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Preview of "Dungeons & Dragons" #1, on sale today!

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Bump to say that this finally got released on the iOS app (I think IDW's schedule is a one-month delay for electronic release) and I really enjoyed it, laughing out loud at various points. I suppose some people would say I'm easily pleased, but I think John Rogers has deliberately chosen to write something that feels like D&D being played, rather than the 'worthier' fiction written in the D&D (or other fantasy) universes. This isn't a fantasy novel in comic form - it's a comic reflecting a D&D campaign. It's also clear he doesn't care that he's drawing on the stereotypes: you read the comic and know exactly where you are (plenty of other outlets for brooding dark elves and lecherous ancient wizards...!)

I guess #2 will be out in hard copy soon? I'm looking forward to next month when it reaches the iPad!


It always amazes me how critical everyone on the internet can be. I know, by now I should be used to it but for some reason it never fails to amaze me. It's possible that I'm easy to please but I remember the old Dungeons and Dragon comic and while I liked that one, this one is, in my opinion, much better.

I like the art in this comic a lot and the dialogue is snappy and entertaining. You could say that the writer is being stereotypical (snooty elf, dour dwarf and new for 2010 scary/creepy tiefling) but I actually think he's just painting in a very broad brush. When you introduce this many characters in such a short amount of time (which he has to do to fit the concept of D&D party) you have to introduce their archetypes so the character's stand out. After that then you can go back and add in a little shading (not unlike how you might draw a character).

Well that's my two cents.

Dire Bare

It always amazes me how critical everyone on the internet can be. I know, by now I should be used to it but for some reason it never fails to amaze me. It's possible that I'm easy to please but I remember the old Dungeons and Dragon comic and while I liked that one, this one is, in my opinion, much better.

I like the art in this comic a lot and the dialogue is snappy and entertaining. You could say that the writer is being stereotypical (snooty elf, dour dwarf and new for 2010 scary/creepy tiefling) but I actually think he's just painting in a very broad brush. When you introduce this many characters in such a short amount of time (which he has to do to fit the concept of D&D party) you have to introduce their archetypes so the character's stand out. After that then you can go back and add in a little shading (not unlike how you might draw a character).

Well that's my two cents.

I agree, and we've already seen some of it. Pay attention to the dwarf's lamenting about his love in the tavern. In issue #2, there is a character sheet for the dwarf, and gives a bit more of his background . . . a very interesting character is shaping up here! Interesting hints about the backgrounds of the other heroes have already been dropped also.

IMO, this is the best D&D comic run yet, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it!


I thought the comic was great. I hate their attempt at making Adric an Essentials Fighter though. It just shows that there are many people at WotC who do not play the game.


By the way, did the print version of #1 have a character sheet? The iPad edition didn't, and #2 isn't out on iPad yet (probably not until mid-January).


By the way, did the print version of #1 have a character sheet? The iPad edition didn't, and #2 isn't out on iPad yet (probably not until mid-January).

Yes it had a write up for Adric. They made him a Level 7 Knight (Instead of a Warlord like the writer said in last summer's interview) He had +2 Chainmail and a +2 Light Shield and had a 26 AC .

Issue 2 isn't out yet in printed form either.

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