DDAL Racism and DDAL4-1 [Spoilers]

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I'll help RCanine take a stab at this. I don't expect it to be easy or quick, because the issues involved aren't easy. Also, I honestly don't have inside knowledge of the module-approval process (though I can hazard some guesses), so some help with that info would be appreciated, even though I can understand why the AL staff and admins would have no obligation to share those 'trade secrets' with someone who isn't a part of the organization.

I think, though, that we might end up writing two different essays -- RCanine seems like he's got ideas on how to address the current issue raised in this thread, while I've been moved to consider a more general question of how to deal with boundaries at an AL table. (Though a lot of what I'm thinking is already addressed in Joe Lastowski's article on handling the more overt in-game racism of Season 3, so we'll see how that goes.)

Edit: As a response to the 'we don't have time to reflect before responding' critique in Skerrit's post, I'll point out that the essay I linked to wasn't published until over six weeks after the start of Season 3. If the Powers That Be felt that delay contributed to a damaging of "the brand", that's one thing, but that would be news to me.

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I'd be happy to draft what I think is a good response, and @Pauper if you pm me some contact info I can run it by you for feedback. @skerritthegreen let me know what the best way to get it to you is.

Edit: it might take me 24 hours or so due to IRL stuff.
If it is easier for you, you can always send it to me or skerrit via PM. If you send it to me, I will contact him as soon as I get it and pass it along. I tend to check the ENWorld forums more frequently than the admins, so if you want quick turn-around, might be faster to send it to me.

Alternately, you can always contact him directly on FB.

I'd be happy to draft what I think is a good response, and @Pauper if you pm me some contact info I can run it by you for feedback. @skerritthegreen let me know what the best way to get it to you is.

Edit: it might take me 24 hours or so due to IRL stuff.

I can't tell whether this is sarcasm or legitimate, but honestly it truly needs to happen. Really.

This entire article reads like someone saying, "No, I didn't offend you! See? You just didn't read between the lines to infer the right stuff!"

Does anyone know how that just makes it WORSE?!?

If it takes an entire article to explain what's not clear, the mod doesn't do what it's supposed to do. You've "apologized" by not apologizing and implied it's the reader's fault for not paying attention to what you "meant" by pointing out where they didn't read into things carefully enough, and then wrapped it all up by foisting all the responsibility on the DM to fix the situation!!

All of this stuff needed to have been in the mod itself when you released it! Otherwise you wouldn't have needed it! That's what the article should be explaining! Not how you really don't owe anyone any clarification!

You need to attach a pdf of the article to the mod's download in the DMsGuild at the very least. And then you need to upload a revision that includes this stuff in the actual mod itself. Because this crap of "this is what you should have inferred" is BS. Say it like you mean it. The first time.

I can't tell whether this is sarcasm or legitimate, but honestly it truly needs to happen. Really.

This entire article reads like someone saying, "No, I didn't offend you! See? You just didn't read between the lines to infer the right stuff!"

Does anyone know how that just makes it WORSE?!?

If it takes an entire article to explain what's not clear, the mod doesn't do what it's supposed to do. You've "apologized" by not apologizing and implied it's the reader's fault for not paying attention to what you "meant" by pointing out where they didn't read into things carefully enough, and then wrapped it all up by foisting all the responsibility on the DM to fix the situation!!

All of this stuff needed to have been in the mod itself when you released it! Otherwise you wouldn't have needed it! That's what the article should be explaining! Not how you really don't owe anyone any clarification!

You need to attach a pdf of the article to the mod's download in the DMsGuild at the very least. And then you need to upload a revision that includes this stuff in the actual mod itself. Because this crap of "this is what you should have inferred" is BS. Say it like you mean it. The first time.

I guess I would request an article from you as well Coryartus. I'm all for as many people explaining their points of view as much as possible.

Is anyone who is part of this discussion actually a part of the culture we are talking about? The reason I ask is because I think MOST people are ignorant about the issue.

The issue to me is not that 4-1 uses stereotypes. Fantasy lore in general is FULL of stereotypes. The core rules explicitly tells people not to rely too much on stereotypes. Immature jokes aside I don't really see many gamers expecting women to wear cheesecake armor, for example. The adventures themselves have a lot of really strong nods to diversity and inclusion .the issue seems to be that hardly anyone knows what we are even talking about. The collegiate community has pretty much completely disavowed the idea that race is dictated by skin color...skin color is an environmental trait based mostly on exposure to UV radiation, and diet. The gene pool was never as pure as the generations before us used to think. I'm working on getting into nursing school, and this is what was taught in Anthropology, Sociology, Biology, and Lifespan Development classes over the last couple years. I think its weird for someone to call themselves African American when they, their parents, and their parents before them were born in the USA. To me that is racist...Once opon a time my ancestors were of Scottish descent...but I never thought to call myself Scottish American. That said, you have to be able to acknowledge that there ARE differences, otherwise it is impossible to appreciate those differences.

People drawing parallels between racism against black people and prejudice against gypsies...myeh. I'm gay and I've done the same thing. The problem with that is that similarities are exactly that, only similar. I grew up on the porch eating chicken and watermelon and dancing in the sprinklers with people of many different colors. Most prejudices against other people are a bad thing, but they don't all come from the same place. Prejudice can come from love, hate, ignorance or, worst of all, indifference. I admit to being prejudice against all things I am ignorant about :).

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