Practiced Feat


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Practiced Manifester (From Complete Psionic)
Practiced Spellcaster (From Complete Arcana)

Same thing, first for Psionic Class, the second for arcane and divine spellcaster. Both seems good for multi-class character and not unbalance.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
You don't need me, but Yes to Practised Spellcaster :)

Practised Manifester is still too much of a boon to someone dipping around for a few levels and using Augmented version of low level powers (Cerebromancer, I'm looking at you!) since only the PP will be lower in that case (and the Cerebromancer at least makes up for this with spells).

Rystil Arden

First Post
I'm a little late with this, but we're going to need to qualify Practised Manifester further because it is written extremely poorly (seems a cut-and-paste from Practised Spellcaster). So:

A) You don't get more PP from high stats (seems like a no-brainer, but based on the wording, you would, since PP from high stats is manifester level dependent)

B) An Ardent can't pick a higher-level power known using it (the way Ardent is worded, you can take any power known that you can pay for, and with PM, you can pay for higher-level powers)


If the portion of the text

"It only increases your manifester level, which helps you overcome power resistance and increases the duration and other effects of your powers."

Is taken much more strictly and were written (or just read) more like this:

"It only increases your manifester level for the purposes of overcoming power resistance and increasing the duration and other effects of your spells."

I think we would be okay. That way it explicitly states what it covers rather than using a term that has been applied to many other cases (as you mentioned).

Voidrunner's Codex

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