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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters


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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
((Well...you CAN take rounds off of that check, but each round you take off, the DC increases by +2.))
((OOC: No no no no... we'll worry about taking rounds off when we get desperate))

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((Currently, going to assume that both Va Dien and Trual'Nuin are keeping with their previous actions...the TIEs are moving in in waves of four fighters. The first diamond of TIEs is in range now, and they're all shooting at our shuttle.

-F(light)1 T(IE)1 fires on the shuttle...attack is a 15. Misses. F1T2's attack on the shuttle is a 27. Hits. Shuttle takes 68 shield damage(down to 42SP). F1T3's attack on shuttle is a 17. Miss. F1T4's attack on the shuttle is an 18. Another miss. Note that someone aboard the shields can operate them as per the crew rules and attempt to 'heal' the shields again.))

The first wave of TIEs flies in, ignoring the two X-Wings and shooting right past them, catching up to the shuttle and each firing a barrage of green laser fire as they strafe past. Only one of the TIE's shots hits, raking across the upper section of the Sentinel and giving the occupants a good shaking around as the shots slam into the strong shields.

A moment later, the four TIEs arc over the shuttle and past it, starting to bank away and circle around for another run. The next line of TIEs is still a good distance off, and probably won't be able to fire on you for another few seconds.

((F2 of the TIEs won't be in range for another round, so there's a pause and some safety here. Dol can still act this round, and a single move can bring him in range to fire on the second flight of TIEs.))


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X-Wing Group

Dol Tarin punches the thrusters and moves into firing range, picking out the closest TIE and fires his quad lasers.

((Dol's attack on the nearest of the TIEs in F2 is a 32. Hits and deals 65 damage. Boom.))

Flying straight for the next oncoming diamond of fighters, Dol lets loose a quick shot at the 'top' of the formation. The four lasers run striaght through the ball cockpit of the TIE, and there is a brief detonation from inside before the vacuum of space silences it and the debris simply floats away.

((8 more rounds until hyperspace. Actions?))


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Dol smiles inside, quite proud of his shot. He dives further into the diamond hoping to get a shot then will pull back on the stick to break his fighter into a relative "up" angle then loop back in pursuit of the second and first flights, not adjusting his roll so that he has a better view out of the canopy of his X-Wing of them. Dol begins focusing on another target.

Shuttle Cockpit:

The captured Imperial pilot glared at Lyss, for a moment trying to look past her and obviously trying to find a way to escape, "I'm not telling you a damned thing, scum!"


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“Fine, then we have no further use of you...”

Lyss raises her blaster pistol slowly, and if nothing else happens, she pulls the trigger.

Blaster is still set on stun, of course ;-)

((...just a note, though Lyss isn't Force Sensitive, I do track DSPs for everyone, just in case you ever pick the feat up for some reason. So a warning that killing the officer WILL result in a DSP.))

All Flight:

((Va Dien also fires on the second TIE group...his shot is a 26. Hits F2T2 and deals 71 damage. Another boom.))

Right on Dol's wing, Va Dien lets off his own burst of laser fire. It hits the left TIE in the diamond, detonating it in a short flame before the other two TIEs have to maneuver to avoid the debris. Still speeding forward, the two TIEs angle themselves towards the oncoming X-Wings, firing on them as they fly past and continue on after the shuttle.

((F2T3 fires on Dol...attack is a 17. Misses. F2T4 attack Va Dien...attack is a 20. Also misses.))

The green laser blasts from the TIE's twin cannons only go high because of their avoiding of a head on collision. They both angle up, passing only a few meters above the two X-Wings before continuing their push for the Sentinel. Still a good distance behind them is another diamond of TIEs, though they will likely be out of range for at least another half minute.

Off in front of the shuttle, as it continues its flight to escape the planet's gravity well and finish plotting the hyperspace jump, those in the cockpit can see something off in the distance. Still a good distance away, you can see the wedge shape of a smaller, Victory-class Star Destroyer slowly moving into your path. Coming from the other direction, also moving to cut you off, you see the rectangular shape of a Carrack cruiser.

Shuttle Interior:

The Imperial Officer looks panicked for a second, but keeps his mouth shut. Lyss pulls the trigger and series of short blue rings engulfs him. His eyes roll back in his head for a moment...but then he blinks a few times and shakes his head as if trying to get rid of an image. Hoarsely, the man laughs, "Don't even have the guts to kill me!"

((7 Rounds until hyperspace...))


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Karl Green

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2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout, VP/WP: 19/14

Gorken slowly makes his way forward the cockpit, growling as he goes as the ship rolls to and fo

Voidrunner's Codex

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