How Do You Coordinate Your Gaming Sessions?

How do you schedule and coordinate your gaming sessions?

  • Email chain

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • Text message thread

    Votes: 21 39.6%
  • Shared online calendar

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Discord channel

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • Facebook group

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Telephone calls

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Twitter thread

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • EN World forum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MS Teams

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Other (describe below)

    Votes: 11 20.8%

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Thats the average sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less. It is rather amusing some of the things that derail the thread from our RPG game
Im pretty sure Id be considered high functioning alcoholic. Then again, I think the medical definition of binge drinking is doing anything more than smelling a beverage and throwing it over your shoulder.


Im pretty sure Id be considered high functioning alcoholic. Then again, I think the medical definition of binge drinking is doing anything more than smelling a beverage and throwing it over your shoulder.
My doctor told me I couldn't have any more than 5 drinks in a 24-hour period. I told my friends and they laughed and said more like 5 drinks in an hour. Seriously the definition is ridiculous, I don't remember what it is because I don't care but it's something like if you get drunk more than 3 times a year or have more than "x" drinks in a sitting once a month you're an alcoholic. Anyhow this topic is for another thread.

aramis erak

My gaming group and I always struggle to coordinate our busy schedules with our gaming schedules. It seems that no matter how many tools I use, no matter how many text messages or emails I send out, there is always at least one person who refuses to participate.
At some point in the 90's, I gave up coordination. I pick a night, let anybody I am willing to let play know, and those who show are they who play.

If players are regulars, they get invited to a discord channel for letting me know if they can/cannot make session. I have a hard rule: I don't run for less than half the regulars.

My Wed game is at the FLGS, my Sun is via Discord. They have different channels. They sometimes overlap membership.

There's only one player whose schedule and tastes I really need to consider deeply: my wife's. This isn't to say the others' prefs don't matter - my regulars have deep amounts of input on what hits the table, and no hard feelings if one or two opt not to play X, Y, nor Z.


Moderator Emeritus
I have the same method for both my in-person group and my face-to-face group.

We schedule the next session at the end of each session.

Group A (local), used to play Saturday afternoon every 3 to 5 weeks (rarely 2, sometimes 6), but when necessary we do Friday (or another weekday) evening. We recently moved to Sundays.

Group B (remote) plays Saturday - every 3 to 5 weeks - starting at 11 am ET to accommodate players in time zones as distinct as Milan, Italy and Los Angeles, CA (everyone else is on the east coast).

In addition to the scheduling mentioned above, I update the front page (and session list page) of both games' wikis with the date. Early in the week of the session, I send out a reminder email to everyone - for Group A, I also follow up in our What's App group, for Group B, I also follow-up on Discord.

When the scheduled session has to be changed we usually hammer out the new date either over Discord (group B) or What's App (group A).


We schedule the next session at the end of each session.
Thats pretty much what we do too but with an understanding that its tentative.
In addition to the scheduling mentioned above, I update the front page (and session list page) of both games' wikis with the date.
I used to do this, but it was long ago when wikis weren't readily available, so I had to create a website. I have thought about doing it again with a wiki but I'm not sure that my players would remember it if they even read it. Then again in their defense there has been many a start of a session where were doing a re-cap and I don't remember any of it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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