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pogre's story hour Zandyrium -episode 66- (5/10/2006) A short update.

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First Post
I think we were in such awe of avoiding a TPK it didn't really matter that we kept rollin' When we realized he wasn't blind we knew we were in deep poo-poo, specially when I stepped around that corner of the Wall of Force :confused:


Thanks for all the comments folks!

Remember all pics are thumbnail links to larger versions if you want to look closer!

Episode 47

“A frost giant jarl is threatening to destroy the hold if they do not deliver all of the ore from the mines to him as tribute,” Dar explained. Heinrich’s follower Dar still kept in touch with his people at Verkorenvalt and had learned of the impending threat. “We must help them. They cannot resist a tribe of frost giants on their own. Furthermore, they have taken the finest smith in all of the valt hostage!”

“Dar, I understand the urgency of this plea for help from Verkorenvalt and we are going to help them. But, please understand, the Emperor has been assassinated. I must attend the council meeting. The future of Zandyrium lies in the balance. We will travel to Verkorenvalt as soon as possible.” Heinrich looked at his downcast friend Dar and could sense the disappointment in the dwarf.

“I understand,” Dar said lowly.

“Verkorenvalt is a priority. It is not going on the backburner at all my friend,” Heinrich tried to reassure the smith.

“Perhaps I should work in the smith on a couple of those items until you are ready to head to Verkorenvalt,” Dar replied.

“Yes, and I promise that will be soon,” Heinrich answered.


Justinius concentrated mightily as he communed with his deity, Gravitas Morte. The lower temple was completely quiet, as a morgue should be.

Sweat poured down his brow as he sought divine answers. The commune gave him three solid answers concerning the mysteries of the emperor’s death:

1) Boethricus was involved;
2) Boethricus was not in the city, nor was the killer; and
3) The Emperor was involved with the Cult of Flame!

Justinius beat a path to the temple of Siegphorus, but alas he was too late as Bishop Polariate and Heinrich had already left. Justinius went to the Princess’s Barrel tavern and fetched Ginny and Mercutio. He needed their talents to reach Heinrich as quickly as possible.


The council was on the edge of chaos until Lord Heliophos stood up and raised his hands, “My friends, I will call this meeting to order in the name of order. I make no pretense at leadership of this august assembly except to bring some semblance of meaningful dialogue. I will recognize all who wish to speak and we will call for votes as appropriate.”

“Votes?” screeched some middling noble of ill-repute. “There is still an Empress. Where is she?”

“Please! Wait to be recognized. Lord Krovon, what is the succession according to the Tome of the Empire?” Heliophos asked.

The gray-bearded Lord Krovon stood slowly, “The Empress is not in line for rule at all.”

“There is your answer!” Heliophos shot at the interrupter victoriously.

“However,” Krovon continued, “it is known that the Empress is with child. The child is in line for the throne. This council must appoint a vizier to guide the child until he or she reaches majority.”

The meeting once again broke out in mad arguing, shouting, and loud conversation.

The tumult was soothed as General Kilphus stood, “We are wasting time! We should be preparing for war against the dastardly Thraegians. Can there be any doubt they are behind this assassination?”

Heinrich stood, “In a word my dear general, yes.”

Heliophos smiled over at the cleric. “Perhaps Lord Protector Eisenfaust should investigate the emperor’s death and try to establish the culprit. He could then report back to this body with what he finds.”

“I would be honored,” Heinrich said with a bow. He silently cursed himself for getting involved. He was going to see the emperor finally; unfortunately the fool was dead.

Heliophos continued, “I propose an emergency council of five members – myself for the nobility, a member of the merchants’ guild, a representative of the clerics, General Kilphus for the guard, and a member of the academics. Our authority shall only extend to immediate day to day concerns while we wait to elect a vizier.”

There was much bargaining following Heliophos’s suggestion, but in the end the proposal won out and the council was dismissed. Heinrich and Bishop Polariate left the chambers only to run into Justinius, Ginny, and Mercutio. “What are you doing here?” Heinrich asked surprised.

“Yeah, hello – we have something important to talk to you about,” Mercutio stated.

“Heinrich and I were just heading to look at the Emperor’s corpse. Perhaps you would come to aid us?” Bishop Polariate asked.

The three agreed rapidly and the group made their way to a large vaulted stone chamber in the inner recesses of the palace.


The Emperor’s body told a terrible story. The chest cavity was exploded outward and the flesh was pale and gray. Bishop Polariate inhaled deeply went to one knee and began to pray over the Emperor’s corpse. The other two clerics followed suit. After a short time the Bishop stood and said, “His soul is not just gone, it’s been destroyed.”

“You sensed that as well,” Justinius commented.

“What would destroy a man’s soul like this?” the Bishop asked.

“Demons, I would suspect,” Justinius replied in a low-gravelly tone.

“I will speak with the corpse,” Heinrich announced.

“That is highly inappropriate,” Justinius growled. For Heinrich, speak with dead was a straight forward prayer that was akin to speaking with a wall. No soul was required for the spell only the material corpse. For Justinius, the absence of a soul meant a corpse should be laid to rest. Justinius could in fact give the Emperor his last rites of Gravitas Morte and thwart Heinrich’s spell.

“Forgive me dear Justinius,” the Bishop interrupted, “Heinrich is right. We need information.”

Justinius stepped out of the room in protest. Heinrich cast speak with dead and learned the corpse had seen a vision of snakes after fetching some wine and then a blinding white light. Bishop Polariate excused himself to return to the temple, but everyone else agreed they must go to the Emperor’s private quarters.


The group arrived at the Emperor’s private quarters and found a bed, table, chairs, a fireplace, and a wine cubby.

The corpse had mentioned wined and so Ginny volunteered to check out the wine cubby. Ginny began inspecting the various table wines, fine vintages, some cups and chalices, when a vision appeared before her!

A mad rush went through Ginny as she felt something tugging at her from within, the wave passed and she survived. Her legs were shaky as she asked, “Was that what I think it was?”

“Yes,” Heinrich confirmed grimly, “it was Boethricus Din Woad.”

To be continued…


Woot! I must confess to having a certain fondness for Boethricus din Woard. Now he is making life interesting in a rather personal way? Very cool!


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
Woot! I must confess to having a certain fondness for Boethricus din Woard. Now he is making life interesting in a rather personal way? Very cool!

[foreshadowing]Not necessarily life. Stay tuned.[/foreshadowing]



Episode 48

“So you saw it?” Ginny asked.

“Yes,” Heinrich answered grimly.

“I thought perhaps it was just a vision,” Ginny said meekly.

“What happened to you when Boethricus appeared?” Justinius asked.

“I felt some overwhelming force pulling at me from the inside, like my essence was being sucked out,” Ginny responded.

“Why not just slay her? Why bother with pulling her soul from her?” Mercutio asked.

“A good question, but a better one might be how is an outsider gating in and out of this chamber given this palace’s protections?” Justinius replied.

“There has to be a ritual trigger here somewhere – something that calls the gate,” Heirich added.

“My money is on that gold and silver inlaid chalice,” Ginny stated, pointing at a cup in the wine cubby. “I touched it and bam!”

“I think I should do it,” Heinrich stated.

“Do what?” Ginny asked.

“I should be the one to pick it up and gate Boethricus back in here,” Heinrich answered.

“Wait. Hold on. You mean on purpose?” Mercutio asked incredulously.

“Naturally,” Heinrich said casually. “He cannot possibly be gating in here of his volition. He is caught in some infernal bargain. We may never get another chance like this.”

“That would be fine with me,” Mercutio stated.

“Take up your positions, I’m going to do this,” Heinrich said.

Heinrich grabbed the chalice.

Boethricus roared and his magical reached out to pluck Heinrich’s soul, the cleric’s will proved too strong and Heinrich cast the prayer he had been saving dimensional anchor. Boethricus found himself stuck on the prime and a desperate battle ensued.

Boethricus’s ancient viper eyes dug deeply into Heinrich as he slithered closer to the cleric. The monstrous half snake reared up and struck Heinrich, first with a pair of blades and then coiling his massive coils around Heinrich’s torso. In a scant few seconds Heinrich was near death and utterly trapped. Even his breathing seemed to work against him – as he breathed out the coils wrapped instinctively tighter around him. Boethricus satisfied that his coils would finish the job on Heinrich turned his attention on Justinius.

Justinius had invoked a number of prayers from Gravitas Morte to destroy or at least hinder Boethricus, but all had failed. Boethricus slithered into position and reared up at Justinius. His first attack had Justinius reeling.

Mercutio vainly launched a series of disintegrates at Boethricus but all fell harmlessly aside or did minor damage. Desperately the sorcerer tried to think of a way to help the cause. Finally he shouted, “Heinrich, don’t resist!” He polymorphed Heinrich into a bizarre slime, and the cleric in this new form slithered away.

Sadly, this act of heroism actually spelled doom for the other cleric, Justinius. His coils now freed, Boethricus launched a vicious attack against Justinius followed by quick coils squeezing the final life out of him. Justinius slumped to the floor dead.

Mercutio launched a lightning bolt at Boethricus that caused the monstrosity to pause. Ginny meanwhile had run screaming for help from the chamber and was sprinting down the hall trying to gather the royal guards. Mercutio ran after Ginny while Boethricus, apparently reluctant to leave the chamber launched a series of ineffective attacks against the slime-Heinrich.

Heinrich oozed over to Justinius’s body and tried to transport it from the room. Boethricus coiled his body around Justinius’s corpse again, apparently unwilling to give it up. Heinrich, seeing the futility of his efforts, tried to escape. Boethricus launched a cone of cold at Heinrich and the slime-cleric was frozen to death. Mercutio from down the hall launched another effective lightning bolt at Boethricus. The blow again caught the fiend and in response Boethricus closed the chamber’s door.

Mercutio hesitated. He was not sure what to do. In a few minutes the dimensional anchor would wear off and Boethricus would disappear, probably with both of the clerics’ souls. The sorcerer took a deep breath and called on the steadfastness of the desert wind to aid his courage. He marched up to the door and launched a terrible onslaught of offensive spells.

It was almost enough, but when Boethricus reared up again Mercutio knew he was dead. The Saracen-touched sorcerer cleared his mind as the steel blades sliced into him. A moment later his body lay in pieces in the hallway.

Ginny rounded the corner to see the sorcerer fall. She was leading a dozen palace guards and she called on them to stop. ”What now?” she wondered to herself. She could sense the apprehension in the palace guard around her. She had to show decisive action or they might falter. Ginny and the palace guard charged!

To be continued…


Episode 49

Ginny charged in against Boethricus, but as the fiend reared up nine of the dozen palace guards fled in fear. Three stalwart guards and Ginny went into the chamber and attacked. Ginny managed to gain a flanking position on Boethricus and dug her blades deep into his snaky hide. Boethricus faltered, but did not fall.

Boethricus reared up and sliced deeply into Ginny and then coiled his great, heavy, snake coils around her torso. It did not take long. Boethricus leisurely beheaded the three palace guardsman while his body constricted Ginny. Gravely wounded, she could not resist. Seconds later Ginny’s last breath of life left her body.


Dirth surveyed the destruction, “It killed all four of them.”

“It did more than that,” Bishop Polariate replied, “it sucked their souls away. I should say Boethricus Din Woad sucked their souls away. They had established he was behind the assassination of the emperor and that he must have Gated into the Emperor’s chambers somehow.”

“The Gate trigger must still be in the chamber,” Githraldul suggested.

“Probably, but whether it is still active is the question,” Bishop Prolariate replied.

“You cannot resurrect them?” Wassabe asked.

“Not without their souls,” Bishop Polariate answered.

“Are their souls destroyed?” Thoren asked.

“That’s the question,” Polariate replied. “We need to go to the temple so I can fetch some scrolls.”


The Bishop retrieved some scrolls from an ancient library below the temple of Siegphorus. “These spells have more power than I may be able to channel. If they kill me you know what happened.”

“That’s reassuring,” Wassabe quipped.

Bishop Polariate cast the first of the scrolls and after a few seconds looked up and said, “I have good news and bad news.”

“Good news please,” Thoren said.

“I have found their souls.”

“Bad news?” Dirth asked.

“They are on an infernal demi-plane controlled by Boethricus Din Woad,” the Bishop replied.

“They may as well be destroyed,” Githraldul commented.

“Far from it!” Wassabe countered. “The Bishop knows exactly where they are at. He can zip us down there we’ll scoop them up and run back out.”

“Ah, yes,” Bishop Polariate said, “there’s a problem with that solution. First, the spell required in an even more powerful prayer and there is a one in five chance it will blow my head off.”

“Those are decent odds,” Wassabe said.

“Well, secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the Gate cannot open if the entity controlling the plane wishes to stop it.”

“In this case Boethricus Din Woad,” Dirth observed.

“Exactly,” the Bishop replied.

“What if Boethricus were not on the plane at the time the Gate is invoked?” Dirth asked.

“He would not be able to stop it from opening,” the Bishop replied.

“Then we have to find that Gate trigger,” Dirth said. “I’ll bring him in and you three can Gate down and get their souls.”

“How do we find out what this trigger is?” Thoren asked.

“I think I have a solution for that,” Bishop Prolariate answered.


Bishop Prolariate invoked speak with dead on Heinrich’s corpse and managed to learn the Gate trigger was the gold and silver inlaid chalice. The Bishop set up for the Gate ritual in the next room and set up a signal with Dirth. Dirth managed to recruit 30 Imperial Guards with crossbows and Bishop Prolariate blessed several of the bolts giving them a chance to injure the fiend. Finally, the Bishop cast Death Ward on Dirth in the hope that it might thwart Boethricus’s fiendish magics.

“Clear this chamber of everything but the wine cubby and the tables,” Dirth barked out to the Imperial Guards. The chamber became a flurry of activity as Dirth watched in satisfaction. ”How ironic,” he thought, ”Here I am a Thraegian ex-captain bossing around Zandyrium Imperial Guards in an action against the killer of the Zandyrium Emperor. Hell, there was a time the only reason I would’ve summoned the killer was to pin a medal on his chest!” The room was cleared and the crossbowmen took up positions behind the table barricades.

The signal was given, the Gate was invoked, and the chalice was grabbed. Boethricus faced Dirth and the crossbowmen. The death ward cast on the fighter allowed him to resist Boethricus’s powerful soul rend. The crossbowmen fired and a couple of the blessed bolts hit home.

Githraldul, Thoren, Wassabe, and the Bishop found themselves in a chamber facing a couple of Bone Devils watching over a pit of larvae. “There they are!” the Bishop cried.
“Grab those larvae!”

The Bone Devils lowered their wicked polearms at the adventurers and the fight for the larvae began.

Back at the Emperor’s chamber Boethricus blinked out. “Damn!” Dirth exclaimed. “Prepare yourselves men!” Dirth grabbed the chalice again.

The crossbowmen poured more fire into Boethricus and he again reeled in pain. Dirth could sense the fiend was in trouble.

The fight in Boethricus’s realm was decidedly one-sided and the adventurers quickly had dispatched the devils. The adventurers grabbed up the wriggling larvae, ignoring their pesky bites and stepped through the Gate. The signal was given to Dirth and then crossbowmen sighed in relief that they would not be facing the fiend again.

“I believe Boethricus is very near death,” Dirth reported. “Perhaps we should summon him a couple more times to finish him.”

“He may become even more desperate if he realizes his time is short,” Wassabe stated. “I vote we leave him be and have our friends resurrected from these things if possible. After all, we know where he lives.”

“We may never get another opportunity like this,” Githraldul argued. The Elven ranger cradled his battlebow Bleeding Razor, “I vote to summon him again.”

“These larvae may die very quickly outside of the infernal regions,” the Bishop warned. “I do not know what happens to their souls if that occurs.”

“Fine,” Thoren snorted. “We go raise the spellcasters and Ginny and then we all come back and kill that son of a cur.”

“We have been tracking him for so long,” Githraldul said. “What if the trigger expires or does not work?”

“It probably won’t expire,” the Bishop answered. “It is likely he will heal himself and be ready for our previous tactics if we call him back later.”

“I do not want to take any risks of losing these folks,” Wassabe said. “Let’s do the right thing and go raise them.”


“Captain, the Gull Current should have moved us past this point two days ago,” the first mate commented.

“Aye,” Captain Isomara grumped. “This is costly Mate Henson. What be the problem with the current?”

“I do not know Captain. It should be shootin’ us up the bay. Instead we have to keep tacking against the drift.”

“Chop ahead!” cried the sailor from the forecastle.

“Chop ahead?” the Captain repeated. “What in the blazes is that urchin talking about? We better have a look Henson.”

“Aye,” Henson replied. The pair made their way to the front of the cog.

“What’s all this ‘bout chop ahead?” the Captain groused as he pulled himself up onto the forecastle.

“See for yourself Captain,” the sailor responded handing over his spotting glass.

Captain Isomara scanned the horizon over the sea. There! He spotted several waves building and crashing. It made no sense. There was not a dark cloud in the sky! Suddenly it dawned on the Captain what he was seeing.

“Full astern!” Isomara barked out. “Get to port side quickly!”

Mate Henson gave the captain a questioning look.

“It’s a whirlpool Mr. Henson, and by the looks of it a rather large one.”

“How would a whirlpool form in the middle of one of the strongest currents in the entire ocean?” Henson asked.

“That is not my concern presently,” the Captain replied. “I just want to make sure we do not get pulled into the damn thing.”

The crew scrambled aboard the cog changing the sails as the Captain continued barking orders. The wide cog responded slowly. Isomara was not sure how much time they had before the pull of the whirlpool captured them.


The precious ancient scrolls of the temple were used to resurrect the four. The Emperor’s soul was not among the larvae the adventurers had retrieved. The other larvae were put out of their misery. The group headed back to the palace and as Heinrich had already guessed, the Gate trigger had either expired or been dismissed.

to be continued...


Episode 50

“Yes, I think you can afford the time to go to Verkorenvalt,” Bishop Polariate reassured Heinrich.

“What of Boethricus?” Heinrich asked. “Whoever Gated him in to kill the Emperor is still at large and probably in the palace.”

“You have made it clear you suspect the Empress,” Bishop Polariate answered.

“I do,” Heinrich admitted, “If only we could get her under a zone of truth prayer…”

“Quite impossible and altogether bad form in Zandyrium,” Bishop Polariate responded.

“You will inform the council of my suspicions?” Heinrich asked.

“Certainly not!” Polariate responded, “Use your head young Lord Protector, what evidence do you have directly linking the Empress to Boethricus or to the Emperor’s death in any way?”

“The chalice that called the Gate was a gift from the Empress,” Heinrich responded bitterly. He knew the Bishop was right and it made him fume.

“Not enough,” the Bishop replied curtly.

“I know,” Heinrich responded glumly. “Who do you think will be chosen as the vizier?”

“Well, I shall be nominated tomorrow, but I will turn it down.”

“But why?” Heinrich asked.

“This is no time for the leader of a temple to jump into the imperial politics,” Polariate responded, “Besides, I can be more effective from outside.”

“Then who? General Kilphus?” Heinrich asked.

“No, no, the last thing we need is a warhawk running the city at this point. If it were up to Kilphus the invasion fleet would be sailing to the Thraegian Coast by now. I should think Lord Krovon would be the best choice.”

“He’s very elderly,” Heinrich observed.

“He’s also conservative and a stickler for tradition, just the kind of man Zandyrium needs right now.”

“Perhaps,” Heinrich replied. “I need to go to Dar and prepare for our journey to Verkorenvalt.”

“Very well Lord Protector,” the bishop smiled, “If there are any sudden developments I will issue a sending prayer to you.”

“Strength and Honor,” Heinrich saluted.

“Strength and Honor,” Bishop Polariate returned.


Dar was waiting excitedly with the rest of the group for the trip to Verkorenvalt. He had not seen his people in several months and he was anticipating reunions despite the current crisis. Dirth and Rothlor had both came by to wish the adventurers well and offer aid if it became needed. When Heinrich arrived the group teleported to the Dwarven hold.

Two of the Dwarven elders came forth to meet with the adventurers. The situation was as dire as Dar had described: A tribe of Frost Giants had descended upon the hold and declared it to be their property. They demanded a full payment of all the uberstahl mined from the hold each week and as assurance of the dwarves' compliance they took the Loremaster as hostage.

“We will need to strike quickly or the Loremaster…” Heinrich began, but was interrupted by Dar, “We fail if the Loremaster dies. The Loremaster is the key to the valt and the recapture of Buldarvalt.”

Recapture of Buldarvalt? Heinrich thought to himself, Here an entire clan of dwarves has lost their main hold and the only thing they can think of is conquering a rival hold!

“Perhaps we should concentrate on recapturing the loremaster and Galtikvalt before we worry about Buldarvalt,” Heinrich commented.

“Where is the Frost Giant lair?” Githraldul asked.

“Up in the mountains,” the Dwarven elder replied, “It cannot be far if they are making a weekly trek down here.”

“When was the last time you saw them?” Wassabe asked.

“They just picked up their first week’s tribute,” the dwarf replied.

Thoren groaned at the thought of having lost all of that uberstahl.

“The trail is plain,” Githraldul informed the group, “We will have no trouble tracking the giants.”


The cold of the montains was intense and forced the group to wear heavy skins and wools or cast dweomers to maintain their warmth. The path split high in the mountains descending into a rift. The adventurers tied themselves together and carefully descended into the rift.

Githraldul volunteered to move ahead and explore a cave dug into the icy rift. The Elven ranger carefully tread into the icy darkness and could see a large tribe of white haired behemoths. A low growl from one of the yetis confirmed that they had detected the Githraldul as well. The creatures moved with amazing speed across the icy floor and attacked!

Githraldul made a fighting retreat as the rest of the adventurers quickly moved up to the sound of combat. Mercutio cast fly and zipped over the frontline of combat. The sorcerer let loose with a fireball that burned several of the yetis to death but also raised a huge cloud of steam in the chamber. The fog was so thick no one could see much more than a sword’s length.

Thoren and Wassabe worked their way forward killing a number of the yetis until the chamber finally fell quiet. The group rested a bit while the fog in the room was cleared by a quick gust of wind from Mercutio. Githraldul reported he could find no signs of the Frost Giants’ trail in the chamber and that they must have continued along the path above the rift.

Githraldul again volunteered to scout ahead. Morguhn cast fly and invisibility on Githraldul to aid his scouting. Githraldul made a reconnaissance over the rift’s edge finding several cave openings. The first revealed little in the way of recent traffic, but the others had signs of lots of Giants moving through the area. He went back to the group to report his findings.

The adventurers cautiously worked their way along the edge of the rift. They passed the first cavern entrance that Githraldul had announced had little signs of traffic. The second cave opening only had prints of large cats going in and out.

“I say we check it out,” Justinius suggested. “I am not anxious to leave anything to catch us from behind.”

“Let’s be quick then,” Githraldul replied, “We do not want to waste too much time outside of our mission. The longer we take, the more likely the giants will be alerted.”

Thoren meanwhile had already ducked into the cavern while the debate was going on outside on the path. He was pounced upon by two great cats, but managed to throw both of them off. In very short order he had both cats dead and retrieved a blade to skin the snow leopards.

“There’s no time,” Wassabe complained.

“He’s right Thoren,” Ginny confirmed. “Come along. The skins will be preserved on this ice.”

Thoren shrugged and proceeded out of the cavern.

The adventurers continued to the next cave opening and followed it directly into a frost giants’ barracks area where four unfriendly frost giants were waiting for them.

to be continued…

*Yep, those are not frost giants figures – hey even we miniature addicts need to use stand ins once in a while…


A Short Zandyrium Campaign Dictionary

In celebration of post #50 pogre presents:

A short dictionary of dramatis personae, fantastic places, and curious events in the Zandyrium Campaign. Presented as an aid to readers, players, and the Game Master alike.

This entry will be edited as new personae are introduced in the story.

Ampyx of the Green Vale – Great wizard protector of Thray who has transferred to the twilight. Last known member of the Covenant of the Thraegian Coast.

Bazim – outsider fiend who destroyed the Norsican Covenant.

Bezzalt, Great Drake of the Duskmoons – Fiendish Red Dragon destroyed by PCs.

Boethricus din Woad – A horrible, massive, blue-skinned, half-snake, and half-fiend villain bent on destruction of the Northern Hemisphere and especially Zandyrium. Controls a demi-plane in the infernal regions.

Breygon Highcross PC – High Templar against the Temple of Mammon. Sometime guest PC.

Buldarvalt – one of the great dwarven holds. Dwarves from Buldarvalt are antagonistic towards their brethren from Galtikvalt.

Auspice Cavins – Head of the Young Trading House and current head of the Merchants’ Guild. Rumored to have a standing retainer in place with the Assassins’ Guild.

Chimeyan Slavers – Pirates who sail the mid-ocean picking off trading vessels and enslaving the sailors and traders. Chimeyans were apparently related to the Wood Elves of the Northern Hemisphere in the distant past.

Criador - Member of the Wizard Covenant of the Thraegian Coast. Responsible for protecting the covenant's ritual tome and other treasures. Nickname was the Golem Master.

Darkember – Pit Lord liege to Mammon. Seen in the company of Boethricus.

Dar Grimbeard – male Dwarf Artificer formerly of Galtikvalt follower of Heinrich Eisenfaust.

Delgrod – Dwarven deity.

Dirth PC – Human Fighter – Thraegian Captain and friend of Mercutio’s. Occasional ally of the party.

Dispater – Arch Devil – Iron Duke who cautiously plots against other arch devils and demons. Very rarely takes a risk.

Captain Disod – First commander of The Last Coin. Recently retired in Thray.

Elan Kanto – Former head priestess of the Empress sponsored Temple of Kala. Used the temple as a front for a slave ring, but managed to escape when the ring was uncovered by the adventurers.

Empress Annalise Hestalt – Current Empress of Zandyrium. Pregnant with heir to the throne.

Erfindenger Stonegear – former inventor unwittingly released the demon that originally destroyed Verkorenvalt.

The Eternal Flame – an artifact that is the focus of the defensive magics on the walls of Zandyrium. Housed at the Dragon Rock Monastery in the nearby hills.

Master Fama – Head of the University of Logiki and Morguhn’s early mentor in the arcane arts.

Fortune’s Favor – trading house in the Merchants’ Guild founded by the PCs.

Galtikvalt – former great dwarven hold taken over by Boethricus din Woad. Boethricus was driven out, but the hold remains abandoned and sealed. Dwarves from Galtikvalt are antagonistic towards their brethren from Buldarvalt.

Genevieve (Ginny) PC – Former noble, now rogue – the lone female in the group.

Githraldul PC – Elven Ranger – an amazing archer who wields the feared Bleeding Razor a nasty bow that quickly inspires fear in opponents. Githraldul’s people have been roaming the forests of the northern hemisphere seeking a place to settle without luck. Like most Elves of the Northern Hemisphere they have returned to the ways of hunting and gathering and live as nomads.

Gramge – Leader of lumberjack camp a few miles outside Zandyrium. Found butchered by a Hill Giant by the party in Episode 12.

Granachus – Primarch of the Temple of Gravitas Morte.

Gravinvalt – the Revered Mountain of Burials - lost Dwarven hold.

Gravitas Morte - Ruler of Purgatory, Gravitas Morte receives all souls and sends them to their final destination. Morte is decidedly anti-undead and abhors unnatural death. The god even allows resurrection of his followers who have thus opposed these forces in life, if the follower's soul so chooses.

Grimhook – Kyton devil summoned for information by Justinius.

Grogni Grimsson – Loremaster of Galtikvalt and current leader at Verkorenvalt.

Gull Current – Main Northerly trading current along the Thraegian coast going towards Zandyrium.

Hedrara – A she-devil Erinyes associated with Boethricus din Woad. Some indication she is a sorcerer as well.

Heinrich Eisenfaust PC – Human Cleric of Siegphorus deity of Law and Victory. Heinrich is a cleric in the temple that is as close to the state religion as one will find in Zandyrium. He has recently been promoted to Lord Protector and sits on the Emperor’s Council.

Heliophos – Noble on the Emperor’s council. Friend of the Temple of Siegphorus and Bishop Polariate.

First Mate Henson – Mate to Captain Isomara on The Last Coin.

Imperial Guard – elite strike force housed in the Emperor’s palace.

Justinius PC – Human Cleric/Sacred Revealer of Gravitas Morte – protector of the final rest. Seeks to thwart the mechanizations of outsiders seeking the service of prime souls.

Captain Isomara – current commander of The Last Coin.

The Ivory Coast – Rich southern trading area.

Kala – Chaotic goddess of love and beauty.

Kalcedon – Norsican city besieged and then sacked by Boethricus’s forces. Largely ruins today with a remnant population trying to eke out a living.

General Kilphus – Military Head of the Imperial Army.

Koilada – Rich trading port on the Ivory Coast.

Lord Krovon - Elderly member of the Emperor's Council renown for his knowledge of Imperial governmental procedures. Recently refused the post of Vizier to the unborn Imperial heir.

The Last Coin – the party’s 100 ton merchant cog.

Mammon – Arch Devil - a power hungry schemer anxious to interfere in the affairs of the prime.

Mendri Dernaxe – former King of Galtikvalt. Killed during the siege by Boethricus’s forces.

Meructio PC – Saracen-touched Sorcerer – Mercutio is of the desert clans of the Saracen-touched. Human in appearance, the Saracen-touched have a slight bit of Djinn blood that makes them especially in touch with wild arcane magic.

Micon the Wizard – A rebel mage who became a ghast due to a failed lich ritual. Killed by the party in Episode 2.

Morguhn PC – Dwarven Fighter/Wizard – Of Buldarvalt, charge of Bruk Gahalker. Turned his back on his warrior heritage and pursued the arcane arts.

Naja Nivyah – Erinyes she-devil with the common name of Dreadwing. Servant of Dispater. Summoned by Justinius for information from time to time.

Neolepta – female Aranea and mate of Silcrass – more primal and less refined than her Aranea mate.

Norsican Mages’ Covenant – Ancient rival of the Thraegian covenant – destroyed many years ago after summoning a powerful outsider.

Orcus – Demon prince of the undead.

The Priestess’s Barrel – The adventurers favorite tavern and inn in Zandyrium.

Pulanti Merchant Family – mysterious ancient trading family who are letting their business interests in the city collapse. Justinius suspects the family of some sort of evil-doing.

Cosimo Pulanti – Head of the Pulanti damily trading house and recently elected by the Emperor’s Council as Vizier for the Emperor’s heir.

Giovanni Pulanti – Elder patriarch of Pulanti who is reputedly very ill and seldom if ever seen in public. Father of Cosimo.

Rothlor – Ranger friend of the party. Often keeps the party informed of the crooked goings on at the palace. Tries to keep track of the threat of Boethricus.

Siegphorus – Deity of victory and law. Especially favored by Zandyrium’s ruling class historically.

Silcrass – Aranea ally of the PCs. Frequently trades magic items and spells with the party. Current lair is in Bison Cave.

Stahl River Delta – former site of a large trading city destroyed during the hobgoblin wars 200+ years ago. Site of Boethricus’s 2nd army and ship building facility disrupted and attacked by the PCs. Abandoned by Boethricus’s forces and presumed unoccupied currently.

Tadko Bladegrinder – Dwarven armorer in Zandyrium and acquaintance of Morguhn.

Thoren PC – Human Fighter/Barbarian – Wielder of mighty two-handed weapons who brings home the hurt. As a front line fighter Thoren has a tendency to catch most of the enemy’s venom.

Thraegian Coast – A group of free city-states to the south of Zandyrium. The city states have erected a wall around their coast line on the peninsula and are adept traders. Once a part of the Zandyrium Empire, the city-states, led by Thray, revolted when the Empire was failing ears ago. Zandyrium tried to subjugate the city-states again but has failed twice in the last 50 years. Although they share many common interests the Thraegian Coast and Zandyrium remain antagonistic.

Thray – trading city on the Thraegian Coast. One of Zandyrium’s chief rivals.

Thray City Council - Prince Kargil, Lord Visatto Remorga,Dame Ingaria Colanto, Count Braglio Misagno, Admiral Billano Olana, Father Tranto, Guilmaster Orcamo Laretta, and Guildmistress Tana Occameno.

Tropenmark – area that marks the tropics. An area of wild and still magics that warps spells in unusual ways. Prevents teleportation and other spells from moving folks via spells from North to South.

Uberstahl – a magical metal. (Only items made of uberstahl may be enchanted beyond a +2 bonus).

Captain Umkal – one time 2nd in command of the Imperial Guard. Missing – assumed killed and replaced by an ogre mage that was revealed and destroyed by the PCs.

The Veiled Column – Artifact of the Thraegian Covenant twisted by a Mammon Cult for evil uses. Disabled by the PCs.

Ventus – Whimsical deity of travel, commerce, thieves, and running. Frequently portrayed on coins of lower values.

Verkorenvalt – current hold of the dwarves formerly of Galtikvalt. Reclaimed by the party from an ancient demon for the dwarves.

Vigils – city guard.

Virtua – Norsican goddess of knowledge and law.

Mr. Wartby – Mercutio’s toad familiar.

Wassabe PC – Human Swashbuckler – Former sailor who is constantly wisecracking and seeks the best in wine and women.

Zandyrium – ancient capitol city of the Zandyrium Empire that serves as a crossroads between Norsican and Thraegian cultures. The city is a waning power struggling to recapture it’s lost glory.

Zerstorung PC – Half-Orc Barbarian – Wielder of huge jagged scythe and hunting friend of Thoren.
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