Oh, actual discussion!
Marvel Heroic Roleplay has a good system for most things. It's Cortex+, and I'm sure there is a documetn for minor changes to update it to the newer Cortex Prime.
The point we are going back and forth on was about the character creation rules specifically. Personally, my opinion (but I haven't read design diaries or anything to back this up) was that given the IP, the producer really expected players to want to play existing Marvel characters. This is just a call, but it based on the first big campaign they published: Civil War. Civil War strongly benefits from heroes embedded into a network of others, something existing characters would have. So there wasn't as much priority given to a mechanically robust character building system. Especially because unlike games like D&D, character balance was not a design point. Characters of wildly different powers could be together, just like the comic books, and the players of the all would get spotlight time and have fun.
Personally, I think they should have given a bit more focus on it though, especially as when the game was first coming out there were plenty of existing Marvel heroes without datafiles (what they called character sheets) in addition to whatever percentage of players would be happiest with their own creations.
It's a bit like the Background creation rules in D&D 5e, where for the background feature you need to look to the other backgrounds to get what looks right. Now, the system needed to be able to create characters with a wide range, so a point buy system or other designed to enforce balance probably wouldn't have been a good fit - players needed to create a new Hulk, or a new Squirrel Girl, and those aren't the same power level.