TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Col_Pladoh said:
As a matter of fact I really hate to see players that are doing things well, thinking, having their PCs interact as a group, with the environment, lost their characters because of bad luck, sheer chance. I will do my best as the DM to see that does not happen, save to a PC that is better off eliminated, a new and better one then created to take his place. That is rare...


I can't restrain my morbid curiosity. Do any particular cases come to mind from your campaigns, Gary? What do you consider a PC "better off eliminated?" An overpowered one? An underpowered one? An annoying one? All of the above/other?

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Random musing I thought I'd share. Was just reading through the AD&D DMG (1e) and noticed the following on page 63 in the Combat section: "It is common for player characters to attack first, parley afterwards. It is recommended that you devise encounters which penalize such action so as to encourage parleying attempts -- which will usually be fruitless, of course!"

This is exactly the kind of evil DM stuff that I thought made AD&D great and one of the things that makes 3e not so much fun. This is coming from someone whose experience is 90% as a DM of course so your mileage may vary. But I enjoy games where the PCs always face an uphill battle. It keeps the game challenging and unexpected, which I think is healthy.


First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
It is evident you have not played Metamorphosis Alpha a lot. The fungi there regularly turn characters into mush, and the crystals are worse :eek: Last Thursday vile wolfoids masquerading as medicos devoured one of our mutant human characters before our very eyes :mad:

More than one of those monsters died for doing that, and the Vigilists are far from being through exacting reveng for such behavior :]


I haven't played Metamorphosis Alpha at all, but it is on my very long "to do" list!


Gary Gygax
Geoffrey said:
I'm glad you just made them up, otherwise my knowledge of mythology and weird literature would have been less than I think it is. :p

I give you a lot of credit, Gary, for being able to think of evocative names that by themselves spur one's imagination. I especially like the names of the powerful magic items you mention as being held by the various countries in your Epic of Aerth.
Thanks for the compliment :D

I confess that I spent many a year researching and writing the Epic of Aerth world setting--about three years in fact. That gave me plenty of time to create interesting and evocative names. It is heartening that the effort is appreciated.



Gary Gygax
LcKedovan said:
Q: What cocktail? :cool:



We were out of New Glarus India Pale Ale, I was too lazy to want to go out and get more, so I had a large gin & tonic with a wedge of lemon squeezed into it. I'll be heading out later today to get some ale or beer to quaff during the Bears game this evening :cool:



Gary Gygax
airwalkrr said:
I can't restrain my morbid curiosity. Do any particular cases come to mind from your campaigns, Gary? What do you consider a PC "better off eliminated?" An overpowered one? An underpowered one? An annoying one? All of the above/other?
The most obvious sort is the PC that had wretched stats to begin with and in the course of adventuring lost even more due primarily to chance, not bad play.

I do indeed find over-powered and badly played PCs annoying, so if the player with such a character foolishly allows his PC to get into a situation where loss of potent magic itesm, levels, and/or life can occur, the dice are rolled in the open; whatever occurs from the result syands without and "judge fudge" to prevent it.



Gary Gygax
airwalkrr said:
Random musing I thought I'd share. Was just reading through the AD&D DMG (1e) and noticed the following on page 63 in the Combat section: "It is common for player characters to attack first, parley afterwards. It is recommended that you devise encounters which penalize such action so as to encourage parleying attempts -- which will usually be fruitless, of course!"

This is exactly the kind of evil DM stuff that I thought made AD&D great and one of the things that makes 3e not so much fun. This is coming from someone whose experience is 90% as a DM of course so your mileage may vary. But I enjoy games where the PCs always face an uphill battle. It keeps the game challenging and unexpected, which I think is healthy.
Heh, Airwalker,

You will get no argumant from me in this regard :lol:

BTW, the rare occassion when conversing first and attacking later is what needs be done keeps the players on their mental toes.



Gary Gygax
dorentir said:
I haven't played Metamorphosis Alpha at all, but it is on my very long "to do" list!
It is a bear when one wants to play a particular RPG and there is no GM around to provide such an opportunity. I too can think of a fair number of RPGS I'd very much like to try, but no local gamer has a campaign going.

My group and I are fortunate that Jim Ward is on hand to entertain us with his excellent MA game campaign whenever I am burned out from over-play of the GM's role. By all means get into some MA game play if tou enjoy truly exotic, surreal science fantasy with a deadly environment.



First Post
Mr. Gygax:
Any thoughts on where Oozes come from? Especially Grey Ooze and Gelatinous Cubes--are these supposed to originate from the experiments of crazy evil wizards, or from Demons/Devils?


First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
(edit)My group and I are fortunate that Jim Ward is on hand to entertain us with his excellent MA game campaign whenever I am burned out from over-play of the GM's role. By all means get into some MA game play if tou enjoy truly exotic, surreal science fantasy with a deadly environment.(snip)

Well, to judge by how much fun I have had with the old Gamma World Game, I should probably move "Metamorphosis Alpha" up a few notches on my gaming "to do" list. Sadly, almost everyone I know wants to play d20 games rather than older RPGs. I'll have to scour up a copy on ebay maybe.

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