PROPOSAL: Add "Life" domain to Apoli/Phoebus


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This may not even really need to be a proposal, but just in case:

L4W has no "Life" deity according to the wiki. Death, undeath, ressurection are all covered, but no one covers life. Life seems like a important enough domain that it should be in the hands of one of the 12 gods, rather than a demi-god. Since Apoli is essentially the "Dauntonized" Pelor of the PHB, he seems to be the best fit.

Therefore, I propose to add Life to the domains of Apoli/Phoebus.

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The wiki doesn't list specific domains for a reason. You choose your own. So if you want Life you can have it.

Pelor is more like the D&D-ized Apollo, by the way.


First Post
Yes I have been updating the deity entries with their portfolios. It's meant to give you a rough idea of what general areas they have control over.

This in no way specifies their domains, which is an in game mechanic. I suppose some confusion might occur where the domains have similar or the same name as some elements in a portfolio. I will look it over when I have the chance and add a note for clarification if need be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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