

On nearly every forum moderators have adopted red text to set authoritative messages apart from their personal posts.

So when I saw
You could have made this post without mentioning names, but you HAD to make it personal. Why?

Doesn’t matter: don’t do that! It makes moderating the forums more difficult.

If you think the poster actually did this with intent, then report it.
Could I ask you to consider switching over to proper red to avoid possible confusion (especially since your title is schmoderator not actually moderator ;) ) if only to achieve visual consistency with the other moderator message nearby. It's not that I feel especially confused, but perhaps newcomers might be...?

If this ask is inappropriate feel free to just ignore this post and we shall never speak of it again :) Thanks.

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Staff member
The orange text on this site is used to indicate “soft” moderation. Gentle verbal warnings to straighten up and fly right, if you will. It’s usually used when a mod wants to reinforce/remind posters about rules without having to issue an actual infraction or “yell” at the poster or posters in question.

If it helps, it’s to put people on notice that there is heightened scrutiny on shenanigans- analogous to the parental “Don’t make me come in there!”

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
The orange text on this site is used to indicate “soft” moderation. Gentle verbal warnings to straighten up and fly right, if you will. It’s usually used when a mod wants to reinforce/remind posters about rules without having to issue an actual infraction or “yell” at the poster or posters in question.

If it helps, it’s to put people on notice that there is heightened scrutiny on shenanigans- analogous to the parental “Don’t make me come in there!”

You should definitely adopt the color-coded system.

Red - Severe Risk ("Y'all went too far!") - There is a severe risk of moderator scrutiny and/or banhammers due to shenanigans.

Orange - High Risk ("Don't make me turn this car around!") - There is a high risk of moderator scrutiny and/or banhammers due to shenanigans.

Yellow - Elevated Risk ("I see you hitting your brother.")- There is a significant risk moderator scrutiny and possible moderation due to shenanigans.

Blue - Guarded Risk ("Go have some fun; mommy is getting her drink on.") - There is the normal and general risk of moderator scrutiny and a low likelihood of shenanigans.

Green - Low Risk ("Sure, you can go read that book about mathematical puzzles. It seems ... fun?")- There is a low risk of moderator scrutiny and no shenanigans have been spotted.


He / Him
You should definitely adopt the color-coded system.

Red - Severe Risk ("Y'all went too far!") - There is a severe risk of moderator scrutiny and/or banhammers due to shenanigans.

Orange - High Risk ("Don't make me turn this car around!") - There is a high risk of moderator scrutiny and/or banhammers due to shenanigans.

Yellow - Elevated Risk ("I see you hitting your brother.")- There is a significant risk moderator scrutiny and possible moderation due to shenanigans.

Blue - Guarded Risk ("Go have some fun; mommy is getting her drink on.") - There is the normal and general risk of moderator scrutiny and a low likelihood of shenanigans.

Green - Low Risk ("Sure, you can go read that book about mathematical puzzles. It seems ... fun?")- There is a low risk of moderator scrutiny and no shenanigans have been spotted.
Don't forget Infrared and Ultraviolet texts!

Voidrunner's Codex

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