Recruitment: Kulan: Shackled City Legacy PbP Game (Game Cancelled)


World of Kulan DM
Okay, now that I've steadily gotten my four pbp games* moving forward (although I'm worried that the Realmsian Dragonstar game is dying), I'm thinking of starting up a fifth game, which I'll be running here on EN World.

This game would be set on Kulan, which I why I'm posting this here, and I'm thinking of either setting it on Harqual or on Kanpur. If I go with the latter, it might be a second Bluffside game that runs alongside the game currently going on on The Piazza. However, it wouldn't be connected to that game. The PCs would start at 1st-level and it would take place in a different district or possibly on nearby Sordadon.If I go with Sordadon, it will be a Swashbuckling campaign. Arr!

(Another option is to restart the Bard's Gate game from scratch with different PCs and a different adventure. But, I think I need to reread that book in more depth before trying to set a game there again.)

A Harqualian campaign would likely be centered around my homebrewed version of Waterdeep, but it's more of a longshot to startup such a game.

Another option is to create a legacy game that is centered around Cauldron City. I ran the SCAP for an in-person gaming group some time ago. After it ended, I made the PCs important NPCs in the region. A new online pbp gaming group would create new heroes that could be connected to the old heroes in some way. (DM's Note: There has not been enough time that has passed for the old PCs to have had children, so the new PCs wouldn't likely be relatives.)

I've just finished redoing the map for the Kul Moren Mountains Region as a hex map, which I still need to post on the KWJ, but since it is done, I have a solid basis for a new campaign centered around Cauldron City and the rest of the region. (And, no, it won't be the Age of Worms or Savage tide APs.)

For those interested, I'd like a serious commitment for the game. You wouldn't have to post every day, but I would expect at least one post a week.
*Two here on EN World and two over on The Piazza.
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World of Kulan DM
Game: Kulan: Shackled City Legacy
Ruleset: D&D v.3.5
# of Players to Start: Minimum of 4; optimal # > 4 to 6.
Setting: World of Kulan > Lands of Harqual > Kul Moren Mountains Region > Cauldron/Mor's End.
Starting Level: 3rd.
Starting Adventure: Drakthar's Way
Start Date: TBD (now aiming for April 13th or 14th)

Abilities: Roll 4d6 (drop lowest) nine times, pick the best six, and arrange as desired (or 28 point buy).
Hit Points: Max. hp for 1st-level, roll for all levels after that.
Starting Gold: PC Wealth for 3rd-level.

Game Bonuses: An extra 1,000 gp bonus for use with creating a signature item for your PC. Plus, each PC gets a bonus feat at 1st-level that must be from the PHB but cannot be a fighter feat, item creation feat, or a metamagic feat.
Race Options: See here.
Class Restrictions: See here.

Campaign Guide
Rogues Gallery
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World of Kulan DM
[MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION], [MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION], [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION], [MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION], [MENTION=24234]kinem[/MENTION]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I am, as always, interested. However, I'm in 4 games currently and with my wedding coming up in a month, I cannot guarantee I have enough time to fully commit.

Which means I want in, but there is a chance I might drop out.

As far as region or setting is concerned, I have no real preferences.


World of Kulan DM
I am, as always, interested. However, I'm in 4 games currently and with my wedding coming up in a month, I cannot guarantee I have enough time to fully commit.

Which means I want in, but there is a chance I might drop out.
Well, since you're in the Crow God game, you have a spot if you really want it. And if you have to drop out, so be it. Or if you have to take breaks from the game, so be it. You've been a good player, so I'm flexible.

As far as region or setting is concerned, I have no real preferences.
The more I think about it, the more I want to go with the legacy game set in Cauldron City. It know the setting well and I've placed Mor's End* in the same region, so it could become a Cauldron/Mor's End game. I just have to figure out which module I want to start with.

* The old EN World city project.


World of Kulan DM
Okay, definitely going with Cauldron as the campaign's starting point. A return to the Shackled City!

I'm already excited. Now, where's that hardcover?


World of Kulan DM
Mentions for a Cauldron/Mor's End pbp game: [MENTION=1264]Conaill[/MENTION], [MENTION=9171]Lalato[/MENTION], [MENTION=2141]Krug[/MENTION], [MENTION=8704]jdavis[/MENTION], [MENTION=1125]Tonguez[/MENTION], [MENTION=10574]GladiusNP[/MENTION].

:D :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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