Redeem the Past, Chase the Future. A 4e Story Now One Shot.

@zakael19 has decided to activate mode "Divine Assassin" here; "Low crawl up through the flowers and knee-high grass & get close enough to assassinate one of the figures holding the traveller." So order of operations to sneak up and "Minionize" one of the Dark Adepts (Standard, Controller, Leader) and then slay them.

* Stealth vs Passive Perception 17: r9+9 = 18. Whew.

* MBA vs AC 20: r5+15=20. Also whew.

Success. Dark Adept x 1 Minionized and SLAIN. That Standard will be turned into a level 6 Minion for xp post-encounter. Remaining encounter is 1 x Standard and 6 x Minions.

As Carys silences her brother, VALAK urges them to crouch down into cover with a gentle hand on her shoulder as he steps past them.
"Let me move forward and gain the advantage, once you see them engage, move forward to try and help that poor soul."

Creeping closer he slowly settles into a crawl, brushing through the vibrant flowers, creeping closer to the figures enacting some profane ritual. Soon he shall fall upon them with the God's vengeance...and NOW. Seeing all the figures distracted, Valak surges to his feet, toes barely touching the grass that seems to cushion his stride and spring him forth - sword now unsheathed.

The first any of the masked figures know of his presence is a sudden "
Wh..huuauah" as one of the masked figures meanacing the kneeling traveler keels over from two feet of divine steel piercing through his chest.


* WIN CON: (a) Defeat the (remaining) Dark Adept and its Cultist (Minions) and, by the end of round 3, resolve one of (b) Compel the Mother Out of Her Grief to Flee (Minor Action, Melee 1, DC 15 Diplomacy or Intimidate) or (c) Save the Injured Boy (Standard Action; Melee 1, DC 15 Heal) or (d) reconsecrate the desecrated shrine (Minor Action, Melee 1, DC 23 Religion). The mother is the orange square, the boy is the blue square. Earn 1 Success in the SC.

If one of (b), (c), or (d) are not resolved by the end of round 3, then the LOSS CON is achieved. The shrine becomes permanently profane and the mother and boy perish (the mother due to collateral in the course of the fight and the boy succumbs to his injuries).

If all of (a), (b), (c) are completed by the end of round 3, your Minor Quest below becomes complete and earn relevant Rewards:

Minor quest: Obtain a holy implement or ritual to bind the rakshasa's power.

* Illumination (Full)

* Carys & Osian
are each usable as per normal rules for Carys & Osian. At the beginning of combat, they are hidden offscreen in the equivalent of squares T8 and T9.

* Desecrated Shrine (Fantastic Terrain): Squares G/H 4/5. Squares G/H-4 are Challenging Terrain (DC 11 Acrobatics to enter as part of a move action or fall prone adjacent). Effect: The Dark Adept and its allies gain +1 bonus to hit/damage/defenses while within 5 sq of the Desecrated Shrine. If Valak, reconsecrates the shrine, this Effect transfers to Valak and his allies instead.

* Grass South of Road: Foliage provides Minor Concealment (-2 penalty to hit targets with melee/ranged attacks within). Can drop prone for Total Concealment.

* Dark Cultist (Medium, Natural, Humanoid, Minion) = HP 1, AC 22, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 18

* Cult Dark Adept (Medium, Natural, Humanoid, Controller, Leader) = HP 76, AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 20


Carys & Osian (C/O) r7+9 = 16
Valak (V) r7+7 = 14
Dark Cult Adept (A) = 13
Osian = Readied Action
Dark Cultist (M) = 13



VALAK's Monster Knowledge Nature (No Action):

  • vs Cult Dark Adept: r4+9 = 13. Fails Medium DC. No new information.
  • vs Dark Cultists: r16 + 9 = 25. Succeeds High DC.

Cult Dark Adept (pending combat update)
Medium natural humanoid, human
Level 6 Controller (Leader) XP 250
HP 76; Bloodied 38 Initiative +4
AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 20 Perception+7
Speed 6

Standard Actions
(⚔) Dark Dagger (fire, necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 5 fire and necrotic damage, and the target gains Vulnerable 3 All UtEotCDANT.

Boiling Blood of the Abyss ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 5 fire damage, and the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

Minor Actions
Dark Imperative ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally in the burst). The dark adept slides the target up to 3 squares, and the target gains 10 temporary hit points. Until the target has no temporary hit points, its melee attacks deal 3 extra necrotic damage.


Dark Cultist
Medium natural humanoid human , human
Level 6 Minion XP 63
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 18
Speed 6

United in Dark Designs
A human cultist gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other dark cultists are within 5 squares of it.

Standard Action
(⚔) Wicked Blade (standard, at-will) ✦ Weapon
+10 vs AC; 4 damage.

Athletics +11

Hearing the cries of battle break out, CARYS and OSIAN creep forward. Osian initially pulls his short sword out, but his older sister immediately stalls his hand on his hilt and shakes her head slowly. She signals "wait" silently. She then pulls her bolas from her hip and wades into the wildflower-laden grass, to draw as much attention away from her trailing little brother as possible.

Carys moves with confidence, her slaying of the monstrous hound still fresh in her head, and her bolas finds trueness in her throw.

Her little brother waits impatiently behind her, weight on his front foot, ready to charge any enemy that engages his sister.


* Move: 5 sq to Q7 (Minor Concealment)

* Standard: Bolas (Encounter; R5) vs M's (L8) Ref: r(10) +13 = 23. Hit. M (L8) Immobilized (escape DC 16)


* Standard: Ready Action to Charge any M that gets in M1 and attacks Carys.

LOCATION: C in Q7 and O in T8.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: M (L8) Immobilized (escape DC 16)
BUFFS: C w/ Minor Concealment, O w/ Readied Action.

VALAK takes a half step back and lets the now dead cultist slide off his blade and slump to the ground before stepping forward beside the beaten boy on the ground and the kneeling women who shares his features. He stoops down with his clear hand and channels a fragment of divine energy into the prone figure, stabilizing his condition for now.

"Hstt, lady - quick, grab your son and get him away from this despoiled place. I shall ward you. By slaying them."

At his words and gesture, the women snaps out of her shock and gathers her son up, starting to tug him down the road where the children are creeping up.


* Move: Shift 1 sq to H6.

* Standard: Heal skill use on Boy: r6 + 9 = 15. SUCCESS

* Minor: Diplomacy skill use on Mother: r13 + 3 = 16. SUCCESS

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Minor Concealment, Resolved Boy and Mother.


The CULT DARK ADEPT moves with the practiced malice of a murderer under its red robes. Words hiss through the terrible grin of the demon mask it wears.

"Slay the child for our lord," nodding to one of its cult lackeys. "You...fool," nodding to the bolas-ensnared-lackey " me...quench your blade in the blood in this nonbeliever." The ensnared lackey is born aloft, imbued with fell magic, and transported to the melee with Valak.

"DIE" the Adept howls as its disgusting blade, imbued of spoiled, burning blood thrusts again and again and at the deva priest. It is clear after the exchange that Valak may be in a fight for both his (present incarnated) life and his faith!

* Move: 2 sq to G5.

* Minor: Dark Imperative (CBu5; one ally). Slide M (L8) 3 sq to I7. M+ (I7) gains 10 THP and its melee attacks deal 3 extra necrotic damage.

Minor Actions
Dark Imperative (arcane, necrotic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally in the burst). The dark adept slides the target up to 3 squares, and the target gains 10 temporary hit points. Until the target has no temporary hit points, its melee attacks deal 3 extra necrotic damage.

* Standard: Dark Dagger (M1) vs V's Ref: r20. CRIT. 18 (+1 due to shrine) fire and necrotic damage to V, and V gains Vuln 3 All UtEotCDANT.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Dark Dagger (arcane, fire, necrotic, weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 5 fire and necrotic damage, and the target gains Vulnerable 3 All UtEotCDANT.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 18 fire and necrotic damage to V.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Desecrated Shrine, Minor Concealment, Buffed M+ w/ 10 HP and slide 3.

The first DARK CULTIST does as instructed by its leader. It rushes headlong into Carys' position in the knee-high grass, engaging her with its wicked blade...but her little brother OSIAN comes out of nowhere and cuts the cultist down!

The others carefully circle or haphazardly charge Valak, bulwarked by their dark designs. The clash of steel rings out again...and again...and the high meadow.

The wandering priest ends up surrounded by foes of a dark patron and a filthy altar imbuing them!

M (J8)

* Standard: Charge 6 sq to P7 and Wicked Blade (M1) vs C's AC: r(9) +10 -2 (Minor Concealment) = 17; Miss. TRIGGERS OSIAN CHARGE TO Q6 AND MBA (SHORT SWORD; M1) VS M's AC; r(13) +13 = 26; HIT. M SLAIN. C'S INITIATIVE IS NOW BEFORE DARK CULTISTS.

M+ (I7)

* Move: Escape vs Immobilized; r(2) Fail.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(18) +10 +1 (Shrine) +2 (CA) - 2 (Minor Concealment) = 29; Hit. 4 +1 (shrine) +3 necrotic (Dark Imperative) -3 (9 Resist Necrotic) +3 (Vuln all) = 8 damage to V.

M (J4)

* Standard: Charge 2 sq to I6 and Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(5) +10 +1 (Shrine) +1 (Charge) -2 (Minor Concealment) = 15; Miss.

M (E4)

* Standard: Charge 2 sq to G6 and Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(14) +10 +1 (Shrine) +1 (Charge) +2 (CA) -2 (Minor Concealment) = 24; Hit. V takes 4 +1 (shrine) +3 (Vuln All) = 8 damage. VALAK BLOODIED. TRIGGERS VALAK Immediate Interrupt on bloodied: Blade of Vengeance daily power vs M(E4). MBA with blade, r13 + 15 = 28. HIT and Killed

VALAK's blade flashes out as the cultist's unholy dagger sinks deep, taking advantage of the man's bloodlust to exploit an opening and slice through his neck.

M (D6)

* Move: 3 sq to G9.

* Standard: Charge 2 sq to H7 and Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(4) +10 +1 (Shrine) +1 (Charge) -2 (Minor Concealment) = 14; Miss.

M (G7)

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(10) +10 +1 (Shrine) -2 (Minor Concealment) = 19; Miss.

LOCATION: I7 (M+), I6, G6, H7, G7
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: M+ (I7) has +10 THP and +3 necrotic damage and is immobilized (DC 16), M (I6) has Minor Concealment, all w/ Desecrated Shrine, all w/ United in Dark Designs.

M+ 10 THP, +3 necrotic damage
Mother Resolved
Son Resolved
Shrine Pending



Blood dripping through his robes, VALAK touches the wooden framing of the humble shrine beside him. The dark, profane magic that desecrates it courses against his Astral flesh. A whispered prayer to Avandra and a nimbus of radiance spreads across the roadside altar, cleansing it of its temporary taint and imbuing the priest and his allies with holy purpose.

The deva triumphantly raises his sword towards the sky.

"Cower before Her might. Let Freedom's Light expose your flaws!"

The tip ignites with divine energy as the blade slashes down like a perfectly straight road with the inevitable end the cultist leader and radiant light billows out from Valak's form, illuminating the flaws of those around him leaving them open to attack. With a whirl and a step-thrust, he moves on to the next target, like the center of a grand ballet, leaving another cultist reeling backwards with an explosion of crimson blood gouting out from their chest.

* Move exchanged for Minor: Reconsecrate Shrine (M1; Religion DC 23); r(13)+12 = 25. Success. +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

* Standard: Menacing Presence (Daily) melee against A. r11+15 -2 (concealment) +1 (shrine) = 25vsAC 21 (+1 shrine)/HIT. Damage: 6d4 (20)+7 +1 (shrine) =28

* Minor: Sohei Flurry (Encounter) melee against M (I7). r12+15= 27 vs AC 23 (+2 UIDD)/HIT. Damage: 2d4 (8) + 2 +1 (shrine) =11 -10 THP = 1 damage. M (I7) SLAIN.

*Free Action (Action Point for Standard): Second Wind. + 17 hp, +2 all defense USoVNT.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 28 damage to A, M(I7) SLAIN.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Menacing Presence to any who start their turn adjacent.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE, Menacing Presence (UTEoE), Vunl 3 All UtEotCDANT, Second Wind +2 all defenses USoVNT.

CARYS registers the peril that Valak is in and she instinctively hurls herself into the melee, short sword leading. Wide-eyed at having slain another human (if you can call these creatures that) and seeing her little brother do the same, her chest heaves when her enemies falls to her blade.

"The innocence of youth buys you no purchase in this world" her father once told her. Its true, she thinks.

* Move Q7 to M7.

*Standard: (Charge): Move to J6 and MBA (Short Sword) vs M(I6): r10+13+1 (charge)+2(Combat Advantage) +1 (shrine) = 27 vs AC 24 (+2 UiDD) = HIT & SLAIN

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

"INSOLENT WRETCH" the CULT DARK ADEPT cries when Valak consecrates the shrine the cult so recently befouled.

"I will bleed you dry of your faith foolish priest." The Adept's cruel blade flashes, but Valak's repeatedly slips the attacks with instincts and speed borne of training and radiant blessings.

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoCDANT.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to H5.

* Standard: Dark Dagger (M1) vs V's Ref: r9 +9 +2 (CA) = 20. Miss (due to SW and shrine).

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoCDANT, minor Concealment.

OSIAN sees an opening as the priest occupies the aggression of the cultists and charges into the fray. Unfortunately, the cultist defends the young boy's gambit.

*Move: Q6 to K7.

*Standard: Charge to I7 and MBA vs M(H7). r7 + 13 + 1(charge) +1 (Shrine) = 22 vs AC 22 + 2 (UDD) = 24. MISS

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

The DARK CULTIST circle like a pack of wolves who sense the urgency of their prey slipping away from them. As terrible radiance now imbues both the shrine they only recently desecrated and the wicked priest that assails their dark designs, the cultists bring their blades to bear against the holy assassin with increasing desperation...the sense of the tide turning looming thick in the air...

M (H7)

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to I6.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(9) +10 +2 (CA) = 21; Miss (Shrine, SW, BftP).

M (G6)

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(10) +10 +2 (CA) = 22; Miss (Shrine, SW, BftP).

* Move: Shift 1 sq to G5.

M (G7)

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to G6.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(13) +10 +2 (CA) = 25; HIT. 4 damage.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 4 damage to V.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT, Ms (I6, G5) have Minor Concealment, all w/ United in Dark Designs.

Mother Resolved
Son Resolved
Shrine Resolved



Valak's face breaks out in a beatific smile. This, here, is why Avandra redeemed him. Purity expressed through the elimination of the unholy, the Vengeful sword of her will. Once he might have been a masked leader behind others urging wicked needs - now he eliminates those past sins one slash at a time. However, for such as these his is not redemption in life; he delivers them directly to the Mother of Ravens for judgement. His blessed sword dances out once more, leaving artful strings of blood arcing through the air.

A single word uttered in prayer to his goddess bulwarks the priest's mind, spirit, body for what is yet to come.

* Start of Turn: Second Wind Defense buff ends.

* Minor: Oath of Enmity on A.

* Standard: Angelic Alacrity on A. r14+15+1 = 30 vs AC 18 (-2MP) HIT damage 12+7=19. BLOODIED. TRIGGERS DARK IMPERATIVE RECHARGE (CULT DARK ADEPT).

* Move converted to Minor: Deliverance of Faith; spend 1 healing surge to gain same number of THP (17)

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Menacing Presence to any who start their turn adjacent, Oath of Censure on A.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Menacing Presence (UTEoE), VftP = +1 power bonuses to all defenses.

Gritting her teeth against the chattering of shock as she and her foes brandish blades with deadly intent, she steps forward to drive her father's blade into another foe. Divine radiance spills forth from Valak in waves which buffers her spirit amidst the tumult, but her weapon finds no purchase amidst the bodies of her enemies.


* Move: Shift 1 sq to I5

* Standard: At-Will (Shortsword) vs M (I6). r3+13+1 (shrine) +2 (CA) -2 (Minor Concealment) = 17 Valak Immediate Interrupt: Channel Divinity Divine Guidance, reroll the attack. r7 +13 +1 (shrine) +2 (CA) -2 (MC) = 21 vs AC 22 (-2 from MP offsets UiDD) MISS.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE, +1 power bonuses to Valek defenses for BftP.

The CULT DARK ADEPT now moves with less certainty. Fear creeps into the edges of its voice, steals the vitality from the hand wielding its blade.

"Do_not_fail me," it intones to a lackey who is, as before, born aloft, imbued with fell magic, and transported to circle Valak like a pack of wolves.

The profane gambit does not pay off as the deva and his faith stand resolute...unscathed.

* Minor: Dark Imperative (CBu5; one ally). Slide M (G5) 2 sq to H7. M+ (G5) gains 10 THP and its melee attacks deal 3 extra necrotic damage.

* Standard: Dark Dagger (M1) vs V's Ref: r(10) + 9 +2 (CA) -2 (MC). 19. Miss (due to shrine and VftP).

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Minor Concealment, Buffed M+ w/ 10 HP and slide 2.

OSIAN strikes out at the cultist menacing his sister's flank, eyes squinting shut against the radiance radiating out from both Valak and the shrine. Perhaps through divine will alone, his blade strikes true, and that figure slumps over with a sigh as the boy's shortsword pulls back dripping blood.

Standard: Shortsword (at-will) on M(I6): r9 +13 +1 (shrine) +2 (CA) = 25 vs AC 24 (concealed, MP cancels UIDD). Hit and Killed.

*Move: Shift 1 sq to H8

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

Reduced in numbers to a dwindling few, the DARK CULTIST dark designs no longer unite them in unified purpose. Its now just a mad scramble of feral, animal will to survive. They desperately seek to lay low the terrible priest-assassin that has beset them with blade and divine radiance but his faith is a mighty shield that seems too much to overcome.

M (H7)

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to I7.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(2) +10 -2 (MC) = 10; Miss.

M (G6)

* Starts turn adjacent to Valak; Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC UEoDCNT.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to G5.

* Standard: Wicked Blade (M1) vs V's AC: r(15) +10 +2 (CA) -2 (MC) = 25; Hit. 4 damage. 13 THP remaining.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 4 damage to V. 13 THP remaining for V.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Menacing Presence = takes -2 penalty to AC, M (G5) has Minor Concealment

CULT DARK ADEPT 29/76 (Oath of Enmity), Menacing Presence
Mother Resolved
Son Resolved
Shrine Resolved



"Come my flock, let us end this!"

With that cry, VALAK continues striking with focus at the target of his Enmity - figuring he's also the greatest threat. Maybe once the leader is down, he can extract some useful knowledge from a remaining follower before turning them over for justice...
* Standard: Deadly Stride (encounter) on A. r18+15+1 = 34 vs AC 18 (-2MP) HIT damage 12+7+1=20 (that 1s&2s = 3s means really consistent damage)
* Move: Shift to I6
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 20 damage to A.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Menacing Presence to any who start their turn adjacent, Oath of Censure on A.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Menacing Presence (UTEoE), Vunl 3 All UtEotCDANT, 13 THP, +1 AC from BFTP if enemies adjacent to either orphan.

Her stabs growing wild, CARYS strikes out again and again at the side of this masked man.

*Standard: Shortsword (At Will): r19 + 13 + 1 = 32 vs AC 18. HIT damage 7+1 = 8.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

The CULT DARK ADEPT reels from the onslaught of the priest and his charges. With arcane words manifesting a final plea to his dark master, he plays what he knows to be his final card.

His own blood wrenches from his pours and showers Valak in a fountain of boiling blood from the Abyss!

* Standard: Boiling Blood of the Abyss (Encounter; CBu1 enemies) vs V/C's Fort: r(11, 4) + 9 = 20 vs V, 13 vs C. Hit V. (8, 1, 6) +5 = 20 -12 THP = 8 fire damage and 5 OG fire (SE) to V.

Boiling Blood of the Abyss ✦ Encounter
Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 5 fire damage, and the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 8 fire damage to V (12 THP lost as well)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends).
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Minor Concealment.

OSIAN registers the Adept's final gambit and sees it for what it is. Though just a boy of little life and experience, he can feel the call of Avandra well up within him. He backs away from the Cult lackey, defending carefully as he does.

He charges the Adept.

His blade strikes too.

The Adept falls.

The cultists attempt to scatter...

* Move: Shift 1 sq to G8.

*Standard: Charge to G6 and Shortsword (at-will) vs A's AC: r(14) +13 +1 (shrine) -2 (MC) = 26. Hit and A SLAIN.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Minor Concealment. Shrine +1 hit/damage/defenses to Valak, Carys, Osian UEoE.

Alright, that's a wrap for this conflict @zakael19 . There is no further real threat here and you've resolved the shrine, the Boy, the Mother. You've earned a success in your SC. You'll also earn your Minor Quest above. I'll get rewards up soon. Please do the following:

1) Make a Saving Throw for Valak's 5 OG fire damage (you might have to take multiple!) and subtract as much damage as you need from his total.

2) Take a Short Rest (including spending Healing Surges as you wish).

3) Compose a brief vignette for the resolution here that entails the following:

a) Whether you chase after the remaining cultists and what comes of that. Or, if you let them flee into the night (perhaps as a warning to the other cultists and their dark master) to prioritize tending to the boy and his mother.

b) Your interaction with the mother and the son. Include this; the cultists were investigating the boy's back just like Osian. When they didn't find a mark kindred to that which Osian bears, the boy at the shrine became expendable.

c) Your interaction with this newly consecrated shrine. What you find (the fiction) at the shrine that serves as your holy implement or ritual to bind the rakshasa's power (I'll mechanize it via system).
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Valak stands a moment, watching the boy and his sister take comfort in each other's company as the corpses of the cultists still about them. His blood boils - literally - as he attempts to fight off the leader's parting gift. He ignores the panicked cries of the remaining cultists as beneath his notice, perhaps the one he seeks will start to reconsider their ways once news a hunter has arrived reaches them.

5 damage. Saving throw: r3, fail.
HP: 33.
5 damage. Saving throw: r13, success and effect ends.
HP: 27
Short rest, spend (2) healing surges.
Valak final: 61 HP, 5/9 Surges.

As the demonic effect purges under the radiance of the consecrated shrine, Valak slowly breathes in a centering exercise, restoring some of his depleted vitality. Hearing hesitant pained steps approaching and noticing his flock gathering close under the corner of his eye, he turns to face the mother and her child who are the sole survivors of his unholy assault. Resourceful children, Carys and Osian have already rounded up some bandages from the packs of the fallen, perhaps spare clothing, perhaps purpose made travel kit. Valak steps forward to take charge of the injured teenage boy the mother is slowly supporting back towards the remains of her kin, starting to bandage her as he gently draws forth the tale of what transpired prior to his arrival here.

She keeps her head averted from the bodies that Carys and Osian are methodically rummaging through (if cultists) or gently laying out (the two travelers), answering him in a halting voice:
"Oh, it was terrible - they came upon us as we were beseeching the gods for a safe and swift journey, and next thing I know my poor her voice hitches, silent sobs wracking her shoulders before she can continue Elsten and our neighbor down the way were struck down by their cruel blades. Their leader demanded to see Ralis's back, something about 'seeking the master's chosen afflicted, he who is his salvation but also doom'."

Valak looks up at her sharply for a moment, not that she notices in her grief and shock. Could it be? He must finish ministering to this injured one and then seek the God's guidance. At such a shrine, sanctified in defense of the innocent, the god's presence must be close. He gives the poor women an absent pat on the shoulder and a muttered blessing of hope for her and her son that they find safety and care with family, and the children gravely hand over the wealth they found on the cultist minions - perhaps the memory of Valak's charity already resonating in their young hearts.

The priest is already kneeling at the shrine, eyes closed in prayer as he seeks a sign - and it is granted. A vision of a ritual that can use Osian's mark as a conduit to this unknown master - blasting them with divine power through any occult defenses and rendering them something an Avenger on their own, their only allies a pair of stalwart children, can potentially manage.


Yeah, at this point Osian has to be the key.


* 1 Success earned in the SC

5/8 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/1 Advantages available)
Goal (3 Successes): Mend Adalbar physically, mentally, spiritually and then...RESOLVED
Goal (5 Successes): ...with his aid and the childrens', root out the Rakshasa followers within Easthill. (PENDING)

XP: 250 (Standard) + 63 x 7 (Minions) - 176 (Carian and Osian) + completed Minor quest (Obtain a holy implement or ritual to bind the rakshasa's power) 350 = 815

* LOOT: When Osian stands near the consecrated altar, his back briefly burns with divine radiance before it then fades. Add the following to Osian's statblock:

Light of Revelation
Avandra, Bahamut, Erathis, and Melora imbue Osian's mark with illusion-piercing, evil-smiting radiance.
Daily ✦ Divine, Radiant, Zone
Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Each target gains a +5 power bonus to Insight checks and Perception checks until the end of your next turn. The burst also creates a zone of bright light that lasts until the end of your next turn. When any enemy in the zone makes an attack, that enemy takes 5 radiant damage.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next turn.

Valak's eyes are drawn by a folded scarf, left by a passing pilgrim...or perhaps someone less mundane in origin?

Avandra's Pashmina of Sovereignty Level 5+ Uncommon 1000 gp
Your mind is guarded when wearing this simple blessed wrap stitched with Avandra's mark.

Neck Slot +1
Enhancement Bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will

You make saving throws to end charm, fear, or psychic effects at the start of your turn. If you fail any of these saving throws, you do not make a saving throw to end that effect at the end of your turn.

Power (Psychic) ✦ Daily (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: An enemy you can see hits or misses you using a power that has the charm, fear, or psychic keyword.
Effect: The triggering enemy takes 10 psychic damage.

After the burial, the rest of the day sees road-weary travel marked by quiet grieving as Valak, Carys, and Osian, escort the mother and her son back to Dardun.

Twilight settles in as the company navigates the long, orchard-bisecting path which signifies the arrival at Dardun. When they empty out in the humble town square, thanks are offered and accepted as the company part ways. Perhaps quiet or overt prayers exchanged.

"There's cousin Morgan," Carys says, pointing at a late 30s-something male, seated on a porch in a rocking chair, widdling, shavings collecting at his feet. Vaguely lit by a hanging lantern, his goods and sundries store remains open. A clerk inside seems to be interrogated by a pair of individuals in crimson travelling cloaks. Further, one of them stands on the porch a little too close to Morgan, leaning in, speaking in harsh whispers. Morgan catches sight of his young cousins and tries to immediately mask his surprise, playing it off and quickly averting his gaze so as to not draw attention.

What do you do? MEDIUM DC

Valak gently ushers the children into the shadows of a nearby building before any of the red robed figures mark them, guessing them to be more of the cultists encountered on the road. He knees down between them and with a low rumbling voice tells them:

"Stay low, I don't want to endanger your cousin or you. I'm going to move in close to intervene if anything escalates, and then once they leave we should invite ourselves in to have a chat.

The children nod and make themselves small pale figures in the dappled twilight, crouching down out of sight. Valak draws his robes up around his face to reduce the amount of skin showing, the simple grays of his stained traveling garb melding unnoticed in the puddled light. He creeps to listen in, hoping that the cultists move on shortly without any altercation.

Primary Skill use: Stealth. r17+9 = 26 SUCCESS vs medium DC of 17.
Sneaking up to try and hear if the snatches of conversation between the 2 figures on the porch are of import, but also avoid notice.
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6/8 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/1 Advantages available)
Goal (3 Successes): Mend Adalbar physically, mentally, spiritually and then...RESOLVED
Goal (5 Successes): ...with his aid and the childrens', root out the Rakshasa followers within Easthill. (PENDING)

Shoving pen and parchment into Morgan's hand, the lead cultist menaces him.

"You will write to your cousin in Easthill. We have a courtier already arranged. The hour of His coming is nigh. Do it quickly and know that The Befouler and, his agent in this world, The Veiled One watches over you. If you play your part, you will be granted a mercy. Play it not..."

Morgan, knowing that his kin are near, plays along. He quickly scribes a letter and hands it to the red-clad figure on his porch who then hands it to another who leaps on horse and heads north and east up the path, galloping toward Easthill.

The remaining trio of dark cultists leave Morgan's establishment with one final threat.

"We shall not be far..."

What do you do? MEDIUM DC

Hire a horse and chase down the rider? 75 Coin and MEDIUM DC

Follow the cultists? MEDIUM DC

Have Morgan arrange for a locksmith (1/10 of level magic item in coin for 1 Success) to fashion a key for their father's trunk in the cellar of the orphan's house?

Attempt to convince Morgan to get more involved and tell you what he knows? MEDIUM DC

Something else?

As the red-garbed figures stride away into the oncoming twilight, Morgan's gaze darts repeatedly towards where he last the two small figures of his cousin's children. He starts almost comically sideways when he realizes a tall figure wearing robes of a different hue is standing silently beside him and making a 'come hither' gesture towards one of the nearby buildings.

"Who in the blazes are you?" he hisses out, before his attention is caught again by the sight of two small pale faces making their way towards him.

"I think we should all go inside, yes?" is the only response given, and with a last worried glance down the street where the cultists wandered off, he nods even as he kneels down to give the children each a one-armed hug of welcome.

As he steps into the shop, he pushes the children towards a side stairs that leads upwards to the living quarters located over top the store area, calling out to the clerk who is doing some final receipts: "
Dannel, go ahead and close up without me yeah? Got some unexpected family in town in after a long day of travel!" His voice is strained, but does an otherwise fine job of faking cheer. A distracted grunt is the only answer from the clerk, now peering through a pair of tiny spectacles. Morgan follows the children up the stairs, Valak can see the tension in the man's rigid shoulders as he quietly follows in turn.

The rooms at the top are cozy if a bit messy, redolent of the smells of the valuable spice stores that Morgan keeps secured away from the main rooms. That man shuts the door to the apartment behind Valak with a glare, and whirling to stride towards Carys grabs her by the shoulders as he grinds out between clenched teeth, "
Carys! You and Osian were supposed to be with your aunt in Harken by now! And who in the name of the Gods is this character!"

Carys takes a step back defiantly, the spirit she's displayed to Valak shining through, "We couldn'a leave da's stuff behind like that! You didn'a tell us nothin but 'run away children' when you came to town anyway!" She dashes a tear away before going on in a lower voice as Osian nods along "besides, we'd started down the road and then that mark on on 'is back started to hurt something fierce." Her voice rises again, "and Valak here saved us! A red tide rose in ma mind n' we nearly caused poor Adalbar to be killed, when he just and da had just fought for our freedom."

Now Valak steps in, his soft but firm voice speaking nearly in Morgan's ear as he lays a hand on the man's shoulder, causing him to flinch involuntarily. "You sir obviously know something about this mark and these cultists, and my calling here is to find their master and end their threat. I think you owe these children some answers, and to point me forward towards this 'Veiled One'."


Primary skill use: intimidate. r16+3 = 19 SUCCESS

Goal, obtain Morgan's knowledge of the cult's base of operations, and anything he might know about their "Veiled One."

7/8 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/2 Secondary Skill Available/1 Advantages available)
Goal (3 Successes): Mend Adalbar physically, mentally, spiritually and then...RESOLVED
Goal (5 Successes): ...with his aid and the childrens', root out the Rakshasa followers within Easthill. (PENDING)

Lets go ahead and act on the below Minor Quest now:

Minor quest: Locate the cult's hidden sanctuaries and verify their leader's identity.

We'll nest a conflict in our current SC for the final Success in the current SC. Pending how you handle this, that'll either be a Skill Challenge or a Combat.

Morgan increases his unraveling state by pacing.

"I've never seen The Veil. I mean. I've seen what it wants me to see. But whatever it is, I haven't seen it. In the three times I've encountered it...all at Matron Madera Lirr's manor at the top of the hill here...well...I've seen it take on that many faces, 'cept times two. One time, it took my own face as I looked upon it. Went from an old lady...straight to me."

Morgan stops his pacing for a moment to balk and openly shiver at the recollection.

He looks at Valak and states gravely:

"The Iron Circle is just a ploy to occupy the defenders of the vale while The Befouler's cult looks for His host..." his eyes wander over to Osian. "I know cuz...cuz...I used to be one of them...'fore I learned the full truth of things."

The children both gawk and combine for a gasp. Morgan's eyes drop to his feet.

"You'll want in Lirr Manor. Talk to the lady of the house. She's the headmistress of the sanctuary here. All manner of terrible goes on in that place. She'll know who or what The Veil is...and where."

So what is the plan here? I'll mechanize our resolution here based on what you want to do.

EDIT: Updated VALAK stats after new gear and some Power Swaps (this is a tutorial for a 4e GM, so trying out and getting used to "all the things" is important here!):
I swapped out the L1 & 3 Encounters as well, if that's ok. Realized I'd taken feat support for a charge skill, and never taken a charge skill. Stats below now include the +1 Amulet.

AC: 23 Fort: 18 Reflex: 19 Will: 21
HP: 70 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 17

Religion +12, Perception +16, Insight +16, Acrobatics +14

Arcana +5, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +6, Heal +9, History +7, Intimidate +3, Nature +9, Stealth +9, Streetwise +3, Thievery +7, Athletics +6

Level 1: Melee Training (Wisdom)
Level 2: Avenging Resolution
Level 4: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 6: Battle Intuition
Level 8: Invigorating Pursuit

Avenger at-will 1: Radiant Vengeance
Avenger at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
Avenger encounter 1: Shielded by Faith
Avenger daily 1: Aspect of Might
Avenger utility 2: Resonant Escape
Avenger encounter 3: Sohei Advance
Avenger daily 5: Menacing Presence
Avenger utility 6: Deliverance of Faith
Avenger encounter 7: Inexorable Pursuit

Radiant Temple Uniform Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +3, Sandals of Precise Stepping (heroic tier), Blade of Vengeance Falchion +2, Holy Symbol, Amulet of Psychic Interference +1

Blade of Vengeance Falchion +2
+15 to hit, 2d4 + 7
+1d6 radiant on crit
1s & 2s on damage become 3s if my Oath of Enmity target.
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Valak reaches out and places a hand on the man's shoulder, waiting a few beats before his head rises to look up - meeting his eyes.

"We all must choose our path, and redemption can come one step at a time when we go astray. Your concern for your cousins children does you great credit, now help me understand more about this Manor house and the cultists therein and I shall reveal the truth of this Veil with Avandra's aid."
Level +1(9)/Complexity 1 Skill Challenge (DCs 12/17)
0/4 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available/0 Advantages available)
Goal: Stealthily infiltrate, surveil, exfiltrate the cult's hidden sanctuary of Lirr Manor to verify their hidden sanctuary in Easthill and the cult leader's identity (earning the final 1 Success in the macro-SC).

Minion cost of 88xp deducted from encounter reward to use Morgan's Streetwise skill to try to get the lay of the land: r10+12 = 22 vs DC 17 = SUCCESS

Morgan nods jerkily a couple of times and takes a step back, then turns to a writing desk and grabs some paper and a quill to start sketching.

"Ok, so, it's a little walled manor home. There's not really any visible guards, but as you know the cult has...resources beyond the mundane. They keep such things hidden during daylight, but at night things with teeth prowl the grounds. There's a place you can scramble up shielded by trees towards the back though, and get a vantage point from the sheds there to creep forward. The lady of the house's study is on the main floor at the rear, the windows might be warded though. Oh! And the cult conducts its rituals in what was the ballroom off the main entrance - maybe that has clues? Either way - stay out of the second floor, ancestral suits of animated armor ward that place from any not wearing an amulet of the cult."

Morgan dashes off a few more lines of a basic floor plan in addition to the sketched back yard, enough to get an infiltrator in and moving confidently. Valak takes the proffered hasty map gently, and looks at the children.

"You two stay with your cousin, when I return with our path revealed we shall move forward to rid Osian of any remaining lingering energy and end this threat to the Vale."

With a swirling of robes, he strides out the door at the 3 of them stare after him.

1/4 Successes (0 Hard DC available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available/0 Advantages available)

Darkness, both real and metaphorical, shrouds the house on the hill.

From Valak's elevated vantage on the mound within the copse of trees, a singular emplaced torch wards said darkness from the rear portico of the home sheds meager light. The double doors there surely lead to the ballroom are in plain view as is the bay window to Matron Madera Lirr's study. The draw of the hung curtains shroud much, but not entirely. There is a small "porthole" in them that reveals movement and a pair of backlit silhouettes.

Trees randomly fleck the perfectly manicured rear grounds at regular intervals...enough to carefully navigate the spindly boughs all the way to the structure. Their canopy blots out the moonlight in most places, but there is a...sense...of "things" (probably with teeth!) padding about even if their positions are impossible to triangulate due to the cover of night.

What is the play here?

Try to stealth to the house (MEDIUM DC) to then surveil the backlit sillhouettes through that tiny opening in the drapes (MEDIUM DC)? If so, and you hit that first move, go ahead and make that second move. If you fail that first one, its on; escalating to combat with scary things.

Use the trees to walk the connected tissue of the spindly boughs all the way to roof and rappel down the chimney to the hearth of the main floor? (MEDIUM DC). Failure there and the branches are more tenuous than hopped (perhaps desiccation or rot has claimed one). You'll have to then deal with precariously hanging on and resolving your predicament at the HARD DC. Failure on that and you're down a healing surge worth of HP on the ground, again in combat with scary things in teeth.

Something else? Let me know.

Valak breathes in slowly, and exhales his tension. Sure, not quite like athletics training at a monastery - but those trees look doable. He checks the hang of his sword and ensures his holy symbol is secured to his wrist, then takes a few steps back and vaults from the roof of the shed to the nearest tree - smoothly swinging himself up by an outstretched branch that flexes with strong green life. From there, it's a slow steady leap from tree to tree, ignoring any shadows moving on the ground - hoping they ignore his quiet progress.

With a last set of padding steps and a quick leap, he finds himself on the slate roof - moving swiftly towards the chimney that promises a descent down into the first floor and what mysteries he can pierce.

Primary Skill Use: Acrobatics. R10+14 = 24 vs DC 17 = SUCCESS

Doing some awesome tree branch parkour to get to the roof and scale down the chimney, pausing at teh bottom before popping out.

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