Rangers only have a number of uses equal to their Wis modifier per long rest. But! Rangers are no longer spellcasters and therefore not as Wisdom-dependent as they used to be, especially since skills aren't tied to stats anymore. So the ranger player may not put one of their high stats in Wisdom if they have another build idea.
But anyway, assuming that a ranger does max out their Wisdom and it's 16 at 2nd level, they can only get that huge bonus to damage once per long rest, and they only get that bonus if they hit, unlike a herald's smites, where they can choose to get the bonus damage. If they use point buy and max their primary Dex and their not-actually-secondary Wis, then all of their other stats are going to be utterly mediocre, which means they'd be penalizing themselves just to maybe get one nova per day.
To me, it seems that unless it's a do-or-die event, it'd be more likely a ranger would instead choose to get multiple instances of +1d6 damage.