Proposal: More overhaul options

Walking Dad

First Post
Changing Class (Race?)

You should allow it, but make the player loose something for recreation. He then can do it, if it seems really necessary, but disallows changing your character every few weeks on a whim.

Less items (like the retirement rules) and being reduced to minimum XP of the level sounds fair.

The proposal is because of this thread.:
Proposal: Atreus D'torian's Overhaul
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First Post
Then why not just retire the character?

Because retiring the character means you can no longer PLAY the character?



I mean, I suppose one can argue changing class or race means you are 'no longer the same character', but it's also possible to have strange events occur which result in such changes, etc...

To my understanding, it would be strange to retire a character, and then resubmit that character as something else, as the end result is the exact same, except requiring a new character page, right?

Or are we just attaching a new name to the exact same process? If so, let's pretend I didn't say anything. ;)


First Post
I direct your attention to here.

The gist of it is that some fine upstanding L4W citizen proposed adding class to the list of things changeable with the overhaul. The conclusion?

If the judges don't mind people using retirement as a way to keep the same character concept while radically changing the character's mechanics, then I don't mind striking class from the list of things the overhaul can change.

"Retirement" refers to the character's mechanics. It doesn't have to include the concept (although it certainly can if you want to play an entirely new character). From the charter:

It is permitted to recreate the "same" character with different mechanics, in order to change the character in ways beyond what the one-time overhaul allows. (For instance, turning a wizard into a sorceror, or an orc into a half-orc.) This can be accompanied by an explanation in-game (such as revealing that the orc has a hidden human parent) or considered a ret-con (such as declaring that the wizard was always a sorceror, and building him as a wizard in the first place was a mistake).

Voidrunner's Codex

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