First Post
When I created Atreus, I wanted to create a smooth poetic type rogue but ultimately ended up not playing him as I intended. I discovered that Atreus was a lot more dark and sinister in nature during his time with the Punishment Patrol, and still is.
Somehow I didn't feel that rogue fitted him well; Atreus was something else, something darker.
So, what to do? I saw the possibility to make him a hybrid of some sort later on, but none of the classes really fit with what I wanted to do with him. Then out of the blue sky comes the Assassin class in dragon 379 and the race Revenant in dragon 376.
Proposal: Change Atreus' class and race with his overhaul. Change his class from Rogue to Assassin, Change his race from Human to Revenant(Human)
My idea is that Atreus get's caught up with his past. Corrupted agents from the Kingdom of Jade get a tip that Atreus is hiding in Daunton and are sent to recover the scroll he caries ( See Atreus' background for more information)
Dispite the best of his skills, he is caught by the agents and refuses to give them the scroll, which is hidden. Seeing no other option, Atreus zealously takes his own life in order to protect the whereabouts of the scroll.
To his surprise he wakes up in a court of dark beings whom he finds strangely familiar. He quickly realizes that he his dead and that this must be the afterlife. Judged by the court, he is deemed suitable by these long forgotten ancestors of his, and is given two choices: Let his spirit join the rest of his people or be sent back to the mortal realm to serve their purpose against the Oni, when the time comes. He returns finding himself changed in many ways and that the ancestors have granted him powers beyond his understanding.
Instead of creating a whole new character, I want to keep Atreus and still continue his story but with some differences.
I know I am asking much, change of class and race, but the two classes aren't that alien to one another and much of the same elements are in play, like he still is a sneak, just a better one.
The race issue, well he still has a human background so the race change is not completely irrational.
Other details:
Ability scores change to 10 str, 16 con, 18 dex, 10 int, 10 wis, 16 cha
Feat: Multi: Sneak of Shadows, Toughness feat
Powers: Leaping Shade, Executioner's Noose, Nightmare Shades, Targeted for Death, Cloak of Shades.
Equipment: No changes to his current equipment.
Summary: So this is what I propose:
Change Race: Human to Revenant(human)
Change Class: Rogue to Assassin
Reason: Wants to keep his current character but wants to change him into something else, that is better suitable for the character and my interest.
Effect: I figured, if the changes are accepted, that they would happen after the Closed Eye adventure concludes or work something out with Covaithe, perhaps intertwine the changes with the current adventure.
Somehow I didn't feel that rogue fitted him well; Atreus was something else, something darker.
So, what to do? I saw the possibility to make him a hybrid of some sort later on, but none of the classes really fit with what I wanted to do with him. Then out of the blue sky comes the Assassin class in dragon 379 and the race Revenant in dragon 376.
Proposal: Change Atreus' class and race with his overhaul. Change his class from Rogue to Assassin, Change his race from Human to Revenant(Human)
My idea is that Atreus get's caught up with his past. Corrupted agents from the Kingdom of Jade get a tip that Atreus is hiding in Daunton and are sent to recover the scroll he caries ( See Atreus' background for more information)
Dispite the best of his skills, he is caught by the agents and refuses to give them the scroll, which is hidden. Seeing no other option, Atreus zealously takes his own life in order to protect the whereabouts of the scroll.
To his surprise he wakes up in a court of dark beings whom he finds strangely familiar. He quickly realizes that he his dead and that this must be the afterlife. Judged by the court, he is deemed suitable by these long forgotten ancestors of his, and is given two choices: Let his spirit join the rest of his people or be sent back to the mortal realm to serve their purpose against the Oni, when the time comes. He returns finding himself changed in many ways and that the ancestors have granted him powers beyond his understanding.
Instead of creating a whole new character, I want to keep Atreus and still continue his story but with some differences.
I know I am asking much, change of class and race, but the two classes aren't that alien to one another and much of the same elements are in play, like he still is a sneak, just a better one.
The race issue, well he still has a human background so the race change is not completely irrational.
Other details:
Ability scores change to 10 str, 16 con, 18 dex, 10 int, 10 wis, 16 cha
Feat: Multi: Sneak of Shadows, Toughness feat
Powers: Leaping Shade, Executioner's Noose, Nightmare Shades, Targeted for Death, Cloak of Shades.
Equipment: No changes to his current equipment.
Summary: So this is what I propose:
Change Race: Human to Revenant(human)
Change Class: Rogue to Assassin
Reason: Wants to keep his current character but wants to change him into something else, that is better suitable for the character and my interest.
Effect: I figured, if the changes are accepted, that they would happen after the Closed Eye adventure concludes or work something out with Covaithe, perhaps intertwine the changes with the current adventure.