inga mused.

To be continued…
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Broccli_Head said:
Really liked the battle and the pics to show what happened.

How did Gjord know that the drow was there?

He made an educated guess and made a great roll. It was very interesting turn of events. I am anxious to see what happens tonight.

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