I'll help RCanine take a stab at this. I don't expect it to be easy or quick, because the issues involved aren't easy. Also, I honestly don't have inside knowledge of the module-approval process (though I can hazard some guesses), so some help with that info would be appreciated, even though I can understand why the AL staff and admins would have no obligation to share those 'trade secrets' with someone who isn't a part of the organization.
I think, though, that we might end up writing two different essays -- RCanine seems like he's got ideas on how to address the current issue raised in this thread, while I've been moved to consider a more general question of how to deal with boundaries at an AL table. (Though a lot of what I'm thinking is already addressed in Joe Lastowski's article on handling the more overt in-game racism of Season 3, so we'll see how that goes.)
Edit: As a response to the 'we don't have time to reflect before responding' critique in Skerrit's post, I'll point out that the essay I linked to wasn't published until over six weeks after the start of Season 3. If the Powers That Be felt that delay contributed to a damaging of "the brand", that's one thing, but that would be news to me.
I think, though, that we might end up writing two different essays -- RCanine seems like he's got ideas on how to address the current issue raised in this thread, while I've been moved to consider a more general question of how to deal with boundaries at an AL table. (Though a lot of what I'm thinking is already addressed in Joe Lastowski's article on handling the more overt in-game racism of Season 3, so we'll see how that goes.)
Edit: As a response to the 'we don't have time to reflect before responding' critique in Skerrit's post, I'll point out that the essay I linked to wasn't published until over six weeks after the start of Season 3. If the Powers That Be felt that delay contributed to a damaging of "the brand", that's one thing, but that would be news to me.
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