Recruitment: Kulan: Shackled City Legacy PbP Game (Game Cancelled)

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
So, I'm thinking about recreating an old PC of mine that I loved playing.

Brother Pi is a dwarf with a very shady past who travelled far and was eventually trained in an oriental monastery in the mystical arts of stealth, contemplation and murder. (He used to be a monk, but now I want to try ninja because it feels like a better fit.) When he finally reached the point that his conscience protested at the acts he was tasked to commit, he ran away and is seeking a quiet life, being kind and gentle.

Brother Pi is partially based on the character of Uncle Iroh of Avatar: Last Airbender, although he sometimes acts more like jolly Pikel (Cleric Quintet).

Would this be a suitable character in this campaign? Is the Ninja class from Complete Adventurer available? And where would you suggest Brother Pi was trained, in what country/region and what monastery or by what clan?


World of Kulan DM
So, I'm thinking about recreating an old PC of mine that I loved playing.

Brother Pi is a dwarf with a very shady past who travelled far and was eventually trained in an oriental monastery in the mystical arts of stealth, contemplation and murder. (He used to be a monk, but now I want to try ninja because it feels like a better fit.) When he finally reached the point that his conscience protested at the acts he was tasked to commit, he ran away and is seeking a quiet life, being kind and gentle.

Brother Pi is partially based on the character of Uncle Iroh of Avatar: Last Airbender, although he sometimes acts more like jolly Pikel (Cleric Quintet).
Sounds interesting...

Would this be a suitable character in this campaign?
Yes and no. There is no oriental traditions in the Lands of Harqual, although there are monastic traditions. Since this is a far traveled character, it is possible he came to the continent from Kulan's Far East, which exists in the Eastern Lands of Kanpur. Think of Harqual as being where North America, but a lot smaller. (In fact, from Western Kanpur going west, there is, first,The Fallenlands [a magically lost continent, recently found] and then Harqual and then Janardûn [land of psionics] then the Eastern Lands of Kanpur.)

Your PC could either be from Eastern Kanpur, which isn't very detailed or possibly Janardûn, which does have some Asian flavor -- sort of a blend of ancient Near East and ancient/medieval European flavor. The primary gods of Kulan's smallest continent are known as the Pantheon of the Republic, with Anu being the leader of the pantheon. (The linked thread hasn't been updated in a while. The listed races are out of date.)

The benefits of using Janardûn for your PCs background over Kanpur's Eastern Lands is that I have a better understanding of it in my head. The benefits of using the Eastern Lands is that it is wide open! I haven't done hardly anything with it, although much of what does get created for that region will come from the Kara-Tur setting, but modified a lot. (Yet, with Janardûn, I haven't set any monastic traditions at all, so you're free to come up with something unique, regardless.) I've linked to the post for region on The Piazza because the Kanpur thread here on EN world doesn't have anything listed for the region, at all. (I think I need to update it, today.)

Note that Janardûn's republic spans almost all of the continent and is protected by Psionic Knights versus the Republic's foes, the ogre mages. While psionics are a big deal on Janardûn, it nearly unheard of on Harqual. And in many places on Harqual, people with psionics are shunned or even hunted.

Is the Ninja class from Complete Adventurer available? And where would you suggest Brother Pi was trained, in what country/region and what monastery or by what clan?
So, I would say, yes, the Ninja class is available but not for a native Harqualian character. And you are free to create your own monastery or clan without hardly any restrictions. The one restriction, if you go with Janardûn, he was trained in a monastery not by a clan. There aren't any ninja clans in the Psionic Lands (or on Harqual).

Note that there is at least one Eastern Lands character I've already placed in Harqual. He is part of a group known as the Fallow's Cross Adventurers, which I borrowed from an old FR web site. However, the NPC is unique to Kulan. If I remember correctly, he's just a fighter. I have to check. :D


World of Kulan DM
Found him... Hassan is a high-level CG human fighter in his late forties who fights primarily with a ninja-to. I think my plan was to revise him using the ninja class with a prestige class, but I've never gotten around to it. He would be an excellent sensai for your PC and it would make your PC a native Harqualian. Plus, a connection to the FCA would be fun!

Personality: Calm, loyal, and stoic.
Description: Hassan is a muscular Kanpurian human who stands 6 feet 2 inches tall. His appearance is a mystery to all but his closest companions. He is exotic looking, to stay the least, while wearing his oriental-style enchanted half-plate armor and wielding his magical ninja-to, which are his heirlooms from his adopted family. Hassan covers his entire body, except for around his eyes, in fine, comfortable silk or hemp, depending on the weather. He rarely shows his face or body, which is rumored to bear scars given to him by his former master. Hassan also carries a magical shortbow, which he claimed from a foe that dared challenge him to a dual to the death. His magical necklace was a gift from Marie Goldmane, so he could always understand his fellow companions.

[sblock="NPC's Background: for JustinCase's eyes only"]Hassan was born in the urban sprawl of the Imperial City of the Empire of Shaoyan, on the continent of Kanpur. He spent his youth fighting for his very survival, as he was abandoned at birth. A poor couple with little means saved him from death. They cared for him, and in return he used his growing vigor and quickness to provide for them. His natural martial abilities enabled him to bring food and honor to his parents by winning contests with blade and bow. These adopted parents were his entire life until he was 13 years old.

Soon after that 13th birthday, his father came to him in the dead of the night, gave him a huge chest and told him to carry it to the highest point he could find, in the mountains. There, Hassan was to open the chest and read the message inside. His father made him leave his home and told him not to look back. Hassan, always a loyal son, did what his father asked. He carried the heavy chest into the mountains, to the highest peak he could find. There he opened the chest, unrolled the scrolls that sat on top and read his adopted family history.

Hassan’s father and mother were ninja; ex-ninja to be precise. They had once been enemies, on opposite sides of two opposing clans. They had battled each other many times only knowing each other by their eyes. Those eyes eventually betrayed them to each other and the fell in love. They stole away together, his father taking the magical armor from his clan and his mother taking the magical ninja-to from hers. These items were their birthrights, but the two opposing clans didn’t see it that way. They hunted the two lovers across all of Shaoyan, but never found them.

That is, until then.

A second scroll told Hassan of how his mother was left barren after a vicious attack and of how the two had found Hassan crying in a damp alleyway. The scroll told him that they knew their clans would find them someday and that they would not risk Hassan’s life by having him there when the attack finally came. If Hassan was reading the scrolls then the clans had found the lovers and they were fated to die together, fighting. Hassan was to take the contents of the chest, which included the armor and the sword, and use them to find his own way in the world.

Hassan wept angry tears at not being able to die with his family, but honor demanded that he accept their word and their fate. He took the sword and armor and all the rest of the chest’s contents, which included dozens of scrolls and texts that taught the Martial Way. He used them to hone his body and soul, as best as could be done for his simple mind, and hid away in the mountains until his 17th year. The time also fueled his need for vengeance, and he could not let his parent’s death go. He swore revenge on the clans that killed the only family he’d ever known.

It would be a mistake that would cost him the next 20 years of his life.

Hassan was strong and fast but he was no match for the combined might of the two clans, that had now become one. Their hatred of his parents had forged a bond between old rivals and Hassan was broken by the clan’s most powerful ninja. He refused to yield to the clan master’s call for surrender. He would die before betraying his family. The clan master did not oblige him, and instead kept Hassan alive to amuse him and his kin. Hassan became a slave to the master’ will, and his family heirlooms were taken from him and given to another. For 20 years he would suffer so, until an unlikely person took pity on him.

The master had four sons, who would take turns beating Hassan every week. They would break his body over and over, but were unable to break his will. The clan’s shamans would heal Hassan just enough to live, but not enough to remain strong. However, the master also had a daughter, and she who was refused the right to be ninja, had been forced to become a shaman. She found that she loved Hassan even though he did not love her back. She admired his strength. She often stole into his prison cave and would heal and enchant Hassan with her magicks. The spirits of the clan were with her, believing that the others had fallen too far from honor.

After the 20th year had passed, she could not bear to see Hassan suffer anymore. She stole his armor and sword back, as well as her father’s best horses and the two sped to the safety of Hassan’s distant mountain home. The clan master sent every ninja he had to find and kill them. The two stood together, warrior and shaman until they could hold off the ninja no longer. Hassan watched helplessly as the woman he’d grown to admire shattered her staff in a retributive strike to destroy her and ninjas attacking them.

Hassan was ripped through time and space, as the power of the magical explosion opened up a portal, and threw him through it. When he awoke, he found himself in a strange wilderness he’d never seen before, the Lands of Harqual. And what was even eerier was that Hassan found himself in the distant future of the World of Kulan. He found this out after joining the Fallow’s Cross Adventurers when his new companions tried to help him divine the location of his homeland and the current strength of the combined clan. While the Empire of Shaoyan still exists to this day, the old clan died out nearly 400 years ago.

Hassan is the last of both lines.

Hassan is an enigma amongst the Fallow’s Cross Adventurers. He is one of the group’s most powerful warriors, yet he rarely goes out on missions. More often, he disappears in to the low mountains known as the Jagged Peaks for months on end. What he does there is anyone’s guess. However, Hassan is very loyal to his fellow companions and if the need is urgent, and honor is at stake, then he will volunteer to help. Often he simply walks into the town and says that he knew that the group needed his help, but won’t say how he knew. He tends to weird out Coromir, Jillian, and Ingrid. He gets along best with Wilfred, Marie, and Danal. He sees great potential in Danal, and is considering passing down his fighting techniques to the young warrior.[/sblock]
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
I can go for this, too. I did not at first realize this was a separate thread. I work long hours on the weekend. I will back read to make a character. I should have more time Tuesday.

Doing a quick read while on my lunchbreak, here at work. I will definitely want to go Rogue, possibly Rogue/Wizard.

Are you using the same point-buy as in the Bluffside campaign, to create stats?
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