The proposal to use the custom namespace "PC:" has been approved. I think it will work out well to have character sheets in their own namespace. They clearly belong together and are distinct from other pages.
I have exchanged emails with the support folks at wikia.com and they are ready to set this up for us. However, we only get a limited number (3) of custom namespaces. It will be simpler for wikia.com support to create them at the same time if we decide we want to use 1 or 2 more custom namespaces.
So before I go ahead and ask wikia.com support to create the "PC:" namespace, I thought I would open this back up for more discussion to see if we want to create additional custom namespaces at the same time, even if we don't start moving pages over until later.
Here's what I think will work...
PC: - player character pages.
TI: - Setting info pages. I would use "Setting:" but "TI:" for Transitive Isles is shorter. "Setting:" is more obvious to new people, but anyone would still need to read about the wiki conventions before titling their pages anyways.
I'm not sure what to do about NPCs. I don't think they belong in the PC: namespace, but I could make arguments for using "TI:" and a category of "NPC" or using a new "NPC:" namespace.
Does anyone see a need for additional namespaces?
I think we need one more namespace for pages that are about L4W. For pages like the "character creation guide" and "adventure submission guide" and so on. Rather than use a custom namespace for this, we can use {{ns:4}} , which is the built-in project namespace.
As an aside - by default, the project namespace is called "L4W Wiki:" - the name of the wiki. if I can strip the "L4W:" prefix from all pages first, we could rename {{ns:4}} to "L4W:" instead and use that for the project pages (the wiki name itself would remain "L4W Wiki").
Anyone else have an opinion on additional custom namespaces?