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D&D 5E Pre-Generated Character Repository


First Post
All 8 pages saved as HTML Complete and zipped up. We might work out later how to port them into the ENWorld scheme of things.

n.b. character sheet pdfs that were attached to some of the posts are NOT included.


  • Pre-Generated Character Repository _ The Wizards Community.zip
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First Post
Yikes. That's gonna be a lot of work.

Yup. I don't relish the prospect of turning 300-odd WotC posts into 300-odd ENWorld posts, most of them with images, by hand. I might try writing some software to do it. I have some ideas but still at the formative stage.


First Post
The format of the character profiles is fairly standardised so some software that extracts the meat of the data from each post and exports it in BBCode is not beyond the bounds of possibility. Uploading the images needs thinking about, though. I might have to do it manually and that could get tedious. However, I've hand-crafted the very first post in the thread to see how it might look:

1st-level Wood Elf Rogue
Medium Male Humanoid
Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 35 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60ft.
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment chaotic good
Languages common, elvish, thieves' cant

Background - Criminal
Feature: Criminal Contact
Criminal Specialty: Hired Killer
Proficiency (+2)
Tools: Thieves’ Tools, Playing Cards, Poisoner’s Kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Thieves' Cant
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild

Acrobatics +5, Athletics +2, Persuasion +3, Insight +4, Perception +6 (expertise), Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +7 (expertise)

Melee Attacks — Short Sword/Dagger: +5/+5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature).
Hit: 1d6+3/1d4 piercing damage
Ranged Attack —Dagger: +5 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Longbow: +5 to hit (range 150/600 ft; one creature).
Hit: 1d8+3 piercing damage

shortsword, longbow, 2 daggers, 40 arrows, studded leather armor, oil flask, crowbar, thieves’ tools, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, 50 feet of hempen rope, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, winter blanket, healer's kit, common clothes, locket containing a seedling, pouch 6 gp, 9 sp.

Appearance: I have rich, copper-colored skin, and hazel eyes. I wear my black hair in a mass of thin braids that spill over my shoulders to the middle of my back. I bear a Thayan slave brand tattooed across my forehead.
Traits: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong. I am incredibly slow to trust; those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.
Ideals: Freedom: Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
Bond: Secreted within the locket that I wear around my neck, I bear a seedling of Fanhadon, the Great Tree from which my people took their name. I will not rest until I have found a place to plant the seedling so that my tribe can be born anew. I owe it to my ancestors. I will trust in my dream visions to guide the way.
Flaw: I am wanted in Thay for killing the nephew of a tharchion. There is a considerable bounty on my head.

[sblock=BACK STORY]
Nocking a black-hafted arrow and drawing it back against his cheek, he threaded his way through the trees with practiced grace, a silent apparition, his senses primed to detect the slightest movement or sound. The faintest echo of a snapping twig brought him up short, pausing where the shadows pooled in the lee of an ancient oak, his brow furrowed in concentration, his upturned, hazel eyes drinking in the forested landscape, scanning the brush for the source of the sound. And then, he spotted it— the flash of a russet haunch flickering through the boles of the trees some one hundred paces to his left. With the suddenness of a saber cat, he exploded into motion, his green cloak swirling as he pivoted, loosing his shaft with the unerring eye of a huntsman born.

As far as I know, I am the last surviving member of my tribe. We called ourselves the Fanhaen, and we were a peaceful folk, content to practice our woodcraft far from the prying eyes of men, living as one with the natural order of things deep within the heart of the Yuirwood.

Secreted within the locket that I wear around my neck, I bear a seedling of Fanhadon, the Great Tree from which we took our name. The same tree that had sheltered us and given us life from time immemorial, burned to ash in a single night of horrors that will live on in my nightmares for as long as I walk the earth. It began as a night like any other. The Thayan war party crept up on us while we slept, slipping past our sentries undetected with the aid of their hell-spawned magic. Like butchers, they set about their work, and the air was soon filled with the screams of the dying. They slaughtered young and old alike, sparing a scant few of the children for transport to the Thayan slave pens. My older sister, Shaori, and I were among these few survivors.

Our captors treated us worse than dogs, but I vowed to remain strong for the sake of my sister, for she had been born without the gift of sight and I had always served as her eyes. The man who bought us was a highborn devil named Yakovel, third in line to the Tharchion of Priador. His first act as our master was to press my gentle sister into service as a common harlot. I myself was inducted into a brutal training program engineered to produce highly skilled infiltrators and assassins. Many of the boys who began the training with me did not survive. I persevered for no other reason than that my sister depended on me.

In the years that followed, I performed unspeakable acts in the name of our master. I had numerous opportunities to escape, but I would not leave Shaori behind. Perhaps she sensed that she was holding me back, or perhaps she finally lost the will to live. Whatever the case, I stole into Shaori’s chambers one morning only to find her corpse cooling in the sun, an empty bottle of hemlock clutched in one hand, and this locket in the other.

The rest of that day is a blur to me… Waiting amidst the gardenias for my master to appear on his nightly stroll… Slipping past the body guards to bury my dagger in his chest… Hurtling over the wall and disappearing into the shadowy byways of the market district before the general hue and cry could be raised. I should have felt anger, elation, or crushing despair. Instead, I felt only emptiness.

I managed to steal aboard a trading vessel that was bound for Sembia the next day. That night, as I sank into an exhausted trance amidst the crates and barrels littering the ship’s hold, I experienced the first of my dream visions. Shaori appeared to me, garbed in the ceremonial gear and body paint of a Fanhaen warrior priestess. She told me of the seedling secreted in the locket, and implored me to journey west that I might seek out a glade hidden from the prying eyes of men in which to plant the seed and reconstitute our tribe. She promised to appear to me again with further guidance when the time was right.

I made my way westward to Neverwinter, where I plied my trade as a freelance thief for a time before receiving an offer from a well-meaning old stump named Gundren Rockseeker. He had caught me with my hand in his pocket, but instead of involving the local authorities, he offered me a chance at “rehabilitation”. Somewhat amused, and lacking any brighter prospects at the time, I consented to his offer.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Testing Merric's importer.

Originally posted by Leugren:


1st-level Wood Elf Rogue 
Medium Male Humanoid
Armor Class
 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 35 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60ft.    
Str 10 (+0)  Dex 16 (+3)  Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0)  Wis 14 (+2)  Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment chaotic good
Languages common, elvish, thieves' cant
Background - Criminal
    Feature: Criminal Contact
    Criminal Specialty: Hired Killer
Proficiency (+2)
   Tools: Thieves’ Tools, Playing Cards, Poisoner’s Kit
   Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Thieves' Cant
Keen Senses
Fey Ancestry
Elf Weapon Training
Fleet of Foot
Mask of the Wild
Acrobatics +5, Athletics +2, Persuasion +3, Insight +4, Perception +6 (expertise), Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +7 (expertise)
Melee Attacks— Short Sword/Dagger:
 +5/+5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d6+3/1d4 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Dagger: +5 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d4+3 piercing damage 
Ranged Attack—Longbow: +5 to hit (range 150/600 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d8+3 piercing damage
shortsword, longbow, 2 daggers, 40 arrows, studded leather armor, oil flask, crowbar, thieves’ tools, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, 50 feet of hempen rope, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, winter blanket, healer's kit, common clothes, locket containing a seedling, pouch 6 gp, 9 sp.
Appearance: I have rich, copper-colored skin, and hazel eyes.  I wear my black hair in a mass of thin braids that spill over my shoulders to the middle of my back.  I bear a Thayan slave brand tattooed across my forehead.
Traits: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong. I am incredibly slow to trust;  those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.
Ideals: Freedom: Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)
Bond: Secreted within the locket that I wear around my neck, I bear a seedling of Fanhadon, the Great Tree from which my people took their name.  I will not rest until I have found a place to plant the seedling so that my tribe can be born anew.  I owe it to my ancestors. I will trust in my dream visions to guide the way.
Flaw: I am wanted in Thay for killing the nephew of a tharchion.  There is a considerable bounty on my head.
[sblock]Nocking a black-hafted arrow and drawing it back against his cheek, he threaded his way through the trees with practiced grace, a silent apparition, his senses primed to detect the slightest movement or sound.  The faintest echo of a snapping twig brought him up short, pausing where the shadows pooled in the lee of an ancient oak, his brow furrowed in concentration, his upturned, hazel eyes drinking in the forested landscape, scanning the brush for the source of the sound.  And then, he spotted it— the flash of a russet haunch flickering through the boles of the trees some one hundred paces to his left.  With the suddenness of a saber cat, he exploded into motion, his green cloak swirling as he pivoted, loosing his shaft with the unerring eye of a huntsman born.  
As far as I know, I am the last surviving member of my tribe.  We called ourselves the Fanhaen, and we were a peaceful folk, content to practice our woodcraft far from the prying eyes of men, living as one with the natural order of things deep within the heart of the Yuirwood.
Secreted within the locket that I wear around my neck, I bear a seedling of Fanhadon, the Great Tree from which we took our name.  The same tree that had sheltered us and given us life from time immemorial, burned to ash in a single night of horrors that will live on in my nightmares for as long as I walk the earth. It began as a night like any other. The Thayan war party crept up on us while we slept, slipping past our sentries undetected with the aid of their hell-spawned magic.  Like butchers, they set about their work, and the air was soon filled with the screams of the dying.  They slaughtered young and old alike, sparing a scant few of the children for transport to the Thayan slave pens. My older sister, Shaori, and I were among these few survivors. 
Our captors treated us worse than dogs, but I vowed to remain strong for the sake of my sister, for she had been born without the gift of sight and I had always served as her eyes. The man who bought us was a highborn devil named Yakovel, third in line to the Tharchion of Priador. His first act as our master was to press my gentle sister into service as a common harlot.  I myself was inducted into a brutal training program engineered to produce highly skilled infiltrators and assassins. Many of the boys who began the training with me did not survive.  I persevered for no other reason than that my sister depended on me.  
In the years that followed, I performed unspeakable acts in the name of our master.  I had numerous opportunities to escape, but I would not leave Shaori behind.  Perhaps she sensed that she was holding me back, or perhaps she finally lost the will to live.  Whatever the case, I stole into Shaori’s chambers one morning only to find her corpse cooling in the sun, an empty bottle of hemlock clutched in one hand, and this locket in the other.  
The rest of that day is a blur to me…  Waiting amidst the gardenias for my master to appear on his nightly stroll… Slipping past the body guards to bury my dagger in his chest… Hurtling over the wall and disappearing into the shadowy byways of the market district before the general hue and cry could be raised.  I should have felt anger, elation, or crushing despair.  Instead, I felt only emptiness.
I managed to steal aboard a trading vessel that was bound for Sembia the next day.  That night, as I sank into an exhausted trance amidst the crates and barrels littering the ship’s hold, I experienced the first of my dream visions.  Shaori appeared to me, garbed in the ceremonial gear and body paint of a Fanhaen warrior priestess.  She told me of the seedling secreted in the locket, and implored me to journey west that I might seek out a glade hidden from the prying eyes of men in which to plant the seed and reconstitute our tribe.  She promised to appear to me again with further guidance when the time was right. 
I made my way westward to Neverwinter, where I plied my trade as a freelance thief for a time before receiving an offer from a well-meaning old stump named Gundren Rockseeker.   He had caught me with my hand in his pocket, but instead of involving the local authorities, he offered me a chance at “rehabilitation”.  Somewhat amused, and lacking any brighter prospects at the time, I consented to his offer.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Lord_Ventnor:


Tark Stonefire1st Level Mountain Dwarf Wizard
Medium Male Humanoid
Amor Class 14 (Hide Armor)
Hit Points 8 (1d6)
Speed 25 ft.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.
Str 14 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Con 15 (+2)
Int 15 (+2) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 08 (-1)
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Languages Common, Dwarven
Background - Military
  Feature: Military Rank
  Specialty: Infantry
Proficiency (+2)
  Tools: Brewer's Supplies, Playing Card Set, Vehicle (Land)
  Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Arcana (+4), History (+4*), Athletics (+4), Intimidate (+1)
* Stonecunning: Any History Check made to determine the origin of Stonework is +6 instead.
Melee Attack -- Warhammer: +4 to hit (reach 5; one creature)
Hit: 1d8+2 bashing damage
Ranged Cantrip -- Fire Bolt: +4 to hit (120 feet;  one creature)
Hit: 1d10 fire damage, or unattended object is set on fire
Cantrips Known: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion
1st Level Spells: Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Sleep
1st Level Spells: Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Mage Armor
1st Level: 2/2
Warhammer, Rod (Arcane Focus), Explorer's Pouch, Spellbook, Insignia of Rank, Broken Orcish Blade, Deck of Cards, Set of Common Clothes, Belt Pouch, Hide Armor, 0 GP
Traits: I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones; I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
Ideal: I do what I must and obey just authority. (Lawful)
Bond: My honor is my life.
Flaw: I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many lives -- and I would do anything to keep that mistake a secret.
Tark Stonefire served in a Dwarven Army for many years; initially he was an Infantryman, but he later began to learn the art of magic without a mentor and thus assumed a more artillery role. However, he became more and more arrogant as he learned to bend the forces of the cosmos to his will, and it lead to his greatest mistake. During one particularly fierce battle, Tark cast a Sleep spell which was intended to knock down a group of enemies for the infantry to mop up. However, due to not paying attention, Tark ended up casting the spell on a group of his own soldiers, who were set upon by an orcish squad that cut them to pieces. The battle was eventually won and the mishap was blamed on an orcish shaman who had been participating in the battle. However, Tark couldn't live with the guilt and resigned. He stopped studying magic for many years, but eventually he couldn't stay away. Tark eventually decided to take a long trip to try and understand magic itself. He resolved, however, to never let his hubris get any other comrade killed ever again. 


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Working perfectly. I assume the images will disappear when the WotC forums go down though.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:

1st-level Human Rogue 
Medium Male Humanoid

Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Sense Normal    
Str 09 (-1)  Dex 16 (+3)  Con 15 (+2)
Int 13 (+1)  Wis 14 (+2)  Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment neutral evil
Languages common, chondathan, thieves' cant
Background Criminal [Criminal Contact]
   Personality Traits: The first thing i do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable-or where such things could be hidden
   Ideal: Greed. I will do whatever it takes to beome wealthy.
   Bond: I will become the greatest thief that ever lived.
   Flaw: When i see something valuable, i can't think about anything but how to steal it.
Proficiency (+2)
  Tools: Thieve's Tool, Playing Cards
  Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skill Acobatics +5, Athletics +4, Deception +2, Investigation +3, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Sneak Attack (1d6)
Melee Attacks— Short Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Dagger: +5 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d4 piercing damage 
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +5 to hit (range 80/320 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d6+3 piercing damage
Equipment: 2 shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, studded leather armor, oil flask, crowbar, thieves’ tools, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, 50 feet of hempen rope, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, winter blanket, zhentarim gold coin, common clothes, hat, bandana, a diary with seven missing pages, pouch 5 gp, 8 cp.
Dravos [DRAV-us] was born 23 winters ago in late 1465 DR in Zhentil Keep. Born son of a prostitute mother and a Zentilar father, he suffered unspeakable mistreatments during his youth, until he could flee. Dravos started working as a dock hand at the age of 14, and sailed away as soon as he could, navigating on the Moonsea wherever ships offering work would take him. He eventually crossed the wrong kind, a pirate ship called The Tortula, a trading vessel operating for the Zhentarim, also known as the black network. He soon started to delve into piratry and has become a buccaneer ever since. Between assignments on whatever ships he can find, Dravos look for mercenary work on land. Selfish by nature, he only cares about himself and how much he can make, this by any means necessary. Dravos is a tall bald man who covers his head under a leather hat and a bandana. Blind of one eye resulting from an “accident” he won’t just tell about, he had it recently sewed shut. Dravos wears a leather vest and belt covered of fake gold trinket made of tarnished brass and carry typical sailors’ weapons, a curved hilted short sword known as a cutlass and a hilted parrying dagger also called a main-gauche.


Eternal Optimist
Working perfectly. I assume the images will disappear when the WotC forums go down though.

Almost perfectly. I noticed a linebreak was missing after the "Tark" name/heading. Should now exist in the newest version.

I know - in theory - how to save the images. (My program is quite capable of downloading each). I just don't know what site to put them on afterwards.


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