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Return to the Tomb of Horrors finally gets a Story Hour!

James McMurray said:
When the flesh turns in his stomach and comes back up, he realizes that somehow he has become a vampire.

Thinking back through the events of the day, he comes to the conclusion that the only thing he did that noone else had done was to meditate upon the mat in the Tower of Test. Apparently the negative energy flow that kept the Master of the Tower moving for centuries had snuffed out his lifeforce and replaced it with something much more malevolent.

Muuuhahahaha! I was wondering if William's brief time on the prayer mat was going to come back to haunt him. That prayer mat really is a nasty spot; turning the PC into a vampire is about the least bad thing that can happen.

A question - when the Mass Heal went off during the fight with the Winter Wight, shouldn't it have acted as Harm on the vampiric William? Or was he not a target of the spell?

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James McMurray

First Post
Me and my players decided we didn't want Harm in our campaign. To keep it fair to the undead, Heal does not affect them. Instead, there is a "Heal Undead" spell that will return all of an undead's lost hit points.

The spell did try to target him, but that portion of it fizzled.


What? Who, me? Dang, I've got to stop running into things like that.

How goes real life, James? 'Tis always a pity when it gets in the way of one's fantasies.

James McMurray

First Post
Life goes fine I suppose. Trying to buy one house and sell another is definitely a pain in the tuckus, but it needs to be done.

Here comes another update. The portions of it will be very brief, as I packed away most of my notes for the sessions. You can see these and the next few parts at my website here. Click on the "Clendar for the Games" button on the bottom bar. The items are color coded, blue is the RttToH game, red is world specific items (such as holidays), and red is my PBeM campaign.

Its a little php and javascript calendar I threw together. The month the link oes to and also the following two should have entries. As I have time I'll add more to the update here.

[edit] Changed the link so it will always work, and addeda bit of explanation for the calendar itself.[/edit]
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James McMurray

First Post
The party spends several days preparing for a new battle with the Winter Wight that slew Fokurt. The knowledge that it now probably wears the Mask worries them greatly. That is counteracted by seeing William still casting spells through Heironious. If he can overcome an entire change in his being, surely they can defeat a Winter Wight.

The day finally arrives, and Galrond opens a gate. Stepping through it, the battle is joined! The winter wight is unsurprised to see them, and reacts quickly. It floats upward and the area fills with Sleet and Snow. The group joins up and begins to hunt it down, while it snipes at them from within the sleet storm, clawing then moving silently away.

Galrond dispels the sleet, and Kargur seizes the opportunity to charge forward. He is met by the grotesquely distended mouth of the Mask of the Devourer, eaten by Acererak’s tool.

Greatly distrought, but not stopped, the party continues to battle. Galrond opens a gate to Celestia and draws forth two cadres of Lantern Archons. William and Galrond buff the archons with magics, and their rays of holy light tear into the Winter Wight’s icy shell, forcing it to flee after creating another huge sleet storm.

They have seen its wounds closing before, and know it will be back. In the time allotted they look over the huge black puzzle box, and find inscribed upon it a riddle:

Many ends have I,
Or many a beginning.
When I fail people sigh.
Wails mark their passing.

Unable to puzzle it out in the few short moments they have, the party sends the archons out to hunt for the Wight. They do not find it, and shortly thereafter are drawn back through the gate, returned to Celestia. This of course, is what the undead thing has waited for, and it hurtles through the glowing emerald webs, thirsting for life essence.

When the party sees it returning fully healed, they quickly decide it is time to flee. Galrond opens a gate, and Oskar slices through the webs that hold the cube aloft. The party follows the falling cube through the gate to the outskirts of Lopolla, where the land has not yet healed from their prior battle with the forces released from the Contractor’s Tome. Galrond just barely manages to close the gate before the Winter Wight can get through it, and the party gathers up the cube and heads for Lopolla, where they hope to be able to find someone to open it.

The next day, after offering a huge reward, the riddle is solved by a young boy. When he answers aloud, “rope” near the cube, a perfectly hidden panel slides open to reveal a lever.

The party rests and meets Prospero, an undead hunter. He pledges to join their cause in destroying Acererak.

William requests and is granted a Miracle. His undead nature is removed.

The group then decides to try the lever, and returns to Lopolla (albeit not the Wight’s tower of webs). They pull the lever and there is no visible effect, so they continue their exploration of the city.

The party returns to Moil to face the Darkweaver in her lair. She turns out to be a rune-covered humanoid whose touch drains the magic from her victims and empowers her. The party only manages to defeat her by battering through the tower floor, dropping her into the negative material plane.

The party recuperates and then returns to Moil. They see the Vestige and flee, but when they anger it with attacks, it bursts forward and catches Oskar. The Vestige is a massive cloud of roiling gas and screaming souls. It relentlessly pursues them and shrug off everything they try to harm it with. Communing shows that Oskar's soul is now one with the conglomeration of cursed souls that were once the Moilian citizenry. As much as they would like to avoid the thing completely, it appeared to be guarding an hourglass, and with what they’ve learned of Acererak’s demented nature, they know it is probably another torment he wants to run them through.

The remainder of the group journeys onward. Inside a black spire of ice they find countless Moilian zombies, and another demilich. They hide within an Anti-Magic Field while determining what to do, then return to the Prime to discuss and divine.

Their divinations tell them that they should journey onward past this demi-lich and go to face and destroy Acererak’s true form, which lies within his Fortress of Conclusion.

The party returns to Moil, where they outwit the Vestige by teleporting into the Hourglass chamber and flipping it over, then hiding elsewhere while it searches for them in vain. They return a little less than an hour later, and rotate the hourglass when it empties, head back toward the Black Spire. The demilich there tells them that whether they fight it on the ledge or in the fortress, the outcome will be the same: Acererak's supremacy.

The bypass the demilich and rides the Phantom Flyer to Acererak's Fortress of Conclusion.

There they find an old friend: Galen. The wizard they have been following turns up in Acererak's Fortress, where he is sewn tight and tormented, forced to be the Devourer's 'doorman'.

The party journeys deeper into the Fortress after having rescued Galen and returned him to the Prime.

They fight a Nightwalker, which manages to destroy the Wand of Days, leaving the party at a loss as to how they will destroy Acererak's Phylactery.

They also fight a large group of demons, freed from their bindings by a Disjunction from Billy. William gates in a Solar and is told in no uncertain terms that the greatest forces of good are not to be called upon without cause. Indeed, they are never to be called upon again by him.

The party rescues a dretch from a room filled with vapors and chains, freeing it from the torment of its captor: a Glabrezu.

They return to the prime again to recover from their wounds and discuss their next course of action, which of course ends up being “go back in and find Acererak.” But before they return, they take a week to identify the items they have found, and sell those that re not useful to them.

James McMurray

First Post
After an incredibly hard battle, the party returns to the prime, carrying te remnants of their disjoined items.
They recuperate (as usual).

The party scries upon Acererak and returns to face him in the room of his phylactery. Beneath the prison of souls they fight, and Acererak swallows Galrond's soul. He and his captive Balor destroy the party, and all seems lost.

The party awakens and finds themselves in celestia. It seems that the devils had been keeping close watch for Billy's soul, and stepped in just as Acererak was about to devour it. Acererak's Apotheosis was only partially successful, and in the battle that ensued, his phylactery was destroyed.

The party, along with two new members, is charged by Heironious himself to hunt down and destroy Acererak and all of his works.

The party returns to the ledge above the void and fights the shard of Acererak, regaining Kargur's gear in the process.

Following divined clues to the Mask of the Devourer, the party finds the Winter Wight holed up in an Abyssal fortress, where it plans to awaken the unborn child of Hextor, in the hopes that its master will be able to use the powerful entity to further his goals.

The party assaults the Keep's main gate, and although they destroy the Mithral golem gaurding the entrance, they are no match for the rest of the defenders once Billy accidentally catches the Mask within the radius of a Disjunction. Seeking to safegaurd itself, the mask drives the Winter Wight onto the field, where it kills all but Kargur and Lanis.
The lucky two survivors flee (carrying the body of Cade, Cleric of Heironious) with them. Billy's body plummets into the River Styx, and the Winter wight keeps the body of Caspian (Mana Knight and Planar Champion) and his gear.

Lanis and Kargur are stranded in the Sea of Dust that s the 52nd layer of the Abyss.

Hey James! Great stuff as always.

I'd love to know the details of the party's confrontation with some of the fiendishly nasty traps in the Fortress of Conclusion, if you have the time.

I was sorry to see the party get waxed by Acererak and his captive Balor. :( Did they fight a good fight, or was it a one-sided slaughter?

But it seems the story will continue! So give your adventurers my best, and remind them...

you've left and left and found my tomb
and now your soul will die


James McMurray

First Post
It was a damn good fight! It came down to the Balor's last itertive attack. If it hadn't vorpalized the archer, the Phylactery would have been destroyed. One of the earlier attacks had already threatened a critical but failed to confirm it.

Acererak would still have killed the archer for doing it, but it would have saved the party a whole big mess o' trouble.

Guess that's just the way the dice fall sometimes.

Using my new Search feat ;) , I have rescued this thread from oblivion.

So... what's new? Has the party managed to get some measure of revenge upon Acererak? Any chance of getting an update to this story hour? *beg*

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