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Posy is back! Posy's Diary, New and Improved with poll(tm)! Please vote!

What do you think of this story hour?

  • It is my favorite Story Hour! Does Posy have a phone number?

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • It is in my top five! Posy is charming and funny!

    Votes: 25 52.1%
  • I check it when I see it has a recent post. It’s entertaining, and I recommend it to others.

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • I don’t like it very much.

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • This is not a good Story Hour at all. Stop writing.

    Votes: 3 6.3%


Great updates! The battle scene was awesome, and I love the depth of background info that you provide in the "in-town" scenes. I'm curious--how much of the cultural information is your invention, and how much has been adapted from published game sources? Either way, stellar thread, Posy is one of my favorite story hour characters!

5 stars!


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First Post
I used mostly published or web resources and adapted them. Some of it is taking an idea from those sources and really runnign with it, taking it to an extreme or logical conclusion. Posy's sorcerous origin was like that, which led to her having a great-great-great grandma Bonicka.

There is a great write up on Verbobonc at Viscounty and Free Town of Verbobonc, and the gnomish, dwarvish, and halflings cultural things are taken from the Dragon magazine issues on those races.

Dizzyboff is a game from the Dragon Magazine article on gnome games.

The halfling funeral and the general atmosphere of Raddo's death come from both Dragon Magazine and personal experience.

I like those articles a lot, not necessarily because I agree with them all, but they at least show some level of consistency with the idea of a particular race and attack it intelligently. I enjoyed the gnome issue quite a bit because it really coincided with my idea of Posy's upbringing.

The next installments kind of take an un-Greyhawkian lurch, because the new DM didn't have a framework from Greyhawk to work with, but it's not a bad thing. He and I worked together to shoehorn his adventure into the Kron Hills area. I'm going over to his place tonight, so I might be able to get an installment in really soon. :D

Last edited:


First Post
Dear Diary,

I wrote that last entry while Ord was saying his morning prayers to Clangeddin. We are all pretty quiet this morning.

Well, we certainly learned one thing. Never go to sleep wounded. We should have used Ord’s wand before we went to sleep, and thank Clangeddin, Glittergold, and any other deity within range that we survived, but it wouldn’t have been so bad had we all not been wounded. I was still able to make a difference with the wand of magic missiles, and the battle prowess of Gimil and Ord is not dependent on having spells, but Rattlin went down fast and Ord almost died, too.

We were so exhausted that we just fell asleep among the bodies, but not until Ord had fully healed all of us. Gimil took another watch, then I took one, then Rattlin made breakfast. During his watch Gimil hauled all the bodies off behind a clump of bushes. There were fourteen there. I’ve never seen so much blood, the air has a copper tang to it from the smell.

Bugbears were always used to scare me when I was a little girl. We were raised knowing about goblins and training to fight them, but bugbears, though the are goblinoids, were more a source of fear than anything. “Don’t let the bugbears eat you!” Mom used to ssay if I was going to be out late.

I’m surprised I didn’t run away screaming like a baby last night, but I guess having been able to defeat so many earlier in the day made me less afraid. Gimil is so ashamed at having let himself get snuck up on that he’s doing extra hard work to make up for it. He doesn’t need to, bugbears are known for their stealth. I think I’ll remind him of that and see if he feels better. Be right back, Dear Diary.

Well, he didn’t say anything, but he relaxed. It’s funny; ever since Ember came to me I’ve been a lot more insightful, even with the dwarves. They are hard to read; you can barely see their face for their beard. With them, it’s all in the eyes and the shoulders. With Gimil, it’s in the hands, too. He has so much energy and strength, that when he tries to hold anything in it leaks out his hands. He clenches them, twists them - anything with them to keep them active. Ord holds all his emotions in his shoulders. High, tensed shoulders happen when we tease him about the elf thing. :)

We’re back on the trail back to the Low Road now. We just sat down and talked about what we should do. Harnekiah aside, all our nerves are a little shaken, and we almost decided to go back to Merboek and rest a day. After a little talk, and some encouragement by the dwarves, and we decided to press on to Hommlet.

But first, some good old Harnekian chanting. We are a four-person Harnekian celebration! Ord says that he’ll have to speak to one of his priests, but he thinks what we did yesterday shows unusual favor by Clangeddin. I was properly respectful.

I woke up with some new channels to my powers. I’m able to toss these little balls of ice, like magic missiles only unguided. I can throw three of them, and I can throw three magic missiles, too. I think it’s interesting how I can feel it and know it. I get a fuzzy sort of mental picture and a surge of power to my fingertips. I think these ice balls spheres hit a little harder than missiles, but don’t hit as often.

The most interesting thing I can do now, that I can feel, is this splendor spell. That one has been hard to figure out, because it’s not a physical thing. I feel though, that when I cast it, others will see me as more powerful, forceful, and persuasive. It lasts a long time, about as long as the armor spell. Fear me! I am the almighty Posy! Ha ha ha! I think Ember would then trip me and make me fall over if I got too big a head. She’s very gnomish that way.

I’m full of power today. I have a sort of hummy feeling, and I feel like I could make sparks just by touching things.

The Low Road does a funny jog between the villages of Nulb and Hommlet. After it leaves Merboek, it goes down to Hommlet and continues through Nulb through the Gnarley forest. South of Nulb, on another road from Hommlet, is the village of Blaisingdell and a second road connects Nulb and Blaisingdell. There is a less frequently used road that goes through some hills right to Nulb, though, and we are at that fork in the trail. The information that we got at the funeral said that the banditry was happening around Nulb, so we are going to take this less traveled road and go to Nulb first, then Hommlet. Got that, Dear Diary? Low Road: Merboek-Hommlet-Nulb-Parts East. Nulb Road: Merboek-Nulb. Blaisingdell Road: Nulb-Blaisingdell. Right.

So, we set out among the hills to Nulb. The road is not a great one, as it goes up and down a bit through the hills, but it’s a very nice day, and I set about trying to lift spirits with a little song on the lute. We should have a name for our group. Posy’s Marauders! No, we’re nicer than marauders. The Champions of Harnekiah! Might get some dwarves steamed up. Twenty-one Bugbear Stew! No Elves Here, Just Short Folk! Three Clods and a Flower!

Rattlin just came back from his shift up front and asked why I was laughing. Some of his suggestions: The Clangers of Clangeddin. What’s a Dwarf? Twenty-one Sword Salute to Bugbears. Hee hee.

We are heading down into a little narrow gap between two hills. It's abouth noon, and pretty soon we'll be stopping to eat.

We just heard a woman’s screams! Ord’s whipping the mules up while Gimil runs ahead! Write more later!

I tried to put this up yesterday, but things were so slow it wouldn't take. :confused:



Hey, Oghma, thanks for such a fast fulfillment of my request! :)

What a lovely way of saying "the party healed, slept and Posy gained a level and some spells"!!!!!
I love Posy's diary!


Last time I beg for an update and I was given an update.
Today I'm going to retry the trick...

Oghma, give us more Posy!


First Post
I'm not sure how Posy would react to a friendly bump...

Probably giggle and turn your drink blue, or something. :D

I'm re-creating the next battle, which I may be able to complete tonight or tomorrow night. Soon it will be easier, since I started recording round-by-round action in our battles after I got really tired of trying to re-create them from memory. As levels go up, so do options, and so do the options of the NPC's. This makes it really complicated to remember, especially since these events took place over two months ago.

I'm re-creating the battles because I'm trying to stick as close to the actual campaign as possible, with the occasional background filler or non-campaign storyline only when the story needs it. The campaign has been exciting enough, it doesn't need much in the way of amplification.

This battle also inaugurates the new DM, and it was a pretty fun battle.


A new DM? I must have missed that.

Twenty one Bugbear Stew!!!!


Jeez, no pressure Oghma, but I really look forward to your updates.


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