[Recruiting] Harry Potter-style d20 Modern


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Well, I have her stats worked out as much as I can, without knowing how we are doing abilities, or how we are doing wealth. Once I know those two things I can buy her gear.

Out of curiosity, how are we doing the learning of spells? Through feat selection I have her set up for the mage prestige class at 4th level despite being a fast hero who has none of the pre-reqs as class skills (Magical skills feat for Concentration, Craft(Chemical), spell craft, and use device; Hedge Wizard profession for Decipher script, Knowledge Arcane, and Research). Getting the prestige class asap is good and all, but it also means we wont learn any spells between now and 4th level if that is how we are doing things.
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BTW, if you like, I can probably help in the design of a few more NPCs, should you not get enough other supporting members.


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You asked for us to make some NPC teachers for you, so here is one I wrote up, let me know what you think

Professor Nymphadora Tonks (I just love that name)
Fast 3, Intelligent 2, Mage 7; Level 12; Starting Occupation: Hedge Wizard; Age: 22; Gender: Female; Height: 5’6”; Eyes: Green; Hair: Black; Skin: Tanned ; Initiative: +3; Base Attack Bonus: +6 (melee +5, ranged +9); Speed: 30ft.; HP: 8+ 1d8+ 9d6; 43hp;Defense: 20; Flat Footed Defense: 17; Reputation: +5; Action Points: x; Wealth: +15; SV: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +9;

Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Concentration: 14/14
Craft (Chemical): 17/14
Decipher Script: 19/14
Diplomacy: 4/3 (bought cross class)
Escape Artist: 9/6
Knowledge (Arcane): 21/14
Knowledge (Popular Culture) 10/5
Knowledge (Streetwise) 10/6
Move Silently: 9/6
Profession (Teacher) 9/8
Sense Motive: 8/5(bought cross class)
Spell Craft: 17/14
Use Magic Device: 9/6

Feats: Acrobatic, Atentive, Educated (Arcane, Pop. Culture), Eschew Materials, Magical Heritage, Magical Skills, Simple Weapons, Signature Spell, Signature Spell, Spell Mastery, Spell Mastery, Studious

Talents/Special Qualities: Evasion, Knowlege (Arcane) Savant, Uncanny Dodge,

Languages: English, French, Faye

Allegiances: Good, Students, Headmaster

FX Abilities:
-Spells per day: 4/5/4/3/1
-Light/ Mage Hand/Read Magic 1 x a day
-Ferret Familiar: (Alertness, Share spells, Empathic Link, Touch, Speak with Familiar)
-Talla the Ferret: 21 hp; (Improved Evasion, Share spells, Touch, Speak with Master, Speak with animals of its type)
-Scribe scrolls
-Brew potions
-Scribe Tatoo
-Spell Mastery: Dispel Magic, Feather Fall, Fireball, Hold Person, Invisibility, Knock, Magic Missile, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Slow
-Combat Casting
-Signature spell: Magic Missile, Feather Fall

Broom (High Quality)
Master Craft Crossbow +3 (made to fit her fore-arm)
Mastercraft Dagger 1d4-2+3 (etched with magic runes)
Arcane Library
Potion Kit (Chemical Kit)
Spell Book
Spell ingrediants (For rare spells that Eschew doesn't cover)

Appearance/Personality: Nymph is cool, there is just no other way to say it, she isn't stodgy or strict like the other more experienced teachers, yet she still manages to control her classes because she actually listens to them. She is the most popular teacher, being fun to hang around with, her extra-curricular programs fill up with in an hour of the sign-up sheet being tacked onto the message board. She tends to wear a black dragon-hide coat over a teal tunic, and black leggings, with black dragon-hide boots. She has close cropped black hair, and green eyes, that always seem to be able to see right through every lie.

Background/History: Nymphadora is rather young to hold the titles that she does, not only is she one of the youngest Aurors, she is the youngest female Auror in a few centuries. She is also the newest, and youngest staff member working at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She teaches defense against the Dark Arts, being intimately experienced with the practical application of it.


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I think we are suppoused to be 11, that was just one of the NPCs that Arani asked for. Level 12, It wasn't that hard to make her, so I can do more, I just would need to know a few subjects so I can focus the NPCs towards those areas, like taking skill emphasis in craft(chemicals) and not spending points on Knowledge Popular culture and Move silently.


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I can't believe only the four of us are interested in this game so far!

I hope to grab a copy of Urban aracana soo so I can make NPCs too. Maybe if we did a list of the classes that would help.


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Its not terribly hard to create the npcs Lichtenhart, you don't even need Urban Arcana, as shown by the fact that I actually created one (I don't have it).

I wouldn't worry, I am pretty sure more people will join.

I think the next one I'll try is a dedicated/Acocalyte.

Arani Korden

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Lichtenhart said:
How old are we supposed to be? 11? :)

11ish. This school doesn't have the same hyper-efficient potential wizard detection system that Hogwarts does, so if someone wants to be a year or two older, that's fine.

Other stuff - Use Magic Device is my primary work around for spellcasting capability. The school has a number of scrolls, wands, and other training devices handy - this means that students can cast spells, but there's still a chance of failure. The Wild Talent feat is helpful, as well as Magical heritage and Divine heritage, if you want a character who's already mastered a little magic.

Nymphana looks good, and the more NPCs the merrier. The Headmaster, Enchantment Master, and Groundskeeper positions are reserved, but other than that knock yourselves out.

The boards are always a bit slow on weekends. And it's Origins this weekend, as well. I think more people will pop up during the week. Plus, it gives me more time to plan, which is always good.

Character creation - First level characters, 28 point buy. For starting occupations, either the Hedge Wizard or Novitiate (which can be foundhere if you don't have the UA book,) or any of the Child backgrounds from the Second World Sourcebook (if you happen to own it.) All characters must possess the Arcane Skills feat (which you can find at the link above.) Even though Young Adult technically starts at 12, I'm letting 11 year olds slip under the net, so no stat penalties. Keep in mind that social and investigative skills and feats will be more useful than combat ones.


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Tamalyn NicEssus (Shalimar)
Fast 1; Level One; Starting Occupation: Hedge Wizard; Age: 11; Gender: Female; Height: 4’3”; Eyes: Lilac; Hair: Red with Black Highlights(Sidhe Scarlet); Skin: Pale White; Initiative: +3; Base Attack Bonus: +0 (melee +0, ranged +3); Speed: 30ft.; HP: 8; Defense: 16; Flat Footed Defense: 13; Reputation: +0; Action Points: 5; Wealth: +11; SV: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1;

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.

Craft (Chemical): +6/4
Decipher Script: +6/4
Knowledge (Arcane): +6/4
Pilot: +6/3
Profession (Child of Essus) +2/1
Research: +6/4
Spell Craft: +6/4
Use Magic Device: +5/4

Feats: Arcane Skills, Divine Heritage, Magical Heritage, Simple Weapons,

Talents/Special Qualities: Evasion,

Languages: English, Faye, Goblin

Allegiances: Good, Essus

FX Abilities:
1/day: Cure minor wounds, Daze, Detect Magical Aura, Light, Magehand, Read Magic

Minor purchases(all under Wealth Bonus):
-School Uniforms

Major purchases(DC 15+ or take 10 or twenty)
-Ring of Change-Self (Wealth Penalty -1d6+1) Wealth 7

Appearance/Personality: Tamalyn is positively tiny, even for a little girl, a gift of her Faye blood. She has very fine Sidhe Scarlet hair that falls to her shoulders. Her eyes are a shade that no ordinary human could have, though some humans have been known to wear lilac contact lenses, so it doesn’t draw too much attention. Despite her delicate appearance, she is no weaker, or less healthy then any other child, she is however very swift and dexterous. She is a free spirit, not setting much importance on rules or being organized, she is inherently good and rather friendly, so long as you put up with her whimsy she is a very good friend, though she can be a touch mischievous. Her most treasured possesion is an old ornate silver ring, with a ruby that is the same shade as her rather unique hair set in the middle, it was given to her by her grandfather, a Sidhe nobleman. when she was younger it was too big for her despite its size changing capabilities, and so she wore it on a silver chain around her neck, now she wears it on her thumb. She used to love watching her grandfather using it to change little things about his appearance at meals, and make her figure out what he had done. Now that she is finally attending School he has given it to her for her very own.

Background/History: Tamalyn’s family as far back as most people can remember, have almost entirely been Aurors, mages who hunt evil wizards and dangerous monsters, its just something that they all seem to end up doing, they don’t put pressure on any children, its just seems to turn out that way. The family has been an unbroken string of male children going back at least a hundred years, Tamalyn is the first female child to be born into the family in 1 or maybe 2 centuries. She is being heavily discouraged from the path of an Auror by her father because of the danger, but it goes in one ear and out the other, she do what she wants, she always has. Her family follows a few Faye traditions, such as a daughter's family name is her Fathers first name preceded by the prefix Nic which means daughter of, so she is Tamalyn NicEssus, until she does something noteworthy, and then the prefix will be removed and she will simply be Tamalyn Essus. The family also follows the tradition of Faye honor, they will not break a promise even if to fulfill it means their death, though they watch what they say fairly closely lest their words be taken for a promise.
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