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Resurrection City 1: The Adventure of the Sealed Room

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(Wisdom check: 8 (roll) + 0 (Wis) = 8)

Richard sprints forwards, grabbing Trevor and dragging him back away from the creature that once was Thomas Pellgraine.

"Come on man, snap out of it!" He says urgently to Trevor, trying to bring him back from his screaming fit. (Treat Injury?: 16 (roll) + 7 (skill modifier) = 23)

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Dr. Hewitt pulls Trevor to one of the walls, slapping him lightly on the face. Trevor comes to, glancing back and forth between the doctor and the man-creature before them. Diggory fires a shot at the monster, but misses and blasts a hole in the wall. Splinters and small bits of wood fly out. The creature lunges at the inspector as he makes towards the study door, the formerly human hands shaping themselves into large, wickedly-edged blades of yellowed, toughened flesh. It chops at his leg, but the inspector narrowly dodges out of the way.

At almost that exact moment Aiolos Shaw fires his revolver at the thing that used to be Pellgraine. With a sickening, viscous sound, the bullet impacts into the thing's side, and it oozes a disgusting pus-colored blood. Pastor Miller, meanwhile, summons up his courage and leaps at the thing, flailing out with his brass knuckles. To his surprise, he manages to give the thing a solid punch in the upper back.

Lightly Wounded = 75% health or above
Moderately Wounded = 50%-75% health
Severely Wounded = 25%-50% health
Critically Wounded = less than 25% health

Pellgraine-Thing: severely wounded

Pastor Miller: lightly wounded
Inspector Diggory: unhurt
Trevor MacAllistair: unhurt
Dr. Hewitt: unhurt
Aiolos Shaw: unhurt

Jim, Dr. Hewitt snapped you out of the temporary insanity. So Trevor can act again, but whatever he does will be at -2, since he's still sort of jumpy.

Miller, Shaw, I hope you don't mind that I've just gone ahead and NPCed your guys for this round.

Karl Green

First Post
Pastor Andrew Miller

[occ]Totally no problem with me, esp. as you seem to roll better then I do for Pastor Miller ;)[/occ]

Andrew is shaken by what he is witnessing this morning, but he cannot allow this... thing ... to harm anyone else and strikes at it again as best he can...

Attack roll 14 (wow!) +1 =15, if I hit, 1d3+1 damage =2!!! Yes


Aiolos trains his revolver once again on what he presumes to have once been Pellgraine and squeezes off another shot.

OOC: no problem, since i'm not at home i don't always have access

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Shaw squeezes the trigger once more, and the creature is soon bleeding its nauseous blood from a second wound. Pastor Miller dives at the thing once more, and once more connects with it. The creature begins thrashing wildly, throwing Pastor Miller back. Thomas Pellgraine's mouth opens horribly, distendedly, and within it appears the screaming face of another man, about the same age. The creature writhes on the floor, arms and faces appearing within its chest, and then all is still. The creature lies motionless on the floor, changing back into the form of Thomas Pellgraine, dissolving to a skeleton, and finally falling to ash.

Don't worry, Karl, no real damage to Pastor Miller. He's just a bit winded. All in the name of a good death scene. ;)

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Diggory turns to Shaw. "Nice shooting." Then to the others, "I think it's in our best interest to seal up that little rift. If Pellgraine didn't want me to do it, I'd say it's a good idea to try. As for the rest of the study, I couldn't care less what becomes of it past these events." The inspector heads towards the study and attempts to seal the portal with the Aether Portal spell.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
As Diggory begins the incantation, the ashes of the Pellgraine-Thing are drawn towards the study as if by a vacuum. They begin to twirl and eddy in crazy circles, and eventually all are suctioned into a point above the still-present bloodstain. Then the blood is drawn up, and the mixture of blood and ashes disappears into the pinpoint. Then all is gone, and Diggory somehow knows that the portal is closed.

There are still mysteries to be solved, however. The mystery of the encoded revelation Pastor Miller found, of the Devil's Foot Root and Dr. Verdain, and of exactly what fate befell Arthur...

As the five men think these things over, the sound of a carriage clopping up the drive is to be heard. Someone gets out, the door shuts, and the carriage clops back up the path. Looking out the shattered window in Arthur's bedroom, Dr. Hewitt sees DEDI in the yard downstairs. When he sees the dead girl on the lawn and the damage to the house, he hurries inside and up the stairs.

"What in God's name has happened here?" he asks.
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"We were hoping you might be able to shed a little light on that." Richard replies.

"But first, do you know any way of getting Arthur free? We can't just leave the poor chap lying there like... that..." He gestures to the body fused into the floor, reluctant to look at it for too long.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"Oh my," Yeats says as he follows the doctor's gesture. He hurries in and kneels beside Arthur. He examines closely the boundary between Pellgraine's body and the floor and shakes his head. "Unfortunately, I think not, beyond of course a saw. I've told the cab driver who brought me here to summon the police, and so I imagine they should be here in a few moments." He examines the huddled form of Trevor briefly, and then glances at Inspector Diggory.

"I assume it's safe to say that what we feared came to pass. This Thief of Forms was here, wasn't it? But yet..." he walks over to the study, and peers inside in another of his trances. He nods. "I believe our troubles are over, however. All I can theorize about Mr. Pellgraine is that somehow the portal Thomas had ripped open spread beyond the study. I think Arthur 'fell through' our reality, only to rejoin it later."

Voidrunner's Codex

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