Recruiting Closed: MLeibrock's and Scotley's Wrath of the Righteous mid level game.


5+10+7*5+1*6+2*6 = 68
5: iomadea's blessing
10: level 1
7*5: level 2 through 6
1*6: favored class bonus
2*6: con bonus

I do not see any other bonuses that would apply


Bonus Hit Points: Whenever you gain a champion tier, you gain 5 bonus hit points. These hit points stack with themselves, and don't affect your overall Hit Dice or other statistics.

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Took a hiatus, and have just been lurking lately. Last game I had dried up months ago. As Shayuri can tell you, something happened with HolyMage. He posted he was going to start up again, and then disappeared.


First Post
HolyMan, I think, but yeah. He was gone for a long time...driven away by the Giant Enworld Slowdown awhile back. Then he came back briefly, and then vanished again.

It's an eerie, Bermuda Triangle style story. I tell it to scare Cub-RPGers around the campfire.

"And there, at the beginning of the plot...WAS A HOOK!"


The Bermuda Triangle-esque HolyMan Saga was just downright frustrating and annoying for some of us who were kinda counting on him as a player. And as a DM, too, if memory serves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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