This may not even really need to be a proposal, but just in case:
L4W has no "Life" deity according to the wiki. Death, undeath, ressurection are all covered, but no one covers life. Life seems like a important enough domain that it should be in the hands of one of the 12 gods, rather than a demi-god. Since Apoli is essentially the "Dauntonized" Pelor of the PHB, he seems to be the best fit.
Therefore, I propose to add Life to the domains of Apoli/Phoebus.
L4W has no "Life" deity according to the wiki. Death, undeath, ressurection are all covered, but no one covers life. Life seems like a important enough domain that it should be in the hands of one of the 12 gods, rather than a demi-god. Since Apoli is essentially the "Dauntonized" Pelor of the PHB, he seems to be the best fit.
Therefore, I propose to add Life to the domains of Apoli/Phoebus.