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Pogre's Story Hour - with Pics of Minis & Scenery (Final Update)

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Broccli_Head said:

You're Back!

Good to be back - thanks!

Is that an Zombie or a Flesh Golem!?

I guess it's closer to the latter, but stay tuned.

BTW - the picture did not turn out great - the paint job is actually pretty darn good. The figure in question is Patches the Flesh Golem by Reaper Miniatures.


Citizen of Val Hor
You said you'd be back in late May/early June, and here you are. Welcome!

For the love of all that's Holy, I wish I has a part of a campaign that utilized all those mini's and the Forge terrain.

Curious - the fireplace in the one picture - is that a part of the wall or a seperate DF piece that you can place down?

Good stuff!



Citizen of Val Hor
One other question - and I know I'll show I'm a newbie by asking this.

But I see in many of the pics, especially the outdoor battles, that there's no hex or grid on the ground that I can see. How do you guys manage movement or ranged attacks? I'm guessing it's with strings or rulers?



Destan said:
For the love of all that's Holy, I wish I has a part of a campaign that utilized all those mini's and the Forge terrain.

Hey, come on over - I'm always looking for players! With your talents you can run the campaign - I'll just build the scenery and paint the minis for you!

Curious - the fireplace in the one picture - is that a part of the wall or a seperate DF piece that you can place down?

The fireplace is part of the wall. A really nice piece Stefan designed for mastermaze. It comes from a comnplete room set called the Ogre's den. Unfortunately, he has not made any complete rooms since - he said they do not sell well enough.

But I see in many of the pics, especially the outdoor battles, that there's no hex or grid on the ground that I can see. How do you guys manage movement or ranged attacks? I'm guessing it's with strings or rulers?

You guessed it. One of my players has two massive mats, but we rarely use them. Pre-measuring is allowed of course, and most of the dungeon stuff I own and make has grids built into it anyway.

We also use a few templates for spells and such. We play an occasional Epic game with some friends who come into town once or twice a year (they moved away). Anyway one of the fellows from Chicago plays a 22nd level sorcerer and he showed up with a color spray template that took up half the table!
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Episode 43

The stitched together monster began flailing at the adventurers as they recovered from the initial shock. Shannon pushed forward against the beast, and it backed against a large desk to keep its opponents in front of it. The adventurers quickly surrounded the beast and began hacking. The monsters meaty fists came crashing down again and again, but the targets avoided their power.


The battle.

The battle lasted for a while, but the combined efforts of the party proved too much for the construct. Johann drove home his sword point and the seven-and-half-foot tall humanoid fell.

The adventurers rested and looked at the several bookcases and cabinets along the walls. There was also a cherry wood desk in one corner and a cherry bookstand near the fireplace. One of the cabinets had a silver face with a number of runes on the front.

The group looked through a number of the books about mundane subjects covering all kinds of fauna of flora. There were research journals and even a few spell creation logs scattered amongst the tomes. There was no question the books would be incredibly valuable to the right buyer.

“That cabinet with the glyph is our target I’d wager,” Quint stated.

“If the guys from the Network are unwilling to open that thing, then neither am I!” Bridget added.

“Maybe we missed a key or something that’s on the lower floor,” Shannon offered. “Those runes look pretty nasty.”

“Let’s make absolutely certain we have this level covered,” Johann suggested.

Slowly, the group recovered every room on the upper floor and was satisfied they had covered the whole of it.


The complete upper story.

The group went to the lower story and found a couple of bedrooms. Each bedroom had similar furniture, a nice bed, a chamber pot, and a fountain that constantly ran cool refreshing water. The fountain had no discernable source and a cool refreshing breeze coursed through each room.

“I wish we weren’t trespassing,” Quint said. “I might like to take a nap.”

Opening the door to the entry room the adventurers spied a platter floating in the air towards them. Immediately Johann walked into the room and cut through the floating platters support. The platter came spilling down and the four hot cloths it contained fell around it.

Quint bent over and picked up one of the cloths. He rubbed his face with it. “Most refreshing, and thoughtful I might add. This place gets three-and-half stars from me.”

A cool breeze was going through the room and made the place most comfortable. There were several sitting chairs, a large fireplace, and a table with a few clay pipes and a bit of smoking weed.

Shannon knocked off the tip of one of the pipes and stuffed it with weed. He began puffing, enjoying the weed's scent. “Well, what are we going to do about that cabinet? We have not found any keys. Not that I am in a hurry, this is a most pleasant smoke.”

“We have one more room to check out,” Johann reminded the group.

“Fair enough,” Shannon said and pulled himself up out of the chair. He continued smoking on his way to the door.

Quint pulled open the door and revealed a long chamber filled by a very long table and chairs. There were also two platters floating through the room. One filled with all kinds of delicious-looking foods, the other with several glasses of refreshments.

Quint quickly pulled a chair out from the table and plopped down. “Let’s eat.”

“Indeed,” Shannon agreed and took up a place next to him. The entire group save Bridget dined heavily on the repast. Following a final course of sugar pudding they reclined in their chairs and rubbed their bellies.

“What now?” Bridget asked.

“We could cut the back out of the cabinet,” Johann suggested.

“I could cast my magic hand in the room and have it open the cabinet while we waited outside,” Quint countered.

“I like that suggestion,” Shannon stated.

“Well, we have covered the entire tower,” Bridget said. “We might as well try something, I just don’t want this guy to come home.”


The complete lower story.

The group went back upstairs and stood outside the room. Quint mumbled a chant and with a flick of his wrist a little, magical hand went scrambling across the carpet like a rat. The hand jumped up on the cabinet and pulled the door open. There was a popping noise and everyone in the outer room watching fell to the floor anticipating the roar of magical fire, electricity, acid, or something. Nothing followed.

Quint stood up again. He smiled noticing the cabinet was full of items. He directed the hand to grab a couple of likely-looking small vases. The hand crawled back toward Quint’s position holding the small vases. When it reached the doorway it stopped.

“Hurry!” Johann demanded. “Grab them let’s go!”

“I cannot get it through,” Quint protested.

“Did you hear that noise?” Shannon asked.

Johann tried to force his way through, “There’s a barrier.”

Shannon cried, “Who is that?”

The group turned to notice a man with a neatly trimmed, full gray beard approaching with a warm smile. He was wearing a luxurious red cape embroidered with gold thread. He had a simple ash walking stick that seemed to be mere decoration and not of import for his mobility. Three small stones were whirling in tight orbits about his head.


Graywyr appears.

“Let’s go!” Shannon shouted and raised his huge weapon.

Ancient chants issued from the old man’s lips and suddenly the group stopped.

“Welcome, to my house dear friends,” the old man cooed. “I am Graywyr, but you already know that as we are old friends.”

Quint felt a little dazed, but otherwise he was fine. He certainly was glad to see his old friend Graywyr. “Graywyr, where have you been? I missed your company.”

The rest of the group in turn greeted the wizard as though he was long lost friend.

Graywyr then began his questions.

To be continued…
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Episode 44

Episode 44

“Why have you come for a visit?” Graywyr asked the trespassers.

Bridget started quiver and said, “Graywyr, I’m afraid we were here to take something from you.”

“Oh, what was that?” Graywyr asked.

“We were sent to reclaim the Lenses of Vorbifare,” Shannon answered.

“Reclaim that is an interesting term for stealing,” Graywyr laughed. “Who sent you? Ladrophos perhaps?”

“The same,” Johann answered. “He had a valid registration from the Inquisitors in Hemmerschneg.”

“Oh I’m sure,” Graywyr replied. “He probably did not mention that I bought the lenses from him some time ago for the sum of 18,000 gold did he?”

“I certainly don’t recall that,” Quint quipped.

“You see this,” the wizard snapped his fingers and was holding a vial of black substance aloft. “Do you know what this is?”

The adventurers looked at each other and all gave a shrug indicating they did not know.

“This resin is the drug that Ladrophos is addicted to and it has driven him to the bottom. It is the reason he has sent you here for the lenses, because he needs the money. He thinks if he reclaims the lenses, and still has the registration from the Inquisitors, they will come to his aid when he tries to resell it and I object. I do not care about registrations, and I categorically deny the Inquisitors authority over my person or my magic,” the wizard was obviously agitated. His face had reddened and a small blue vein in his forehead had began to thump out a bit. “You were duped my friends and have aggrieved me.”

“True enough,” Johann answered. He already knew he liked Graywyr, but his railing against the Inquisitors’ authority only endeared him more to the old man. “We must make amends for our error old friend. How can we make it up to you?”

“I think you can help me in a way that is mutually beneficial to us both,” Graywyr began. “As you know, I have two great passions: unusual magical trinkets like the lenses and magical spells. I have discovered the possibility of the existence of a forgotten spell from a forgotten people.”

“And you wish for us to retrieve the spell,” Bridget interrupted.

“Yes, I do, but we will cover that in a moment. There is a place called the Eternal Valley,” Graywyr began.

“The Necropolis of the northern kings?” Quint asked.

“Yes Quint,” Graywyr answered. “One of the Northern kings was responsible for their downfall, a ruler named Romenthrok. Romenthrok was absorbed with the hereafter and began building a tomb in the valley. His every waking hour was consumed with the project and he turned over much of the ruling of the empire to his viscount. Naturally, his viscount began plotting to take over the crown and hired midwifes to insure that no child of Romenthrok survived.

Romenthrok ignored the viscount’s mechanizations; he only cared about his tomb. Finally when the empire’s lesser rulers began to rebel and Romenthrok did not respond, the viscount had him poisoned. What happened next is not clear. Many have supposed through the ages that Romenthrok was not interred in his tomb. That the tomb was used later by the weak King Wext towards the end of the empire.

My research indicates this is not the case. The tomb was used by Romenthrok, and although most of the valuables were removed by his former viscount, he was laid to rest there. One thing that could not be removed from the tomb was a spell of protection. The charm of everlasting rest, it is still somewhere within the tomb.”

“How do we find the tomb?” Bridget asked.

“I believe there are clues to its locations in other tombs in the valley,” Graywyr answered. “Tomorrow I shall take you there and you will find the spell. To show you there are no hard feelings, I shall even pay you.”

“There is no need,” Johann stated. “It is we that owe you the debt.”

“Please, allow me to be generous,” Graywyr said. “How much was that drug addict Ladrophos paying you?”

“Five hundred each,” Quint answered.

“Well, you shall earn the same fee when you find the spell,” Graywyr stated.

“Oh you are too generous,” Bridget protested.

“What’s a few coins between friends,” Graywyr warmly said smiling. “Tonight you need to get some sleep. Go to the guest bedrooms downstairs and make yourselves comfortable. Oh and I have to fix the damage to Harold, please don’t kill him again.” Graywyr pointed to the stitched together humanoid the party had earlier dispatched.

The group thanked Graywyr again and went downstairs to retire.

The next morning a loud knocking at their respective doors awakened the adventurers. It was Harold the Golem who informed them that was breakfast was served. Graywyr was waiting for them when they reached the dining hall.

Following a large breakfast Graywyr handed them a medallion with a line down the middle. This is a medallion of calling. When you find the spell you may break it in half and I will come to bring you back. Be forewarned, if you do not have the spell when you call me I will leave you there.

The group went upstairs where Graywyr instructed them to all hold hands. In a flash they found themselves in a desert canyon. “Good luck,” the wizard said and snapped his fingers and in a flash he was gone again.


Into the valley.

“Well, here we are,” Bridget announced.

“The Necropolis lies to the South,” Quint stated.

A brisk wind howled through the canyon dust stinging the skin of the adventurers. Visibility was less than 50 feet and the adventurers had to speak loudly to be heard. Finally, the canyon widened and the adventurers could see a number of ruins ahead.


The party enters the Necropolis.

The adventurers began poking around. “There are tombs on the slopes surrounding us. This must be where the builders stayed,” Shannon stated.


The Necropolis.

“I sense we are not alone here,” Shannon stated.

“Well, pick a tomb. Let’s get started,” Johann said.


Deciding on which tomb to check.

“Go to the closest one,” Quint suggested and began walking west towards a dark entrance.

“I need to say a quick prayer. I am uneasy,” Shannon said.

“I shall pray too,” Bridget added.

“Great, let’s have a damn revival,” Johann protested.

A short time later the clerics rose and appeared ready to go. Quint led on to the tomb’s entrance. There were two large statues to either side of the tomb's entrance. Both represented some giant cats standing at attention in an awkward position with their tails circling their lower feet. An arch expanded between the two giant cats carved in stone and revealed a broken doorway leading down into the tomb below.


Into the tomb.

The tomb was covered in drawing and paintings, all of which had been heavily defaced.

Johann moved slowly to the lead. He suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Quint asked.

“I’m caught in something,” Johann answered.

What he was caught in became obvious as a huge spider lowered itself to see what it’s web had snared.


Into the tomb.

to be continued…


Episode 45

Episode 45

Shannon dashed up to confront the arachnid while Johann struggled free. The spider’s multitude of eyes looked at this new threatening shape. Shannon swung madly at the eight-legged beast with his mighty blade, but caught mostly web. The spider would not error in its attack. Quickly, it dug its fangs into Shannon and pumped venom into the cleric.

Shannon fell back, his head was reeling. Quint quickly took his place. Shannon felt the poison working through his body. He had to find a curative. A bad feeling had overwhelmed Shannon from the moment they arrived in the valley. There was something missing in the valley, not just an abnormality caused by magic, but a piece of essence was not present at this place.

Shannon said to Bridget, “I must seek a curative root for this bite. Go on without me. I will return when I am cured and whole.”


Shannon leaves the tomb.

Bridget began to protest, but Quint’s sharp cry distracted her.

“By Hati!” Quint cursed. “I am bit deep Bridget. Do you have a cure sister?”

“No,” Bridget replied. “Shannon has gone to look for a root.”

Johann buried his sword in the beast and grinned as he pulled his ichor-covered sword across his pant leg. “Hey, can we get anything for spider’s poison glands back in Hemmerschneg?”

“Not that I am aware of,” Quint answered. “This poison is getting the best of me. I’m having trouble standing.”

“Can you go forward?” Johann asked.

“Yes. But what of Shannon?” Quint asked.

“He said to go on without him. He will return when he has found a cure for the poison,” Bridget answered.

The group went forward and found a large chamber covered in ancient paintings. Most of the paintings had been defaced. The illustrations revealed different aspects of the ancient northern people’s religion emphasizing the role of the sun and the change into night. There also was a long liturgy praising the Sun God.

“There big on sun worship, huh?” Quint mused.

“Olfader is powerful in all respects,” Bridget replied.

“They did not call him Olfader,” Quint observed.

“No, but it is HIM by any name. Olfader is eternal,” Bridget preached.

“Yeah, well the itch in my pants is eternal to get moving,” Johann blurted.

“The itch has more to do with the female company you keep in the Dregs,” Quint retorted.

“Too bad your Mother was busy; she’s my favorite,” Johann sparred.

“Mum’s dead, but somehow I can see that as being your kinda’ thing,” Quint replied.

“Now, I am ready to move on!” Bridget ordered.

The group pushed north down the hallway. They reached a tee and paused. Johann felt a sharp jab in his rear end. He whirled around to see Quint smiling, holding his half spear.

“Sorry ‘bout that mate. The quick stop and all,” Quint said.

Johann growled, “Perhaps you should take the lead Quint?”

“Not at all Cap’n. You’re doin’ fine,” Quint answered.

“Next time I will say nothing,” Johann threatened.

“Oh the promises young men make when their loins do quake,” Quint began to sing.

“Quiet,” Bridget demanded. “Let’s check this chamber out.”

The entrance to the chamber was unsealed and the room held the remnant of a sarcophagus, which had been torn apart. There was dust all over the room and it was obvious that many people had been there. There were paintings on the walls, including a rather elaborate scene involving a Princess, which had been defaced. Painted scenes depicted the sun beating down on a rock formation and its shadow pointing in the direction to paradise. Paradise was depicted as a lovely scene of shepherds and their flocks and a gentle Meadow.

“More sun paintings,” Bridget observed.

“There are no secret doors,” Johann announced after a cursory search.

The adventurers left and went down the other branch of the tee.


The front areas of the tomb.

“Hold a sec’ mates,” Quint requested. He bent over at the middle.

Bridget went to his side and put a hand on his back. “The poison?”

“Aye,” Quint answered. “Tis crampin’ me gut. I’m so weak - can you restore me Sister?”

“This will help, but it is not a cure,” Bridget replied. She said a quick prayer waving her hands as she spoke.

“Oy, I feel the strength, but the cramp still plagues me gut,” Quint said.

“And it will. Do you think you can continue?” Bridget asked.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Quint answered.

A long hallway slanting down led to an unsealed portal left to one side of the corridor. The chamber had four niches each containing open sarcophagi. Numerous paintings as the group had seen in the previous chambers covered the floor, ceiling, and walls. These paintings depicted priests and clerics in service of a king. Each priest was shown extending an arm, and a shadow created by a great painted sun pointed to the king. The king was reclining in a beautiful garden scene of tranquil beauty.


The chamber of priest paintings.

“More sun and shadows,” Johann stated. “Definitely a theme building here.”

The group went through another opened doorway on the far side of the chamber and down a long hallway. They went through another chamber with scenes of battle painted on the walls. Noting the differences from the other works in the tomb they followed a short hallway into a grand chamber.


The main chamber.

A raised dais at the far end of the room gave evidence that there had once been a sarcophagus here.


The raised dais.

The chamber featured more paintings on the walls. One of the paintings showed a king bringing a bounty forth to his people. Another painting showed the king conquering an enemy tribe in battle. The final paintings showed the sun beating down on the king and his shadow forming a hall to eternal paradise. Paradise was depicted as a set of woods with songbirds, large deer, and other woodland animals.


Another tomb shot.

“Alright, sun, shadow, and paradise – what now?” Johann asked.

“Rest,” Quint answered. “Let’s go to the entrance chamber and camp.”

“I will pray for a cure,” Bridget answered.


Quint took the first watch and in short order sounded the alarm. “Another one!’ he yelled.


Another spider!

The nasty arachnid rushed Quint and once again the tale-teller felt the bite and rush of venom. Quint’s head was spinning and his already weakened body slumped on his frame. He feebly waved his weapons at the bug.

Johann did not bother to grab his armor and scooped up his shield and weapon. Bridget followed suit and in short time they beat the spider to death.

Quint was in dire trouble. The poison had him too weak to move, and he was nearly catatonic.

“What now?” Johann asked.

“Same as before,” Bridget answered. “Only your watch is going to start a bit sooner.”

Drool escaped from Quint as he laid his head down.

The following morning Bridget cured Quint enough to at least stand and don his armor.

“Should we wait another night?” Johann asked.

“I didn’t know you cared,” Quint cooed batting his eyelashes.

“I care about liabilities,” Johann snapped.

“Nah, I’m good enough. Let’s go up to the necropolis and have another look,” Quint suggested.


Exploring the necropolis the group found a large column or monolith. When Bridget got done reading the ancient script carved into it she translated for her companions:

“When the chariot is high follow the path to the man-God. He who has brought his kingly goods home to the halls of Mana lies within. No pretenders shall take this path lest they meet their end in misery. These are the words of the man-God Romenthrok!”

“A cocky git,” Quint stated.

“We stay and watch this column,” Johann suggested. “Its shadow is going to lead our way.”

The valley only received direct sunlight a few hours a day. The group sat around the column waiting for something to happen. At high noon Bridget was going to suggest they grab some lunch when they all noticed something very odd…


Strange occurrence in the Necropolis.

to be continued…
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Citizen of Val Hor
Nice updates, pog! I can see that you're enjoying your summer.

I'd like to gravitate to using terrain and mini's as often as your group does. It looks so damned cool in your pics. With that in mind, please let me bother you with two more rookie questions, pogre.

First, do you have the group move across the board round-by-round when not in combat, in order to maintain their positions? Or do you not use mini's during non-combat events such as roleplaying discussions or dungeon crawling?

Second, do you set up the Forge stuff prior to your group coming over, or do you do it piecemeal as the characters come to new rooms and what-not?

I guess I have three questions, not two: Do you take the pics in-game or set them up after your sessions?

Not rush to answer, pogre, keep painting and sculpting! I'll just nag you throughout your summer.


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