pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.


Episode 60

As the group peered cautiously into the smoke-filled room they viewed Thoren with singed hair and burnt clothes gripping a pair of books. “Good thing you had the deathward on me,” Thoren said with a smile and slowly fell forward like a great oak sawed down.

Justinius went forward and tended to Thoren while Heinrich inspected the books with the aid of a minor prayer. Justinius paused from his work to ask, “Are they what I think they are?”

“Yes,” Heinrich answered grimly, “Criador’s spell books.”

“Any other treasures in here?” Wassabe asked.

“I’m not sure you understand,” Heinrich began, “These books have numerous enchantments and spells of upper valences I have not even heard of before.”

“Yeah, yeah, good for Morguhn and all that,” Wassabe replied.

“Wassabe, these books are worth more than the richest merchant fleet in Zandyrium,” Ginny said.

“Oh,” Wassabe answered. “That’s a pretty good haul then.”

Ginny laughed.

A groggy Thoren started coming around, “Any treasure?”

“Nope, just a couple of books,” Wassabe replied.

“Damn,” Thoren grumbled.

Ginny corrected Wassabe for Thoren, but the fighter remained unconvinced. Books did not hold value for him. Uberstahl, gold, platinum, silver, even coppers – these were treasures to the fighter. At his insistence the group re-searched the entire lowest level.

The search yielded no further discoveries but allayed the fighter’s fear that they were somehow missing the big treasure.


“Errr, not back there please,” Silcrass said. The Aranea was looking over the thousands of books that the adventurers were bringing into his lair. His spidery eyes scanned over each cover trying to commit it to memory so that he might remember it later. He was determined to put these books in some sort of order. His fussiness had slowed the process of bringing the books into the caves and Mercutio, Morguhn, and Githraldul were growing frustrated.

“Well, we are out of room in that secondary cavern you wanted us to use,” Morguhn stated.

“Impossible,” Silcrass muttered. He scrambled quickly over to the cavern’s entrance to look for himself. He saw immediately they were correct. If anything were true they had stuffed far too many books into it. “Just a moment,” he called out. He scurried to another deeper cavern clearing a path through the dense webs that had blocked the cave off. “Use this one next, please.”

“That’s a lot farther,” Morguhn grumbled.

“Yes, well I need the other cavern for the Ettercaps,” Silcrass explained.

“Ettercaps!” Githraldul protested.

“Ahhh, yes, though they are nasty creatures in general they are expert at raising young and they are helping my mate, Neolepta, raise our brood.”

“I am heading back for the last load of books,” Mercutio announced.

“We have not even organized the last three loads,” Silcrass complained.

Morguhn and Githraldul moved over to Mercutio and the trio teleported from the cave with the mutterings of Silcrass ringing in their ears.


Morguhn, Githraldul, and Mercutio found the rest of the adventurers waiting for them in the former library.

“Were you successful?” Mercutio asked.

“Completely,” Heinrich answered. He was going to wait to reveal the real surprise of Criador’s spellbooks until they were back in Silcrass’s alir.

They piled up the remaining books in the room and teleported back to Silcrass’s lair.

“Look what we found,” Morguhn announced.

“Ah, welcome friends! It’s good to see some men of scholarship that might appreciate the value of organizing resources,” Silcrass said.

“That will have to wait,” Heinrich announced. The cleric swept his arm clearing a table stacked with books.

Silcrass gasped as the piles of books hit the floor.

Heinrich motioned for Thoren to come forward. The fighter thumped the two huge volumes of Criador’s spellbooks down onto the table.

“What’s this?” Silcrass asked excitedly as he scrambled over to the table.

“Morguhn, you may want to look at these as well,” Justinius said.

Silcrass began gently turning the pages. Coos and gasps started coming from the Aranea.

“By the gods!’

“I have never…”

“The power…”

“I have never even heard of this…”

Silcrass continued on in this way for some time as did an equally delighted Morguhn.

“I’ve never seen one of those before,” Wassabe whispered to Ginny.

“What? A powerful spellbook?” Ginny responded.

“No, a spider-gasm,” Wassabe replied.

Ginny just shook her head and smiled.

The adventurers then turned the Tome of the Thraegian Covenant’s Rituals over to Silcrass. The work was clearly of great power, but the aranea admitted it was beyond his ability to comprehend as well.

“Can you keep it safe?” Heinrich asked.

“On my brood, I will make it so,” Silcrass promised.


The group helped Silcrass organize things further and they departed for Zandyrium. Morguhn immediately purchased a number of writing tools and pages for inscribing pages into his spellbook. The Dwarven wizard teleported back to Silcrass’s lair to begin copying spells. The clerics consulted with their respective temples and made massive tithes. Thoren and Wassabe immediately set to their favorite tasks of drinking and frequenting whores’ beds.

Mercutio found a message waiting for him on his return to the city.

Thray’s City Council wish to meet with you and your comrades at your earliest convenience. The topic is goodwill and peace between our cities. Please come as soon as you are able and bring as many of your compatriots as are willing.
- Dirth

Mercutio sighed heavily. “I hate politics,” he grumbled. The sorcerer went about the task of gathering his comrades, including a none-too-happy Morguhn, and explaining the message to them.

“It’s not our business,” Wassabe protested. “We are not official representatives of Zandyrium.”

“Who is these days?” Justinius countered. “At least we have the Lord Protector in our retinue, and no one says we have to be official.”

“Good relations is good for our business,” Heinrich reminded Wassabe.

The debate continued on for a while longer and Heinrich eventually went to Bishop Polariate for guidance. In the end they all agreed they would go to Thray the following morning.

To be continued…

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I apologize for missing my weekly update for the last few weeks. Football season started and more importantly, my fourth child was born this past week.

Keegan Thomas Pogue
Weight 10 lbs. 7 oz.
Length 21.5"

Cute baby picture link here.

I'm working on a new episode and should be finished sometime this week.

Thanks for your patience!

Old One

First Post

pogre said:
I apologize for missing my weekly update for the last few weeks. Football season started and more importantly, my fourth child was born this past week.

Keegan Thomas Pogue
Weight 10 lbs. 7 oz.
Length 21.5"

Cute baby picture link here.

I'm working on a new episode and should be finished sometime this week.

Thanks for your patience!


Many congrats to you and the wife...I hope all are doing well. With stats like that, you have a budding nose-tackle. Hope football season is successful as well.

~ OO


First Post
pogre said:
I apologize for missing my weekly update for the last few weeks. Football season started and more importantly, my fourth child was born this past week.

Keegan Thomas Pogue
Weight 10 lbs. 7 oz.
Length 21.5"

Cute baby picture link here.

I'm working on a new episode and should be finished sometime this week.

Thanks for your patience!

Congratulations!! He's a big one...Is the wife ok? ;)

Looking forward to the next update. :)


Herder of monkies
pogre said:
I apologize for missing my weekly update for the last few weeks. Football season started and more importantly, my fourth child was born this past week.

Congrat's, man. Over 10 lbs? Wowsers. I'm sure the wife is glad he's here, give her our best.


The Thray City Council is based on the excellent ENPublishing product Powers That Be: City Council. You can find my review here on ENWorld or this review on RPGnet.

Episode 61

The adventurers found themselves deep in Thray’s central palace in the city council’s private chambers. The room was paneled in dark wood and apportioned with numerous rugs and had pleasant tapestries hanging on the walls. Dirth had introduced the ensemble to the council members and they sat down on chairs facing the council’s large oaken table. The council’s table rested on a short dais that nonetheless gave them an air of authority. The Council members Prince Kargil, Lord Visatto Remorga,Dame Ingaria Colanto, Count Braglio Misagno, Admiral Billano Olana, Father Tranto, Guilmaster Orcamo Laretta, and Guildmistress Tana Occameno took their respective seats.

“Heroes of Zandyrium we welcome you to Thray,” Prince Kargil began.

“Who invited them?” Wassabe asked Heinrich in a hushed voice.

“We are them,” Heinrich replied.

Wassabe arched one eyebrow suggestively, smiled and said, “oh.”

“We are so pleased you have come to speak with us,” the Prince continued. “Our cities have been antagonists for too long and now we have a mutual problem that can serve as a way to bring us together.”

“We too are anxious to explore avenues of friendship,” Justinius replied diplomatically. “You should know Captain Dirth has been of great service to our fair city and despite the recent events in our city, there are still many inclined to friendship.”

The beautiful and elegant Dame Ingaria Colanto spoke next, “I am new to the ways of politics, and lack the subtlety of my co-council members. We believe the current phenomenon of the ocean whirlpools to be a hazard to the trading health of all the civilized north. We would entreat you to investigate the whirlpools as a sign of faith and goodwill between the cities.”

“We are getting far ahead of ourselves,” Lord Visatto Remorgo stormed. “And, if I may be so bold, your inexperience is painfully obvious Dame Colanto. We do not even know if these folk share our concern or suspect us of creating these whirlpools as their good General Kilphus has made it apparent he believes.”

“What role does General Kilphus have in this?” Heinrich demanded.

“He just sent us an ultimatum demanding we destroy the whirlpools or face the wrath of Zandyrium’s forces,” Lord Remorga replied.

There was an awkward silence following this pronouncement. The adventurers studied Lord Remorga. The noble had graying hair and wore an understated dark gray tunic. His demeanor was one of seriousness that was emphasized by his sharp features.

“I think we have started on the wrong foot my lords and ladies,” Justinius said. “We should be working towards discussing our common goals and not tarrying on the subjects of divisiveness. I am certain Thray has its distrustful warhawks too,” Heinrich paused to smile briefly at Lord Remorga. “These people serve a valuable function for their respective cities, but we must move to a position of mutual trust if we are to move forward at all.”

“What can you tell us of this Cosimo Pulanti?” Count Braglio Misagno burst out. The Count was a rotund man with gray temples underneath a broad hat. A walrus moustache framed his smiling mouth, and deep crows feet wrinkles revealed a man who worked hard and laughed hard.

“Cosimo Pulanti was recently elected as Vizier for the unborn emperor,” Justinius replied.

“What kind of man is he?” Count Misagno asked loudly. Lord Remorga squirmed in his seat, it was clear he wished the count would yield the floor before making a gaff.

“He is of a long line of merchant nobles,” Ginny replied. “He has recently assumed the head of the Pulanti family after returning from overseas.”

“We really know very little about him,” Justinius admitted.

“Captain Dirth, Captain Disod, Captain Isomara, and many others speak very highly of you Father Heinrich Eisenfaust. I’m wondering why a man with such diverse friends would assume the title of Lord Protector of Zandyrium.”

Heinrich smiled, “We all have our duties Captain Olana. I feel by being here and engaging this esteemed council in meaningful dialogue I am fulfilling part of that duty.”

“But are you officially representing Zandyrium or was the envoy with the ultimatum from your General Kilphus the official representative of Zandyrium?” Lord Remorga snarled.

Justinius watched as the blood rushed to Heinrich’s face and he stepped up again. “It is safe to say our fair city is in a state of transition. Definite decisions of state may be hard to come by. While we can make no claim of official envoy status, neither can the messengers of General Kilphus.”

Justinius tapped his knee and stood, “Let us speak of mutual goals now:

First, we as loyal subjects of Zandyrium desire peace with the citizens of the Thragian Coast and particularly this city;

Second, we as owners of a merchant trading interest have a pecuniary interest in resuming good trade routes along the Gull Current;

Third, as friends and admirers of the late Ampyx of the Green Vale, we made an oath to seek peace between our cities.

Those three things are enough to bind us.”

As Justinius took his seat a furor of murmurs went through the council. He knew the third point and his revelation about Ampyx was having precisely the effect he hoped it would.

Prince Kargil finally raised his hand indicating he wished for silence. Slowly the room acquiesced to his signal. “Brother Justinius has given us wise counsel. Dame Colanto has given a proposal of action we have already discussed. Would you be willing to investigate these whirlpools and return to both this council and your own city to reveal your findings? Would you be willing to lift this pall of suspicion that surrounds both cities concerning this interruption of vital trade between us?”

“Who’s payin’?” Wassabe burst out.

“What?” Lord Remorga retorted.

“Who’s paying the gold? Who’s providing the ship? What’s in it for us mate?” Wassabe replied without blinking an eye. Ginny kicked the swashbuckler in the shin as hard and as subtlety as she could. Wassabe yelped in pain but kept his eyes on the council.

“We have neither the resources or the inclination…” Remorga began.

“I will provide a ship,” Dame Colanto spoke up. “And perhaps we can come to some mutual trade arrangements.”

“You are out of order Dame Colanto,” Remorga retorted.

“She is within her rights,” Guildmaster Orcamo Laretta admitted.

“What information have you divined concerning these whirlpools?” Justinius asked, seemingly oblivious to the financial bickering that had broken out.

“Precious little,” Father Tranto admitted. The priest has refrained from interjecting in the earlier proceedings, but now his eyes sparkled in intellectual delight. “We have been granted numerous boons from our god, but we still know little. Perhaps an ecumenical conference tomorrow and a pooling of resources would be useful?”

Justinius and Heinrich nodded quickly in assent to the priest’s suggestion.

“We shall lunch tomorrow at the temple then,” Father Tranto stated and reclined back in his seat.

“You all shall dine at my mansion this evening to make any needed arrangements,” Dame Colanto insisted.

Justinius bowed graciously towards the Dame.

“Venison,” Thoren bellowed.

“What?” Dame Colanto asked meekly.

“Make sure the table has venison on it,” Thoren replied.

Dame Colanto smiled at the fighter, “I like a man who knows what he wants.” She waived Justinius’s attempts to apologize for the fighter’s outburst off. “If we were all so direct about our wants a lot more would get done.”

“This is most irregular,” Lord Remorga groused.

“Will you report back to this council friends?” Prince Kargil asked.

“It shall be our first step,” Justinius replied.

“Then, with a happy heart, I pronounce this meeting adjourned.”

To be continued…
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This is a busy time of year for me, but here’s a short update. I apologize for the lack of pics.

Episode 62

The following morning the adventurers set off for the nearest whirlpool between the two cities employing windwalks to move very quickly. Immediately it was obvious the whirlpool had expanded greatly from earlier reports. Swirling, gusting winds were now blowing on the whirlpool’s perimeter pulling everything into it. Freedom of movement, water breathing, and other defensive dweomers were put in place by the casters as the group set off into the maelstrom.

As the adventurers entered the ocean they could see a dark funnel descending from the surface down hundreds of feet below. As the group strained to see in the swirling waters a huge dark shape came towards them.

“What in the hells is that?” Thoren thought to himself.

No sooner had the fighter spoke than long tendrils shot out 60 feet from the dark shape at two of the adventurers.

Fear raced through Wassabe as he realized what they faced – a Kraken!

The giant squid circled slowly shooting out its deadly tendrils. One of the tendrils paralyzed Ginny and began to pull her closer. Another tendril captured Thoren and pulled him as well.

Mercutio launched a pair of hot steam missiles at the Kraken that exploded into the squid with devastating effect. Wassabe hacked the tendril holding Ginny in twain and Thoren managed to wrestle free from his attacker. Things were looking up for the group until Mercutio issued a bubbly scream through the water – another Kraken was swimming towards the group full speed.

The battle with the second Kraken was a desperate affair, but soon it issued forth a huge cloud of inky darkness and began to descend. Justinius zipped after the Kraken and the rest of the group soon followed suit. As the cleric led the pursuers into the deeper waters he saw something dark in the far depths. Justinius tried to keep pace with the Kraken, but it proved too fast. The other shape now held the cleric’s full attention now in any case.

It was apparent this thing was big, “perhaps another Kraken?” Justinius wondered. Then he realized the shape was actually several hundred feet below the first Kraken and it was actually several times the size of the Kraken! A gloomy realization crept over Justinius that made his hair stand on end.

As the dark shape started to move up towards him, Justinius said a quick prayer and shouted into his companions’ minds, “Leviathan cometh! Flee!”

To be continued…
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