Proposal: New Option for Character Retirement

As far as I know, retirement and death are separate issues and the rules for retiring characters don't effect characters that die at all.

Rules for death are listed in the charter.

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You can bring the PC back to life, but will need to pay the cost of resurrection (pretty high at low heroic) or retire.

So far, the rules for retiring and death are exactly the same. I would think we'd keep that consistent.

I must have misunderstood something then. I was under the impression that if the character was lower than 4th level when it died you started over at level 1 with no type of compensation for death.

Considering the fact that it can take upward of six months to a year between level ups, starting over at level 1 just because you were 3rd level and not 4th would suck! I think I can speak for all of the judges here when I say that we wouldn't do that to our player base!

I see. Well, perhaps it would be good to clarify in the charter that it doesn't matter what level you die at because I interpreted the below passage (bolding mine) to mean that you needed to be 4th level or above to start above level 1 after death.


In a world where brave adventurers fight against monsters, death can be all too common. Fortunately for adventurers, death can be easily reversed, for the right price. Hadeys (or Lauto, as He is known in some places), god of death and merchants, is permissive of resurrection. An individual whose unfulfilled destiny is strong enough for them to pull free from the numbing embrace of the underworld is free to go... provided they play his price. That price is, of course, the cost of the Raise Dead ritual: 500g up to level 10, 5000g for 11-20, and 50000g at level 21 or higher. He even allows others beside his priests to intercede on behalf of the dead provided they observe the proper formalities (perform the raise dead ritual) and pay his price; he's a reasonable god and won't turn down a deal, especially a deal that benefits him.
His temple on Daunton will even loan the character the money required for them to return to fulfill their destiny; though their interest rates can be quite exorbitant, and their collectors... enthusiastic.

On the other hand, players may allow their characters to pass on to the underworld. If you do not wish your character to be resurrected, leave the character sheet intact, but preface it with a note that the character is dead, and at what level that happened.

A permanently dead character obviously does not count against the number of PCs a player can have. If a character of 4th level or higher has been killed, the player can mark him as permanently dead, and replace him with a character of a level higher than 1st. This works the same way as retiring such a character. (See below.)

I hate the charter. I'm tired of it being so wrong. I'm going to fix it. But first I'm going to go through and find all the errors, so I know I'm not making things worse.

Errors/Outdated Information:

Under "Players", we can now have a third PC. Also, the "before level 2" limit has been removed from the overhaul.

Under "Death", the "level 4 or higher" part needs to be removed. Any dead character can be "retired" and replaced with a new character of the same level.

Under "Retirement"... well, I'm pretty sure we removed the penalty for starting at your old level, but I don't remember if that passed. Also, a new option was recently added, giving more incentive to start lower level characters.

That's what I found. Is this correct?

There's that wording about Dragon articles not approved (like White lotus, etc) that WD posted in another thread

Edit: That retirement one did pass

Since the topic has come up about charter edits:

Is astral seal/recovery strike still a no-no? It is in the Charter, yet I have seen PC's with it.

Also, what's the deal with the white lotus feats, they all still banned right?

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