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Q'Barra: Into the Emerald Forest


First Post
Newthrone. A young city, built on a dream. Its wooden palisade is slowly giving way to a towering granite wall, lovingly engraved with Aundairan scrollwork and Cyran devotional bas reliefs and surmounted with fearsome Karrn gargoyles. The walls seem strained to keep the riotous jungle without at bay. Within, a world that never was has been recreated. Fine hotels, open-air restaurants, fragrant bathhouses, delicate cathedrals, imposing public buildings, and the opulent homes of the wealthy jostle together in the enclosed square mile and compete to outdo one another in recalling the glories of old Galifar. A small army of kobolds, lizard folk, and indigent humanoids on the King’s payroll keep it all immaculately clean. All the pleasures of Five Nations await those who can afford them.

At the moment, you can barely keep yourself fed and sheltered, let alone indulge in the luxuries and vices of the rich. If things don’t change soon you may be forced to join the ranks of the street sweepers or, worse, work in the paddies outside the city walls, harvesting rice or stinking fal root. However, the Far edition of the Adder Bay Times had an advertisement that caught your eye and may offer a way out:

Consultants wanted at riverside plantation. Must be combat trained and experienced in troubleshooting trans-mundane difficulties. Discretion required. High pay, transportation included, burial rites and good faith effort to notify next of kin guaranteed. Forward all inquiries to Message Box 47, Sivis Kiosk, House Services Pavilion, Newthrone.

With nothing to lose, you looked into it further. The gnome clerks informed you that, according to their instructions, your message would be passed on and a reply would be available at the Sivis Kiosk soon. After two tense days of frequent checking back, your reply came in the form of a note card, written in gold ink on the finest ivorywood-fiber paper. The reply read simply: Hotel Metrol, 5 bells, 19 Dravago. That’s today!

You arrive at the pink marble hotel just as the clock tower across the square (a miniature replica of Sharn’s infamous Glass Tower) rings the last of the five bells. After showing your card to the desk attendant, you are escorted to a dimly lit corner of the salon. A kobold in a green and gold uniform asks you, in squeaking and barely understandable Common, what you would care to drink, courtesy of your host. You settle into your wicker chair and look at your fellow applicants, waiting for your as-yet unseen host to arrive.

The above is the generic intro – your specific circumstances may vary, but the end result is the same: you’re sitting in a hotel lobby looking at five other people, some of whom you may know.

Anyone may act. Tell us what our first impression of your character is, how the character reacts to the others. Please include your character sheet in your first post. To make scrolling easier, enclose the character sheet in a spoiler box. If you’re not familiar with how to do this, type {sblock} at the beginning of the character sheet and {/sblock} at the end, using [ ] type brackets instead of { }, of course.
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First Post

[sblock]Name Sharaes “Shar” Palaes
Male Valenar Elf Bard2/Fighter2
NG (formally N)
Ancestor: Meisai Thysaer

Str 14 – (5 pts)
Dex 17 – (8 pts)
Con 10 -- (4 pts)
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 8 -- (0 pts)
Cha 13 -- (5 pts)

Hit Points 27
Action Points 7
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat 15
Init +3
BAB +3, Grap +5
Speed 30 ft. (base 30 ft., load 55.6/58 lbs., light armor)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3

+7 Melee, Masterwork Falchion, 2d4+3 (+4 mounted), 18-20
+7 Melee, MW Alchemical Silver Scimitar, 1d6+1 (+2 2h; +2 m, +3 2h and m), 18-20
+5 Melee, Whip, 1d3+2 nonlethal (15 ft. reach)
+5 Melee, Cold Iron Morningstar, 1d8+2 (+3 2h)
+6 Ranged, Acid Flask, 1d6/1 splash, 10'r

Medium Humanoid, 4'11" tall, 111 lbs, 134 yrs old
Black hair, Icy Blue eyes, deeply tanned skin

Speaks Elven, Common, Draconic, and Goblin

+6 Balance (2acp)
+6 Bluff (5)
+1 Climb (0acp)
+5 (+9 casting defensively/grappling) Concentration (5)
+3 Diplomacy (0)
+1 (+3 acting in character) Disguise (0)
+2 Escape Artist (0acp)
+2 Hide (0acp)
+4 Intimidate (1)
+8 Jump (5acp)
+7 Knowledge (History) (5)
+7 Knowledge (Religion) (5)
+1 Listen (0)
+2 Move Silently (0acp)
+3 Perform (Dance) (2)
+2 Perform (Recorder) (1)
+6 Perform (Sing) (5)
+10 (+9 Quick mount/dismount) Ride (7)
+4 Search (0)
+1 Spot (0)
+0 Swim (0acp)
+9 Tumble (5acp)

-Bladebearer of the Valenar
-Combat Casting
-Combat Expertise (B)
-Weapon Focus (Scimitar, Falchion, and Valenar Double Scimitar) (B)

Elf Traits
-Immune to magic sleep effects, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects.
-Low-Light vision
-+2 on Listen, Search, Spot checks. Automatically get a Search check if within 5 feet of a hidden door.

Bard Abilities
-Bardic Music 2/day
-inspire courage +1
-Bardic Knowledge +6

Fighter Abilities
-Bonus Fighter Feats (2)

-bard spells--
Spells Per Day 3/1
0th- detect magic, know direction, light, message, read magic
1st- expeditious retreat, feather fall

+1 Chain Shirt (worn, 25 lbs.)
Valenar War Dress (explorer’s outfit) (worn, 8 lbs.)

MW Alchemical Silver Scimitar (belt left, 4 lbs.)
Cold Iron Morningstar (belt right, 6 lbs.)
Belt Pouch (belt front, .5 lbs.)
Spell Component Pouch (belt rear, 2 lbs.)

MW Falchion (left shoulder, 8 lbs.)

Steel Cap (head)
Valenar Ancestor Mask (eyes)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (worn)
Valenar Style Shirt (worn)
Thick Leather Belt (worn)
Leather Riding Gloves (hands)
Leather Riding Boots (feet)

Coins- 0gp, 5sp, 0cp (pouch, .1 lbs.)
3x Potion of Shield of Faith +3 (pouch)
2x Acid (Flask) (pouch, 2 lbs.)

Military Saddle (Jhael Eili, 30 lbs.)
Bit and Bridle (Jhael Eili, 1 lb.)
Masterwork Chainmail Barding (Jhael Eili, 80 lbs.)
Saddlebags (Jhael Eili, 8 lb.)

Waterskin- water (saddlebags, 4 lbs.)
Everburning Torch (saddlebags, 1 lb.)
Trail Rations-2 days (saddlebags, 2 lbs.)
Bedroll (saddlebags, 5 lbs.)
Acid Flask x2 (saddlebags, 2 lbs.)
Spare Backpack (saddlebags, 2 lbs.)
Recorder with case (saddlebags, 3 lbs.)

Whip (hanging from saddle, 2 lbs.)

Jhael Eili
Valenar Riding Horse Mount

Str 14
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 2
Wis 14
Cha 10

Hit Points 26
AC 19, Touch 12, Flat 18
Init +2
BAB +2, Grap +8
Speed 60 ft. (base 80 ft., medium load 306.6/348 lbs., medium armor)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3

-2/-2 Melee, 2 hoofs, 1d4+1

-2 Balance (acp)
-2 Climb (acp)
-2 Escape Artist (acp)
-6 Hide (acp)
+12 Jump (acp)
+4 Listen
-2 Move Silently (acp)
+4 Spot
-6 Swim (acp)


Valenar Riding Horse Traits
-low-light vision

Modified Combat Riding general purpose (come, down, guard, heel)[/sblock]

An elf sits at the table, by his dress you can tell he's very likely of Valenar descent. He appears to be athletic, and, judging by the large curved blade strapped to his back and the smaller, ornate blade strapped to his belt, his athleticism has been earned through combat. His striking blue eyes, hard, but not cruel, seem to be drinking in everything going on around him. After everyone has arrived at the table, noticing some have greeted each other as if they were old friends, Shar speaks.

"I don't believe I've formally met any of you yet, though some of you seem to be aquainted already. I am Keeper Sharaes Palaes of the line of Meisai Thysaer the Dancing Terror, here in this land to do great deeds and, above all, bring honor to the memory of my ancestor. The names of the elven tounge can be difficult to those unaccostomed to it's music. By all means, call me Shar."

At the end of his introduction, Shar stands from his seat and bows deeply to the group, his long braids of hair falling foward of his shoulders before he reseats himself. He looks expectantly around the table for further introductions.


First Post
Dargin Crow-Speaker

[sblock]Name Dargin Crow Speaker
Male Talenta Halfling Spirit Shaman 4

Str 6 – (0 pts)
Dex 18 – (8 pts)
Con 8 -- (0 pts)
Int 10 -- (2 pts)
Wis 16 -- (10 pts)
Cha 15 -- (8 pts)

Hit Points 23
Action Points 7/7
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat 16
Init +4
BAB +3, Grap -3
Speed 20 ft. (base 20 ft., light load 14.49/15 lbs., light armor-picking anything with weight medium encumbers me: -3 on armor check skills, -1 touch and regular AC, 15 ft. speed))
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8 (+10 vs. fear)

+2 Melee, longspear, 1d6-2, x3
+2 Melee, handaxe, 1d4-2, x3
+10 Ranged, MW Talenta Boomerang, 1d3-2, x2, 30'r
+9 Ranged, Talenta Boomerang, 1d3-2, x2, 30'r
+8 Ranged, Sling (improvised ammo), 1d2-2, x2, 50’r

Small, 2'11" tall, 33 lbs., 39 yrs old
light brown hair, emerald green eyes, pale skin

Speaks Common, Halfling

+3 Balance (0acp)
-1 Climb (0acp)
+6 Concentration (7)
+3 Escape Artist (0acp)
+9 Handle Animal (7)
+7 Hide (0acp)
-7 Jump (0acp)
+5 Knowledge (nature) (5)
+7 Listen (0)
+5 Move Silently (0acp)
+11 (+9 Fast Mount/Dismount) Ride (5)
+5 Spot (0)
+7 (+9 aboveground natural) Survival (4)
-4 Swim (0acp)

-Alertness (Spirit Guide)
-Martial Weapon Proficiency (Talenta Boomerang)
-Point-Blank Shot

Halfling Traits
-+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Move Silently, and Listen checks
-+1 racial bonus on all saving throws
-+2 morale bonus on saves versus fear
+1 attack bonus with thrown weapons and slings

Spirit Shaman Abilities
-Spirit Guide (Crow)
-Wild Empathy +8
-Chastise Spirits (4d6 damage to Spirits in 30 ft./ Will DC 16 for half)
-Detect Spirits (As detect undead, but with spirits)
-Blessing of the Spirits (As Protection from Evil, but with spirits-self only)

--Spirit Shaman Spells--
Spells Per Day 6/6/4
Spells Retrieved Per Day 3/3/1

Leather Armor +1 (worn, 7.5 lbs.)
Buckler (worn, 2.5 lbs.)
Monk’s Outfit (worn, 1 lb.)

boomerang (belt left, .5 lbs.)
masterwork boomerang (belt right, .5 lbs.)
belt pouch (belt rear, .25 lbs.)
spell component pouch (belt front, 2 lbs.)
sling (hanging from spell components)

Hunter’s Mask (Holy Symbol) (Over face)
Black and Green Silk Sashes (Wrapped around and covering my armor)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (worn)
Thick Black Sash (worn as belt)
Green Fore-arm wrappings (wrists)
Sandals and foot wraps (feet)

Flint and steel (belt pouch)
Scroll of Wood Shape (belt pouch)
Scroll of Lesser Restoration (belt pouch)
Scroll of Faerie Fire (belt pouch)
Scroll of Obscuring Mist (belt pouch)
Scroll of Pass without Trace (belt pouch)
Scroll of Speak with Animals (belt pouch)
Scroll of Magic Fang (belt pouch)
Coins- 3gp, 9sp, 0cp (belt pouch, .24 lbs.)

Military Saddle (Malk, 30 lb.)
Bit and Bridle (Malk, 1 lb.)
+1 Scale Barding (Malk, 30 lb.)
Saddlebags (Malk, 8 lb.)

Waterskin- water (saddlebags, 2 lbs.)
Everburning Torch (saddlebags, 1 lb.)
Tent (saddlebags, 10 lbs.)
Bedroll (saddlebags, 2.5 lbs.)
Longspear (attached to saddle left, 4.5 lbs.)
Handaxe (attached to saddle right, 1.5 lbs.)

Clawfoot Mount

Str 17 – (0 pts)
Dex 17 – (8 pts)
Con 15 -- (0 pts)
Int 2 -- (2 pts)
Wis 12 -- (10 pts)
Cha 10 -- (8 pts)

Hit Points 17 (I used the HP formula on my mount, is that okay? [2d8=16-2=14(.85)=11+2=13+4=17hp])
AC 20, Touch 13, Flat 17
Init +3
BAB +1, Grap +4
Speed 30 ft. (base 40 ft., medium load 138.0/173 lbs., medium armor)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1

+4 Melee, talons, 1d8+3 and
-1/-1 Melee, 2 foreclaws, 1d3+1 and
-1 melee, bite, 1d6+1

+0 Balance (acp)
+0 Climb (acp)
+0 Escape Artist (acp)
+9 Hide (acp)
+13 Jump (acp)
+10 Listen
+0 Move Silently (acp)
+10 Spot
+10 Survival
-3 Swim (acp)


Clawfoot Traits
-+8 racial bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks
-low-light vision

Combat Riding general purpose (attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel) [/sblock]

A small, weak form coughs a few times, the sound ratteling his tiny frame. He is wrapped entirely in swaths of green and black silk, and has hanging about him charms, amulets made of lizard scales, and smells of the musty odor of nature's decay. His sandy brown hair is unwashed and unruly, streaming from the top of a grotesque mask that resembels a crow with supernaturally large eyes. The eyes behind the mask seem almost amplified by his mask as he stares very deeply into the eyes of each person seated at the table. He moves his mouth, muttering a bit under his breath, with his head occasionally directing the sound to his left shoulder. This halfling shaman has been living just outside Newthrone for weeks now, coming into town a few times a week to seek out individuals who he has decided need advice. He gives his name as Dargin, Crow-Speaker to those who ask. Few do. His largest reputation is amongst adventurers who find themselves lost in the jungles without their guide, or in danger just outside Newthrone. Dargin will often arrive, offering what aid and healing he can, before dispencing advice and vanishing on his dinosaur into the foilage.

His mysterious nature makes the fact that he is sitting in the hotel with you, staring and muttering, and calmly sipping his glass of water. He stops muttering long enough to hear the Elf speak. When the elf concludes, Dargin speaks up.

"So you want introductions now, is that it? I am Dargin Crow-Talker. I speak for the spirits of the world, and for the spirit of my grandfather in particular."

Dargin motions towards his shoulder.

"Yes, this is Grandfather. I know, your eyes can't pierce the veil of beyond and see him. That is the gift that I and few others have. This is a good introduction grandfather, yes? What have I forgotten...ah, yes, thank you. Unlike Shar here, I believe I have seen most of you before...though you are rarely amongst those that so anger the spirits of this jungle. I recognize you, servant of the Greatest Spirit in our land, and you, Man with sight beyond the way I have sight within...and I know you Maker. Introduce yourselves to this one...he would know...do you see how he asks with his eyes?"

As he recognized each member of the party, he nodded, first to Sanae, then to Xavier, then pausing noticibly when facing He-Has-No-Name, and finally concluding with a nod to Erin.

The metal one...how does his spirit WORK grandfather? His spirit is unnamed...how can I know what it is if it has no name to call it?

The spells Grandfather has granted this day [sblock] 0-detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink; 1- lesser vigor*, magic stone, obscuring mist; 2- decomposition*
*=complete divine-is this okay?[/sblock]
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'he has no name' warforged psychic warrior 4

'he has no name' considers the notice that Xavier shows him. After a moment he nods in agreement. Money is not as much a consideration for a warfoged as it is for the soft folk, but he still needs it, and doesn't have much left.

"I will go," he says eventually in response to Xavier's inquiry. 'he has no name' turns to Erin. He doesn't say anything but the question is obvious. Erin seems keen.

'he has no name' has his response written out by one of the inky fingered clerks in corner of the market. He hands over the agree price and takes the message to aformentioned Message Box number 47.

To be continued
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First Post
Sanae Jarnell

[sblock]Name: Sanae Jarnel
Gender: Female, Race: Human, Class: 4th Level Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good

Str- 16 (+3) - 10 points
Dex- 10 (+/-0) - 2 points
Con- 14 (+2) - 6 points
Int- 8 (-1) - 0 points
Wis- 12 (+1) - 4 points
Cha- 15 (+2) - 6 points

Hit Points 42
Action Points 7
AC 19, Touch 10, Flat 19
Init +0
BAB +4, Grap +7
Speed 20' (base 30', load 101.9/230, Heavy Armor)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4

+8 Melee, Great Sword +1, 2d6+5, 19-20/x2, Slashing
+7 Melee, Cold Iron Dagger, 1d4+3, 19-20/x2, Piercing
+7 Melee, Silver Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, Piercing
+4 Ranged, Light Crossbow, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80', Piercing

Medium, 5'10" tall, 165 Lbs, 19 yrs old
Black hair, Gray eyes, Tanned skin

Speaks Common

+6 Knowledge (Religion) (7)
+2 Knowledge (The Planes) (3cc)
+1 Ride (1)
+1 Listen (0)
+1 Spot (0)

-Power Attack
-Silver Smite

Human Traits
-Humanoid (Human)
-+1 Skill Point per level
-Bonus Feat at 1st Level
-Favored Class (Any)

Paladin Abilities
-Aura of Good, equal to Paladin Level
-Detect Evil, at will as the spell
-Smite 1/day, +Charisma Modifier to hit, +Paladin level to damage
-Divine Grace, Add Charisma Modifier to all saves. (Already Factored in above)
-Lay on Hands, Paladin Level(Charisma Modifier) in hp per day, can heal anyone including self, can split between multiple uses if desired
-Aura of Courage, Immune to fear, all allies within 10' gain a +4 morale bonus on saves vs. fear. Functions only while conscious.
-Divine Health, Immune to all disease, including supernatural and magical diseases.
-Turn Undead, 3 + Charisma modifier times per day, as 1st level cleric.


Sanae was born in a small village on the Eastern coast of Thrane, right on the Cyran border. Her childhood was rather uneventful; shaped mostly by the war and its impact on the world around her. Her life was turned upside down shortly after she entered her fifteenth year, when Cyran soldiers torched her village and attempted to erase all memory of it from the land.

Sanae barely escaped with her life and was overcome by anger and grief. She hated the Cyrans and all of Cyre, she hated anything that could destroy so freely the lives of so many, she wanted to destroy those who would destroy others. That night, while trying to sleep under the stars, she vowed that she would become stronger and that she would learn to protect those who could not protect themselves.

She found her way to The Church of the Silver Flame and expressed her desire to become a Paladin, a noble knight who could defend truth and justice, who could protect the world from the evil that lurked around every corner.

Shortly after she was accepted in to the Church, Cyre was destroyed. Sanae was delighted when she first heard the news, she felt that the lives of her village had been avenged. She imagined that the Cyrans had gotten what they deserved and that a victory had been won on the side of justice.

Those feelings did not last long. Once survivors of the disaster that destroyed Cyre began to fill the city streets, Sanae discovered that these poor souls were just like her, they had lost everything and nothing could ease their pain. She was overcome with guilt as she realized that there was a far greater evil at work and that all innocents must be protected, no matter what sins may have been commited in their name.

Sanae threw herself even more in to her training, vowing that she would never again fail to see the value of a single innocent life. She held herself to the highest standards, and never again looked back to the life she used to lead.

In the four years that Sanae has been part of the Church she has began to fill her role as a protector, though she is nowhere near done with her training.

She came to Q'barra a few months ago as part of an expedition to uncover unholy relics in the ruins of the jungles. Her expedition was ambushed by a group of Lizardfolk while they were examining a series of ruins, and all but two members were killed. Sanae managed to escape with her close friend, Leara, and the expedition's guide. Sanae and Leara lost track of the guide as they ran towards the city. Leara later succumbed to her injuries and died whle Sanae was spending the last of their money on medicine.

Now she is stranded, broke, and desperately trying to maintain her faith and keep her anger in check so she may find her way back to the Church.


Sanae, like most Paladins, is very dedicated to her church and its ideals. She strives to uphold those ideals and she is very hard on herself for the slightest perceived infraction. She is very determined to bettering herself and to learning all the skills she feels she needs to better the world around her. She carries an extreme amount of guilt for being unable to save her village and for hating Cyre so intensely. Sanae now strives to overcome her base emotions, she wants nothing more than to be able to objectively protect all those in need and to never again feel such overwhelming rage.


Sanae is slightly masculine in appearance. She keeps her dark hair cut quite short so as not to need to worry about it. Her features are broad and clear, most would call her "handsome" instead of "pretty". She wears no jewelry aside from her silver arrowhead pendant. Her clothing is chosen based on function, not on design and she has trouble understanding those who are concerned with their appearance.

Full Plate Mail +1 (worn, 50 Lbs), 2,650gp
Silver Arrowhead Holy Symbol (Around Neck), 25 gp
Great Sword +1 (Right Shoulder, 8 Lbs), 2,350
Crossbow (left shoulder, 4 Lbs), 35gp
Case of 10 crossbow bolts(left hip, 1 Lb), 1gp
Backpack (center back, 2 Lbs) 2gp
Bedroll, (lower back, secured to backpack, 5 Lbs), 1sp
Cold Iron Dagger (Left Boot, 1 Lb) 4gp
Silver Dagger (Right Boot, 1 Lb) 22gp
Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 Lbs) 1gp
Hooded Lantern (backpack, 2 Lbs) 7gp
Flint & Steel (backpack) 1gp
Trail Rations- 12 days (backpack, 12 Lbs) 6gp
3 Flasks of Holy Water (backpack, 3 Lbs) 75gp
3 pints of oil (backpack, 3 Lbs) 3sp
4 potions of Cure Light Wounds (backpack, .4 Lbs) 200gp
50' of Silk Rope (backpack, 5 Lbs) 10gp

Belt Pouch (around waist, .5 Lbs) 1 gp
Coins- 7gp, 4sp (belt pouch)
Identification Papers (belt pouch) 2gp
Traveling Papers (belt pouch) 2sp [/sblock]

Sanae left the tavern after assuring Xavier that she would meet up with him later in the Inn, but the further from the tavern she went, the less resolve she seemed to have.

Can mercenary work really be considered work for the greater good? And if I agree to do a job, but it requires me to compromise myself, am I compromising by going back on my word? Sanae wasn't used to having moral arguments with herself, typically she viewed things in terms or right or wrong, there were no gray areas. But now she began to wonder.

She found herself in front of the Inn without really having meant to go there. She straightened her shoulders and held her head high. I am between a rock and a hard place, I cannot get back to the Church and continue my training until I can leave this place, and I cannot leave this place until I have found a means to do so. This is the means to an end, but giving my word here does not mean that I give my word without restrictions. The Silver Flame guides me, and I will not fall away.

Once inside the Inn she was ushered in to the back corner and greeted by the sight of a rather odd set of characters. She remained standing and glanced to each applicant in turn, her gray eyes both focused and welcoming. She nodded to those she knew and studied those she did not for longer. Finally she ran a hand over her close-cropped dark hair and cleared her throat.

"I am Sanae Jarnell, Templar of the Silver Flame. I have only come to this place recently, but I seem familiar with most of you. I am curious as to the motivations of those gathered here, but I'm sure you all have your reasons, as do I."

She gave another nod before finally taking a seat, adjusting her armor as she made herself comfortable.
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First Post
Xavier Veris

[sblock]Name: Xavier Veris
Class: Scout 4
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attributes: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10

Str 12 – (4 pts)
Dex 17 – (10 pts)
Con 12 -- (4 pts)
Int 12 -- (4 pts)
Wis 12 -- (4 pts)
Cha 10 -- (2 pts)

Hit Points 31
Action Points 7
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat 15
Init +6
BAB +3, Grap +1
Speed 40' (base 40', load 35.7/43, Light Armor)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2

+5 Melee, Masterwork Cold Iron Short Sword, 1d6+1, 19-20/x2, Piercing
+4 Melee, Silver Dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2, Piercing or Slashing
+7 Ranged, +1 Composite Short Bow (Str +1), 1d6+2, 20/x3, 70'

Medium, 6'4" tall, 239 Lbs, 28 yrs old
Brown hair, Blue eyes, Tanned and Weathered skin

Speaks Common, Draconic

Climb: +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Strength)
Hide: +10 (7 Ranks, +3 Dexterity)
Jump: +10 (7 Ranks, +1 Strength, +2 Tumble)
Knowledge (Nature): +10 (7 Ranks, +1 Intelligence, +2 Synergy - Survival)
Listen: +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Wisdom)
Move Silently: +10 (7 Ranks, +3 Dexterity)
Search: +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Intelligence)
Spot: +8 (7 Ranks, +1 Wisdom)
Survival: +8 (+10 to +12 conditionally, 7 Ranks, +1 Wisdom, +2 In Natural Enviroments, +2 When Tracking)
Tumble: +12 (7 Ranks, +3 Dexterity, +2 Jump)

-Point Blank Shot, +1 to hit and damage within 30' with ranged weapons
-Precise Shot, no penalty for shooting into melee
-Quick Reconnoiter, 1 Free listen and spot check every round, +2 on initiative
-Track, Can track targets over distances

Human Traits
-Humanoid (Human)
-+1 Skill Point per level
-Bonus Feat at 1st Level
-Favored Class (Any)

Scout Abilities
-Skirmish, +1d6 damage and a +1 competence bonus to ac in any round Xavier moves more than 10'
-Trapfinding, can find traps with a search dc higher than 20.
-Battle Fortitude, +1 competence bonus on fortitude saves and initiative rolls. Already factored into above stats.
-Uncanny Dodge, Retains dex bonus when flat footed or when struck by an invisible attacker.
-Fast Movement, +10' enhancement bonus to land speed. Already factored into above stats.
-Trackless Step, Can not be tracked unless Xavier wishes to be. Leaves no trail.

Like everyone able bodied from his village, Xavier was pressed into the Cyran military at the age of 18. Anxious for the chance to serve his country he gladly looked forward to entering training. A skilled hunter he was trained as a scout and tracker for his unit. A natural at his work, Xavier took pride in his accomplishments for Crye. Sure, he had ended many a person's life with a well placed arrow, but that didn't bother him, or did it? He never payed it any heed, but it slowly ate at him. When Cyre was destroyed on the day of mourning, Xavier lost his purpose. His village was gone, his soon to be wife was gone, Cyre was gone. What was left for him now? Without the constant battles, all of his actions began to catch up with him, all the faces, all the lives he had ended. He couldn't deal with any of it, so he fled to the wilds of Q'barra, to lose himself with the refugees and deserters in Newthrone.

It's been over a year since he arrived. Xavier has been using his natural skills to escort people between settlements, but after he returned he drank until he passed out, refusing to show his problems to anyone, just as his actions during the war were his own, so were his problems after the war. After nearly killing himself two months ago, Xavier is determined to pull himself together. After all nothing will bring all those people back, and a dead man can't atone for his sins.

Before the war, Xavier was a natural athlete and hunter, outgoing and personable and a favorite in the annual village archery tournament. Proud of his Cryan heritage he was honored to serve in the military. During his service he became very insular, a consequence of being a scout and sniper. Outwardly projecting a proud and determined face, he was torn inside over all the bloodshed. After the war, he was a broken man, fleeing from the devastation of Cyre and his actions in the war. After arriving in Newthrone, his bitterness and shame drove him to drink himself into a stupor to blank out the images in his head. After nearly killing himself, Xavier realized that he has become a stronger person in order to atone for his actions during the war. With a newfound drive, Xavier has vowed to stop drinking, and is going to try and do his best to protect others with his skills. Still gripped by the ccasional bout of melancholy over his past, Xavier works for a better future for himself and others.

A tall heavyset man in his late twenties, Xavier moves with a surprising grace. His long brown hair conceals a heavy scar on the side of his neck from an arrow during the war. Xavier is very self conscious of this scar, and does his best to conceal it at all times. A multitude of smaller scars adorn his body, all gifts of various battles over the years. Dressed in worn earth tone clothes and a heavy brown cloak, Xavier has a very nondescript type of look. After all he wants to blend in, not stand out whether in the woods or in a crowd. Dark circles lay under Xavier eyes, a lasting reminder of his drinking and nightmares.

+1 Mithral Shirt (worn, 12.5 Lbs) 2,100gp
Masterwork Cold Iron Short Sword (belt left, 2 Lbs) 320gp
Silver Dagger (small of back, 1 Lb) 22gp
"Alyssa" +1 Composite Short Bow (Str +1) (left shoulder, 2 Lbs) 2,450gp
Quiver of 40 Arrows (right shoulder, 6 Lbs) 2gp
Backpack (center back, 2 Lbs) 2gp
Cameo and Engagement Ring, on Necklace (I just priced them as signet rings, since they aren't fancy, nor are they for sale. Just memories) 10gp
Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 Lbs) 1gp
Everburning Torch (backpack, 1 Lb) 110gp
Flint & Steel (backpack) 1gp
6 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (backpack, .6 Lbs) 300gp
Potion of Protection from Evil (backpack, .1 Lb) 50gp
Sealed Quiver of 20 Cold Iron Arrows (backpack, 3 Lbs) 2gp
Flask of Alchemist's Fire (backpack, 1 Lb) 20gp

Belt Pouch (waist, .5 Lbs) 1gp
Coins- 6gp (belt pouch)
Worn Traveling Papers (pouch) 2sp
Heavily Worn Identification Papers (pouch) 2gp
Signal Whistle (pouch) 8sp [/sblock]

After 'No-Name' left to have his papers signed, Xavier left for the hotel. He wasted no time finding himself a seat and surveying those already seated. He hadn't said anything when the kobold came to offer drinks, and he paused while considering the offer. A beer would really hit the spot, might loosen me up, might make this easier. What am I thinking? I said I was going to quit drinking, can't I even follow through for a weeks time anymore? He looked back to the kolbold.

"Just water, thanks."

He listened to the Halfling and Sanae before nodding towards the Elf."Xavier Veris, nice to meet you." He nodded to everyone else and returned to his water.
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First Post

Erin (formerly Erin d’Cannith)
Female Human Artificer 4th lvl
Alignment CN (formerly N)

Str 15 +2 (6 pts + 1pt at 4th)
Dex 10 +0 (2 pts)
Con 10 +0 (2 pts)
Int 14 +2 (6 pts)
Wis 10 +0 (2 pts)
Cha 16 +3 (10 pts)

Hit Points 27
Action Points 7
AC 17, Touch 10, Flat 17
Init +0
BAB +3, Grapple +5
Speed 20’ (base 30’, load 64/66, medium)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4

+6 Melee, Masterwork Morningstar, 1d8+2 20/x2

Medium, 6' tall, 145 lb, 26 yrs old
Red hair, blue eyes, white skin

Speaks Common, Draconic, and Halfling

+8 Appraise (6)
+11 Craft (armorsmithing) (7)
+9 Craft (bowmaking) (5)
+11 Craft (weaponsmith) (7)
+9 Disable Device (7)
+4 Knowledge (arcana) (2)
+9 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (7)
+4 Knowledge (the planes) (2)
+9 Spellcraft (7)
+10/+12 Use Magic Device (7) (+2 for wands, scrolls, and wondrous items)
+0 Listen (0)
+0 Spot (0)

-Least Dragonmark (Mark of Making, Make Whole 1/day) (1st level human)
-Extraordinary Artisan (1st level)
-Extend Spell (3rd level)

Artificer Abilities
-Artificer Knowledge
-Artisan Bonus
-Disable Trap
-Item Creation
-Scribe Scroll
-Brew Potion
-Craft Wondrous Item
-Craft Homunculus
-Exceptional Artisan (Bonus 4th Level Feat)

Erin d’Cannith was born of the Dragonmarked house Cannith in Cyre on Nymm 4, 972 YK. Raised by her parents Talsha and Erithea d’Cannith, Erin led a privileged life. During her 17th year she began her training as an artificer for the house. Her parents’ proudest moment came when, at the age of 18, she manifested the Mark of Making. At the age of 20, her services were leant to the Cyran army. She was tasked as a glorified maintenance worker, using her mark and her skills to keep the warforged the Cyrans purchased from House Cannith in working order throughout the war.

Erin traveled to the western front in 992 YK, assigned to the monitor the 3rd division of the Queen’s Army. She spent the next 4 years in the rear echelon, aiding in the repair of warforged. Erin cared little for the fighting, and due to her House Cannith upbringing, thought of herself and her house as “above” this conflict. During this war, the Last War, members of the dragonmarked houses were non-combatants, and as such were, by treaty, not to be attacked. In return, they would not attack and only serve support functions for all sides. Erin saw this as an invulnerability of sorts, which only caused her to become more and more removed from the war around her. She only associated with her family and others from her house, and was quite cold to the general fighter, caring more for the company of her warforged than for fellow humans. Little did Erin know that her live would be irrevocably changed on that fateful day: Olarune 19, 994 YK, the Day of Mourning.

The day began as any other: witnessing the Cyran forces continue to fight against their enemies. However, Erin awoke to a somber fact when a warforged scout attempted to place his embedded blade firmly in her stomach. All of a sudden, she realized that the warforged army was not treating her as a non-combatant. With the help of Cyran fighters, Erin managed to stay alive well into the third wave of warforged troops. However, when a stormship fired a fireball at her general location during a bombing run, Erin’s entire world went blank.

How Erin managed to survive the Day of Mourning is a mystery no one knows, for even Erin herself cannot bring herself of remember the event. However, in the wake of its destruction, she found herself with a band of Cyran refugees desperate to escape the horror of the newly-formed Mournlands. Despite her desire to immediately flee to Karrnath and the nearest House Cannith compound, Erin felt indebted to her saviors and agreed to join them on a trek to Q’Barra. The refugees felt that, out of all of the locales open to them after the destruction of Cyre, Q’Barra stood the best chance of having them. And so, over the course of the next two years, Erin embarked with her newfound allies to Q’Barra.

While on the journey, Erin began to warm up and feel sympathetic to the Cyrans. The destruction of her family and friends caused her to gain a new outlook on life. She no longer took a cold, unemotional outlook on life, and became an integral part of the caravan. The refugees found it extremely useful to have a dragonmarked artificer as part of their new family, and Erin found some new friends along the journey. [Note: if it makes sense, I would love for Erin to have met some other PCs during this time, especially other Cyran refugees or those from the Eldeen Reaches also heading towards Q’Barra]

When she reached Q’Barra, she made her way to the small House Cannith compound in Newthrone. When she reached the doors of the compound, however, she found herself barred by warforged guards. When she forced an audience with Kalar d’Cannith, Q’Barra’s regent, she was subject to yet another shock.

Evidently, after the destruction of House Cannith’s holdings and the death of the House’s patriarch in Cyre, the House was split off into three factions. Merrix d’Cannith, the head of House Cannith in Sharn, proposed an insidious measure: he believed the destruction of the nation of Sharn might be related to House Cannith, and possibly their creation forges. In an effort to purge the House, Merrix proposed excoriation (forcible removal from House Cannith) for all those of the ruling families in Cyre. Erin and her family were amongst those excoriated.

Devastated by her removal from House Cannith, Erin had no idea what to do. She found herself shunned from her old family, and with all connections from her old life severed, decided to begin a new life in Q’Barra. Over the next two years, Erin found herself enjoying a newfound freedom. She was no longer bound by the pomp and pageantry surrounding a dragonmarked youth, and was no longer a fighter in a war she did not understand.

She took various jobs that came to her, and stayed in touch with her “Mourner” friends. In fact, they gave her a home-away-from-home, where she spent time creating her various items, most of which she donated to them. However, her old traveling companions went their separate ways a few months ago: half of them accepting Prince Oargev’s pleas to join him in New Cyre, the other half leaving for adventure on the continent of Xen’drik. Not willing to sacrifice her new life, she decided to remain in Q’Barra. Without her old friends, she has taken herself to joining various adventurers on whatever job she can find, now barely able to keep a few sovereigns in her pockets.

Erin is a forceful woman, with a fire in her eyes. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and will not back down from a conflict. She has a hatred for all things House Cannith, and has taken to embrace both her excoriation and her new life she found in the freedom of Q’Barra. While in search of nothing more than adventure and a life free from the responsibilities of being in a dragonmarked house, she tends to take jobs that involve the searching for more intriguing artifacts, mysteries, or even dragonshards for her creations. She is extremely loyal to her friends, though she tends to be a bit distrustful of those of any dragonmarked house or royal family.

Erin is a tall, proud woman, with fiery red hair that spills out from under her helmet and piercing blue eyes. She carries a scar across her left cheek as a reminder of her last battle of the Last War. She is garbed in a traditional adventurers’ outfit. She wears well-worn breastplate (loot from a previous adventure), tan studded leather under her greaves, and black leather workboots. She also wears a gauntlet on her right hand, and a potion bracer on her left. Strapped to the right side of her belt is her trusty morningstar, a parting gift from Balar, a Cyran “mourner” friend. Those with keen eyes will also notice a Cyran Army signet ring on her finger (a gift from an old lover she no longer wishes to speak about). Those few lucky enough to have seen it would have taken notice of a least Mark of Making inscribed at the small of her back.

+2 Breastplate (worn, 30 lb) 4350 gp
Explorer’s Outfit (worn, 8 lb) 0 gp

Masterwork Morningstar (belt right, 6 lb) 308 gp
Belt Pouch (belt front, 0.5 lb) 1 gp
Everburning Torch (belt left, 1 lb) 110 gp

Backpack (center back, 2 lb) 2 gp
Bedroll (below backpack, 5 lb) 1 sp

Potion Bracer (left wrist, 1.5 lb) 50 gp
Gauntlet (right hand, 1 lb) 2 gp
Signet Ring (with Cyran crest) (4th finger on left hand, 0 lb) 5 gp

Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds* (potion bracer, 0 lb) 25 gp

Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 lb) 1 gp
Flint & Steel (backpack, 0 lb) 1 gp
Trail Rations- 2 days (backpack, 2 lb) 1 gp
Ink Pen and 2 Ink Vials (backpack, 0 lb) 16 gp, 1 sp
Journal (backpack, 3 lb) 15 gp
Scroll of Comprehend Language* (backpack, 0 lb) 12 gp, 5 sp
Scroll of Invisibility* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Knock* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Locate Object* (backpack, 0 lb) 75 gp
Scroll of Tongues* (backpack, 0 lb) 187 gp, 5 sp
Potion of Remove Fear* (backpack, 0 lb) 25 gp

Coins- 7 gp, 8 sp (pouch, 0 lb)
Identification papers w/ portrait (pouch, 0 lb) 5 gp

*Created by Erin

OOC: Have no problems with the hijack :) I might have to make a quick hijack myself... see below.

As Erin reaches the table, Erin looks at both He-Has-No-Name and Xavier. "Thanks for coming. I'm glad I talked you both into joining me on this job."

Erin tests the wicker chair first, making sure it is sturdy, then sits. Erin listens to Shar's introduction respectfully, and half-bows when he does. "Pleasure to meet you Keeper Sharaes Palaes."

Erin also listens respectfully to Dargin's introduction. Erin responds to his nod. "And a pleasure to meet you and your grandfather, Dargin Crow-Talker. Though I am intrigued as to how you said you recognized some of us, for I am sure I would recall meeting a venerable person as yourself. Do you have a gift of othersight?"

After Sanae's introduction, Erin responds. "Nice to see you again, Sanae. And it pleases my heart that the Silver Flame has kept you well in this dangerous land."

After Xavier speaks, Erin introduces herself. "Hi. As most of you know, I'm Erin, formerly of Cyre. Boy, this land makes strange bedfellows, eh? And I might as well make the introduction of my companion here, who is oft to say nothing in the company of others. The 'forged here is... well... he has no name. Another refugee from Cyre, like Xavier and myself. He's very quiet, but he tends to grow on you." She flashes a smile at He-Has-No-Name, knowing it will probably make him uncomfortable.

After the introductions, Erin looks at Xavier's glass, and notices he's drinking water. She looks at him confused, then gestures in confusion as to why he's drinking water instead of ale. She mouthes the words Only water?


warforged psychic warrior 4

[sblock]Warforged Psychic Warrior 4
Alignment: Neutral.

Str 14 (+2) ... [6 pts]
Dex 14 (+2) ... [6 pts]
Con 14 (+2) ... [4 pts, +2 racial]
Int 10 (+0) ... [2 pts]
Wis 13 (+1) ... [6 pts, -2 racial, L4 increase]
Cha 08 (-1) ... [2 pts, -2 racial]

Action Points 7
HD 4d8+8 (hp 35.8)
Initiative +6 ..... [+2 dex, +4 feat]
Speed 30 .......... [base 30, light armour]
Armour Class 20 ... [base 10, +5 armour, +3 shield, +2 dex]
- Touch 15 ........ [base 10, +3 shield, +2 dex]
- Flat Footed 15 .. [base 10, +5 armour, +3 shield]
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2

BAB +3, Grapple +5
- longsword +5 melee (1d8+2, 19-20/x2)
- short spear +5 melee (1d6+2, 20x2)
- short spear +5 range (1d6+2, 20x2, 20 ft.)

+9 Concentration +9 ... [7 ranks, +2 con]
+7 Craft (blacksmith) . [7 ranks, +0 int]
+1 Listen ............. [0 ranks, +1 wis. nb: +4 power*]
+1 Spot ............... [0 ranks, +1 wis. nb: +4 power*]

- Mithral Body (+5 AC, +5 max dex, -2 ACP)
- Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative)
- Psionic Meditation (mv action to regain Psionic focus)
- Psionic Weapon (expend focus, +2d6 damage to attack)

Warforged Traits
- Living Construct Subtype.
- +2 con, -2 wis, -2 cha.
- Medium size.
- Base land speed 30 feet.
- Composite Plating (Mithral Body).
- Light Fortification.
- Natural Weapon: Slam Attack 1d4.

Psychic Warrior Abilities
- Bonus Feats at 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th etc
- Skill Points (2+int)/level

Medium, 6'4" tall, 274 lbs, 7 yrs old.

Power Points 5+4
First Level Powers:
- Metaphysical Weapon (+1 enchantment, 1pp, std, 1min/L)
- Precog Defense (+1 insight to AC/saves, 1 pp, std, 1min/L)
- Claws of the Beast (nat weapon, 1pp, swift, 1hour/L)
Second Level Powers:
- Detect Hostile Intent (3pp, 30' radius, 10min/L)


"You are not like the other warforged, just as I am not like the other people of this continent," said Minharath in the silent voice he prefered. Of all the kalashitar, Minharath was the one with whom the warforged spent the most time with, and whom seemed to have the most interest in the performance of the warforged, and his development.

"We share a link to the Dal Quor, the plane of Dreams, and it gives us powers that the people here have little understanding of."

'He has no name' was forged about as decade before the end of the Last War at the request of a kalashitar merchant house in Sharn. For a number of years he served his owners as a guard, soldier, labourer, whatever was needed. It was an easy life, despite the war that raged across the continent, for the owners of 'warforged' (as he was known to his owners) had little interest in the outcome. On occasions, however the war came to them, and warforged fought as he was designed to do.

All that changed on the Day of Mourning. Business had taken the kalashitar to Cyre, and as was often the case, warforged had traveled with them. Nightfall found warforged fleeing the newly created Mournlands east towards Q'barra with a group of refugees.

It was in Q'Barra that he learnt that he was free. Since then, warforged has been towards earning enough to return to Sharn. But he has not decided if he will return to the kalashitar. The kalashitar were not bad masters, but warforged hasn't decided yet whether he wishes to be part of their world or not.


Warforged has little interest in wondering who he is, or why he is here. He is happy enough with what he knows, that he is a warforged, and he was forged for combat. Free to choose his own path, he has chosen to continue the project of Minharath and see how far he can develop as a Psychic Warrior. Wealth has little appeal for him. Nor does power. He seeks both only as far as he needs either them to be able to do what he needs to do in order to continue to learn.


Warforged stands 6'3" tall, and weights in at about 260 lbs. He is a little more slender than many of his kind, and with his mithral body, a fair bit lighter. He distains clothing, seeing no need for it.

The brightwork of his body is dulled with a dark wax that serves to both prevent it from glinting in the light, and tarnishing. The wax can easily be removed to reveal the brightwok beneath, but recently warforged has taken to leaving it on, prefering the darker tone and given that the wax is inevitably scratched and rubbed off in places, the slightly battered look of the coated metal. Beneath the wax can be see numerous inscribed marks. They suggest ornamental embellishment, or even dragon marks, but are neither. They are psychic tatoos.

Mithral Body
Warforged Repair Kit (internal compartments? 1 lbs, 50 gp)
Tatoos (body)
- L1 Chameleon x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Compression x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Elfsight x2 (100 gp)
- L1 Stomp x2 (100 gp)
- L2 Animal Afinity x2 (600 gp)
- L2 Body Adjustment x2 (600 gp)
- L2 Dimension Swap x2 (600 gp)
- L3 Dimension Slide (750 gp)
- L3 Psionic Levitate (750 gp)

Longsword (waist left, 4 lbs, 15 gp)
Leather case (waist right, 1 lbs, 1 gp)
- Flint and Steel (- lbs, 1 gp)
- Noxious smokestick x3 (1.5 lbs, 240 gp)
- Sunrod x5 (10 lbs, 10 gp)
- Travelling Papers (- lbs, 2 sp)
Blacksmith Tools (waist back, 5 lbs, 55 gp)
- inc Crowbar (5 lbs, 2 gp)

+1 Hvy Steel Shield (back, 15 lbs, 1170 gp)
Cold Iron Short Spear (back, 3 lbs, 2 gp)

Coins - 3 gp, 8 sp (pouch)

Large War Dog (150 gp)

Time passes.

'he has no name' watches the harbour. He works the rice fields, finding the rhythmic monotony of it quite pleasing. The mind slows and expands, the body takes on a life of its own.

He looks at the reply. The material is much better than that which he sent. He strokes it abscently, wondering about the texture. It reminds him of something.

He gathers his gear and heads to the Hotel. The others here for the same thing are obvious. A ragtag collection of misfits (at least in this place) that the other patrons watch nervously out of the corner of their eyes. He notices the warrior of the Flame, and ammends the thought. Not so ragtag.

He nods his greeting to those already there. To those he has not met, he says, "I am a warforged." He wonders if he should head off the inevitable question. He decides he should.

"I have no name."


First Post
Your host arrives

Nice intros, everyone! Dargin's spell selections are fine.

After a few minutes of amiable chitchat or uncomfortable silence or simply waiting impassively, as the case may be, someone new approaches your little gathering. By his height and large build, you could easily mistake him for human, but his pointed ears mark him as a khorovar, the product of the mingling of human and elven blood many centuries past. Despite the damp heat, he is dressed exceedingly formally; tall top hat, shirt buttoned to his throat, buttoned vest, heavy waistcoat, thick tribex-wool knee breeches, stockings, and square toed shoes. Every item of clothing he wears is black, matching his long hair which is pulled back in a bun. He carries a silver tipped densewood cane and a thick leather satchel, both of which he sets on the table long enough to remove his hat and bow a quick and precise 30°.

”Good evening,” he says in a voice that is surprisingly soft coming from such a large man. ”On behalf of my employer, let me thank you for coming here. My name is Calabas and I am here to offer you a contract for your services.”
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First Post
A job offer is made

Calabas sits down and begins rummaging through the satchel, producing a sheaf of papers. He places the top sheet on the table in front of you. It is a map of the Whitecliff River, with the cities of Newthrone and Whitecliff clearly marked at either end. Between them are two marks on the eastern bank; one in red at the river’s edge, the other in black further inland.

Calabas indicates the red mark. ”This is the location of my employer’s plantation. His name is Kolbek Novilderth and he controls the largest holding of land in private hands in Q’Barra. To be brief, approximately one month ago, we began to experience almost nightly raids by a tribe of poison dusks. Loss of life has been minimal, praised be the Sovereigns, but the damage to property and crops is considerable. The odd thing is that prior to this point, our interactions with these folk (they call themselves the ‘Clan of Three Feathers,’ or ‘Ressek-kalassasseth’ in their own tongue) have been peaceable. Indeed, they have often brought plants and minerals from their lands further from the river to trade for manufactured goods. We can ascertain no reason for their sudden change in attitude.”

At this point raucous laughter on the other side of the salon interrupts the flow of his story. The merriment is clearly unconnected to your group’s meeting; it appears the charming Riedran ambassador is demonstrating his appreciation of the Lord Mayor’s wit. Nonetheless, Calabas leans in closer and his voice drops so low you have to strain to hear him. ”The black mark on the map indicates the location of a Tharashk mining enclave. Curiously, as far as we can tell, they have had no trouble from the Three Feathers. This despite the fact that their enclave lies between us and the Three Feathers’ lands. This leads my employer to certain...unfortunate speculations that he would prefer not to make.”

“Your job, should you choose to accept it, will be to put a stop to these raids, by any means necessary. If the Three Feathers are being...encouraged by a third party, Mr. Novilderth would like to know that as well. For this service, my employer is prepared to pay you the sum of twenty thousand galifars, in whatever combination of coinage, precious stones, or Kundarak bank notes you desire.”

Calabas quickly notes the number seated around the table and pulls off six sheets from his stack of papers. He digs in the satchel again, producing ink vials and quills. ”Now, before we reach the stage of signing contracts, I expect you will have some questions for me.”
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Voidrunner's Codex

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