• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project: Daedalus (Issue #1)


First Post
Deva said:
" Yea, something like that..." She looks away from Miguel, frowning noticeably. She hadn't given any thought to why she had ended up in that cell, always assumed it had been some random thing. But what Miguel was saying...

"Sorry chica, didn't mean to make you upset."

"That's my cue," She pushed the screen door open and walks through the kitchen and into the living room where Jaya is waiting for her. "Let's get this over with."

"Good luck, make sure that she hasn't been drinking."

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The Minotaur

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Quoted from Steven
"So, what's she doing in there anyway?"

Max turns to Steven as he shovels a fork of mashed potatoes into his mouth. He then says with a mouth full of food, "I think she's cutting people's necks open to take out some sort of chips." As he dips his bun-roll into his gravy, Max adds, "Must hurt like a mamushka."

Quoted from Calvin
"Your friends ain't too friendly," Calvin adds, looking at Kiro and pointing a fork in the direction of the door. "You guys must be in some kinda trouble, you all look pretty uptight. You think the cops will find you here? Is it the cops that are after you?"

Max then starts back at his roast beef as he starts talking again, this time towards Calivn. "Yeah they are an odd bunch for sure. Only guy that seems normal is the kid Aaron. My parents back in Russia wouldn't aprove of me hanging out with a girl with blue hair or a theif. Then he started again this time stairing into space, looking distant and talking to no one imparticular, "But if thats what I gotta do so I don't go back to that place, then I'll do it." Max then shakes his head, turns back to Calvin and says, "Sorry, I ramble a bit when I get talking. Comes from growing up in a big family I guess." He then adds in his Greek accient, "This place kinda reminds me of home, except we lived in tents. Ahhh those were the days. Before that horned beast came into my life."

Max then finishes his plate then asks Kiro, "Could you pass the pork chops?" as he takes a few more scoops of mashed potatoes.
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First Post
Aaron watches everyone inhaling food and has no idea how they can be hungry again. "Ma'am, could I just have a glass of milk please? I am still full from the sub I ate an hour ago."


First Post
"Don't forget to mention the cop and the secret agent..." Kiro says with a wink and a knowing grin as he hands Max a plate with 2 sizy pork chops on it, "Quite the group indeed if you overlook the two students and... What exactly did you do before this Max?"
Aaron watches everyone inhaling food and has no idea how they can be hungry again. "Ma'am, could I just have a glass of milk please? I am still full from the sub I ate an hour ago."
Kiro shakes his head thinking, "You can lead a horse to water..."

"Aaron, perhaps you should eat good food when good food is before you, lest you want for it when there is none in sight?" He states between mouthfulls, trying to supress a chuckle as he realizes how much he sounds like his father.
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First Post
Master_Pugs said:
"Aaron, perhaps you should eat good food when good food is before you, lest you want for it when there is none in sight?" He states between mouthfulls, trying to supress a chuckle as he realizes how much he sounds like his father.

"Perhaps ye should not continually fill thy face lest ye become a big fat pig!"

Aaron notices that everyone is staring at him. "Ok fine!" He grabs a plate and tries a little of everything just to be polite even though he isnt hungry.


The Living Room
Jaya gives Sarah the same speech as Aaron as she puts on a new pair of latex gloves, adding, "If you want to watch the procedure on the others, it'd probably be a good idea. I'm hoping that mentally picturing it for you will do when I get you to remove mine, but it wouldn't hurt for you to see it done a few times."

Once Sarah is laying down and comfortable, Jaya begins once again. A few minutes later, when she finishes and has the stiches in, she says, "Can you go get someone that's done eating, please," she says, cleaning up.

OOC: Doing this 7 times will get monotonous. We'll just play the scenes outside the living room. When someone that's done tags you, go in the living room and come out a few minutes later and get someone else that needs to have it done. We'll rejoin it once it's Jaya's turn, which won't be an automatic success...

The Kitchen
Judy smiles as Aaron grabs a plate. "Now, you growing boys need your nourishment. Help yourselves, there's lots."

"So that other guy can float stuff, what can you guys do? Are you all elites? That must be pretty cool," Steven says between bites of food, looking at Max, Kiro and Aaron.

The Minotaur

First Post
"... What exactly did you do before this Max?"

"So that other guy can float stuff, what can you guys do? Are you all elites? That must be pretty cool," Steven says between bites of food, looking at Max, Kiro and Aaron.

Max stops shovelling food into his mouth to answer both questions. First he turns to Kiro. "Well me and my... other half... were wondering most of Eastern Europe, looking for my lost family. Being Gypsies, they moved around a lot, so I figured I could find them. We went around, doing good where ever we could. Even though "he" comes off as a jerk sometimes, he still is on our side, the good guys. We helped Chechen resistance groups in the Chechnia/Russia war a few years back. After that the Russians sent some agents to find us. Ex-KGB I think they were, short work we made of them," Max pauses as he chuckles in his thick Greek accient. Then continues, "Then they finally did get a hold of us, at least I think it was them. They had much better machinery this time around, the big guy could hardly dent this mechanical suit they had. Then I think it was one of those... what do you call them? Ah-- an Elite that took us down, some sort of mental power," he says scratching his head. "Anyway when I woke up, I was in a room with a bright light all clamped down. I think they were doing tests on the Minotaur, my clothes were all ripped and they told me to turn back into him or I would be dead. I told them I couldn't, he comes on his own terms." Max then began to stare into space again and he began to trail off as he said, "Such horrible things they did to me when I did not turn into the Minotaur..." Giving a few blinks, Max looks like he realizes where he is again and starts back at his story. "Anyways, I do not know how I got to North America, I have never been here before. You have a lot of cities here, and its warmer here than back home."

Max then starts at his pork chops, and turns to Steven. "No, I am not an Elite, I guess is what you call them. All who knew me in Europe, friends and family alike, believed me to be a demi-god, who could call down the power of the Minatour of ancient times. I have no proof to prove them wrong, only that I do not feel any different than any of you. But I can call down the power of the Minotaur. So I have taken their word as fact, I am a demi-god, sent here to do good for those in need." he said with a smile. "Though at times he can be trouble... I can not control him fully, once he comes out, he is in control. And sometimes he forgets my golden rule, don't lower yourself to their level. He has killed people in the past, and I have tried telling him to stop, and I hope he will listen. Sometimes he can be trying..."

Max then finished his second plate and turned to aunt Judy, "Thank you oh so much madam, I have not had a meal like that in what seems an eternity."
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First Post
Agamon said:
The Living Room
Jaya gives Sarah the same speech as Aaron as she puts on a new pair of latex gloves, adding, "If you want to watch the procedure on the others, it'd probably be a good idea. I'm hoping that mentally picturing it for you will do when I get you to remove mine, but it wouldn't hurt for you to see it done a few times."

Once Sarah is laying down and comfortable, Jaya begins once again. A few minutes later, when she finishes and has the stiches in, she says, "Can you go get someone that's done eating, please," she says, cleaning up.

Sarah slides from the make-shift operating table and walks back into the kitchen. Kiro and Max are still sitting at the table eating so she goes out to the porch where Miguel is still sitting. " You're next Miguel."

She goes back inside and to the bathroom where she splashes some water on her face and over her hair. A little of the color comes off in on her hands and she hopes that one good washing will take the blue out completely. But there was no time now. She borrows a hair elastic that she saw on the counter and ties her hair back into a tight pony-tail being careful not to pull on the stiches at the back of her head.

Washing her hands again to ensure no dye remains, she dries them off and goes back into the living room to watch the doctor.

(ooc: Sarah will stay inside the living room from this point on with Jaya, watching each procedure so she has a better idea when it's her turn to play Doctor.)


First Post
Deva said:
Kiro and Max are still sitting at the table eating so she goes out to the porch where Miguel is still sitting. " You're next Miguel."

"So you going to come in and hold my hand?" Miguel says laughing, his face betraying the fact that he is more nervous then he would like to admit.

Miguel walks into the "operating room" and with a small sigh states.

"Ok, lets get this over with."

Miguel will take off his shirt, and follow Jaya's instructions. Once the procedure is finished he will go outside and wake up Tyrone.

"Dude, Jaya says she wants you on a table, right now."


First Post
"Being an Elite isn't all roses and sunshine you might say... I knew a few in my high school who got taunted by their peers simply for being different and being too weak or kind to do anything about it, I kind of made it my mission to stop that kind of ignorance back then. But making a difference in one little town is much easier then changing the world, If we weren't Elites we would never have stood out, we wouldn't have been captured either... We were detained and experimented on. Due to the odd nature of who and what we were, we were tortured by those freaks at the base... for nothing more then being Elites we were treated like lab rats... So no, it isn't "cool"... Yes, we can all do wonderous things, like control Light, or the Elements, or lift entire buildings like they were paperweights but in exchange we must face horrible things, most horrid of all coming to terms with not being normal, with the looks baselines give us, that mixture of fear and awe that's all over your face right now!" Kiro comes to himself and realizes he has risen and is looming over Steven, he looks at the floor and clears his throat, "I'm sorry... but I had to let that out somehow, I apologize, you offered nothing but hospitality and I broke that code of respect and honour..." He glances to the others and sighs, "I'll be outside, I need to calm myself." He makes his way to the door, cursing himself for a fool under his breath the entire way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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