Black Flag Project Black Flag Design Notes #1


I crit!
Project Black Flag lead designer Celeste Conowitch

We’re changing stuff that needs to be changed, and doing it in a way that respects your current 5E library and keeps it useful. That’s what we mean when we say the mystic words backward compatible.

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“This game has meant too much to us for too long to let it remain owned by just one company.”

- A team member at Kobold Press

I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the silliest reasonings for creating a new game such as this that I have ever heard.

What is this? If you love something just SOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH then you should get a chance to own it and the person/company who does own it shouldn't get to own it anymore? That is... I'm sorry, that is just... I can't even.

"Hey! I've love my New England Patriots football team! This team has meant too much for me for to long for it to remain owned just by Robert Kraft! I should be able to own the New England Patriots too!"

"I love Disney! Been going to Disneyworld since I was a kid! I think that obviously entitles me to owning a piece of the Disney pie! It doesn't matter that it's actually someone else's! I just love it THAT MUCH that I now get to have it!"

Wow. Heh heh... that's some... that's certainly a thing. Whelp... best of luck to Kobold! Hope it all works out for them.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
“This game has meant too much to us for too long to let it remain owned by just one company.”

- A team member at Kobold Press

I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the silliest reasonings for creating a new game such as this that I have ever heard.

What is this? If you love something just SOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH then you should get a chance to own it and the person/company who does own it shouldn't get to own it anymore? That is... I'm sorry, that is just... I can't even.

"Hey! I've love my New England Patriots football team! This team has meant too much for me for to long for it to remain owned just by Robert Kraft! I should be able to own the New England Patriots too!"

"I love Disney! Been going to Disneyworld since I was a kid! I think that obviously entitles me to owning a piece of the Disney pie! It doesn't matter that it's actually someone else's! I just love it THAT MUCH that I now get to have it!"

Wow. Heh heh... that's some... that's certainly a thing. Whelp... best of luck to Kobold! Hope it all works out for them.
I mean, they’re right, though.

D&D doesnt belong to one company. Acting like it does is much more strange, like pretending the NFL solely owns American football.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
“This game has meant too much to us for too long to let it remain owned by just one company.”

- A team member at Kobold Press

I'm sorry, but this has to be one of the silliest reasonings for creating a new game such as this that I have ever heard.

What is this? If you love something just SOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH then you should get a chance to own it and the person/company who does own it shouldn't get to own it anymore? That is... I'm sorry, that is just... I can't even.

"Hey! I've love my New England Patriots football team! This team has meant too much for me for to long for it to remain owned just by Robert Kraft! I should be able to own the New England Patriots too!"

"I love Disney! Been going to Disneyworld since I was a kid! I think that obviously entitles me to owning a piece of the Disney pie! It doesn't matter that it's actually someone else's! I just love it THAT MUCH that I now get to have it!"

Wow. Heh heh... that's some... that's certainly a thing. Whelp... best of luck to Kobold! Hope it all works out for them.
The entire reason for the OGL was that so the game would be a distributed network of compatibility rather than a single owner -- it is more Feudal, as there is still a leader, but there's room for many baronies.

And Wizards, absolutely and fully agrees with Kobold about this. That's what 5e SRD is now in the CC-BY 4.0. Because they want to be the center of a massive network, not a dictator ruling the game on their own.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
In some ways, this Design Diary makes me less hopeful than I was with the package itself. Some things that were not implicit in the packet are spelled out here and are likely to meet resistance. The biggest of these, to my eyes, is the description of talents.

we had seen that talents were replacing feats. What we are now told is this:

Talents are divided into three categories: Martial, Magic, and Technical. Each class is tied to one of the three talent categories. Characters that gain a talent for their Improvement must choose it from the list that matches their class talent list.

The division of talents is in itself fine, but assigning each class to one of them, and limiting choice to that one, is a needless straightjacket. Let Fighters take a magical or technical feat; let Sorcerers take a martial one. Allowing choice gives a great opportunity to allow players design choices that suit their own style. It might not always be optimized, but it would be fun, and it would cut down on multiclassing (which is not in itself bad, of course).

Sure, there is still the background feat; but I'd much rather have a mundane character with a dash of magic from a feat (talent) like Ritual Caster than have to MC for a level to get a small handful of spells.

I was also struck by the animus against One:

But I don’t want to toss the baby out with the bathwater.

I don’t feel great about what I have seen and speculated about One D&D thus far. I seriously doubt that One D&D can fulfill the promise of true backward compatibility.

I could be wrong, of course. I hope I’m wrong. But it’s safe to say the community has learned a lot this year that would be foolish to forget.

There's a blending in this of concerns about bad corporate citizenship with bad design, and that feels, to me, sloppy. I too doubt there is going to be "true backward compatibility" (as I've discussed elsewhere), but it feels to me to be a mischaracterization to say the One playtests are throwing any babies out with bathwater.

Indeed, I had hoped that Black Flag was going to be more innovative, and take more risks. This diary entry suggests that is just not going to happen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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