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renau1g's Red Hand of Doom - Beta


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Father Blaithe nods and forces a smile a Sasha's greeting,

"Ah, my thanks, you would be Sasha? A pleasure I am sure."

Without waiting for anyone else's leave he strides forward to stand with the group and turns to Captain Soranna retrieveing a book from his backpack as he does so and pulling a quill from behind his ear. He flips open a small carefully constructed cylindrical pocket and dips the quill into it pulling it free and wipeing an excess of ink absent mindedly upon his vestments.

"Now Captain you were advising these good fellows to seek out a hunter by the name of Jorr? What pray tell do you know about this Jorr? Can we expect a warm welcome? What are his typical rates - might aideing the town be sufficient inducement to gain his services? What quirks or peculiarities, if any, is he noted for? How is he as a combatant? One can never have too much information, and you can never tell which piece might avail you. I'd also appreciate a basic description if you would be so good."

As Soranna fields the barrage of questions Byden's quill moves across the parchment sheets of the notebook with swift precision.
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Captain Sorrena holds up her hands, trying to slow down the questions to a reasonable pace, then giving up in futility.

"Jorr's a hunter, as I said, he lives in the forest and knows the trails of the region better then any. If we've ever had a lost child wander into the woods I've called upon his aide, and he's never let us down. Warm welcome? Hmmm... well he's not going to shoot first then ask questions, but he's not going to have tea and biscuits ready for you either. I pay him only on a successful find, whether it be alive or, well you know. We pay 25 gold pieces for this service. He's not one who cares much for the town, so that's probably not going to work. Can't say I've spent enough time with him to know of any quirks, except that he keeps to himself and away from town. As for combatant, I've never seen him myself, but if he's surviving out there, he must know his way with a weapon." She replies, winded after the responses.


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Byden nods, his fingers trailing down to the tip of his goatee again,

"Well thank you Captain that will be... adequate, I suppose."

His tone lends the lie to the concession.

"Well gentlemen do we go? I have no steed myself, but I can provide one if necessary, one that would accept even our respirationally challenged friend here."

He nods to Scavenger,

"Though I would have to warn you such a steed would appear as a giant spider and be significantly faster than horses, but available for a duration of only six hours."

[sblock=OOC] Father Byden Blaithe proving that just because you have maxed ranks in diplomacy you don't have to use it![/sblock]
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Sir Conrad Cyr

"Indeed, let us be off to this Jorr. Father, do you have magics to divine as well as to heal? I know that clerics of the Triad have a spell to compel the dead to answer questions so long as I bring back the heads intact. Is this something you can do as well?" the knight in the gleaming mithril armor queries the archivist.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Sascha nods, but otherwises keeps his council to himself.

OOC: Kn (local) on this Jorr. Halford: You mind not using dark-blue? On the default black, its hard to read (low cone sensitivity and all that). I'd appreciate it.


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Blaithe removes his spectacles and huff upon the lenses wipeing them off upon his vestments.

"Let us say that it is someting I will be able to do. I would have to acquire the spell as I have more significant magics to research myself and that costs money and time. In other words not for the time being I am afraid."

He shrugs,

"In any case such magics are unreliable the answers often enigmatic and vague and some creatures can even resist them. Not a priority, but I shall make enquiries when I have the time, or should it prove pertinent."

OOC: The disadvantages of being an Archivist, despite having spent almost all of my starting funds upon my prayer book the Father will always have fewer spells available than a Cleric.

No problem Stonegod, I'll change the color up - just let me know if the new one's okay.
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Walking Dad

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"I'm not afraid of spiders. They are afraid of me. And having to breath is the challenge, not the other way around.
But I thank you for an accept your offer."
Scavenger answers Blaithe.
"Yes, we shouldn't waste our time. Let's meet this 'Jorr'."

Byden should be able to heal him; negatve energy works just fine, but with his touch, he can take care of himself between battles.

AC=20 Touch=13 Flat-Footed=19

Fort:+1 Refl:+3 Will:+4

HP: 48/48 Dmg Red: 2/bludgeoning and magic

Spells Per Day (Save DC 13 + spell level):
1st - 6/6
2nd - 5/5[/sblock]


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OOC: The problem is that Byden has no negative energy powers currently Walking Dad. He'll take one at level up and try to scribe others, unless renau1g minds me changeng a few spells out now... I had thought that Scavenger could only be healed by Repair Damage - which sadly is not availabnle as a Domain spell - you see and as Byden does ot want to be within touch range of anything if he can help it I didn't bother taking Inflicts.


First Post
Unfortunately, you're unable to determine anything beyond what Captain Sorrena's told you
Know (local) (1d20+5=11)

The group departs from the town intent on meeting with Jorr and begin their travels. After a few hours of walking/riding, the group comes to the turnoff that Sorrena told you about. Walking from the well-maintained Dawn Way, onto the more secluded trail you feel the forest closing in about you.

Marching Order Please

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