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Red Knight campfire

Mahiro Satsu

First Post
The night passes uneventfully. The inn is quiet. Aside from a few drunken ramblings by Brother Martin, nothing really happens.

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The Decent of Brother Martin (a history)

Deanious Martin was born to a traveling mercantile family who moved up and down the Sword Coast buying and selling good with local shops. As soon as he was large enough his family put him to work moving boxes and repairing cartwheels (or whatever he could manage to do). In the space of his early years of life he was in most of the major cities on the continent, although he barely remembers that far back at this point in his life. By the age of ten his parents prepared to divide with him the family business and let him set out with his own enterprise (as was tradition). Deanious had grown tiered of the traveling life, and instead took only a horse and what he could carry and went off the make his own fortune. To this day he knows nothing of his families whereabouts or fate.

Perhaps it was the constant traveling, or the lack of a personal life, but the idea of monastic order appealed to him. When he arrived in Arabel he was quick to seek membership in the Order of the Red Knight. His traveling life over, he took to his studies fervently and was soon being noticed as one of the most talented pupils. This posed its own problems that he never could have expected. As his skills began to prove superior he found people treated him differently. His teachers gave him no room for failure, his fellow students would never let their guard down in a duel, and any failure on his part was heralded to every corner of the expansive monastery. While other students were rewarded for trying, he was expected to succeed at everything the first time. Soon the double standard began to make him increasingly sorrowful, and he longed for the anonymous life of the road he had once thought was not for him.

Salvation came in the most interesting of forms. One day, in an especially dark mood, he took to doing his daily chores making wine and spirits in the temple distillery. He suddenly remembered all the happiness and revelry he had seen in the bars where he made his weekly deliveries, and before he thought that much about it he was drinking whiskey like his life depended on it. Intoxication was less exciting then it seemed to be in the bars across town, but it has some interesting effects on how he was treated. That night while stumbling back to his quarters several of the masters came and assisted him to his bed. These men who has once demanded and expected that he do everything right now distrusted his own ability to walk. Still tipsy the next day he lost a sparring match to a fellow student, but was sober enough to note that his opponent has completely discounted him from the moment he entered the ring. He had found his answer at the bottom of a whiskey jar… and on some level he liked it.

The years the followed were a different life for Brother Martin then he ever could have expected. He made it a point to drink as often as he could, but tempered himself to avoid true intoxication. This did not change his actions however, and he became quite adept at pretending his was truly drunk. Without the alcohol truly dulling his abilities he easily bested his fellow brothers in the sparring ring, but they still started every match underestimating him, leaving him to smile to himself as they recounted the stores of how he “accidentally” beat them in one way or another. His new life had its drawbacks however. His behavior had made it nearly impossible to advance in the order, and he soon found it easier to converse with the local barflies then the men he called brothers. After some time he stopped returning to the monastery after his nights of revelry, and lived in the streets behind the tavern doing his best to continue being a good man, even if he was probably no longer a monk.

The masters of the brotherhood never actually removed him from the roles of the order, but everyone knew he was much less a monk then the days before he found the taste of spirits. When a particularly headstrong knight of the order asked his services in clearing the lands north of Arabel of goblin invaders he never bothered to tell the masters he had chosen to leave. In some ways he had left the order months before, if not physically but in his mind. Some of the oldest monks of the order still tell the stories of his rise and fall, and others of his exploits with the party of adventurers that took him north in search of fame. But perhaps the best stories are those told by the aging rummies behind the local inn, because it may be them who knew him best.

"...Lies! All bloody Lies!... Wait... no... its true ::hic::.... sorry...."

- Brother Martin
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Brother Martin in Pictures (a description)

Brother Martin, a human, would stand nearly six and a half feet talk, if he didn’t constantly slouch and stumble about. He is of medium build, mostly as a result of a constant war between his complicated physical regiment, and his beer gut. His hair is unkempt and long for a monastic and his wears a perpetual “Five-o-Clock Shadow” that never seems to get more or less clean-shaven. He white tunic is stained with dark splotches of whiskey, brown streaks of beer, and black patches of alleyway dirt. He wears it loosely buttoned, or open, or removes it as weather and mobility dictate. His pants as leather and well made, they have untapered legs with extra fabric at the joints to avoid restriction. The wide pant legs extend to cover his often-bare feet when standing. When shirtless his thick steel and leather bracers are revealed dominating most of his arms from the elbow to the wrist. His entire back is a complicated tattoo depicting the Red Knight in the midst of a heated battle with faceless opponents. His left arm carries a further tattoo of twisting scriptures written in Celestial (which he himself can not read, but has memorized) which exclaims in part the values of strategy, strength, and learning.

He moves in the stumbling motions of a drunk, but seldom such that he trips or falls (unless intentionally). In combat however his movements are a whole other matter. Most of his fighting style concentrates on hand and forearm strikes in deference to kicks (which are still used, but mostly against flanking or otherwise “out of arms reach” opponents). His hands move from wide palm strikes, to single finger pressure point attacks, to snap wristed chops and kidney strikes. A keen observer will notice he only curls his hands into fists for his flurry of blows, which take the form of a blinding barrage of punches from a low horse stance.

When not in combat he tries to be as unthreatening as possible, appearing confused and unwieldy, but never truly ceasing to observe his surroundings and be ready for act if necessary. His speech is clear but befuddled, often stammering to get longer or more complex words out, or simply responding with hand gestures (some quite rude) to most questions. An experienced drunk will notice this is more deliberate then the result of the drink itself, and will notice the lack of true slurring common to the gutter trash of the world in which he lives. He smells of a varying array of liquors, but seldom of the filth common in the homeless which may been in some part to the sheer amount of natural alcoholic disinfectant he spills on himself in the course of a day.

On the road he wears a long cloak to avoid the sun and the elements and moves with expedience along side the parties’ pack animals, pacing himself not to be truly winded if combat ensues. He has confidence in his combat abilities, and will tumble into the center of the battle to keep the most amount of enemies busy. While good in nature he also feels that his companions must fend for themselves, so he seldom protects a mage or thief he thinks can possibly survive on their own. This does not mean however that he won’t dash to their aid if they can not, but everyone should be allowed to make their mistakes. He enjoys most fighting along side the more agile of warriors, thieves, rangers, and clever fighters being his favorites. Anyone who exhibits strategy over stupidity however is welcome to fight beside him.
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::hacks loudly::

Would all of you.... pl... pl... please be quiet! I am trying to write down how we met. Bards are going to love this... uh... stuff!!! ::hic::

If you coul... coul... could just give me a few minutes of silence I bet I could get this written in a few weeks... ::stumbles::....

If I just find my pen... :: points waveringly at a horse:: DID YOU STEAL MY PEN... you theiveing bastard... ::shakes from side to side::

This is what we get for bringing these oafs along :: points a horse again::... you know what buddy... you SMELL! god... what kinda man lets himself smell like that...

Why the long face? ::laughs, falling backwards over a log into the outer campsite::

Oh... I see how it is! I know when I'm not wanted... you don't have to push me twice... see if I :: passes out falling into his bedroll as if... he planned it::
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First Post
Grim Greycastle

Grim Greycastle:

You see a large Half Orc. Approximatley 250 Pounds and over 6 feet tall, his appearance is rather striking. Though he would appear rather Orc'ish, he appears to have filed his tusks down to the point that the are not noticible. Overall his appearance is rather human, except for his slightly grey-greenish skin tone, andan abnormally large forhead. With is several facialscars, he appears meerly a very ugly human

Clad in bright red half-plate, and carrying a large longsword, in honor of his diety the Red Knight, he is rather striking, and remarkably unable to hide well in daylight.

He seems quiet, but trusting. Open to new people, he seems calculating in his appraisal of those around him, as if he is constantly searching for strengths and weaknesses in everything he sees.

Grim loves all games of thought and skill, but scoffs at games of chance, considering them only fit for those with a dim mind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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