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Project: Daedalus (Issue #1)


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"Not a what, brother," replies Tyrone to Miguel. "A who. Vincent Vanguard. He's the cat that runs Vanguard Secure Computing; real intelligent too, probably an elite at that."[/B]

"Vanguard Secure Computing? The multi-billion dollar company? The company that makes more money than most 3rd world nations combined, Vanguard Secuer Computing? Madre de Dios, this is just getting worse and worse. What have I gotten myself into?"

I also see no point in ditching the car or our... "Threads"... the normal authorities will have no chance at capturing us and the real threat, which is coming from behind, can track us no matter what we drive.

"That's the point amigo, the only advantage we got is the fact that Vangaurd can't actively pursue us, I would be willing to bet that this car is registered as a stolen vehicle and once the baseline cops realise that we are a bunch of elites how long is it going to take until they bring in the big guns? Once they have us arrested how easy is it going to be to have us 'transferred' to special holding cells, courtesy of Vangaurd Secure Computing, of course. Why bother spending the time and money themselves when they can get the state and feds in on it? Besides we are going to have to stop sooner of later and I think it would be better if we didn't have a great big neon sign saying that we were on the run."
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"Don't sweat it, man," says Tyrone to Miguel. "Vangaurd is my own demon; this whole thing doesn't smell like his can of worms. He probably doesn't even know I've escaped."


Jaya shakes her head as the questions, accusations and arguments begin to fly. "Okay, okay, hold on," she says, "let me get a word in."

"The complex we just left was a U.S. government research facility, specializing in genetics. AIDS and cancer research is performed there, among other types, including research into elite genetics," she states, keeping her eyes on the road. "The studies you were involved in, however, were highly classified. A company that Dr. MacDermott is with is also helping to finance the project, but I'm not sure what company that is. Vanguard is a computer company; I doubt they have much vested interest in elite genetics. At least, as far as I know.

"It was called Project: Daedalus. I was never exactly sure what the end results of our studies were to be, but I can harbour a few guesses...

"I came on almost two months ago. I was hired, I thought, for my expertise in biochemistry. It turns out, I was, in fact, an elite, which I had no idea. Much like Miguel, I have a dependant power, meaning it only works in the presence of other elites. And my power would be instrumental in the studies we performed." She glances back at the others, adding, "They knew about my powers before even I did.

"I took the job, thinking it was just a normal government research job. Once I got there, I found out my contract had some legalese fine print stating that I had to remain at the complex for the term with no outside contact, non-negotiable. And once I found out how deep this project ran, I realised that trying to get out of the contract would be impossible.

"So, while I had more freedom to move about than you did, I was as much a prisoner as you. I was treated well, and I didn't really let it show that I was unhappy there. In fact, I actually wasn't unhappy..." she says, thinking of Michael.

"But, I thought what had been done to you was wrong, which made me realize that what was done to me, though not nearly as bad, was also wrong. That's when I decided we needed to get out of there. You can trust me or not on that, but it's the truth," she says matter-of-factly.

"As for why you seven were chosen, I have no idea, though I'm guessing you were a random sample...sort of. Most of you, from what I've read of you on your files, either recently came into your powers, or have been hiding them for one reason or another. Whether that's coincidence or not, I'm not sure, I wasn’t part of the selection process.

“And Kiro is right, Tyrone, this isn’t a test, I hope that much is obvious to everyone else…” she says, rolling her eyes.

“As for the ‘Death Squads’, I have no doubt they’ll be trying to retrieve us. But I need a clean, well-lit friendly environment, if I’m going to remove these chips from base of your brains without killing or paralysing you. Trenton is less than 4 hours from here, and hopefully we’ll be gone again before they catch up…I hope.

“Clothing and a new vehicle would be nice, but we don’t have time. I’m hoping we can stay clear of state troopers until then. If not…well, we’d best be prepared to deal with local authorities. They probably wouldn’t understand out plight enough to just let us go. But, it would be good to at least try and stay on the right side of the law so they don’t have a legitimate reason to come after us. Don’t you think, Sarah?” she says to the woman sitting next to her with a knowing smile.

“But, yeah, we will need to stop before we get there,” she says looking at the instrument panel. “I didn’t think I’d be fleeing for my life when I left this place, and didn’t have the foresight to fill up the gas tank…”

She looks at Tyrone in the rear-view mirror. "What? Make a call? I don't know if that's a good idea. I realize everyone has family and friends that are worried about them, but this isn't the best time. We need to keep our heads clear."


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Elementor said:
"It's called Project...Daedalus?" Aaron bursts into laughter and goes to sit by Max.

Sarah's forehead wrinkles in confusion and she turns around in her seat to look back at Aaron. It was the first time she had heard the kid laugh since... well ever. Her lips curl up in a half smile. Care to share what you find so funny Aaron?


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It was called Project: Daedalus.

"wasn't he an inventor a long time ago?"

As for why you seven were chosen, I have no idea, though I'm guessing you were a random sample...sort of. Most of you, from what I've read of you on your files, either recently came into your powers, or have been hiding them for one reason or another.

Miguel's eye narrow suspiciously at Jaya. "How much do you know about us anyways?"

Clothing and a new vehicle would be nice, but we don’t have time.

"I still say we should get some new clothes at the very least, but hey, what would I know about it."


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"Hehe sure" Aaron draws upon his extensive knowledge of Mythology (Knowledge:Mythology +7).

"According to the legend, Daedalus was a famous inventor and master builder. And it was his ability as a clever craftsman that brought Daedalus to the attention of King Minos. The king of Crete asked Daedalus to design and construct a vast labyrinth - a maze of twisting corridors and complicated passages - in which the monster known as the Minotaur could be hidden. In some versions of the story, King Minos then imprisoned Daedalus and his young son Icarus in the labyrinth, perhaps as punishment, or maybe simply to ensure that the inventor would not reveal the secret of his labyrinthine creation." Aaron realises what he just said and looks over at Max, "No offense intended of course."

"Anyways, Daedalus didnt take his imprisonment lightly and built wings made of feathers and wax for himself and his son. This of course leads to the legend of Icarus but I won't get into that. In short, Daedalus could not escape by land or sea since Minos guarded those. So he escaped by air."

Aaron looks around at the confused faces, "Dont you get it? We have to escape our prison Labyrinth by flying away! If this is an American institute we should head to Canada or some other country where they will have less power and influence."


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Elementor said:
Aaron looks around at the confused faces, "Dont you get it? We have to escape our prison Labyrinth by flying away! If this is an American institute we should head to Canada or some other country where they will have less power and influence."

Run away? She shakes her head, brushes aside the turquoise strands of hair that fall in her face, and turns back around. For now maybe...

We need to stop somewhere, Jaya, for gas, food, drinks, bottle of Advil,
Her fingers massage her temples, But unless you've got enough cash hidden in this ride of yours, we're going to need some help. Any cards you've got will have been reported stolen by now and like you said, we'd like to keep the Local authorities out of this as much as possible.

Sarah frowns as she glances at Jaya out of the corner of her eyes. Then we'll talk about getting these chip things out of our heads.


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Tyrone rolls his eyes at the Daedalus analogy, but it's obvious even to him that Aaron knows what he's talking about regarding the myth. "Good story there, kid, and we'll definately be 'flying away' 'til we get these things out of our heads."

Tyrone leans forward. "Now about money. I gots a..." Tyrone pauses and chuckles, "I gots a pal in Fargo who'll wire a money order through ICT for us. All we'll gotta do is get you," he says looking at the doctor, "to pick it up in whatever town we stop at. So what cha think, sweetness? Got a cell phone for me now?"
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Jaya smiles as she gets Aaron's joke. "I don't think they were expecting you to flee, especially with wax and feather wings..." she says rolling her eyes. "But leaving the States might not be a bad idea...however, that sure won't stop them, especially if the company they're working with is also as interested in us."

Jaya nods at Sarah's assessment. "Report my cards stolen? I never thought of that, but I wouldn't put it past them."

"Okay, fine," she says to Tyrone. She reaches down amd opens a compartment between the two front seats and pulls out a vidcell. "Just make it quick, okay?" Before closing the compartment she pulls a pair of shades out and puts them on, the summer sun beginning to beam down onto the windshield.

Voidrunner's Codex

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