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Ravenloft (Origional Adventure)

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slingbld said:
Could you just post the files to this thread?

Here, for as long as it lasts, anyway -- I'm not sure of the strict legality of this conversion, so if it's not legal, expect the mods to take it down (as they should). You still need the original module to run the conversion -- all I've done is converted monsters, trap DCs, and the like, though I've made some substitutions where there wasn't a direct 1e-to-3.5e analog. You'll have to roll your own Strahd, though (I'm partial to a Ftr2/Wiz6/Eld3, or similar).


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Olgar Shiverstone said:
Here, for as long as it lasts, anyway -- I'm not sure of the strict legality of this conversion, so if it's not legal, expect the mods to take it down (as they should). You still need the original module to run the conversion -- all I've done is converted monsters, trap DCs, and the like, though I've made some substitutions where there wasn't a direct 1e-to-3.5e analog. You'll have to roll your own Strahd, though (I'm partial to a Ftr2/Wiz6/Eld3, or similar).

I started a monster with this post!!
Looks like there are a-plenty of people wanting this great module brought current....

Glad to see you've gracious with everyone whose posted & pestered you!!


Rotten DM
olgar Shiverstone
your fortunes of ravenloft need some work
You drew 5 cards or roll 5 times
Table 1 and 2 are used for first four for location and circumstance mods
1. Holy symbol
2. Tome
3. Strahd
4. Sun sword hilt
5 goals.
The originial
Table 1. Places
1 k37 card 3
2 k41 card 5
3 k15 card 7
4 k60 card 10
5 k85 card jack
6 k88 card queen
7 k25 card king
8 k86 card ace
table 2 Modifiers
1 +1 to hit +1 ac card heart
2 +1 to hit -1 ac card diamond
3 -1 to hit +1 to ac card club
4 -1 to hit -1 to ac card spade.
Table 3 goals
1 new identity - he will try to switch places with pc using polymorph other and self.
2 create sphere of darkness -thinks pc has a black opal
3 Win the love Ireena Kolyana - use pc to attack ireena and come to her rescue.
4 Sunsword. random pc with sword has the sunsword blade needs to reunite blade to hilt.

What I did before the players go to ravenloft is have an encounter with fortune tellers and have the player drawn the cards.
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First Post
I'm still trying to figure out why I hear so many people call this a "railroading" module. Lethal, yes, railroading? Idon't see it that way, unless the fact that you are trapped in Barovia until you deal with Strahd is a railroad. I look at it as one heck of a challenge.


Rotten DM
Treebore said:
...Besides, wouldn't a straight conversion of his vampire HD in 1e to a fighter level in 3e be a truer conversion anyway?

I think just a 10th level wizard but use a fighter 10th BAB

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