Proposal: give covaithe some DM credits


Hi, folks. In Ring of the Fey Lord, a couple of people are spending DM credits to jump from level 2 to 3, and I'd like to do the same with my character, Ikni.

She currently has 1595 xp, and thus would need to spend 7 DM credits to get 728 xp and go to level 3.

Problem is, despite a rather long run of DMing, I don't actually have 7 DM credits to my name. The only adventure I've completed here was Hoofchew, which ran for two months. All my other DMing in L4W is in ongoing games. Thus, I have 4 credits.

The charter covers this situation:
As there are some long-running adventures in L4W, the DMs of these can petition the judge to award credits during the course of the adventure, typically at the same time as XP is given to the players.

Thus, I'd like to petition to get DM credits for the first thread of Closed Eye. My participation started here, on 26th Jan 2009, and the thread was forked to the new thread on 13th July 2009, here. Counting up to 26th of June would give me 5 months, which is 10 DM credits -- more than enough for my current purposes.

Sound ok?

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First Post
who's ever going to say NO to covaithe?

I wouldn't...oh no...not me.

Those who have tried in the past have not lived to brag about it.

Proposal: covaithe get's whatever he wants...
Last edited:

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