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Redbadge's Campaign (there will be spoilers)


First Post
A Season Slain

The march to the old orphanage was uneventful. The orphanage itself was built in the crown of an ancient tree a hundred feet off the ground. A plain wooden staircase spiraled up the trunk of the tree. Doran and Asrabey began clambering up the side of the tree while the rest of the constables made use of the stairs. Partway up the trunk, Doran and Asrabey came under fire from a pair of tiny gremlins called Pugwampis. Asrabey and Doran were able to scramble up the tree and dispatch the nuisances before the other constabels reached the top.

The orphanage itself had certainly seen better days. An eerie quiet pervaded the building. Twigs and leaves sprouted from every warped wooden surface as though each wooden plank was trying to set down roots and grow anew. The constables decided to clear the orphanage in a rapid assault to prevent the occupants from organizing. They swept into the central building and went from room to room in a running battle with the small horde of gremlins within. While tenacious, the gremlins proved no match for the combined powers of the RHC constables and Vekeshi dreadnaught.

With no sign of the children, the party moved to search to satellite buildings along the tree’s boughs. They easily found the orphans after prying the doors open on the dormitories. They assured the frightened children that they were here to rescue them and to stay put until the coast was clear. The children also warned that the leader of the angry fey had claimed the Headmaster’s office on the tree’s southern branches. Once they determined all the children were safe, the party moved to cautiously investigate the Headmaster’s office.

The constables could see into the apparently empty office through the shattered door that hung limply on its hinges. Asrabey urged caution because powerful fey lords could step between Lanjyr and the Dreaming at will. When the party approached the office door, a floating mask appeared before them and began to speak. “Greetings. I am Ekossigan of Spring.” Kirk reflexively hurled a dagger that passed through the floating mask unhindered to clatter against the wall behind it. Asrabey warned the constables that Ekossigan would be impervious to harm until he had completely transitioned into the physical world. Ekossigan then mocked Asrabey claiming to know of his missing wife and revealing how he would sacrifice the orphans to open a rift into the Bleak Gate to stamp out the evil there. Then the tree began to shake and the children cried out in fear as Ekossigan’s army of enthralled fey began to pour forth from the forest. Asrabey asked the constables to take Ekossigan alive for questioning then dashed down the stairs to stop the horde of fey from climbing up the tree. Finally, Ekossigan stepped fully into the physical world with a blinding flash of light that turned the driving rain into a blizzard. With a final quip the battle was joined, “Greetings. I am Ekossigan of Winter!”

Ekossigan summoned fey snow leopards to aid him and lashed out at the constables with freezing magic and grasping vines. Maddox quickly drew Ekossigan’s ire with the special fragmentation grenades he had custom built with cold iron shrapnel. Rai also kept the wintry Archfey hard pressed with his blistering fire magic. Sensing the impending collapse of the old tree, Irony ran to the dormitories to herd the orphans into the central building away from the boughs dangerously overburdened by freezing rain. The battle quickly spilled out onto the thick foliage of the tree. Doran narrowly managed to grab a branch when Ekossigan nearly flung him from the tree with a blast of magical ice. In the end, the constables overpowered the rouge fey lord with Kirk striking the final blow. The constables then dragged the unconscious villain into the orphanage’s dining hall for questioning.

Asrabey unceremoniously awoke the fallen fey lord by slamming his head against one of the tables until he stirred, breaking off one of Ekossigan’s wooden antlers. The Eladrin dreadnaught managed to get Ekossigan to tell him of a vision where he saw Asrabey’s wife held prisoner somewhere inside the Bleak Gate facility. Asrabey then executed Ekossigan using a silver dagger for his crimes against the Unseen Court.

Asrabey thanked the constables for their aid and said he would ask King Aodhan’s permission to join them on their mission into the Bleak Gate. The party then escorted the traumatized children back into town past the foot of the tree where Asrabey had been forced to kill many fey; their broken forms left littering the ground. Asrabey remained behind in the forest to try and set right the harm done by Ekossigan to the forest’s inhabitants.

GM: Maddox’s player had specifically asked be about cold iron weapons earlier in the adventure. While there isn’t a mechanical rule for it in 4e, fey have traditionally been vulnerable to weapons made of cold iron. I allowed him to make modified grenades to produce cold iron shrapnel. I ruled that the cold iron disrupted Ekossigan’s ability to teleport, preventing him from using this magic for one round after being hit by a cold iron grenade. This prompted Ekossigan to target Maddox early on with his sleep spell.

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GM: We spent a session getting everyone leveled up to paragon tier. Here are the paragon paths everyone chose.

Doran: Doran’s player wanted to pick up more protection from psychic monsters and chose the Herald of Madness paragon path. I believe he’s going to be reflavoring most of it though.

Hm. Have you read 6 and 7? I don't want the player to feel like he chose a bad suite of abilities. It'll come in handy eventually, but not so much in the near future. Maybe the path's defenses will still be useful against other threats that do show up.

Oh, and for the curse, my playtest party arranged for the Flint city council to hastily pass a bill, and Governor Stanfield to hastily sign it, dissolving the district of Cloudwood. They also passed another bill that would reinstate it the following day, but for 24 hours it was no longer a governed area, so the curse (which is tied to a 'ward of the state') lost all power.

I thought it was damned clever.


First Post
Hm. Have you read 6 and 7? I don't want the player to feel like he chose a bad suite of abilities. It'll come in handy eventually, but not so much in the near future. Maybe the path's defenses will still be useful against other threats that do show up.
The path's abilities are actually quite broad. It punishes any enemy that attack his will (not just psychic attacks) and lets him sow general confusion in melee.

I thought it was damned clever.
That is damn clever.


First Post
Date With the Devil

After taking the orphans to the mayor’s office in the Cloudwood District, the constables decided to head to North Shore and see what Calaphax wanted to show them. Eberardo was waiting to open the front gate for them. Once inside, the constables met the Satyr again. He introduced himself as Drustan, the Vigil captain that had helped them deal with the malice monsters in the harbor. Drustan opened a secret door leading to a hidden basement and told them that Cal was waiting below.

The basement contained a hidden workshop with alchemy and ritual equipment. Cal stood at the far end of the room in his guise as Lord Califrey, gazing into a silver basin atop a pedestal. Cal welcomed the constables and congratulated them on their victory over Ekossigan. He commended the party on how quickly their power had grown since their first meeting. Cal told the constables that he was prepared to reveal more of his motivations to them. He claimed that the gods had twice failed Lanjyr when it was beset by darkness, and he wanted the people of this world to flourish to spite the heavens. Cal then revealed that he had prepared a demonstration to support his claims.

Calaphax gestured towards a large mirror and a table covered in a torn white cloth. He explained that two objects were beneath the cloth and that touching them to the mirror would show visions of the original owners. Irony stepped forward and pulled aside the cloth. The table held a gardening trowel made of flint with a carved bone handle and a small ivory box 3 inches on a side with a black handprint burned onto its side. Xambria, who still lived within Irony, excitedly pointed out that the trowel resembled the design of tools from the late pre-collapse period of the ancient Orcish Empire.

Irony selected the trowel first, at Xambria’s insistence. The mirror revealed three brief visions from the life of an Orc shaman. The images were without sound, but Calaphax provided narration for them. First the mirror showed a young Orc tending an herb garden with the trowel and studying magic. Next, the same Orc older now and tending to soldiers grievously wounded in battle. Finally, it showed the shaman leaving his garden behind. Calaphax claimed that the Orc was a mystic named Toteth who watched his civilization crumble as the their gods did nothing to protect their world from a terrible invasion. It was Toteth and his disciples that saved Lanjyr 10,000 years ago. However, Calaphax refused to reveal just how Toteth had saved their world, saying only that some secrets were best left forgotten.

Next came the small ivory box. The mirror showed a strange race of reptilian humanoids with feathered crests and taloned feet. Calaphax claimed that these saurians were a race of people called the Nychusians who were wiped out at the end of the Dawn Wars. The visions followed Saruhuitl, the last king of the Nychusians. The mirror showed the king receiving the box as a gift from his son. Then it showed him returning the box’s key to his son as a promise to return after a great battle. Finally, it showed Saruhuitl’s death in battle against a Primordial named Vezzuvu, the Burning Mountain. Calaphax blamed the gods again for failing to protect their followers. He also revealed that Rai owed his existence to Vezzuvu’s legacy on this world.

The mirror had one last surprise for the constables. Calaphax repeated his admiration for their progress, but he mused aloud whether they could match the conviction of those that came before them. Cal vanished from sight as a duplicate of the long dead Nychusian king stepped through the mirror and attacked. The constables were able to quickly defeat the simulacrum, which crumbled into dust, but not without some nasty gashes from its talons.

Calaphax reappeared and congratulated them on passing the sudden test. He then delivered one more revelation. He informed the constables that the immortality he granted most of them on Axis Island was a result of a magical bond he had forged between them and himself. If the link were severed, they would once again be able to grow old and die. However, Cal had devised a method for granting his greatest champions true immortality. He revealed that he had the ability to reincarnate mortal souls as demons or devils while allowing them to completely retain their original memories and personality. He told them that this option was open to them when they felt that there time on Lanjyr was done and were ready to move on to greater things. He also said they didn’t have to make a decision any time soon, but they really ought to think it over.

Calaphax thanked the constables for stopping by and whished them luck at the dinner tomorrow. The party left to retire for the evening. They had learned many new things from Cal, but they also had many more questions. Not least among those questions is whether they can believe Cal’s story as true.

GM: I used this interlude to expand on Cal’s role in my game. I also used it to tie Rai’s character more into the setting. I especially tried to emphasize Cal’s attempts to portray himself in a favorable light to the PCs. The players are already wondering whether devils and such creatures are always automatically evil in this setting, which is exactly the ambiguity I was shooting for. Also, this post took a lot longer to write than I anticipated. I'll try to update the other things that have happened recently soonish.


First Post
Spring 13

The constables had resolved their investigations and were ready to pursue the Ob conspiracy into the Bleak Gate. However, they first need to survive a night of etiquette at the opening dinner of the diplomatic summit. The first issue of the day was a meeting with Principle Minister Harkover Lee to discuss their options for assaulting the Bleak Gate facility.

First, King Aodhan had the ability to open a temporary portal into the Bleak Gate at midnight the day after the dinner, during a specific alignment of the planes. This portal would allow them to bring along many soldiers, but waiting for the alignment could cost them.

The other option came from the materials and intelligence they had recovered from the Kell Guild. Minister Lee had spent the last few days carefully examining and reverse engineering the magic of the amulets recovered from MacBannin’s manor. Thanks to his research, he was able to restore the magic of the amulets and restore a modicum of power to the depleted wand recovered from the Theater of Scoundrels. Interrogations of Quintin Augst revealed that the amulets and wand could be used to gain entry to the Bleak Gate via a series of attuned ring gates installed in the bridges spanning the Stanfield Canal. This method would allow them covert entry, but Lee was only able to empower the wand with a few charges, limiting the number of people that could make the trip.

Most importantly, Minister Lee informed the constables of a flaw in both methods of crossing into the Bleak Gate. Neither choice offered a way back to the physical world. Once on the other side, the constables would have to complete their mission and find their own way home.

The constables spent much of the rest of the day preparing for the formal dinner that evening. Of the team members, only Irony and Kirk had something suitable to wear.
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First Post
Dinner With a Side of Intrigue

The constables joined Governor Roland Stanfield in the welcome procession at the Flint docks. The setting sun heralded the arrival of the Danoran flagship Lux Profectusque and the final members of the Danoran diplomatic delegation: Sovereign Han Jierre, Minister of War Eloise Duffet, and Minister of Outsiders Lya Jierre. The three dignitaries disembarked the ship accompanied with much pomp and fanfare. Everyone loaded up into the royal carriages and set off for Hotel Aurum.

On the trek to the hotel, Lya explained that she had invited the constables to help clear up “misunderstandings” between them over recent events. The constables took time to question Lya over previous events and her motivations. Lya claimed that her brother, Luc, had been researching planar magic in an attempt to repair the magical dead zone that blankets Danor. She insisted that his lantern was purely for research purposes. When asked about their previous violent encounter, Lya said she had feared for her brother’s safety when the constables had crashed in through the building’s skylight and merely fought to protect him. Lya also denied having any ties to Caius Bergeron or Reed Macbannin. The party wasn’t really convinced, but they remained quiet.

The dinner was a formal affair with King Aodhan and Sovereign Jierre working to lay the groundwork for the forthcoming peace talks while Minister Duffet made disgruntled comments. The dinner consisted of several courses with brief intermissions. During the first intermission, several delegates approached the constables with condolences over the fate of the B-Team constables. The conversation during the courses was dominated by discussion of the upcoming talks and recent events. The second intermission featured a string quartet with the violin soloist using the Hurricane Violin from the renowned Navras Opera House. The brash Asrabey Varal interrupted the pleasant music.

Irony intercepted the Eladrin dreadnaught as he strode into the dining room, preventing him from barreling his way into the midst of the diplomatic delegates. King Aodhan broke off from the crowd to talk with Varal near the room’s entrance. Unfortunately, Asrabey was too stubborn to adjourn to a private side chamber and too bombastic to lower the volume of his voice as he addressed the king. He formally requested the king’s permission to accompany the constables on their mission into the Bleak Gate. King Aodhan demanded that Asrabey vacate the premises immediately without actually refusing his request to join the constables. The Danoran delegation declined to continue the dinner and retired to their temporary consulate for the evening.

The constables, King Aodhan, and Minister Lee left to a side room that Minister Lee promptly warded against eavesdropping. The king had some fairly colorful words to say about Asrabey’s interruption, pulling on his past military career in the navy. The group discussed how to proceed now that Asrabey had revealed their plans when Brakken of Heffanita contacted the constables telepathically. Brakken revealed that he was a telepath and had important information for them.

After being let into the room, Brakken warned the constables that Sovereign Jierre was planning on sending a warning to the Bleak Gate facility. This confirmed that Danor’s ruler was complicit in the conspiracy, but it also meant that there was still time to assault the Bleak Gate while the enemy was unprepared. The constables quickly left for Stanfield Canal with Asrabey. Doran, the party’s fastest runner, made for the RHC HQ to retrieve most of the party’s combat equipment and Alexander Grappa, who’s knowledge of the Bleak Gate facility could prove invaluable. The main party managed to capture the Danoran messenger at the canal while waiting for Doran and Grappa.

The constables handed out amulets and quickly marched along the canal to enter the Bleak Gate. Once on the other side, they used the Kell Guild wand to stabilize their presence on the plane. The constables had successfully reached the Bleak Gate! They wouldn’t have to wait long for their first encounter with the Obscurati forces in this realm.


First Post
Toll Bridge

The constables didn’t have much time to take in their surroundings before the welcoming committee made an appearance. Two enormous shadow trolls clambered along the underside of the canal bridge, dropping down to attack them. They also came under fire from human guards atop the bridge.

Doran quickly clambered up the side of the bridge to reach the guards. One of the shadow trolls chased Doran down and grabbed him before he could reach the Ob guards. The other troll engaged the rest of the group below the bridge. Kirk and Rai climbed and teleported their way atop the bridge to aid Doran. Asrabey remained with the group below to deal with the second troll.

Asrabey’s flaming sword crippled the troll’s regeneration while Bellicose, Irony, and Maddox whittled it down. Maddox also lent the bridge team a hand by using his newly created shotgun blaster to fire a shrink ray at the troll on top of the bridge. Doran was easily able to pull free of the miniaturized troll’s grasp and joined Kirk in attacking the Ob guards. Rai’s was able to overpower the tiny troll with his fire magic. Kirk and Doran were able to strike down the guards before they could reach for the nearby flare gun and warn the rest of the Ob forces in the area.

The constables had cleared their first hurdle in the shadowy realm while preserving the element of surprise for the moment. Now they need to find their way to the mysterious Obscurati facility and foil whatever nefarious scheme lies in wait.

Voidrunner's Codex

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