• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Preview of the new D&D COmic!

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First Post
So you've worked in cartoons, live action TV, movies, comics, D&D products. When are you branching into video games? Fashion modeling? Interpretive dance?

As for the comic, how independent is it from WotC's release schedule. Have you been asked to subliminally advertise, like by having the hero say next month that 'it's Essential that we get our Athas into gear'?

Or when the prince asks the princess, "Has the court wizard set up the Magical gathering" and the princess replies, "Yes, he has, bro."



Is it possible the "elf" is actually an "eladrin"?

Sort of explains how he got ahead of the party, but doesn't explain why he's keeping quiet on that part unless they're openly insulting him by calling him an elf though...


Not to sound like an idiot, but anyone have any ideas as to when we can expect these to be available (locally or online) for people not able to make ComiCon or GenCon?

Thanks in advance,


Well, according to the link in post #1 of this thread, it says issue #1 will be released in November and the limited edition Dark Sun series begins Jan 1st, 2011. So presumably issue #0 will be released at Gencon.


First Post
Before I do the usual flash and grin for a new book, go ahead and toss up any questions you want answered as I discuss the first couple issues and what the plans for the book are. Questions such as "Where are the Dragonborn?" and "Why such a traditional party?" and "WTF were you thinking with Catwoman?"
Please tell us you have an upcoming storyline in which that poor half-naked caster gets some clothing. Her bare belly and shoulders make me *cold*.

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