In designing potential encounters for my players, I came across the Young Blue Dragon (level 6 solo artillery pg 78). According to its tactics, this dragon can essentially stay in air for its entire combat.
Current Party level 6 party:
Bugbear Fighter focusing on a Bastard Sword and Shield.
Gityhyanki Wizard focusing on controlling effects like sleep, web, etc.
Tiefling Warlock focusing on Fey Pact almost exclusively.
Dragonborn Warlord focusing on Tactical powers.
It immediately occurred to me that if I were to use this dragon any time soon as an enemy that two of my party members would be entirely limited to basic ranged attacks. While there are a select number of early game powers or magical items that could be provided such as the Orb of indisputable gravity to help out a seems to me this is a pretty big failing in the early 4th edition design.
I hardly expect every character to be a ranged specialist..but why can't every class have at least 1 at will usable at range? Why can't they have the odd encounter at range? While it is true that any one of these classes could multiclass simply to get a ranged attack but I don't think it should have to come to that. Needless to say, I find this to be quite a let down seeing as Basic attacks aren't exactly fun.
Without any real thought towards power or balance, I would think a fighter at-will power such as this would be pretty good:
Disabling Strike
At Will, Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Thrown Weapon or Sling
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength vs AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage, and a flying enemy struck by Disabling Strike is pulled towards the ground 2 squares.
Increase damage to 2[W]+Strength and the pull distance to 4 squares at 21st level
Again in the case of the Fighter, even just making Sure Strike suitable for a Ranged weapon as well as melee would be better than nothing. While my examples are for the fighter, this is something that should be available to all classes without multiclassing in my opinion.
Anyone else find this to be a problem? Or am I making to big a deal out of something that doesn't come up too much?
Current Party level 6 party:
Bugbear Fighter focusing on a Bastard Sword and Shield.
Gityhyanki Wizard focusing on controlling effects like sleep, web, etc.
Tiefling Warlock focusing on Fey Pact almost exclusively.
Dragonborn Warlord focusing on Tactical powers.
It immediately occurred to me that if I were to use this dragon any time soon as an enemy that two of my party members would be entirely limited to basic ranged attacks. While there are a select number of early game powers or magical items that could be provided such as the Orb of indisputable gravity to help out a seems to me this is a pretty big failing in the early 4th edition design.
I hardly expect every character to be a ranged specialist..but why can't every class have at least 1 at will usable at range? Why can't they have the odd encounter at range? While it is true that any one of these classes could multiclass simply to get a ranged attack but I don't think it should have to come to that. Needless to say, I find this to be quite a let down seeing as Basic attacks aren't exactly fun.
Without any real thought towards power or balance, I would think a fighter at-will power such as this would be pretty good:
Disabling Strike
At Will, Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Thrown Weapon or Sling
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength vs AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage, and a flying enemy struck by Disabling Strike is pulled towards the ground 2 squares.
Increase damage to 2[W]+Strength and the pull distance to 4 squares at 21st level
Again in the case of the Fighter, even just making Sure Strike suitable for a Ranged weapon as well as melee would be better than nothing. While my examples are for the fighter, this is something that should be available to all classes without multiclassing in my opinion.
Anyone else find this to be a problem? Or am I making to big a deal out of something that doesn't come up too much?