Record Number of ENnies Voters

Today is the last day to vote in the 2015 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards. Last year's record of just over 16,000 individual voters has been smashed; as of right now, the tally is about to hit 19,000 voters. The voting booth closes tonight at midnight US central time. You can vote for as many or as few categories as you wish; also you can vote for next year's ENnies judging panel. So pop on over, cast a vote or two, and help make your favourite game designer smile!

Today is the last day to vote in the 2015 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards. Last year's record of just over 16,000 individual voters has been smashed; as of right now, the tally is about to hit 19,000 voters. The voting booth closes tonight at midnight US central time. You can vote for as many or as few categories as you wish; also you can vote for next year's ENnies judging panel. So pop on over, cast a vote or two, and help make your favourite game designer smile!

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Hand of Evil

Would be interesting to see if the percentages matched up to the growth of Gen Con (people go v.s. people voting). It may be unrelated but IF the numbers follows the same as Gen Con could mean that the ENnies have a very positive impact at Gen Con.

DM Howard

EN World and the ENnies are great, but I doubt the two, even if matching, would be statistically relevant. I, for instance, am going to Gen Con for the first time, but couldn't fit the ENnies into my schedule as we're scheduled together as a group most of the time and I was out voted. That being said it's great to see the number of voters increasing!


don't be complaining about having to deal with more votes than last year, you're the one who made some an excellent speech on the merits of voting in the Ennies :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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