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Post your Pantheon


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Hey everyone, this is my first enworld thread so bear with me for a bit. This thread ws made for all the GM's, worldbuilders and general RPG enthusiast to post their homemade pantheons and for people to find the inspiration to start making their own.
I'd like to start by posting my own band of mismatched godlings:
PS: My personal pantheon was designed for D&D 3.5 (with less absolute alignments) and I'd like to apologize in advance for the lengthy read.

Silva, Goddess of Nature, Life & Fertility
Silva, also known as the All-Mother and the Forest Mother, is the Goddess from which all life originates. She is the mother and protector of all animals, plants and people. Unlike her sister Chimal Silva isn’t truly omniscient but she might as well be as she can see any place where plants and animals are present. Of all the deities she is one of the most peaceful. She is accepts death in the natural order of things but can be angered when large numbers of her children are destroyed. When angered she relies mostly on nature to obstruct her enemies and accounts of her using lethal force are virtually unheard of. From those she favors Silva demands restraint: they are never to kill outside of combat and never when it can be avoided (aberrations and undead excepted). She is worshipped by most farmers, huntsmen and druids; woodcutters often build a small shrine to appease her. She is also called upon to bless weddings, to aid in childbirth and for protection against natural calamities. Silva is most often depicted as a young woman in simple garbs walking through the forests, sometimes bearing the fruits of the land, a crown of leaves or interacting with the wildlife.
Her domains are Animal, Good, Healing, Plant and Protection. Because she has all of nature at her disposal her spear functions mostly as a walking stick.

Chimal, Goddess of Serenity, Death & Vengeance
Chimal, called the Lady of Death, Dark Mistress and Bringer of Peace by most, is the sister of Silva and the Goddess of death, darkness and the afterlife. She is the all-knowing Goddess of the dead that wanders the world to end lives and guide the recently deceased to their final destination. She is said to be the source of all poison, disease and calamities; such as famine, pestilence, miscarriage, etc. In rare cases Chimal is seen as an agent of fate or justice because of her inevitable and indiscriminate nature. Though she is not inherently evil and generally tranquil of demeanor her duty leaves her unloved by the masses. In the cases where someone has managed to incite her ire she has proven herself to be equally tenacious and wrathful. Her name is believed to call down ill fortune and saying it is usually reserved for those on their deathbeds or unusually brave or foolhardy warriors. Though she is invoked at every burial, Chimal has few committed followers. Necromancers, executioners and a rare few druids and monks worship her though the latter two tend to focus on her serene and equalizing aspects. Those that do worship her are granted knowledge and passage through the world’s dark places or alternatively taught curses and plagues to exact revenge. She is often depicted as pale, dark haired woman shrouded by darkness. She is commonly portrayed as blind or blindfolded and unarmed images of Chimal are almost nonexistent.
Her domains are Death, Destruction, Knowledge, Law and Travel. Her weapon of choice is the executioner’s axe (glaive).

The Trickster, God of Deception & Mayhem
The Trickster, sometimes called the Fox, is an unpredictable god(dess?) and generally behaves as fickleness personified. Though generally seen as a male the Trickster is a natural shapeshifter and is infamous for his multitude of disguises (only Silva and Chimal saw his true form at birth). He has a strong affiliation with the living world and detests all forms of order and restriction. He is renowned for the tricks he pulls on both mortals an gods; ranging from the innocuous (snow in July, rainbows) to the downright hazardous (turning a black dragon invisible). The Trickster loves to mess around in the mortal world and frequently picks a favorite that he tries to impress using his divine power in the most whimsical ways imaginable. He often tells his favorites myths and stories that diverge or directly contradict existing mythology. Despite his apparent carefree nature the Trickster is one of the oldest and most powerful gods (surpassing even Monoun) which comes in handy when he angers one of the others. Though his actions can be ill-considered the Trickster is hardly evil and will quickly intervene when things get serious (at least if he notices it). He is worshipped by most shapeshifting creatures as well as the rowdier fey but among civilized races his followers are rare (a few actors and stage ‘magicians’). The Trickster is often depicted as a somewhat fluidic fox or as a young man toying with a red ball in the woods.
His domains are Animal, Luck, Plant and Trickery. The Trickster prefers natural weapons though most of his more humanlike followers use a nonmetal dagger opposed to unarmed strikes.

Monoun, God of the Sea & Storms
Also known as the Sea Father and the Lord of Storms, Monoun is one of the older and most powerful gods (after Silva, Chimal and the Trickster) and he reigns over the sea and storms. He was born from the tears of Silva and is considered a mostly destructive god to be placated. Though his sheer power is admired and coveted by many, most people are wary of Monoun. He is fiercely territorial and quickly angered by real or imagined insults. This combination causes him to frequently lash out with tidal waves, gales and lightning bolts. He is almost universally worshipped by fishermen and other people that make a living off the sea. Others worship him for his raw strength. Notably barbarians, evokers and vengeful druids; as nature’s fury. He lends great power to his disciples but most merely use it to lessen the destruction of Monoun’s tantrums. Though he is an influential god Monoun is rarely depicted in his personified form (a large figure with an unruly beard). He is mostly referenced through symbols of his domain and power (most commonly a fish or the lightning bolt).
His domains are Air, Destruction, Strength, Water. When not throwing around lightning Monoun wields a warhammer.

Nemsis, Lunar Goddess of Water & Seers
Also called the Lady of the Falls and the Oasis Protectress, Nemsis is the deity of water, divination and the moon. Whereas Monoun is a destructive god of sea and storms Nemsis is the benevolent goddess of the soothing rain and rejuvenating water. She is mostly associated with springs and oases but there are a few instances where she has been linked to lakes and rivers. She is also the patron of seers and divination in general and has a monopoly on oracles (Chimal’s rare sanctuaries excluded). She is also seen as a goddess of beauty; resulting in more than a few scantily clad portrayals of her. Nemsis’ benevolent nature often causes her to intervene in mortal’s affairs although (unlike Monoun and the Trickster) she rarely does so directly. Evading confrontation by using dreams, visions and the occasional ‘oddly rejuvenating’ spring water instead. She, like the moon, does have her dark side however; Nemsis’ standing as goddess of beauty causes her to be prideful and if that pride is wounded she can hold an impressive grudge. She uses deceptive visions and nightmares to manipulate her victim into ruining themselves or unleashes floods or draught in her anger. She is worshiped mostly by desert-faring peoples but small shrines to her are common near springs and most wells bear her sigil. Most official sanctums of Nemsis have some kind of water feature be it a fountain, a water basin or a natural spring. She is usually depicted as a white-robed lady pouring water from a decanter or alternatively as a long-haired bathing in a spring.
She’s associated with the Air, Healing, Luck and Water domains and her favored weapon is the Mace.

Kos, God of War & Fire
Kos is the God of warfare, strength and blacksmiths and his titles include Godforge and the Brawler. He is said to have invented fire and helped Calimno and Gnosos to craft the first sentient being (though the specific race is widely debated). He is a masculine god that thrives in any sort of combat be it a grand battle or a friendly tavern brawl. When there is no battle to be found he, like most of his followers, likes to prove himself through feats of strength or works at forging his latest project (though he is not above provoking a few skirmishes). Kos is supplemented by Calimno, who focuses on expert craftsmanship opposed to Kos’ more industrial creations, and Arda, who counters his feats of brute strength with formalized trials and sportsmanship. Through his status as soldier god Kos is also commonly associated with camaraderie (resulting in more than a few friendly bar fights). He is most commonly worshipped by barbarians, soldiers, smiths and wrestlers and frequently called upon by rowdy drunks and before physical trials. He is usually depicted as a rather muscular figure either charging into battle or working at the forge; the war-banner and anvil are his symbols.
Destruction, Fire, Strength and War are his domains. Kos uses his greatsword to charge into battle.

Calimno, Solar God of Crafts & Art
Calimno, also called the Luminous One, the Desolate Nomad or simply the Artisan, is a solar deity connected to the earth and known for his many inventions and adaptability. He became a desert god when Chimal cursed him so that there would be lush grounds around his home. His most prominent creations are the Sun (stars gathered from the sky and bound together)and the first sentient beings (whom he molded from clay, Kos fired and Gnosos breathed sentience into). Calimno is the patron of all expert crafts and artistic pursuits. He is worshipped by artists, craftsmen (and guilds) and bards. He is also worshipped by the desert nomads (who pride themselves on versatility in survival) as well as transmuters and sorcerers. He is often portrayed as one of the nomads he favors usually in the mythkeeper’s tent with a mythical painting behind him.
His domains are Earth, Magic, Sun and Travel. He wields his scimitar when going into battle.

Gnosos, God of Wisdom & Knowledge
Often referred to as the Sage or the Wandering Hermit Gnosos is the deity of logic and insight. Unlike some if his siblings (Chimal & Nemsis and to a lesser extent Silva & Monoun) Gnosos isn’t all-knowing but he strives to become omniscient through unraveling the worlds mysteries and understanding the workings behind all of existence. To further this goal he wanders the planes searching for unique and abnormal occurrences to study. He is the master of forgotten tomes and arcane mysteries and is credited with the invention of the magical script and library. His relationship with the other deities is usually one of mutual indifference with the exception of the Trickster. The latter considers his desire to study in peace and quiet a personal challenge; Gnosos responds with some of the most powerful wards imaginable. He is worshipped almost universally by those who seek knowledge or insight be they scholars, mages or clergymen. His followers also include hermits (seeking to remain secluded) and advisors. He is usually called upon to prevent errors in negotiations and legislative processes. Gnosos is usually depicted as a bearded old hermit reading books by candlelight and his symbol is an open tome.
He presides over the domains of Knowledge, Magic, Protection and Travel. Gnosos favors his quarterstaff in the rare cases that he uses physical force.

Arda, Goddess of Hunting & Athletics
Known among her followers as the Huntress, Blade-dancer and Our Shieldmaiden Arda is the patron of sports as well as the goddess of combat and hunting. Though too young to have helped create the world Arda has still made a name for herself as an exceptional huntress with ties to nature. With the help of her brother Kos she struck down the Grand Wyvern Marithka and carved her bow out of its horns. Like her sibling Arda is a deity of strength and warfare but where Kos focuses on brute strength Arda is prefers more controlled acts. Her philosophy is that self-improvement should be achieved through victory despite (self-imposed) restrictions. As a result Arda favors practiced fighters and tactical rivalry over raging barbarians and chaotic brawls. She is also the goddess of formalized sports and because of her roots she is particularly fond of archery and horseback riding. She is commonly worshipped by hunters, combat mentors and sportsmen and has she a sizable following of soldiers who worship her as a protective shieldmaiden. She is often depicted as a cloaked huntress stalking through the woods or on her mount at a battlefield with either her longbow or a shield and lance. Occasionally she’s portrayed as being aided by woodland creatures such as rocs and owlbears.
Her domains are Animal, Protection, Strength and War. And her favored weapon is the longbow.

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Am trying to post mine but having huge formatting issues since mine exist in a word file with tables and formatting. Hopefully I won't have to completely re-type all of mine
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First Post
Nice pantheon Gilladian. Although the difference between Lesser and Greater Deities is rather hazy. At first I thought it was just how generalized their worship is but then you came up with lost greater deities.
So what is the exact difference? Merely difference in power/lineage?


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I'm starting my players on the Slumbering Tsar Saga (from former Necromancer Games' Bill Webb and Greg Vaughn) next weekend and I am going to use the Gods of Bard's Gate, as described in that book.

In my last homebrew campaign I used the pantheon from the Book of the Righteous from Green Ronin. Wonderful resource if you have never seen it.


Welcome! The following is cut-and-pasted from something I wrote for my old, much-loved, much-missed (well, by me at any rate) 3e homebrew...

“All politics are metaphysical” attributed to Count Tyrabidus Marphan, just prior to his initial death, Late Imperial Period, Gate Builder Era.
-- from the introduction to the CITY Book of the Dead, revised edition, University of Narayan Press, 250 Monopolis Standard Year.

The Common, Accepted CITY pantheon, excluding Hannikum:CITY: major deities

  • Aja Opal Blossom, goddess of lovers. Formerly a geisha from the Empire of the Three Pillars of Heaven (the Empire is commonly referred to as ‘Ajakhan’ --the land of Aja-- which also means ‘land of the coyly submissive’ in the primary Imperial dialect). Said to have won divinity from the entity known as Erebus as a part of a divorce settlement from him. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY.
  • St. Tarte, the Saint of Shamelessness in the Temple of Aja.

  • Belli Rex Legis, god of lawyers. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY. Also patron of the Honorable Order of the Barristers, an order of lawyer-knights.
  • Bigby Ghosthands (also Bigby Handsfree), god of valor, battle and hopeless causes. Said to have been maimed by Erebus after repeatedly challenging Him to one-on-one combat . Later granted divinity and a pair ghostly prosthetic hands by Erebus out of pity.
  • Dhalberg (also The Dreamer out of Time), the god of boredom, madness and outer space. Said to rule an Outermost Plane called “Pasadena, California”.
  • Kruetzel (the Ever-Rising), god of cooking, home, and hearth. One of the patron gods of Narayan:CITY.
  • The Maestro de Grappe, god of swashbucklers, wit, and manliness. Said to have won divinity from Erebus in a duel. Patron god of Gallina:CITY.
  • Malec Pearlhammer, god of simple machines and craftsmen, particularly jewelers. Said to be ‘all sizes at once’. Inventor of the cigar lighter.
  • Mr. Spidergod, god of money, merchants, contracts, free trade. He appears as a giant golden spider, with the so-called “Eight Perfect Jewels of Heaven” for eyes. His creed is referred to as the “Eightfold Profitable Path”.
  • Mr. Three-Legs, god of virility. Said to be both ‘the father of the Giants” and “formerly a Giant”. Legends say the Grand Chasm between the Lassantees Wastes and the Plains of Gallina was dug by his penis dragging along the ground as he walked up and down upon the earth looking for a wife.
  • Nadanya (also Nanya, Nonny Fancypants), god who dwells on Mt. Parvishta. Nominally the god of civilization and culture. Legends say Nadanya gave the gift of pants to the Yeti, thus civilizing them. Nadanya is often depicted as a large, handsome Yeti smoking a cigarette, wearing a brocade vest and pantaloons.
  • Narsisco (the Saint of Self), the un-god. Teaches followers to worship ‘the god within us all’. His church charges exorbitant fees for their so-called ’12 Station Program’ to personal deification.
  • Oroborous, serpent god of the Great Canal; also god of the underworld.
  • Pentamoor, goddess of vengeance and storms; also piracy.
  • Shialla, the goddess of those her serve unseen; also goddess of darkness and caves.
  • The Smoldering Whore of Ur-Imbra, goddess of abandoning and the abandoned. Destroyer of Ur-Imbra, and by extension the Lassantees Empire. Depicted as either a tall woman in desert garb with black pits for eyes, or as a column of fire descending from the sun.
  • Tophaceous Pairolairo (the Saint of Sinners), god of gamblers, thieves and scoundrels. Said to have won divinity from Erebus in a game of cards.

The Common, Accepted CITY pantheon (excluding Hannikum:CITY): minor deities

  • Dicastor, god of metalworking and sadness.
  • The Leeres and Pinyates, small household gods that originated in Eris:CITY. Leeres are short, red, impish creatures who peer in open windows looking for disrobing ladies. Pinyates are roughly dog-sized and said to break open and scatter minor miracles when hung up and beaten repeatably with sticks.
  • The Misery Cults (including Mewl, Mournfallow, and The Sower of Men), an almost extinct set of mystery religions of a uniformly pessimistic nature. Dicastor is sometimes considered one of them.
  • Mr. Pau Pau, the Saint of Alleyways. Depicted as a faintly luminous cat, often asleep in a flowerbed. Said to able to forgive all sins.

The Infallible Revelation of the Hannikum Monotheon:

  • God (also Al ha’Kum, “The Only One”), the Creator of All, the Most Mighty, the Most Merciful, etc. Only the Priest-King of the Hannikum Church worships Him directly. The rest of the faithful pray to Him indirectly through an array of venerated saints.

  • Mr. Cradle-Casket, saint of death and duty.
  • Mr. Featherbones, saint of martyrs and missionaries. Often depicted as a Shirac.
  • Mr. Skinflower, saint of fertility (female).
  • Mr. Jaguar, saint of war, strength, prowess. Said to live in the sun.
  • Mr. Onyx, saint of divinely sanctioned murder. Said to be "black as the last night of the world, and made of knives".
  • Mr. Redlips, saint of blood and healing. Patron of the Order of the Bloody Hospitaliers.
  • Mr. Skull Monkey, saint of chance and fate, said to embody the unknowable nature of God. Often depicted as a skeletal monkey-man (Hannu)

The Gods of the Barbarians:

  • Tiki-Ishii, fire god of the scattered Polyneecheean (Ping Island) tribes. Formerly a volcano.
  • The Voice of Thunder, The Wolf With Many Jaws, The Smoke Bear, etc., Aspects of the One God worshiped by the far-flung barbarian tribes outside of CITY.
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The hidden assumption of my world is that the Primordials won the dawn war,
broke the world, reformed it then settled in and began to act like gods.

Eldri Coast | gods | Obsidian Portal

The world is too fragile for the new gods to fight over, so they agreed that each would rule the world for an "Age" then a new god would take over.
While a god was ruling the world he could provide prophecies, create avatars to walk the earth and generally adjust the rules of the universe.

Currently its the age of Fire (magic) and in the last 100 years, sorcerers, psions, bards, artificers, 4 new brands of warlocks have all come to be. New magic items and rituals are rampant. In one famous incident rituals appeared written in clouds, to be copied freely down by anyone within 100 miles. (PCs were not involved but keep hoping it will happen again)

The PCs also helped some more powerful adventures kill a dragon king, even though an angel appeared and proclaimed him under he protection of heaven. This does not worry them as much as it should


In my game the God/Gods were blocked from World when the Angels fought amongst themselves over the Book of Creation and scattered it upon the land. Runic magic is the basis for all magic in the land, although rumor's of a mysterious group using spoken word's to use magic is said to be trying to open the way to the Divine.

Here is a bit from when my players and I hashed out the details.

Three centuries ago a battle raged in the Heaven’s. During the struggle the Book of Creation was ripped apart and the pages fell to the earth. As the first page touched land the World was created anew. With this new ordering of things the God’s were separated from the world, their power slowly waning as they faded into nothingness.

The Grigori(Angels), bereft of guidance and diminished in power, continued the struggle that led to this New Ordering. Soon a handful seized power and named themselves Angel-Kings, the rest changed further and spread throughout the land. Each of the Angel-Kings gathered servants from the newly remade mortal races to their cause, some even fathered children with these mortal beings and these Nephilim(Deva) became the rulers most trusted Champions.

Soon after, the first Page of the Book was found by the Dwarves. Using the secrets they learned from the Page they discovered the power of Runic Magic. Before long all the Dwarvish creations were inscribed with Runes to imbue them with magic. Other Kingdom’s found pieces of the Book and used them to inscribe new magic.

Now the various Kingdoms struggle for control of these Pages of Creation. Two decades of peace are being forgotten as whispers of War spread throughout Nibiru. Angel-Kings plot and scheme as everyone vies for the Book of Creation.
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For my current 4e campaign, with MUCH hacking of flavor for certain races. These guys are actually former PCs from a different campaign that took place EONS before this one (in game time). Yes, we had at one time, 10 PCs. It was a big game.

Ris: God of the Sun. The most worshipped by the peoples of the former Girai Empire, Ris is commonly depicted and seen as a man with a long shinning beard and several golden finches flying around him. He is married to Sinidir, goddess of the moon, and the Tiefling race believe themselves to be his chosen people, having been given the ability to resist fire, and with their reddish skin-tones, they believe themselves to have been "kissed by the Sun."

Some heretics believe that in fact Ris is a former Dragonborn paladin of a previous sun-god, who took up the mantle when his diety fell in battle, forsaking his name and legacy to stop the populous from panicking.

Sinidir: Goddess of the moon, patroness of thieves and lovers. Ascended from a brilliant and mischievous thief from eons passed, Sinidir stole Ris' heart (some believe this to be quite literal) and became his bride.

Revi/ Razgriz: The one-horned god of Cities and Magic, or the Demon Scourge of Civilization. Revi is generally depicted as an eccentric one-horned Tiefling that spends much of his time working in a laboratory in an incredibly dense mountain range, creating new technologies that he will then gift to the world at some pre-determined point.

Razgriz is an alternate interpretation of Revi, and is known as the Demon Scourge, one so mad that he will rampage and destroy all that he passes. Neither the Scourge, nor Revi have been heard from in several decades.

Krank: Lord of Battle and Glory. Krank is the god most prayed to when conflict is on, and is shown as a Warforged in gleaming armor. He has a strict "no hurting the innocent" policy, and is ruthless in its enforcement. He is invoked at the start of battles, and at the outset of organized competitions. Krank is also the God of thunderstorms on land.

Caravost: God of Travelers. He's most worshiped by itinerants and wanderers. He's also the Patron of the needy, and many samaritan temples are run in his name.

Aza: Lady of Nature, she rules the wild places, and is the goddess with the most earthly children. Her progeny are the most renowned hunters throughout history. She is also the Goddess of Storms at Sea, and her temper with the other gods is legend. She and Krank tend to argue a lot.

Fione: Goddess of Learning and Scholarly Pursuits, all universities and libraries are in her name and serve as her temples. She also is the goddess of medicine, and most healers look to her for guidance.

Lahz: God of Cunning and Lies, Lahz is the lord of those that want to get ahead. Many merchants pray to him for cleverness, though those that wish to gain illegitimate power come to him as well. He's also sometimes worshiped by warriors that favor brutality over honor. He's constantly vying for more authority in the pantheon, and will stop at nothing to wrest power from Ris and Revi.

The Raven Queen: Goddess of Death and the Dying. She shepherds and guards the souls of those who have passed into the next realm, and keeps those who are meant to be dead from rising again. Given incentive, she sometimes bargains with those passed to come back to fulfill some purpose. She's currently missing. It's causing issues.

Sonny: Lord of the Deep Places. He's the patron of all miners and the dwarves look to him for guidance. Unlike most traditional dwarves, Sonny is always shown clean-shaven. No one's sure why.


When I first rolled up a Cleric for our game I was told I could worship any deity or deities I wished. "What are the campaign setting deities?" I asked. "Anything you want that fits the alignment you choose." So anything, basically (except chaos, the barred alignment).

My first thought was Sifl & Olly, the sock puppets. Much to my detriment I went with "the goodly gods" instead. Oh how I wish now I went with a pantheon of sock puppets and Saturday morning cartoon deities. Don't let the same opportunity pass you by. :)

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