Reveille's Magic Items

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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Minor Artifact - Amulet Of Life Shielding

Amulet of Life Shielding
This gilded amulet protects it wearer from death. Once per day if the wearer would be reduced to zero or less hit point, the amulet pulses with a white glow and lets the wearer ignore the attack that dealt the damage.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Amulet of Preservation

Amulet of Preservation
This copper medallion preserves the body of a dead creature or an undead creature so that it does not decay or wither. If a creature is slain while wearing this medallion, its corpse does not age and can be resurrected decades or centuries after the creatures life force has been snuffed out. This medallion is very popular with liches and vampires, as those that wear it do not appear to have wrinkled skin or the foul odor that is recognized as the scent of death.

Mild Necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Gentle Repose, Price 15,000gp, Weight 1 pound
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Book of Bones & Flesh

Book of Bones & Flesh
Bound in human flesh and bearing a clasp made out of bone, this skeletal spellbook is waterproof, fireproof, is lockable and can contain forty-five spells of any level. In addition, once per day its owner can use the book to cast cast Animate Dead. The book can also be used to cast Control Undead once per day, but each use permanently drains 1 hit point from the wielder. The book must be held to use its powers.

The user of the book must engrave the spells she wants in the book on its pages of bone.

Strong Necromancy; Cl 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Dead, Command Undead; Price 21,300; Weight 6 pounds.

This item was inspired by Book of Blood magic item presented in Complete Arcane.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Boots of Woodlands

Boots of Woodlands
This footgear bestows the power to be able to stride from the branches of trees at the wearers base land speed without falling or slipping. Also the wearer does not make any noise while striding between trees. The character also gain a +4 bonus to their Dexterity.

CL 9th, Moderate Transmutation, Craft Wondrous Item, cat's grace, tree stride, Price 180,000gp, Weight 1 lb.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Candle of Peaceful Sleep

Candle of Peaceful Sleep
The person that lights this candle and sleeps in comfortable surroundings (like at an inn or their home, not a campsite or in a dungeon) will achieve a state of deep slumber and can not be roused. The character wakes up after the candle has completelty melted and has been extinguished. People that have sleeping disorders or are afraid of bad dreams usually use this candle, as it offers them peaceful sleep and will not allow them to have bad dreams.

A Candle of Peaceful Sleep has an inch of height for each hour the individual wishes to sleep. Candles are usually no taller than eight inches.

The crafter of the candle must have one droplet of blood for every inch tall that it is from the individual that wishes to have a night of peaceful sleep. The blood must be mixed with the wax that is used to make the candle.

Use of this candle makes its user immune to the nightmare spell for the duration that they are asleep.

Mild Enchantment, Moderate Necromancy, CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item; sleep, waves of fatigue, Price 12,000gp.

This item was inspired by the Candle of Nightmares magic item that appears in the Ravenloft DM's Guide. The candle of Peaceful Sleep was thought up by me to be protection against the Candle of Nightmares.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Chalice of Healing

Chalice of Healing
When this gold chalice is filled to the top with water or any other liquid, the chalice automatically rids it of all impurities (such as poison). When an individual drinks all of the water in the chalice they are automatically cured of 13 hit points worth of damage.

CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Purify Food and Drink, Maximized Cure Light Wounds, Price 56,000
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Chalice of Life

Chalice of Life
When this chalice is filled with water or any other liquid, the chalice imbues the liquid with positive energy. When the water is administered to the lips of a dead companion, they are restored to life as if resurrection had been cast upon them.

Strong Conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Resurrection, Price 282,000gp
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Feline Paws

Feline Paws
This is a set of gloves and boots. When worn the wearer gains a +4 bonus to their Dexterity, a +10 bonus on Jump checks and has the ability to fall up to 60 feet without taking any damage from the fall. If the wearer falls more that 60 feet, they may make a Reflex save where the DC is equal to 15 +1/10 feet beyond 60 feet (DC 16 for falling 70 feet). If the character successfully makes the Reflex save, the character only takes no damage from the fall. If the character fails their save, they take only half the damage from the fall. The character must be wearing the entire set (both gloves and both boots) in order to gain all these benefits.

Mild Transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Cat’s Grace, Feather Fall, Jump, Price 72,000gp
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Minor Artifact - Mask of the Beast

Mask of the Beast
The front of the mask depicts the face of any animal thought up by the GM. On the inside of the mask is a command word. When the command word is spoken the wearer of the mask transforms into the animal depicted on the front of the mask.

These masks were created over a millenium ago by a circle of druids that had a preferred form of wild shape. The masks enabled them to assume their favored animal more often. The ritual of their creation has been lost in the vaults of time.
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