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ZEITGEIST Rangda's Zeitgeist Campaign (SPOILERS)


First Post
9/8 Session

This session starts with Lacy & Carlie impersonating brigands from the Cloudwood (even though they don't know that) in Waryeye's shop with the rest of the party (Ford, Savanna, Cyrus) bursting in as “the law” with a search warrant to search for contraband. Dansica plays along (there is only 3 of them plus a robot) figuring if they find the safe she can always dreamdust the lot of them, and if a fight breaks out the “cloudwood bandits” might help out. The party puts the customers in the shop, the guards, and the undercover party in a corner and proceeds to search them, then has a go of searching the building. They are out of Evidence Collection points to spend to find the safe, so I make them describe exactly how they search the entire building to see if they will declare they move the painting to find the safe. I even put a red herring in the office, some false floorboards with a box of mementos of their marriage (this comes back to haunt me).

The party does a pretty thorough job of tossing the building. While doing this they notice the dreaming dust trap although knowing about it doesn't end up helping much (see below). They didn't check everything in the storeroom or the lab, so hiding the safe contents in plain sight would probably have worked better than the safe (as hiding in plain sight usually does). But sure enough when I mention the paintings on the walls they check behind them and find the safe, they also check under the office rug and find my floorboards. Rather than having Dansica open the safe and potentially set off some sort of trap to destroy the contents, Cyris decides to open it himself (with with a 21 thievery check he does). Cyrus has Arcana, but has no more points to spend so he doesn't see through the illusion but it's enough to let him know that something is a bit off. This presents the party with a quandry; Carlie is the only person left with an unspent Arcana point but she's undercover. Do they blow her cover so she can search the office or do they keep her cover and not discover whatever is there? What tips them over the edge is my cubbyhole; they are convinced something is up because of that (I should have put that in the bedroom). At any rate they come up with a cunning plan.

Cyrus keeps Dansica in the bedroom and grills her over the contents of the box. They don't know it, but this is just a memories box so Dansica is happy to waste time with this and keep them away from the wall safe and it gives her a false sense of security. Ford heads downstairs and makes a pretense of questioning the customers & guards individually. Sadly he has a bluff of 1 (untrained 10 CHA L2) and then rolls a 3. This clues in the guards that something fishy is going on and they become suspicious of Carlie and Lacy. However being separated from Dansica they have no way to tell her that. Carlie gets to search the office and after spending an Arcana IP point notices the illusion in the safe and what is in there. This gives the party hard evidence to arrest Dansica with. However before doing that they finish “searching” the customers so Dansica still doesn't know about Carlie and Lacy.

Upon being informed of her arrest, Dansica lets Blander know something is wrong and declares to the party she has to shut down the lab before leaving. This sounds reasonable, so the party lets her do it even though they know she might set the trap off. They fixate on looking for a physical switch to turn it on never thinking she might use magic (despite the fact that Ford has prestidigitation and magic hand!). So the fight starts with Ford and Savanna having both been dazed by the dreaming dust. The combat, however, ends up being fairly easy for the party. The guards attack Carlie and Lacy to let Dansica know they aren't allies, but Dansica is far more concerned with getting away than fighting. The problem is she took ~45 points of damage before getting her non surprise round action, and she just couldn't generate enough actions to get away (even though she gave a good go of it). At the end she and Blander surrender both being bloodied.

At this point I reason that dreaming dust is pretty horrific stuff in a fantasy world. The ability to reprogram someone's memories is incredibly valuable, scheming nobles would love to use it. But scheming nobles would also be terrified of it being used on them. So I rule that this is really hard core stuff that is beyond illegal and the Waryeye's are in really deep. Dansica offers to tell the party whatever they want to know if they'll just make all that dreaming dust go away. She & Blander will take the rap for everything else (and count on expensive lawyers to get them off lightly). The party decides that going out on a limb for Dansica is not a wise course to take, so they decline the offer and instead turn her over with the dreaming dust and a full disclosure of its use. Not good for the Waryeye's, but we'll get back to them later.

At this point they are out of leads for the smugglers so they are left with hoping the Waryeye's crack under “interrogation”. So they decide to head over to the North Shore where they can check out the House of the Blue Bird. It's now the night of 3rd summer, so it's been 2 days since the doctor went into hiding. They talk to the woman running the house, and she gives them the partial story about the Dr. having come and left, leaving out Officer Porter. But Lacy has bull**** detector so she realizes the woman is nervous, she's lieing or hiding something. It doesn't take much to get her to crack, one good intimidation roll and she comes clean about Officer Porter and the bribe. A few hundred gold is an insane amount of money for a bobby to toss around, so this tells them that they most likely won't find much here and that someone impersonating an officer is also searching for the good doctor. They do get the letter of recommendation from Dr. Barnaby Camp which leads them to him. He's quite confused not sure why they are here when he's already told “Officer Porter” what he knows. But he tells them what little he does know which then in turn leads the party to Professor Kindleton (it's the night of 3rd Summer so he's already gotten the note from Wolfgang).

They decide it's too late to visit the professor tonight and instead head to the consolate to see if Lebrix is more willing to talk. He of course isn't, but Carly's bull**** detector skill lets her know that she doesn't think he'll open up until something changes (for example either they find something hard to confront him with or his employers suddenly decide he's expendable). It's late but they are still in the district so head over to the police station to see if there is an “Officer Porter”. There of course isn't, so they then try to get a sketch of Officer Porter but other than “totally average with unusual mustache” they don't get much from their two witnesses. This leaves Porter being the proverbial needle in the haystack. They call it a night and try to get some sleep; sleeping at the RHC offices in case the Waryeye's crack.

4th Summer starts with a review with Delf. They decide that they'll visit the university as it's in Central so it will be easy for Delf to get ahold of them if the Waryeye's finally crack. They find Kindleton in her office (too early for classes yet) and talk to her about Wolfgang. Being such an awful lier everybody knows she's hiding something; since she's unwilling to talk they take her to RHC to let her sweat it out in an interrogation room. They don't know it but this is exactly the reassuance she needs so with a bit of empathy from Laci Kindleton tells what she knows (which isn't much really). It's 4th Summer so they know the doctor is in hiding as he knows someone is trying to find him, and that he's using criminals to hide him. But Wolfgang hasn't gotten to the point of being afraid of his “guards” so that's all they get. But they do know that they have to head into the Nettles to find out more. Carlie's background had her running with Nettles gangs as a teen, so she rattles off several names of people that could hide the Doctor, including Lorcan Kell. I decide it would be a great way to tie things together and have Carlie's former gang be Lorcan's (not good for her since she got out by becoming an informant but it's what she gets for not specifying a specific gang but leaving it vague).

At this point the party knows the smuggling is tonight but they have no leads, so they hang around RHC waiting for the Waryeye's to crack. I finally have them do so late in the afternoon, time enough to call in a favor for a bit of backup and head right over. They fail the diplomacy check to get a squad of 12 in an hour and end up with 4 bobby's and a boat. They decide on a pincer attack, they will approach the dock on land and split the bobby's between their boat and the bobby's boat. Both are steam powered so 2 can run each boat. They are counting on 2 steam boats to be impressive enough that whoever is at the docks will try to go through them instead of fleeing via the water. The party makeup heavily factors into this decision, with a Bladesinger, Sentinel, Warlord, Knight, and Elementalist they don't have a lot of ranged attacks, so the idea of getting into a gunfight on the water is less than appealing. Their ranged attacks are Carlie, Ford's Magic Missle, and Cyrus' Fire Hawk; only 1 of which has range > 10. Their lack of guns in a firearm heavy world is starting to come back to bite them. I decide that two boats is indeed impressive enough that the smugglers will make a fight of it and try to plow through the party. This fight is actually fairly rough on them. My house rule of needing 2 hits to kill a minion actually makes the minions with guns (I continue to give NPC's that have crossbows or bows guns instead for flavor) pretty scary. Deorn with his ginormous handgun was great to put the fear of god into the party (made for a great scene) but that does him in as once he becomes scary everyone unloads on him. Carlie action points and hits him twice for ~40 hp and then Ford magic missiles him to finish him off. After a bit of questioning Lacy senses someone might squeal to save his own skin and they decide letting a little fish go is OK, so they offer to let someone go if they tell what is going on. Sure enough a sailor squeals and true to their word they let him go (he's going to be dead within a week but they don't know that). When asking who is being all this the response from the Family Bravuras is “don't worry you'll meet him soon.” (Foreshadowing the meeting with Cippiano the next day.)

Now the party has to decide how to deal with the Griffoni. They decide that they will try to take the place of the smugglers to actually meet up and once the ships are lashed together “decloak” and arrest everyone. (Again the fact that the party is so melee heavy factors into this, they just cannot sit on the boats and swap ranged attacks or get into a chase.) Carlie has a very good bluff so I roll for her to make Cyrus (the only person in the party with the right build) look like Deorn. A bluff check of 27 (I rolled a 17 for her!) gives a passable job; it won't stand up to close scrutiny and the instant Cyrus opens his mouth it won't work, but it will last long enough to get a gangplank between the two ships. They take 2 bobby's with them in the smuggler's boat and send the other two in their steamship to pincer the griffoni in case it tries to run. Laci (her full plate really stands out) and Cyrus' robot bury themselves under all the gear on the boat's deck in an effort to hide until the (inevitable) fight starts. A couple of decent bluff checks from the party manages to have them provide the right signals and get the boats lashed together. As soon as the gangplank is lowered, Savanna comes out and declares “you're all under arrest”.

This fight by itself seems too easy so I beef it up by adding 8 more sailors (those guns have been working well). I also end up doubling the captain's hit points as he ends up being far too squishy. Carlie catches 4 sailors + the captain in an area using her damage pump red, criticals the captain, and then rolls max damage on her 1d6 critical die for 10 + 10 + 11 + 6 = 37. Having the captain drop in the surprise round is not very cinematic (unless you're going for a comedy) so I bloody him and let it go from there. The captain uses his whip great effect using the flight mobility to move all over the ship but doesn't really do much other than look cool. The real stars of the show are the minions shooting everybody. 25 of them (even in waves) is hard to deal with and it's a very tough fight for the PC's. It made them worry they were in a bit over their heads which is the effect I wanted. But still they whittle the crew down and eventually they surrender. Note I didn't have them use the wands at all, I'll get to why in a separate post.

The party arrests everybody, heads back to headquarters and starts in on the paperwork. They end up crashing at RHC for the second night in a row. I hit them with endurance checks for sleep depravation for 2 nights in a row at the office but with a very low DC of 5; nobody fails so they are good for now but know they are burning the candle at both ends.

They wake to find out the office mail girl, Peggy, has a letter for Savanna. It's from Monsignor Cippiano, inviting them to breakfast. They do a bit of digging in the office archives and find a recent newspaper clipping (from all the clipping downloads Morrus made) which clues them in that Cippiano is most likely the family Don in Flint. They decide that pissing him off is a good way to make it to the bottom of the bay with cement galoshes, don dress uniforms and head to breakfast. Before leaving they do inform Delf; he doesn't stop them but points out how bad this could look. This was one of the best scenes in the module so far, absolutely fantastic. Cippiano has a nice chat, says he noticed their work regarding the want smuggling, did some digging and (in the past few hours!) got pretty much everything they've done and likes what he sees. He's impressed and would like to explore a potential business relationship. As a show of good faith he tells them that Wolfgang is under the “protection” (using that term very loosely, Cippiano's disdain for Kell is obvious) of Lorcam Kell. (This revalation is quite distressing to Carlie.) He's willing to help with their investigation in any way they like and all they have to do is alter their paperwork to say that that the bravuras didn't resist arrest and upon questioning them the bravuras are just hired guards. Of course, with that slight alteration to the story his lawyers will do the rest and get them off with minimal to nonexistent sentences. Such a tiny thing to do, and in the grand scheme of things the bravuras mean nothing and are such tiny fish. And so much to gain from this tiny thing. The session ends with the party angsting over whether they should do this tiny, tiny favor and start selling their souls one piece at a time. (HUGE amounts of angst from them over whether to say yes or no although they are leaning towards yes.) Great stuff. :)

This leaves them with the following threads to chase:

  • Find “Officer Porter”
  • Find the “strange smelling man” wanting to buy alkahest illegally. (Their logic here is they can contact other factory owners and see this man tried to make purchases from anyone else; they've linked the fires in the factories with this man's threats to Heward.)
  • Head into the Nettles and try to find Lorcan Kell to try to find Wolfgang. I think at this point they are starting to question their original assertion that Wolfgang was one of the “bad guys”. Or perhaps they've just forgotten after the 2 week layoff. I will have to remind him of the “nefarious” Dr. Wolfgang. :)
  • Visit Navard in the Cloudwood
  • Who was the “shadowy figure” at the embassy when Nilasa was killed (Creed in the window).
  • How are the Cloudwood Brigands involved

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First Post
For this next part I'm going to nit pick a few things in the module, but before I do I want to say in the big picture these things are minor. This module has so far been one of the best put together modules I've ever run, and the party is having tons of fun going through it. So overall the experience so far has been great. Of course when most of it is so good the few things that aren't stick out even more.

Some of it is definitely my house rules (inherent bonuses, at L2 the party has +1 attack/damage inherent; giving the expertise feat which I consider a feat tax for free) but NPC defenses and hit points feel very low. Almost all of the essentials classes get reds as damage adds to greens or basics and my party's damage gets higher than the module seems to expect. Here's my party @L2 using their damage add powers;

  • Laci (knight) +10vAC 2d10+5
  • Cyrus (Sentinel) +9vAC 2d12 + 12 with his double attack (assuming both hit)
  • Ford (Bladesinger) +12vAC 1d8+7+5+3 with Bladesong active
  • Carlie (Elementalist) +8vREF 1d12+1d10+1d6+11 (2 targets) or +7vFORT 2d10+11 (burst 1)
  • Savanna lead from the back warlord uses Direct the Strike on Carlie or Cyrus a lot

Here's what they are fighting for “named” NPC's (I'm not as concerned with the unnamed NPC's, it's very easy to just add more of them).

  • Blander 14/12/16/14 30hp
  • Dansica 14/12/14/17 66hp (this is the most reasonable although AC hurts)
  • Deorn 14/14/12/14 44hp
  • Captain Amba 16/12/14/12 37hp

My party needs no higher than a 7 to hit any of them vAC and Carlie (the ony non-AC attacker) hits ref on an 8 (at worst) and fort on a 9 (at worst). Best case for the PC's they're hitting some of these on a 4+. And red damage is in the high teens to low 20's on average which means 2 hits drops any of these named NPC's excepting Danica, and a critical or high damage roll can potentially drop them in 1 hit. It's making the combats a bit weedy; so far this has been offset by my house rule of 2 hits to kill a minion (you have to do something with minions if your party has an area caster), but long term I'm going to have to boost NPC defenses and hp.

I'll be the first to admit my party is pretty tuned (it's what they do) but @L2 there is only so much tuning you can do (they've only got 3 feats to play with, 4 including my free expertise). Is my party that out of whack with other parties? Are the fights seeming underpowered to other people?


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Are the fights seeming underpowered to other people?

The short answer is 'yes'. I had to up the power level anyway because I have seven players, but your analysis of the numbers is a fair one, and I am certain I would have had to give the combats a but more oomph anyway.

The Blander/Danisca episode is a very good example. And watch out for Macbannin at the end of the adventure. If I hadn't made him an elite that combat would have been over in the first round.

The danger level goes up in adventure #3 .


First Post
Z2 2nd Nit

Apologies for splitting this but I'm having trouble posting. EnWorld keeps hanging when I try to post.

My next nit was the Griffoni scene, which didn't work so well with my group at all. The idea of the scene is fantastic; the wands with all that pyrotechnics going off in the background, the “you'll never know what you get” effect from the wands, definitely designed to be a cool scene. The problem is that the 4e mechanics really don't support it. The wands as written were only +1 to hit, so the sailors had the option of using a wand at +1 to hit or using their crossbows/guns at +8vAC. Now wands are targeting (generally) lower defenses to it's really more like +3 vs. +8 but still that is a 25% drop in accuracy. You'd have to luck into a wand that lets you hit 4 targets to offset the accuracy, and the average damage of 7 on 2d6 isn't all that much better than their crossbow damage of 5. So this turned into a big gun fight (which still made for a very cinematic scene so it all worked OK at the end). But the wands bang for the buck wise didn't seem worth the hundreds of thousands of gold pieces they were supposed to cost. But if I did make them effective they would be way too powerful for the PC's if they decide to try to keep some. It just didn't seem to work. Part of this was my fault; I should have caught this in prep and altered things before hand (instead of in the heat of the battle just not dealing with it). Having the NPC's get “lucky” and having them draw useful wands more often than not would make the wands better; increasing the attack bonus for the NPC's only to +3 would help smooth out the accuracy and I should have done these things. The other problem is the party makup; the wands work best when each side stays on its own ship; but with a melee heavy party they don't get to do much if the fight works that way (which isn't fun for the players). So to make it better for the players I had to let them get stuck in (and they made reasonable choices to make that happen); and once that happens the single target guns become much better than the big areas that are likely to hit your friends. How did this scene go for other groups?

EDIT: I had at symbols in the message body and this was giving EnWorld fits.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
I had 'rules' issues with the Griffoni scene too. As with almost all Zeitgeist encounters, the concept behind it is original and cinematic. But as a DM you have to be very careful to ensure it works out the way it was intended. Here it is best to pregenerate the wands used, ignore the attack restrictions (making them, say, +5 vs NAD) and have one each round go off with unintended/hilarious results. The encounter can get very 'fiddly' with so many minions to account for.

This combat more than any other (coming hot on the heals of the House Elf combat) made me decide to prioritize flavor over mechanics from there on out: Once I have used narrative devices and fudged rolls to ensure the 'feel' of the combat, I then revert to game mechanics to resolve the outcome - possibly cheating things back in the PCs favor once or twice if I have biased things against them to begin with.

My priority is to establish the scene very much as it would play out in the mind's eye of a movie director, before allowing chance to determine how things turn out. Generally speaking, this approach works very well.


First Post
9/22 Session

Gaming resumes with the party pondering whether to do Cippiano's “tiny” favor. In the end they decide doing what he wants has short term benefits and minimal long term drawbacks so they fudge their reports. This will get the Bravura's charges dropped in a few days but that isn't the party's problem. So they spend a couple of hours at RHC HQ fudging their reports. The party has leveled up to L3; they get their L3 requisition money, their pay, and a “bonus”. They stock up on supplies and Carlie, Savanna, Ford, and Laci try to requisition magic items. Ford is the only one with a prestige of 1 so his item is going to take a week (sad face).

They next decide to head into the Nettles to try to find Kell to see if they can buy Wolfgang's location from him. They are hoping to offer their services and really aren't looking forward to paying money. Since Carlie has a history with Kell (she worked him into her background as the gang leader of the gang she betrayed) she decides that going to talk to Kell is a bad idea unless the party is trying to get themselves killed. So she gives shows them the places and people to talk to and then heads to Parity Lake to talk to some factory owners to see if any will admit to talking to the “strange smelling man”.

The party spends some time in the Nettles and manages to catch Kell's attention, which triggers the scripted “mugging” trap. But Lacy spends a bull**** detector point to see through the trap and the party manages to avoid being the on-stage entertainment. They talk with Kell as the “show” goes on on-stage; a poor docker that Laci recognizes getting beaten to within an inch of his life. They try to offer their services as dirty cops for Wolfgang's location but Kell has none of it. “I already have dirty cops, what else can you give me.” Honestly at this point the party doesn't have much to offer that random RCH employee #673 cannot offer; the only thing that came to my mind was to bluff and overstate their ability to influence Delf (and thus the RCH in general). But they don't think of that so 1,000gp it is. In my game with inherent bonuses this isn't so bad, but in a normal D&D game this seems particularly brutal. But it doesn't stop the scripted event from really pissing off one of my players. Kell makes it to the top of their grudge list, but I think it's as much the frustration of the encounter as it is the pure evilness of Kell. Anyway they hand over some cash and 2 magic items (Cyrus and Savanna giving up items) and in return get an escort to Wolfgang's location (but no guarantee of safety). To keep Carlie from getting left out of the encounter(s) with Wolfgang I have them meet their escort early next morning.

Carlie meanwhile tries to get some information out of the factory owners. Most are not so willing to talk, even off the record. But a good diplomacy check gets a couple to open up and admit that a “strange smelling man” did ask to buy alchemicals off the record. One of the owners had his factory burn down when he refused, and a subsequent inventory showed that the requested items were missing from the factory. This clues them in that the factories burning down may not actually be Gale and may be someone else trying to get alchemicals one way or another.

At this point they call it a night and pick up next morning, the 6th of summer. On the way into work Cyrus stops buy Cippiano's coffee hous to leave a note asking if he can find Officer Porter. They then head to Parity Lake to meet their escort; the plan is for the escort to guide all but Carlie with Carlie tailing; this way if there is an ambush they have someone in reserve. They are led to the abandoned churh in the Nettles and head inside for their talk with Wolfgang. The guards leave to give them some “alone time” (for reasons they will soon find out). Carlie and Ford try to sneak up on Wolfgang to see what is going on, but Ford stumbles into one of the saw blade traps, which hits him pretty hard (about 2/3 of his HP). This of course alerts Wolfgang that something is going on and with a cry of “Kell's betrayed me already has he” combat ensues with the reluctant party. A few rounds of uneventful combat occur; the party doesn't really want to attack Wolfgang and he misses on his attacks; but finally Ford gets to a position where he can talk to Wolfgang and spend his Diplomacy point to calm him down.

Once they convince him they really are RCH and really will protect him they decide that any extended conversation is best carried out later and head out. They are quite pleased to see the stack of papers from the embassy that he has. However on the way out they get discover the bars in the doorway and get ambushed by the “shadowy figure” and minions. This goes about perfect for the bad guys. I roll an 18 on the stealth check for the NPC's so they get surprise. Creed gets a 29 initiative result and goes first. He uses the surprise round to drug Wolfgang, and the minions use the surprise round to take down Cyrus (the only person between Creed and the exit). Creed then uses his first full round to drag Wolfgang through the exit. Partially to make sure the PC's have zero chance of following and partially to show just how callous the organization they are fighting is, I make the amulets of all of the minions fakes, so when they try to follow Creed out they bounce off the steel bars in the doorway. Combat is swift and bloody, a couple of PC's get pretty beat up but all of Creed's escort is taken down. The only problem (for the bad guys) is that Carlie was carrying Wolfgang's papers and in the heat of the moment Creed didn't notice; by the time he figures out it's too late. So Leone has to try to get the papers the hard way but the PC's play hard ball. The one player was still really pissed about the Kell encounter (and the on rails trap and kill the PC's encounter just pissed him off that much more). I honestly thought he was going to start smashing things. I figured I better not push it so rather than dragging a hostage that they cared about I had Leone use Dr. Kindleton (figuring going into this he was looking for a hostage valuable to Wolfgang). The party callously stands there w/o giving up the papers watching him slit her throat (correctly assuming he'd slit her throat no matter what, but this may still haunt them later). While all this is going on they look for a way out, Ford has Detect Secret Doors so casts it and searches for a secret door, finding the escape route. They wait until Leone leaves and while the explosives are being stacked at the entrance they make their (careful) exit, watching from a safe distance while the church is blown up. At this point I'm hoping things get better before my player goes postal. The party does see the “shadowy figure” and Officer Porter in this encounter though, clueing them into the fact that these individuals are linked together (but not that they are the same person).

The party heads back to RHC HQ and puts the papers in storage. Carlie had read some already and knows that Lebrix was investigating something, since they now have something new they take some (but not nearly all) of the papers and go to talk to Lebrix. Lebrix refuses to see them but a note with one of the missing documents in it convinces him that he should talk to them. They head to a cafe nearby to have some coffee and chat. Lebrix admits he was investigating a series of accidents at Danoran backed factories, and that he discovered the witchoil vials. (As a side note it wasn't clear to me how well known witchoil was in the game world, I went with it being an obscure substance that was not well known at all, so the party learns of its effects from Lebrix and his notes.) He tells them that his investigation was buried, and that reading between the lines he knew it would be unadvisable for him to continue. He had the witchoil analyzed on his own (unofficially) to learn of its effects. Once he figured out he was dealing with something that potentially consumed souls he figured he was getting in too deep and decided to no piss off whoever wanted this line of questioning to stop. The party, of course, are free from such compulsions (for now anyway). They make a quick trip back to HQ to look the rogues gallery over for Leone but find nothing. They call it a night and head home to get some sleep.

The next morning Ford wakes up and discovers that he has received a package. It has some fine coffee beans, a couple of cannoli's, and his suit of armor (they did the favor for Cippiano so prestige 2 with the family which gets him his item in 1 day). To take some of the sting out of the Kell encounter Cyrus also wakes to find a package with coffee, cannoli's, and a replacement magic item along with a note “sorry for your loss”. Cyrus stops by the coffee shop again to see if Cippiano can find out who Leone is and discovers a note waiting for him “His name is Leone Quital.”. I admit I'm having a lot of fun playing up Cippiano as an information broker who seems to know pretty much everything.

At this point the only solid lead they have is Heward's request for them to see Nevard to talk to Gale, so they head to the Cloudwood and stumble on the fight between the carriage with its screaming female occupant, the carriage guards, and the Cloudwood bandits. The party is smart here, w/o any clear idea who the the players are they don't attack and instead try to close in to see what is going on. Cyrus gets close enough to realize that the reason the woman isn't leaving the carriage that is about to fall off a cliff is because she's tied up and can't. Once he informs the rest of the party, Carlie takes a long hard look at the carriage guards, figures out they are Kell's men, and promply goes postal. Suffice to say that Renard never gets a chance to kill them for kidnapping his wife as Carlie turns them into ash (literally). She carefully gathers up the ashes to make a care package for Kell. She ends up sending the ashes in jars to Kell with some flowers and a note “I believe these are yours, my condolences.” Renard is slightly miffed at not being able to kill them himself but decides to not press his luck with the crazy, cackling lady that is in the process of burning the bodies down to ash. Cyrus recognizes Renard from reports he's seen and knows that he's wanted for banditry and murder but decides that he “cannot recall” any such details.

They meet Nevard who agrees to setup the meet with Gale if they will escort him to the top of Cauldron Hill. Nobody is particularly happy with that idea but they head off to see mayor MacBannin to get permission. He gladly gives it to help out “Flint's most famous skyseer” but cautions them that the hill is dangerous and that they should prepare. It's only 1pm at this point so they decide they'll head to Parity Lake and search Heward's factory to see if there are any witchoil vials there. They keep Heward in the dark of the specifics and just say they are looking for things related to the “strange smelling man”. Heward trusts them and gladly lets them search the shop. As luck would have it I had a bag of several hundred test tubes laying around (use them for physical reps of potions) so when the said “how many vials of witchoil did we find” I dump a bunch on the table and say “that many”. Made for a great moment, and also caused a fair amount of angst. Heward of course cautions them of all the dangerous things in the factory that they should avoid but of course that is where the find all the witchoil, so does Heward know about it or not??? The grill him a bit and he seems clueless of it and its effects and appears horrified when informed that it is used to trap a soul to turn it into an energy source. This combined with the fact that his factory is so safe (relatively speaking) convinces them that he is telling the truth. But at this point they really want to look in another factory. Heward is on speaking terms with another factory owner (generally Heward doesn't get along with the other owners well they resent his treating his workers so well), he writes them a letter of introduction. This gets them by the guards but they are on their own for convincing him to let them search the factory. But they play this well; they ask to search the factory for explosives. With so many factories burning down this scares the owner and he agrees. They find another dumping on the table's worth of witch oil vials. They show these to the owner as the “explosives” and he's horrified, he DEMANDS that they immediately search his other factory a couple of blocks away. They find even more witchoil so they figure out something really bad is going on, but this hurts them a lot later as they spend a lot more time in Parity Lake than they intended.

They pick up Nevard and agree to participate in the ritual to lend Nevard some of their life force. They head to MacBannin's, get the protective amulets & goats blood and head up Cauldron Hill. And this is where they pay for all that time in Parity Lake. They get up the hill just in time to make camp before darkness falls, so other than the ring of goats blood to distract all the ghosts they have no prep time at all. They decide to go without a camp fire but do cast Endure Elements before night falls so are spared the effects of the chill. I play up the haunted house SFX and it actually seems to have a bit of an effect on (at least some) of my group, and they usually pretty much ignore such things. The encounter with Nilasa's ghost went well, and as they all linked to Nevard they all got the vision of Heward's factory burning down. Anyway things go OK up until the “shadowy figure” once again shows up and throws a sunrod at them. This of course triggers the combat with the ghosts. The really big set piece battle actually worked pretty well here; I played it where every couple of rounds more non-minion monsters would show up until they threw the light source away. So they had to choose between continuous monsters or losing their light source. They did OK here, holding onto it until they got all of the non-minions except one then thew it away and finished him off. Actually beat them up fairly well and was a nice tactical fight. Biggest draw is it went 3+ hours so it was 1am by the time the fight finished (we generally try to end at midnight and have a couple of hard core morning people so 1am is really pushing it and the early risers got cranky at the end; but at the same time they didn't want to end mid-fight).

They head down the hill, and get the cleansing ritual from MacBannin. The session ends with the party quickly heading to Parity Lake to try to prevent the arson of Heward's factory.

At this point they've figured out:

  • The shadowy figure that was present when Nilasa died had claws, and is what clawed Nilasa.
  • The shadowy figure killed Nilasa and he “wears many faces”.
  • The shadowy figure, Officer Porter, and Leone Quital are working together on something fairly big which may or may not include Kell. This something involves buying large quantities of restricted alchemicals off the books, and factories of those that refuse to sell are burning down (with the goods then going missing).
  • Factory accidents (including factories burning down) are being used to harvest factory worker souls as an energy source.
  • Leone Quital spends his off time impersonating Magneto; they are all hoping he cannot accelerate the iron particles in blood.
  • Kell has to die as of yesterday.
The action items are:

  • Get Lebrix to open up about what really happened when Nilasa died (he's still too scared to talk about it).
  • Stop Heward's factory from burning down.
  • Talk to Nevard about his vision.
  • Kill Kell.
  • Try to piece the pieces together to get a picture of what the “big thing” is that is going on.

Now that's an update.

When I playtested, I actually had to try a couple different iterations of the church stand-off scene to get a series of escalation points that made it sufficiently tense without pissing off players. I hope it worked out, and I'm conscious of the risk of making players feel powerless. But hopefully that only lasts for a while, and they get a chance to give their foes their come-uppance.

Detect secret doors? Really?! Man, that was lucky, because I'm not sure we even have any more after that. Well, maybe one or two in the ziggurat.

We'll have to add more secret doors.


First Post
When I playtested, I actually had to try a couple different iterations of the church stand-off scene to get a series of escalation points that made it sufficiently tense without pissing off players. I hope it worked out, and I'm conscious of the risk of making players feel powerless.

IMO if there is a problem here it is that the Wolfgang thread has three scenes in a row where the PC's really cannot affect things much. With Kell in the theater they really have no choice but to hand over the cash if they want to find Wolfgang in a timely manner. This is immediately followed up by a scene where stopping Creed from taking either Wolfgang or the papers is all but impossible, followed up by another scene where all they can hope to do is walk away w/o dieing. My group is an old school "kill the bad guys take the loot" group and this really grates for them as they are not used to being helpless.

But hopefully that only lasts for a while, and they get a chance to give their foes their come-uppance.

Two weeks between games should help, and with the party about to head into the climax of the module this should help them feel better.

Detect secret doors? Really?! Man, that was lucky, because I'm not sure we even have any more after that. Well, maybe one or two in the ziggurat

They had just bought the ritual with their L3 requisition money at the start of the session. :) But in my game it wouldn't have mattered, two players had unspent Evidence Collection points (investigative perception) so spending either of those points would have found the secret door.


First Post
10/6 Session

The session starts with our intrepid sort-of heroes heading to Heward's factory to try to stop the arson that their visions have warned them is about to occur. The arrive at the factory to see some suspicious looking types hanging about in an alley way, loading supplies on some ropes up to the roof. They decide to go all official and break out their badges, with apropriate violence ensuing. This was actually a neat fight (although Cyrus probably didn't think so, he got tent pegged by Eberado). The arsonists swarm forward to engage, Valando promply creates a wall of fire through the cart, horse, one of the arsonists, and two of the players (forget which). The 4 minions, stampeding horse, wall of fire, and burning cart manage to tie up Laci, Savanna, and Ford for while while the Dragonborn brothers attempt to make a getaway. Only Cyrus and Carlie manage to give chase, heading down the other alleyway on the map. They manage to get to the back of the factory just as Valando climbing down from the roof. Cyrus heads over to engage Eberado while Carlie (who has the air token from the island) spends an action point to fly onto the roof. Splitting up like this forced the brothers to split up which was good, but neither PC was well equipped to handle the damage the brothers dished out and this almost killed both of them before reinforcements could arrive. But Savanna got there just in time and with some timely heals they managed to capture both of the brothers before they got away. With Valando on the roof and Eberado on the ground the brothers could never get away. On each round of combat one of them was stuck and couldn't run, and of course the other wouldn't leave his brother behind.

So off to jail they go to cool their heels until they figure out they've cost some very powerful people a lot of money and politicians are looking for a scapegoat and it's going to be them. Unfortunately for them by the time they figure out they need to talk to save their skins the party will most likely have figured things out on their own.

The party then breaks up to get some rest. At this point it's 6am, they're going on 24 hours of no sleep with half of that having been spent on Cauldron Hill. Sleep (and lots of it) is probably a good idea. By the time they get back to RHC it's 3pm. They put in requisition requests, interrogate the Dragonborn brothers (and don't get much); and while they are pondering what to do they have a nice chat with a canary and a breeze. Gale offers to meet with them and they decide to do so the next morning. They spend the day collecting witch oil vials they had found at factories last session and brining them back to RHC.

Early next morning they find a Canary waiting for them and follow it to the Cloudwood for the meeting with Gale. This goes as scripted, with Gale revealing some of the conspiracy to them; the important clue here being the fact that there is a factory behind the Bleak Gate. Nobody is particularly pleased with this news (especially Delf once he gets their report). They agree to an exchange of information with gale and receive the Messenger Wind. Note that in future reports to Delf the meeting with known and wanted super-terrorist Gale is not mentioned...

They bypass the Nettles on the way back to RHC which puts them in Parity Lake. They decide while there they'll try their shiny new Detect Planar Energy ritual out to see if they can get lucky and find something. I figure this is a great opportunity to let them start to tie the pieces together, so roll a d20 to see if they get lucky, and roll a 19. I give them a trail that leads from the docks at Bosum Strand to the bleak gate under the canal bridges. They already know about the factory, this shows them how (at least some) supplies make their way through the bleak gate. They don't look all that hard for the gate; at this point in their lives nobody is so keen for a free trip through the Bleak Gate. They cast a few more times (they are burning time waiting for the requisition items to become available), and rolling a 17 I give them a trail from a factory through the gate. Ford spends a Diplomacy investigation point to convince the factory owner he should let them search the factory; the find plenty of concealed witch oil and use that to bluff/bully him into convessing that he recently sold some supplies off the books. The purchaser smelt of burnt engine grease who insinuated that an accident could happen if the supplies weren't sold.

It's getting late so they head back and pick up their gear; it's now too late to do much so they spend some time going through the papers from the embassy. They find some odd pieces but can't quite put the picture together to see what it's painting. Rather than stay up late they decide to get some sleep and spend more time on it later.

Next morning Cyrus gets a note from one of his contacts, Ernest, a pawn shop owner in Bosum Strand. He's requesting that they come investigate some strange goings on. Everyone is on edge and the air smells like burnt engine grease. That last part sets off all sorts of alarms in their heads and they drop everything they are doing and head right over. But they (finally!) remember to use a favor and grab 4 constables from the Bosum Strand Police Station on the way over. This helps them later. They use the ritual to follow bleak gate energy to a warehouse. Laci climbs the wall to peek through a window, shed sees all sorts of odd machinery, some sort of golem or robot, and a lot of guys in white coats. They manage to sneak into the building and get right up to the chain link fence before starting a fight. In a rather un-police like manner they start picking off the techs not even bothering to ask them to surrender or halt (despite the rather poor form this is probably a good idea in the long run). But it doesn't stop the Bleak Golem from being activated, but it does cause some of the techs to flee immediately so the party gets to observe them fade out (presumably through the Bleak Gate). Despite the golem's absurd damage output this fight is actually pretty easy for them. They use the exact tactics the module indicates won't work and basically power through the golem's HP pool before it can kill anybody. They manage to chew through the golem's 184hp by the middle of round 4. All those essentials damage kicker powers really add up and at level 4 they've got 2 each. And with a tactical warlord in the party the striker is attacking 2x/round. Still, Cyrus came close to dieing, the golem hit really hard (the party also lucked out with the golem randomly choosing Cyrus' animal/robot companion as a target). While they took care of the golem the constables rounded up a few techs before they could get away. They escape the burning factory with 4 captured technicians and a lot of papers.

Between the captured techs and having wrapped this up so quick they get some good clues:

A sketch of a Jaguar rib cate with notes about screw locations for attaching a chest plate.
A description of how the chest plate protects a repository of witch oil.
Some notes on the construction and use of collars that compel the wearer to obey someone's commands.
A checklist of: sedate cats, extract blood, remove heart, implant witchoil, attach collar & amulet, perform ritual, if error shatter witchoil vessel, if success attach chest plate.
They techs are working in a factory in the bleak gate trying to weaponize witch oil for the Risur military.

They head back to RHC to put the techs in lockup, with the plan of trying to confirm/deny the techs story. Since they've got some time to kill (I placed Nevard's speech at 5pm instead of noon) they take another crack at the papers. Unfortunately for the PC's, the techs are going to fade away (literally) so they won't get much there but they do have more luck with the papers. The find some reports on the investigation of recent factory purchases. Many of these factories were bought by individual or companies that do not appear to actually exist. The few that do exist have shady backgrounds, and seem to have come into large sums of money in unexplained ways just before buying up the companies. By the time they find this out it's time to head out for Nevard's speech so they head to Dawn Square, but they make sure to tell Delf what they found in the papers before leaving. Which is just what he wants to hear, evidence of a large conspiracy that most likely has ties into nobles, politicians, and government officials gives him a headache.

They arrive at Dawn Square an hour before the speech. They case the area and don't really see anything suspicious in and of itself (of course a crowd of a few thousand has lots of bad implications in and of itself. They don't even bother trying to talk Nevard out of his speech, assuming that they will never be able to do that and spend all their time trying to find trouble. Around 4:50 Ford has the bright idea of casting Detect Planar Energy to see if he can find anything. Sure enough there some wagons and druids that show evidence of Bleak Gate energy. And come to think of it, those round metal circles on the sides of the wagons sure look like the portal the technicians used back at the warehouse. That's when the “druids” all draw weapons...

The session ends with the assassination attempt on Nevard about to start.

The party started to tie things together:

  • There is a factory behind the Bleak Gate, manufacturing something “bad”.
  • Nilasa was investigating this for Gale, and was most likely killed because there was something incriminating in the papers she took (which the players have).
  • Supplies are taken to the factory through a portal located under a bridge in Parity Lake.
  • Supplies that are passing through the Bleak Gate come into port via ship and also come from local factories.
  • The smell of burnt engine grease is most likely caused by exposure to witch oil that is burned as fuel.
  • The factories burning down isn't the work of Gale, it's the work of whoever is behind the factory in the plane of shadow.
  • Whoever is behind this is also buying up a lot of factories, so there could be supplies that nobody knows about heading through the Bleak Gate.
  • The “shadowy figure” could be shadowy because he has a strong connection with the Bleak Gate.
  • The conspiracy is at least national, and since it appears to involve at least some Danorans, probably multinational.

Their objectives are:

  • Stop Nevard from being killed
  • Find out what Nevard's vision is.
  • Figure out who is behind the conspiracy.
  • Try to stop what is going on without pissing the conspiracy off enough that they just disappear.
  • Stop having to deal with all of this minor nonsense so they can get to the important work of KILLING KELL. (Kill Kell, sounds like a good movie...)
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Quite a full session.

I hope killing Kell is satisfying. Thurston and I make it nice and hard in adventure 5. (This assumes he lasts that long.)

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