Prime Directive Feats


Well, that was fun
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The following feats are either new or modified from their original entry in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

[H=3]Acceleration Tolerance[/H]
This is the ability to withstand the sudden high-G forces of extreme acceleration for short periods of time. It is most useful for fighter pilots, especially those pilots that fly jets or other high-speed vehicles.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13.
Benefit: The character gets a +4 to Fortitude saving rolls to avoid the effects of acceleration.
[H=3]Action Boost[/H]
You have the ability to alter your luck drastically in dire circumstances.
Benefit: When you spend 1 action point, you roll d8s instead of d6s for the action result.
[H=3]Addle Mind[/H]
You can confuse another person’s mind via telepathy.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Empathy 6 ranks, Influence Mind 6 ranks, Telepathy 6 ranks.
Benefit: Addle Mind is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use and has a range of 100 feet. To activate this ability, you must perform an Influence Mind skill check against DC 20. If the skill check succeeds, you telepathically broadcast a series of conflicting commands at a single target. Your target must perform a Will saving throw or be confused. The confusion lasts as long as you concentrate upon that target. The DC of your target’s Will saving throw depends on your Influence Mind skill check result (see the following table).

Skill Check Result Will Save DC
20-24 10
25-29 13
30-34 16
35-39 19
40+ 22

If you roll 15 to 19 on the Influence Mind skill check, the target receives a telepathic message of contradictory commands, but has no compulsion to obey. If you roll 14 or less on the Influence Mind skill check, you have failed to initiate the power. You may not use Telepathy or Influence Mind (or feats based on either of those skills) on that target for ten minutes.

[H=3]Aircraft Operatio[/H]n
This feat now applies to the following classes of aircraft: heavy aircraft, helicopters, jet fighters, or primitive spacecraft. The character is proficient at operating that class of aircraft. The heavy aircraft class includes jumbo passenger airplanes, large cargo planes, heavy bombers, and any other aircraft with three or more engines. Helicopters include transport and combat helicopters of all types. Jet fighters include military fighter and ground attack jets. Primitive spacecraft are vehicles such as the old Terran space shuttle and the old Terran lunar lander. The prerequisite, benefit, normal, and special aspects of this feat still apply as found in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

[H=3]Alien Weapon Proficiency[/H]
You have been trained in the use of weapons belonging to species outside of your culture.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when using any kind of alien weapon.
Special: A creature without this feat takes a -4 nonproficient penalty when making attacks with an alien weapon.
[H=3]Blank Mind[/H]
You have mastered the ability to obscure your thoughts. It is very difficult for anyone to actively scan your mind and emotions, even if you are standing in front of him.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Hide Mind 8 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever anyone attempts to scan your emotions or thoughts with Empathy or Telepathy, the person must first perform a skill check opposed by your Hide Mind skill. If the person fails this opposed check, he cannot sense the presence of your mind. It is as if nothing is there. During the round you perform a skill check for an active psionic ability, you suffer a -10 penalty on your Hide Mind skill checks that oppose scanning. If you are under the influence of any active psionic effects, you suffer a -5 penalty on your Hide Mind skill checks. (These penalties are not cumulative.) This is a passive psionic ability that operates constantly and unconsciously. The benefits from Blank Mind are in addition to those of Psychic Defense.

[H=3]Charismatic Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly charismatic hero.
Prerequisite: Charismatic Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Charismatic hero’s talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Favor, Captivate, Dazzle, Taunt, Inspiration, Greater Inspiration, “Freeze!”, Shakedown, Heirloom, Inherited Treasure.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents.
[H=3]Cloud Awareness[/H]
As long as you concentrate, you can emanate a powerful, telepathic suggestion that causes all living beings to ignore your presence. Using this ability, you could walk through a crowded room, and no one would notice you.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Detect Minds 6 ranks, Empathy 6 ranks, Hide Mind 6 ranks, Influence Mind 4 ranks, Telepathy 6 ranks.
Benefit: This is an active psionic ability. To initiate the telepathic emanation, you must expend a full round action and perform an Influence Mind skill check against DC 20. If successful, you begin radiating a subtle, but powerful, telepathic field that affects anyone who perceives you directly. (The field has no effect on inanimate objects or recordings of you. However, if someone were watching you through a live television transmission or the like, the field would affect him.) The field lasts as long as you concentrate upon it. Any time someone would notice your presence, that person must perform a Will saving throw opposed by 10 + one-third of your Influence Mind skill + your Wisdom modifier. If he wins the skill check, he notices your presence until you pass beyond his line of sight or the range of the ability he uses to sense you. Sight, hearing, smell, and Detect Minds are but some of the means a person can use to detect your presence. If you make physical contact with a person, he gains +10 on his Will save to sense your presence. If you attack someone, he automatically perceives you. You can use Hide and Move Silently to great benefit while clouding awareness of your presence. Opponents must first beat your Hide or Move Silently skill normally to have an inkling of your presence. After that, they succeed with a Will save to avoid ignoring you. If a person attempting to detect you has Psychic Defense, he gets a Psychic Defense against Influence Mind check in addition to his normal Will saving throw. If you fail your Telepathy skill check to activate Cloud Awareness, you may not attempt it again for one minute (10 rounds).
[H=3]Command Voice[/H]
Benefit: This feat allows a character to add +2 to any Charisma check concerning Leadership or Intimidate. Under normal conditions a shout made by the character can be heard up to 120 feet.
[H=3]Compartmentalize Mind[/H]
You can create “partitions” inside your mind, allowing you to function as if you have two or more brains. Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Concentration 12 ranks.
Benefit: Creating a compartment in your mind requires one minute of total concentration. (You can use no other psionic powers or take any actions during that time.) At the end of this period, you make a Concentration skill check against DC 20. If successful, you have created a compartment that functions like a second, fully functional mind. The compartment lasts for 2d6 + your Wisdom modifier minutes. You may attempt to create more than one compartment. Each one is a separate, lengthy action. The compartments must be created one at a time, and each additional compartment you create imposes a cumulative +5 to your skill check DC. (When you created a second compartment, the DC is 25. The third compartment is DC 30, and so on.) If you fail any of your skill checks, you may not use Compartmentalize Mind for four hours. Each compartment
in your mind can function as an independent entity, as if you have become two people sharing one body. Both parts communicate fully with one another. Both parts can use psionic powers, even different psionic powers, at the same time. One part can use psionic powers while the
other part operates the body normally, permitting you to engage in physical and psionic combat simultaneously. One part could use a psionic power requiring total concentration while the other part functions normally, or both parts could concentrate on completely different things. (For example, you could use one part of your mind telekinetically levitate an object and concentrate on maintaining that control while the other part of your mind composes a sonata.)

If you are affected by something that causes dazed or stunned conditions or by anything that influences your cognitive processes, each compartment of your mind gets a separate saving throw against the effect. As long as one of your partitions is unaffected, it maintains control of your body and may shut down the affected partitions, preventing the effect from harming you (other than losing a compartment).

Note: Compartments may not create other compartments. It is a process involving the entire mind. All actions from all your minds must shut down when you attempt to create a new compartment.

[H=3]Deep Scan[/H]
You can perform a quick, subtle telepathic scan of an individual’s subconscious mind and memory, retrieving a single piece of information.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 13, Charisma 13, Psionic Talent, Empathy 13 ranks, Influence Mind 8 ranks, Telepathy 13 ranks, Mind Link, Subtle Influence.
Benefit: Deep Scan is an active psionic ability. It requires a full round action to use and has a 50 foot range. To perform a Deep Scan, you must state a single question that you wish to “ask” the subject. This is the “target” piece of information you wish to retrieve by means of your scan. You then make a Telepathy skill check against DC 25. If successful, you initiate the scan and your subject makes a Will saving throw. The DC of the save depends on your skill check result, per the following table.

Skill Check Result Will Save DC
25-29 13
30-34 16
35-39 19
40-44 22
45+ 25

If your target fails the saving throw, you acquire the answer to your question and the target does not know that his mind has been invaded. If your target has Psychic Defense, he automatically knows that someone has attempted to breach his defenses, even on a failed saving throw. If the information you seek does not exist in your target’s mind, you gain nothing.
[H=3]Empathic Rapport[/H]
You can establish an empathic rapport between yourself and another thinking creature.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Empathy 4 ranks.
Benefit: Establishing rapport takes ten minutes of total concentration from both yourself and your target. It is an active use of psionics and has a range of touch only. Only willing participants may be drawn into rapport; otherwise, the attempt automatically fails. At the end of ten minutes,
you make an Empathy skill check against DC 20. If successful, the rapport is established. It has unlimited range and lasts for 2d4 + your Wisdom modifier in hours. While in rapport, you and your target can sense each other’s emotional state. You can also sense the general direction towards one another (e.g., “to my left”), as well as perceive the general distance separating you (e.g., “near,” “very far”). A permanent rapport may be established between you and another. This requires a full day’s concentration, a successful Empathy skill check against DC 25, and the expenditure of 500 experience points by yourself and the target. (The experience points are spent only if the link is successfully created.)
[H=3]Covert Communication[/H]
You may make contact with friendly forces as long as the enemy is not actively jamming your signal.
Prerequisite: Character level 2.
Benefit: You are able to make a call for assistance while under enemy fire. This includes making calls for extraction, aid, and fire support, although the GM can decide if the request is granted or not.
[H=3]Data Access[/H]
You are trained to access and comprehend huge amounts of data very rapidly. You have an almost inhuman ability to locate and analyze the information you search for.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Computer Use 1 rank, Skill Focus (computer use).
Benefit: When using the Computer Use skill, the time required for any action is halved, as detailed in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
[H=3]Dead Shot[/H]
You are a skilled marksman and have learned to hit targets hiding behind cover.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: When firing a ranged weapon at a target taking advantage of cover, the target is considered to be at one cover category less.
Special: This feat does not stack with other feats or abilities that lend modifiers to hit targets behind cover.
[H=3]Dedicated Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly dedicated hero.
Prerequisite: Dedicated Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Dedicated hero’s talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Improved Aid Another, Intuition, Healing Touch 1, Healing Touch 2, Aware, Faith, Cool Under Pressure.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents.

[H=3]Encrypted Thought[/H]
Just as cryptographers can encode a message and make it unintelligible to those without the proper key, you have encoded all of your thought processes, making it nearly impossible for anyone to understand the contents of your mind with any sort of telepathic scan.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 15, Wisdom 15, Psionic Talent, Concentration 12 ranks.
Benefit: When someone attempts to read your mind via Telepathy, he perceives a garbled mess unless he can roll his Intelligence score or less on 1d100. Each round he attempts to scan your mind, he must make this roll. Therefore, one round he might be able to understand you; the
next, he loses comprehension. Non-Verbal Telepathy providesno aid to comprehending your mind. While someone is scanning you, he may only receive emotional impressions, but not distinct thoughts, images, or words. Unfortunately, this effect is double-edged. If you attempt to communicate
with someone via Telepathy or Influence Mind, your thoughts are incomprehensible. You can willingly shut down the encryption, as a free action. However, reactivating it is a full round action.
[H=3]Exotic Firearms Proficiency[/H]
Choose a weapon type from the following list: cannons, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, heavy phasers, heavy disruptors, and rocket launchers. You understand how to use all weapons within that type in combat.
Prerequisites: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency.
Benefit: You make attack rolls with the weapon normally.
Normal: A character who uses a weapon without being proficient with it takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain this feat as many as six times.
Each time you take the feat, you select a different weapon group.
[H=3]Fast Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly dexterous hero.
Prerequisite: Fast Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Fast hero’s talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following
list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Uncanny Dodge 1, Uncanny Dodge 2, Defensive Roll, Opportunist, Improved Increased Speed, Advanced Increased Speed, Creeping Reflexes, Catlike Reflexes, Improved Fancy Footwork, Celeritous Skulking, Improved Evasion, Heightened Reflexes, Speed Racer, Offensive Driving, Speed Demon, Improved Precision, Advanced Precision, Precise Critical.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents.
[H=3]Field Surgeon[/H]
Your awareness of anatomy allows you to perform simple surgery to treat wounds.
Prerequisites: Surgery, Treat Injury 5 ranks.
Benefit: You can perform simple field surgery, allowing creatures to recover more quickly from their wounds. Field surgery expends one use from a healer’s kit. To perform field surgery, you must make a Treat Injury check and spend time treating an injured creature; success means that on the creature’s next rest period it heals 1d4 points of damage (this is in addition to the normal amount healed from resting and with being under long-term care from a person with the Treat Injury skill). The amount of time you take treating the injury determines the DC of the check according to the following table.

Treatment Time DC
1 minute 25
5 minutes 20
10 minutes 15

You decide how long you will perform the field surgery before making the check. You cannot take 20 on this check. If you fail the check by 4 or less, nothing happens. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the patient loses 1 hit point. If this puts the patient below 0 hit points, he starts dying. You can use field surgery on a creature multiple times, but the additional healing from field surgery in one day cannot exceed the patient’s Constitution score (additional surgeries have no effect).

Example: A patient with Constitution 10 cannot recover more than 10 additional hit points from field surgery per day.

Try Again?: You may try again as long as the patient is alive.

[H=3]First Contact Protocol[/H]
You have been trained in and authorized for First Contact Protocol, allowing you to encounter and meet alien species so far unknown to Star Fleet.
Prerequisite: Must be a Star Fleet officer having attained at least the rank of Commander, or otherwise authorized for First Contact Protocol.
Benefit: You may communicate with any sentient being, even if you cannot speak its language. You may only use two-word sentences, with no word having more than one syllable. This is, of course, a very basic form of communication. However, you can usually utilize it to make meaningful, if brief, contact with previously unknown alien species. First Contact Protocol may be used over a communications link, but it requires video contact as well as audio. In addition, you gain a +4 competence bonus to all Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks made while using this feat.
Special: An officer in Star Fleet cannot rise above the rank of Captain without having first gained this feat.
[H=3]Fleet of Foot[/H]
You can turn corners without losing momentum.
Prerequisite: Run.
Benefit: When running or charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You cannot use this feat while wearing medium or heavy armor, or if you’re carrying a medium or heavy load.
Normal: Without this feat, you can run or charge only in a straight line.
[H=3]Gödelized Communication[/H]
Gödelized Communication is a system of encoding any message of any kind as an extremely large number, a product of prime bases and exponents. Using a Gödelized communication, you can communicate or remember a message in an incredibly compact manner. A single number, in scientific notation, could store more information than an entire set of encyclopedias. Gödelized communication also has the advantage of reducing extremely long and complicated verbal to messages that can be delivered in a single utterance. You could conceivably memorize the contents of a dictionary or encyclopedia by memorizing a single number. This ability is named after the mathematical theories of Kurt Gödel, a German mathematician of the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 16, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Total Recall.
Benefit: To encode or decode a Gödelized message, you must enter an alternate state of awareness in which your mind performs complicated, hyper-fast mathematical and linguistic calculations. To enter this state, you must expend a full round action and perform a Concentration check against DC 20. If the check is successful, you convert the message to or from a number. If the check is failed, you can try again, but the DC increases by a cumulative +2. Some Gödelized messages may be in other languages or special codes. Depending on all the factors involved in the message, you may need several different skills to interpret it properly. Once the number has been converted, it takes the normal amount of time to process the information contained in it. For instance, if the number contained an entire encyclopedia, it would still take as long as the normal encyclopedia to be read.

You get along well with people and truly understand how to get inside their mindset.
Prerequisite: Charisma 15.
Benefit: You gain a +2 on all Charisma-based skills.
In the event you have to use a Charisma-based skill that is trained only and that you do not have as a skill, you may attempt it as untrained.

[H=3]Gunner’s Eye[/H]
You are skilled at acquiring targets in vehicle combat.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus to acquire targets in vehicle combat.
You are skilled at breaking codes and cracking computer systems.
Prerequisite: Computer Use 1 rank.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (physical sciences) and Computer Use checks.

[H=3]Hailing Frequencies Open[/H]
You have the ability to operate any communication device with a minimum of training.
Benefit: When boosting the signal of any communications array with which you are familiar, add +2 to your Craft (electronic) skill check. You may gain familiarity with an alien communications array by making a successful Knowledge (technology) skill check.
Normal: The use of any standard communication device requires a Craft (electronic) skill check.
[H=3]Healing Trance[/H]
You can cause your body to rapidly repair damage.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Meditation, Psionic Talent, Self Healing 6 ranks.
Benefit: A Healing Trance hyper-accelerates your body’s regenerative processes. It requires total concentration. You must remain still and free from distraction. You cannot speak, move, fight, or use other psionics in this trance. Your awareness of your surroundings is impaired, so you suffer a -6 penalty to Spot and Listen checks while in the trance. To enter the trance, you must spend ten minutes preparing your mind and body and then make a Self Healing skill check against DC 20. If successful, your body begins to heal at an incredibly fast rate. As long as you remain in the trance, you heal 1 hit point per minute. Lost fingers, toes, and small body parts may be regrown with eight hours of Healing Trance and an expenditure of 100 experience points. Lost limbs and non-vital organs (like the intestinal tract or spleen) require twenty-four hours and 150 experience points. Restoring a major or complex organ, like a lung, eye, or part of the brain, takes seventy two hours and 200 experience points. The trance burns up a lot of your body’s energy. At the end of it, you must perform a Fortitude save against DC 20. If you fail, you are fatigued. If you regenerate a lost body part, you are automatically exhausted after the Healing Trance ends. If you fail your Self Healing skill check, you cannot use Healing Trance for one hour. Healing Trance is an active psionic ability.
You have developed a hobby outside your normal career path.
Benefit: You may select any cross-class skill. From this point on, it will be regarded as a class skill, no matter what character class you choose.
Special: You may select this feat a number of times, up to your Intelligence modifier with a minimum of once. Each time this feat is selected, a new cross-class skill is chosen.
[H=3]Improved Natural Healing[/H]
You recover from wounds and injury faster than normal.
Prerequisite: Base Fortitude save bonus +5.
Benefit: You recover 2 hit points per character level per rest period (8 hours of sleep). If you undergo complete bed rest (doing nothing for the entire day), you recover 4 hit points per character level per day. Ability damage returns at 2 points for resting 8 hours, or 4 points per day with complete bed rest.
Normal: Normal natural healing is 1 hit point per character level for 8 hours rest, or 2 hit points per character level per day for complete bed rest. Ability damage returns at 1 point for 8 hours rest, or 2 points per day with complete bed rest.
[H=3]Improved Repair[/H]
Prerequisite: Intelligence 15.
Benefit: The character has a knack for fixing things. Therefore, he gets to add a bonus equal to his Intelligence bonus to any Repair check.
You have a knack for getting the desired result and swaying opinions.
Benefit: You get a +2 circumstance bonus on all Reputation checks.
[H=3]Jack of All Trades[/H]
You’ve picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.
Prerequisite: Character level 8.
Benefit: You can use any skill untrained, even those that normally require training and those that are exclusive to classes you don’t have. You cannot, however, gain ranks in a skill unless you are allowed to select it.
Prerequisite: Character level 6.
Benefits: This feat enables the character to attract loyal companions and devoted followers, subordinates who assist him. See the following table for the sort of cohort and number of followers the character can recruit.
Leadership Modifiers: Several factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, causing it to vary from the base score (character level + Charisma modifier). A character’s reputation (from the point of view of the cohort or follower he is trying to attract) raises or lowers his Leadership score:

Cohort Level: The character can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than himself. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. A character can try to attract a cohort of a particular species, class, and allegiance. The cohort’s allegiance may not be opposed to the leader’s allegiance, and the leader takes a Leadership penalty if he recruits a cohort with an allegiance different from his own. Cohorts earn experience points as follows:

• The cohort does not count as a party member when determining the party’s experience points.
• Divide the cohort’s level by the level of the player character with whom he is associated (the character with the Leadership feat who attracted the cohort).
• Multiply this result by the total experience points awarded to the player character and add that number of experience points to the cohort’s total.

If a cohort gains enough experience points to bring him to a level one lower than the associated player character’s character level, the cohort does not gain the new level; his new experience point total is one less than the amount needed attain the next level.

Number of Followers by Level: The character can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level. Followers are similar to cohorts, except they’re generally low-level gamemaster characters. Because they’re generally five or more levels behind the character they follow, they’re rarely effective in combat. Followers don’t earn experience and thus don’t gain levels. However, when a character with Leadership attains a new level, the player consults the previous table to determine if she has acquired more followers, some of which may be higher level than the existing followers. (You don’t consult the table to see if your cohort gains levels, however, because cohorts earn experience on their own.)

Leader’s Reputation Modifier
Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +1
Special power +1
Failure -1
Aloofness -1
Cruelty -2

Other modifiers may apply when the character tries to attract a cohort:
The Leader . . . Modifier
Recruits a cohort with a different allegiance -1
Caused the death of a cohort -2*
* Cumulative per cohort killed.

Followers have different priorities from cohorts. When the character tries to attract a new follower, use any of the following modifiers that apply.

The Leader . . . Modifier
Has a starship, stronghold, +2
base of operations, guild house, etc.
Moves around a lot -1
Caused the death of other followers -1
Leadership Cohort – Number of Followers by Level –
Score Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or lower — — — — — — —
2 1st — — — — — —
3 2nd — — — — — —
4 3rd — — — — — —
5 3rd — — — — — —
6 4th — — — — — —
7 5th — — — — — —
8 5th — — — — — —
9 6th — — — — — —
10 7th 5 — — — — —
11 7th 6 — — — — —
12 8th 8 — — — — —
13 9th 10 1 — — — —
14 10th 15 1 — — — —
15 10th 20 2 1 — — —
16 11th 25 2 1 — — —
17 12th 30 3 1 1 — —
18 12th 35 3 1 1 — —
19 13th 40 4 2 1 1 —
20 14th 50 5 3 2 1 —
21 15th 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 15th 75 7 4 2 2 1
23 16th 90 9 5 3 2 1
24 17th 110 11 6 3 2 1
25 or higher 17th 135 13 7 4 2 2

Leadership Score: A character’s base Leadership score equals his level plus any Charisma modifier. In order to take into account negative Charisma modifiers, this table allows for very low Leadership scores, but the character must still be 6th level or higher in order to gain the Leadership feat. Outside factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, as detailed above.

[H=3]Legal Protection[/H]
Somehow, your security file has a little red line across it that makes local security forces think twice before they haul you in on minor crimes.
Benefit: The character gains a free affiliation with the local security forces and his circumstantial Reputation bonus when dealing with them increase by +4.
You keep your calm under pressure.
Benefit: Whenever faced with a situation where you would normally be unable to take 10, you may now do so.

[H=3]Licensed and Authorized[/H]
You have the right connections or know a very good forgery artist; you have the licenses needed to buy a certain level of restricted goods without a bump in price.
Benefit: The character can attain goods requiring a license without an increase in the Purchase DC. This feat can be taken four times, with the second feat allowing the acquisition of Restricted goods, the third feat bringing Military items into reach, and the fourth granting access to illegal goods without a modification to Wealth check DCs for purchasing them.
You have a natural ability with languages; you look at or hear foreign words and can work out the common denominator between them. This makes you an invaluable commodity as an interpreter, if nothing else.
Prerequisites: You must be able to Read/Write and Speak four or more languages.
Benefit: When you spend a skill point to learn to speak or read/write a language you may choose either to be able to speak and read/write the language or to speak two languages or to read/write two languages.
You are adept at creating mastercraft electronic and mechanical devices (including tools, vehicles, weapons, robot manipulators, and armor).
Prerequisites: Craft (electronic) 8 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 8 ranks.
Benefit: When successfully completed, a mastercraft electronic or mechanical object provides an equipment bonus on skill checks made to use the object (in the case of mastercraft vehicles, this includes Drive or Pilot checks). A mastercraft weapon provides a bonus on attack or damage rolls (your choice). A mastercraft suit of armor improves the armor’s equipment bonus to Defense. In each case, the bonus can be +1, +2, or +3, and no single object can have more than one mastercraft feature. (For instance, you cannot build a mastercraft weapon that gains a bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls.)

On average, it takes twice as long to build a mastercraft object as it does to build an ordinary object of the same type. The cost to build a mastercraft object is equal to the purchase DC for the object (or its components) + the bonus provided by the mastercraft feature (+1, +2, or +3).

In addition to the Wealth check, you must also pay a cost in experience points equal to 250 x the bonus provided by the mastercraft feature. The experience points must be paid before making the Craft check. If the expenditure of these experience points would drop you below the minimum needed for your current level, then the experience points can’t be paid and you can’t make the mastercraft object until you have sufficient experience points to remain at your current level after the expenditure is made.

Apply the following modifiers to the Craft check DC for mastercraft items:

Mastercraft Feature DC Modifier
Mastercraft (+1) +3
Mastercraft (+2) +5
Mastercraft (+3) +10

You can add the mastercraft feature to an existing ordinary object or a lower-grade mastercraft object by making a Wealth check and then making the Craft check as though you were constructing the object from scratch.
You can enter a trance-like state that cleanses the mind and rests the body.
Benefit: Entering a meditative trance requires 2d6 minutes of mind-clearing exercises. At the end of this time, you make a Concentration skill check. If you succeed, you enter the trance. If you fail, you can try again after another 2d6 minutes. You can maintain the trance for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom score, plus any ranks you have in Concentration. The DC of the skill check depends on your surroundings. If your surroundings are conducive to meditation, such as a temple or in a quiet forest, the DC is 10. In an area with many distractions, such as an inn, the DC is 15. If you are in physical discomfort, like being trapped in a cramped cage, it is DC 20. One hour of uninterrupted meditative trance is as restful as two hours of sleep. Also, while you are meditating, you do not feel the effects of hunger, thirst, or physical discomfort, though you still suffer damage from them. While you are meditating, you have some awareness of your surroundings and may make Listen and Spot checks at a -4 penalty. If you engage in any sort of activity, even walking or conversation, your meditative trance ends.

You are able to negotiate well and can use those skills in other situations.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checksand Sense Motive checks.
[H=3]Nerve Pinch[/H]
You can incapacitate foes with a vice-like pinch.
Prerequisites: Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: You can make an unarmed attack against a living creature. If the attack succeeds, the target takes no damage but must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your character level + your Strength modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. If the target’s attack of opportunity hits you and deals damage, the nerve pinch automatically fails.
Special: This ability does not work on creatures without nervous systems or discernible anatomies, such as oozes and plants.
[H=3]Nerves of Steel[/H]
Utterly unshakeable in the midst of great danger, you can remain calm at all times, focusing your energy and effort into battling your enemies.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Concentration checks you are forced to make.

[H=3]Non-Verbal Telepathy[/H]
Language is no longer a barrier to you in telepathic communication. You can perceive your target’s thoughts as images and sensations, as well as broadcasting your thoughts in the same manner.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 15, Psionic Talent, Empathy 8 ranks, Telepathy 8 ranks.
Benefit: In addition to perceiving or sending wordbased thoughts, you can communicate telepathically in images and sensations. This broadens your capacity for communication and eliminates the telepathic language barrier.
As long as something can be sold, there will be merchants.
Prerequisite: Profession 4 ranks.
Benefit: The following skills are considered class skills for you regardless of class: Bluff, Knowledge (any), Sense Motive, and Speak Language.
[H=3]Mind Link[/H]
You can establish a two-way telepathic link between yourself and another person. This link allows you to communicate freely.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Telepathy 4 ranks.
Benefit: Establishing a Mind Link is full round action. You can create the link with one target per attempt. The target must be willing to participate in the link; otherwise, the attempt automatically fails. A Telepathy skill check against DC 20 is necessary to create the link, if the target is within your line of sight. You may also erect a link with a target not within your line of sight. To do so, you must be reasonably familiar with the person (better than a casual acquaintance) or have performed at least one recent empathic or thought scan on the person. As long as the target is within the same universe, you can establish the Mind Link with a Telepathy skill check against DC 25. Once the Mind Link is established, it lasts 2d6 rounds or until you cease concentrating upon its operation (whichever comes last). While in the link, you and your target may perform two-way mental communication. The other party may perceive only thoughts that you desire to send, and vice versa.

Mind Link communicates in language. If the target does not understand your language, then he receives only some emotional impressions. You may Mind Link several people simultaneously, adding one person to the link per use of the Telepathy skill. Members of the “mass link” may communicate freely with one another. You act as a “switchboard” for all communications, so you know the content of all messages sent.
Multi-armed creatures ignore off-hand penalties.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15, three or more arms.
Benefit: The creature ignores all penalties for using an off-hand.
Normal: Without this feat, a creature who uses an offhand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. A creature has one primary hand, and all the others are off-hands; for example, a four-armed creature has one primary hand and three off-hands.
Special: This feat replaces the Two Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

You swear undying allegiance to a person, group, organization, nation, planet, stellar empire, ethical philosophy, moral philosophy, or belief system. By doing so, you can better influence others who share your allegiance and more effectively oppose those who don’t.
Prerequisite: At least one declared allegiance.
Benefit: Choose one of your allegiances. The allegiance you select becomes your primary allegiance and cannot be broken, except by you. The strength of your allegiance enables you to better assist other beings who have the same allegiance; if your combat aid another attempt succeeds, your ally gains a +3 circumstance bonus (instead of +2) on his skill check result or attack roll. Your dedication also grants you a +1 bonus on attack rolls made against creatures that do not have this allegiance.
Special: You cannot apply the benefits of this feat to multiple allegiances. If you break your oathbound allegiance, you forever lose the benefits of this feat but may take the feat again and then apply the benefits to a new allegiance.
You are accepting of other cultures and beliefs.
Benefit: When engaging a culture that is not your own you are no longer at a -4 penalty with things related to other cultures.
[H=3]Photographic Memory[/H]
Prerequisite: Intelligence 16.
Benefit: You can recall perfectly everything you’ve seen, read, or experienced. If you forget some detail your character should remember, you can ask the Gamemaster to remind you. You get a +2 bonus to any skill rolls for which rote memorization is useful (at the GM’s judgment). Knowledge skills and Research should both always gain this bonus.
[H=3]Planetary Adaptation[/H]
Your physiology has been altered by life on a planet with a harsh climate or adverse environmental conditions.
Benefit: You gain one of the benefits listed below, depending on your planet of origin.
Barren World: You gain +4 on Survival checks and +4 on Constitution checks against starvation and thirst.
Cold World: You gain +4 on Fortitude saves against extreme cold.
Dark World: You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but otherwise works as normal sight.
High-G World: You gain +2 to your Strength. Reduce your base height by 6 inches.
Hot World: You gain +4 on Fortitude saves against extreme heat.
Low-G World: You gain +2 to your Dexterity. Increase your base height by 6 inches.
Water World: You gain +4 on Swim checks and can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice your Constitution score. Special: You may only take this feat at 1st level.
You may select this feat more than once, if you get multiple feats at 1st level; the worlds may not be opposites (i.e., you cannot be from both a high-G world and a low-G world or a cold world and a hot world). Each time you choose this feat, you gain a different benefit.
[H=3]Political Influence[/H]
For better or worse, the political machine has indexed you as an influential member of your community.
Benefit: You gain a free affiliation with politicians. Your circumstantial Reputation bonus when dealing with them increases by +4.
[H=3]Psionic Talent[/H]
You possess a higher “quantum level” of consciousness, allowing you to affect reality with the power of your mind.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9.
Benefit: Assuming you meet the proper prerequisites, you may develop any psionic skill as a cross-class skill. You may also purchase psionic feats or skills. All psionic skills count as cross-class skills for all species except Vulcans.
Normal: Characters without Psionic Talent may not purchase psionic skills or psionics-related feats.
[H=3]Rapid Aim[/H]
After having trained long and hard on shooting ranges, you are able to aim extremely rapidly, greatly enhancing your accuracy.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +10.
Benefit: You can aim with a ranged weapon as a move equivalent action.
[H=3]Remote Operation[/H]
You know how to operate a robot remotely.
Prerequisites: Engineering Specialist 1.
Benefit: If you have a remote operation rig and access to a robot with the remote operation upgrade, you can control the robot’s actions through a wireless communications link. The robot will do any task you command to the best of its ability. If you make an attack using the robot, you may either use your attack bonus with a - 4 penalty or you may simply issue the commands and use the robot’s attack bonus.

[H=3]Skill Focus[/H]
You have a specialized focus in a particular skill.
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.
[H=3]Smart Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly intelligent hero.
Prerequisite: Smart Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Smart hero’s talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Savant, Linguist, Exploit Weakness, Plan, Trick, Brilliant Tactician, Knowledge is Power, Defensive Fighting, Talk a Good Game, Implacable, Improved Learning, Cross Training, Spark of Genius.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents. The exception is the savant talent, which you can select multiple times. However, each time you select the savant talent, you must choose a different skill (see the savant talent’s description).
You have a special affinity for spacecraft and space travel.
Benefit: You gain +2 on Computer Use checks made to use onboard spacecraft computer systems, +2 on Navigate checks when plotting a course through space, and +2 on all Pilot checks made to fly a spacecraft.
[H=3]Space Jockey[/H]
You are more at home behind the controls of a starship than anywhere else, and you don’t mind getting your hands dirty to keep your craft in tip-top shape.
Prerequisites: Pilot 4 ranks, Starship Operation.
Benefit: You get +2 on all Pilot and Repair checks involved in the operation of a starship.
[H=3]Spark of Genius[/H]
The character has an intuitive understanding of one academic field. He is able to solve difficult problems related to that field without the use of scratch paper (or the electronic equivalent) or referring to his notes.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13.
Benefit: Pick a Knowledge skill. You gain a +4 competence bonus when making rolls with that skill.
You can salvage electrical and mechanical parts from destroyed vehicles, starships, and robots.
Benefit: Salvaging a destroyed vehicle, starship, or robot takes time, as noted in the following table.

Salvaged Time Search DC Wealth
Machine Required Check Increase
Huge or smaller 30 min. 15 +1
Gargantuan 1 hr. 20 +2
Colossal 3 hr. 25 +3
Huge 1 hr. 30 +3
Gargantuan 3 hr. 35 +5
Colossal 6 hr. 40 +8

At the end of this time, make a Search check. If the check succeeds, you may increase your Wealth score by the amount indicated on the table, either by selling the salvaged parts for scrap or using them to offset the cost of future building projects.

Special: A particular vehicle or starship can be successfully salvaged only once. Any further attempts to salvage the wreckage fail automatically.
[H=3]Sex Appeal[/H]
For some reason, members of the opposite sex find you almost irresistible, and members of your sex are more than a bit jealous of your natural gifts. Your charm and looks are especially effective when you use them in a friendly or amorous fashion.
Prerequisite: Charisma 15.
Benefit: You receive double your Charisma modifier to all Charisma-based skills and ability checks when dealing with members of the opposite sex. However, when dealing with members of your sex, you suffer a -2 penalty to all Charisma-based skills and ability checks because of their irrational jealousy.
[H=3]Sixth Sense[/H]
You have developed a sixth sense. You are warned that someone is taking aim at you when the hairs rise on the back of your neck and you feel distinctly uncomfortable.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: You know when someone is taking aim at you, even if you cannot see your opponent. Note that this feat only lets you know when someone is aiming at you and no information as to your opponent’s location or what weapon they are using may be gained.

[H=3]Starship Feint[/H]
You are skilled at misleading your enemy during starship combat.
Prerequisites: Pilot 9 ranks, Starship Operation (of the appropriate type).
Benefit: When piloting a ship with which you are proficient (see the Starship Operation feat), you can make a Bluff check in starship combat as a move action. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on Bluff checks made to feint in starship combat.
Normal: Feinting in starship combat requires an attack action.
[H=3]Starship Gunnery[/H]
You have been trained to use starship weapon systems.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls when firing a starship weapon.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on attack rolls when firing a starship weapon.
[H=3]Starship Operation[/H]
Select one of the following types of starships: starship, gunboat, or shuttlecraft/fighter. You are proficient at operating starships of that type.
Prerequisite: Pilot 4 ranks.
Benefit: When operating a starship of the selected type, you take no penalty on Pilot checks made when operating the starship, and you also apply your full character level to the ship’s Defense.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 nonproficient penalty on Pilot checks made to operate a starship, and you apply only one-half your class level (rounded down) to the ship’s Defense.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a different type of starship (starship, gunboat, or shuttlecraft/fighter).
[H=3]Strong Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly strong hero.
Prerequisite: Strong Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Strong hero's talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Improved Extreme Effort, Advanced Extreme Effort, Improved Ignore Hardness, Advanced Ignore Hardness, Improved Melee Smash, Advanced Melee Smash, Improved Tackle, Mighty Grapple, Grip of Iron, Punishing Grapple, Unhindered, Armor.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents.
[H=3]Subtle Influence[/H]
You can send a telepathic suggestion to a target and make the target believe that the suggestion is his own idea. If the target obeys the suggestion, he won’t later think that what it did was unreasonable or out of the ordinary. He believes he initiated the behavior of his own free will.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Charisma 13, Psionic Talent, Empathy 8 ranks, Influence Mind 8 ranks, Telepathy 11 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever you use Influence Mind on a target, you can attempt to exert Subtle Influence. This imposes a -5 penalty on your skill check, but the target will not believe his mind has experienced outside influence. Even if the target succeeds in a saving throw against a Subtle Influence ability, he does not detect anything amiss.
[H=3]Supernatural Strike[/H]
You may score critical hits against creatures that are normally unaffected by critical hits.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: When you roll a threat against a creature normally unaffected by critical hits (such as an android), you may check for a critical hit and deal the increased damage if the threat is confirmed. Creatures unaffected by massive damage are still unaffected by massive damage resulting from a critical hit.

[H=3]Total Recall[/H]
Through use of your psionic abilities, you can temporarily enhance your memory and can recall an event with total clarity.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent,
Concentration 6 ranks.
Benefit: With Total Recall, you can make yourself remember just about anything you’ve experienced. The recollection is perfect, almost as good as experiencing the event a second time. To recall something, you must spend a minute in deep concentration. Then, you perform a Concentration skill check. (The DC of the skill check depends on how long ago the memory occurred and its significance (see the following table). If you succeed in the skill check, you remember the event with total clarity. However, the memory is still from your perspective, with all the limitations that implies. If you fail in the skill check, you cannot attempt to enhance the memory of that event for 24 hours. These enhanced memories fade back to normal in 1d4 hours. After that time, you will need to perform another Concentration skill check to retrieve them again with total clarity.

DC of Total Recall Circumstance DC
Memory is no older than one month 5
Memory is no older than one year 10
Memory is older than one year but
less than10 years 15
Memory is over ten years old 20
Significant or traumatic memory (e.g.,
getting married, having a limb
chopped off) +0
Casual or insignificant memory (e.g.,
everything you had for breakfast
for a month, the color of the shirt
of the man whose hand you shook
two years ago) +5
Unconsciously acquired details (e.g.,
the face of every person you
passed in a day) +10

[H=3]Tough Plus[/H]
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to excel enable you to progress faster toward becoming a truly tough hero.
Prerequisite: Tough Hero 3.
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Tough hero's talent trees. The talents must be selected from the following list, you cannot select more than one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select it.
Damage Reduction 2/-, Damage Reduction 3/-, Energy Resistance (choose one energy type), Remain Conscious, Second Wind, Stamina, Whirling Frenzy, Rage 2/ Day, Rage 3/Day, Greater Rage, Rage 4/Day, Tireless Rage, Indomitable Will, Improved Harsh Weather Endurance, Fast, Camel’s Endurance.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you must choose a different pair of talents.
[H=3]Suppressive Fire[/H]
You can lay down a barrage of gunfire, giving you the chance to hit your opponent even when it’s not your turn.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Personal Firearms Proficiency.
Benefit: When the last thing you do during your turn is attack a target that is at least 30 feet away and you use a semiautomatic or automatic firearm to do so, you threaten the target’s square until your next action. (If using autofire, you threaten the targeted 10-by-10-foot area). You may make ranged attacks of opportunity into that square. If you attack more than one target (or more than one 10-by-10-foot area, if using autofire) during your turn, you only threaten the square (or 10-by-10-foot area) that you last attacked.
[H=3]Surface Vehicle Operation[/H]
Select a class of surface vehicle (heavy wheeled, powerboat, sailboat, ship, hovercraft, or tracked). The character is proficient at operating that class of vehicle. The heavy wheeled class includes all kinds of semitrucks and tractor-trailers, as well as wheeled construction vehicles (such as earth movers) and wheeled armored vehicles (such as some armored personnel carriers). Powerboats are engine-powered water vessels designed for operation by a single person and usually no more than 100 feet in length. Sailboats are wind-powered water vessels. Ships are large, multicrewed water vessels. Tracked vehicles include bulldozers and tanks and other military vehicles.
Prerequisite: Drive 4 ranks.
Benefit: The character takes no penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls made when operating a surface vehicle of the selected class.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on Drive checks made to operate a surface vehicle that falls under any of these classes, and to attacks made with vehicle weapons. There is no penalty when you operate a general-purpose surface vehicle.
Special: A character can gain this feat as many as five times. Each time the character takes the feat, he selects a different class of surface vehicle.
You are trained to perform surgical procedures to heal wounds.
Prerequisite: Treat Injury 4 ranks.
Benefit: The character can use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery without penalty. See the Treat Injury skill description.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a -4 penalty on Treat Injury checks made to perform surgery.

You know how to provide safe medical treatment to alien life forms.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (earth and life sciences) 6 ranks, Treat Injury 6 ranks, Surgery.
Benefit: You can, without penalty, use the Treat Injury skill to perform surgery on a living creature within a Zorski group regardless of its sub-group.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a -8 penalty on Treat Injury checks (-4 if they have the Surgery feat) when performing surgery on creatures of different types.
Special: This feat cannot be used to heal or repair nonliving or inorganic creatures such as robots. A character can select this feat multiple times, and each time it covers a different Zorski group.
[H=3]Zero-G Training[/H]
You can function normally in low gravity or zero gravity.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Tumble 4 ranks.
Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls in lowgravity or zero-gravity environments.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls while operating in zero-gravity environments, or a -2 penalty on attack rolls while operating in low-gravity environments.

[H=3]Transcend Sleep[/H]
You have taught yourself how to survive comfortably without sleep for extended periods of time.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 9, Wisdom 9, Psionic Talent, Concentration 10 ranks, Metabolic Control 10 ranks.
Benefit: For a number of days equal to your Wisdom score, you can go without sleep and experience no ill effects. After that time, you suffer from sleep deprivation normally.
[H=3]Ultra Immune System[/H]
You are less susceptible to the ravages of poison, disease, and radiation poisoning.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13.
Benefit: You gain +2 on Fortitude saving throws to resist poisons, diseases, and radiation sickness. Furthermore, any permanent ability drain inflicted upon you is treated as temporary ability damage instead.
[H=3]Urban Tracking[/H]
You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals.
Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for one hour requires a Gather Information check. You must make another Gather Information check every hour of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town. The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your quarry, depends on the community population and the conditions:

Population DC Checks Required
Fewer than 2,000 5 1d4
2,000–9,999 10 1d4+1
10,000–49,999 15 2d4
50,000–99,999 20 2d4+1
100,000–499,999 25 3d4
500,000+ 30 3d4+1

Condition DC Modifier
Every three creatures in the group being sought -1
Every 24 hours the quarry has been missing or sought +1
Tracked quarry “lies low” +5

Try Again?: If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after one hour of questioning. The Gamemaster rolls the number of checks required secretly, so the player doesn’t know exactly how much time the task
Normal: A character without this feat can use Gather Information to find out information about a particular individual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours and doesn’t allow effective trailing.
Special: You can cut the time per Gather Information check in half (to 30 minutes per check rather than one hour per check), but you suffer a -5 penalty on the check.

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