[Reading, Berks, UK] Players Wanted D&D

Keith Robinson

I'm thinking of starting up a new D&D group and was looking to see if there were people in Reading or the Berkshire area (UK) looking to play.

I'll be running a 3.5 game, probably on Wednesday evenings - though that's open to negotiation. The important thing is just having a fun time.

I ran a group for around 10 years, but everyday life just kinda got in the way and I decided to take a break. I feel this would be a good time to get things kick started again, however, so if there's any interest, please do let me know (just reply to this thread or send me a PM).


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I'm thinking of starting up a new D&D group and was looking to see if there were people in Reading or the Berkshire area (UK) looking to play.

I'll be running a 3.5 game, probably on Wednesday evenings - though that's open to negotiation. The important thing is just having a fun time.

I ran a group for around 10 years, but everyday life just kinda got in the way and I decided to take a break. I feel this would be a good time to get things kick started again, however, so if there's any interest, please do let me know (just reply to this thread or send me a PM).


I know this is a really old post. But if you are still around Berkshire, and have a d&d group going, or searching for people interested, I would love to try it out.

I haven't played it before, however I love fantasy and board games and have been wanting to play this for a very long time but never knew anyone else interested.

Else, if you are out of reading but know of a group would be really helpful to know about it :)

Keith Robinson


I know this is a really old post. But if you are still around Berkshire, and have a d&d group going, or searching for people interested, I would love to try it out.

I haven't played it before, however I love fantasy and board games and have been wanting to play this for a very long time but never knew anyone else interested.

Else, if you are out of reading but know of a group would be really helpful to know about it :)
Hi, a lot has changed since I posted this!

I currently run two fortnightly games (both on a Tuesday). My 5e game potentially has a spot open, if you're still interested?


Hi, a lot has changed since I posted this!

I currently run two fortnightly games (both on a Tuesday). My 5e game potentially has a spot open, if you're still interested?
Hi, I've never played this game before and I'm looking for a group where I can learn, I'm very motivated. Do you still have space?



I just saw this message! The email notification was not in my primary folder.

Hi, a lot has changed since I posted this!

I currently run two fortnightly games (both on a Tuesday). My 5e game potentially has a spot open, if you're still interested?

I'm still interested! Do you still have spots open/available on Tuesday? Would love to join!

I will keep an eye out for messages from now on.


First Post
Hi, a lot has changed since I posted this!

I currently run two fortnightly games (both on a Tuesday). My 5e game potentially has a spot open, if you're still interested?
Hi! I am also based in Berkshire and would love to join! I’ve played a few times but would really like to learn and get into it!


First Post

I know this is a really old post. But if you are still around Berkshire, and have a d&d group going, or searching for people interested, I would love to try it out.

I haven't played it before, however I love fantasy and board games and have been wanting to play this for a very long time but never knew anyone else interested.

Else, if you are out of reading but know of a group would be really helpful to know about it :)
Hi! I’m the exact same position as you! Would love to join a group and get into it for sure!

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